Dreams of Desire
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“But I don’t want to marry him!” Alex protested, pulling her head away from Nephinae’s combing in protest. 

“He is of kind and gentlemanly disposition, he is of good blood and most importantly of agreeable temperament my lady.” Nephinae tugged slightly on Alex’s long brown hair enough to force her head back into an upright position so that Nephinae could watch the young lady through the mirror on top of the large vanity set against the massive walls of her uncle's castle in Ostlen.

“I know… I know, but still!” Alex protests. Crossing her arms and scowling hard into the reflective surface. Making sure to make eye contact with Nephinae through the mirror. 

“And he is rather handsome, far better than any of the other prospects. I dare say he is a handsome boy, by handsom’s standards alone.” 

“Why don’t you marry him then- ow!” Alex grabs at her hair as Nephinae unceremoniously forces it through a knot. “You did  that on purpose!” 

“I did no such thing.” Nephinae feigns innocence, but confirms the slight with a hint of a smile. 

Alex rolls her eyes and huffs a sigh. 

“Do you disagree with my estimations of his appearance?” Nephinae asks. 

“No, no he is traditionally handsome I suppose…” 

“Yet you aren’t attracted to him?”

“Maybe he just isn’t to my taste?” 

“Taste my lady? How can you have taste at your age?” 

“My age? We are the same age, and am certain you have taste.” 

“I do, though we may be the same age in terms of years under the sun but I am of elven blood. I mature much faster than you.” 

“That's a lie and you know it” 

“Tis a lie in matters of science though I must state it is anything but regarding the content of the statement.” 

“Alright then, what is your type Nephinae hmm?” Alex prods. 

Nephinae brushes the comb through Alex’s hair as she looks through the mirror to study her expression, studying the freckles on the girls cheeks, the rich brown of her eyes, long enough to make Alex blush and turn away slightly. 

“Don’t tease me!” 

Nephinae smiles slightly and returns her attention back to Alex’s hair. 

“My type? I always enjoyed personality more than looks. I dare say my “taste” is perfectly subjective.” 

“Still! I want to know what you find attractive.” Alex presses. 

“Very well then.” Nephinae sighs. “I have always rather enjoyed intelligence. A flavor i must say best stimulates the pallet when complimented with a dash of conviction, a side of wit and most importantly a healthy serving of righteousness” 

“Are we still talking about men, or food?” Alex teases. 

“You had asked me of my preference in taste, thus I have given you the flavor I desire.” Nephinae retorts casually. 

“Oh by the gods, spare me.” Alex giggles to herself. 

“And what of your flavor then my lady?” Nephinae asks in return. 

Alex thinks for a moment. “I suppose if I had to explain it, it would be equal parts disposition and equal parts appearance.” She admits. 

“That is unsurprising, most individuals of our age find appearance first and foremost the deciding factor in attraction, though a preference in personality shows maturity.” 

“Would you like to hear the opinion of our age then or an expression of my maturity first?” 

“Let us start with appearance, dare say I wish to end the evening thinking of you favorably.” 

“Ha, very funny.” Alex rolls her eyes once more. “Hmmm. appearance? It’s hard to say really. When I think of what I find attractive in a man it's little to naught, though I know I do have a preference, I just don’t know what that preference is.” 

“Perhaps then we can play a game to help you determine?” Nephinae offers, finishing brushing Alex’s hair. 

“A game? I'm curious to say the least.” Alex admits, standing from the vanity as the two move to the large wardrobe against the back most wall. 

Nephinae enters and begins to show Alex a collection of dresses one by one as they speak. 

“Sir Jerimiah Holt.” 

“Oh gods no, he has that horrible mustache he is attempting to grow that looks like a small animal died on his lip.” Alex laughs, shaking her head no at the first dress presented. 

“Hm, then how about Prince Kriston Rethinwork?” 

“Him? Too…muscly, it looks as though he can't turn his head left or right. 

“Lord Baxton?” 

“No, not a chance.” 

“Lord Hiemal?” 

“Certainly not.” 

“Sir Micheal?”

“Who is he again?” 

“The young prince of Trest, it borders-” 

“Yes yes, I remember, and no.” 

“Sir Loran?” 




“Lady Natalie-” 

“She’s rather beautiful isn’t she?” Alex ponders passively, making Nephinae trail off. 

“Lady Natalie I believe is to be wed to Heccem soon, I was reminded of the event at his name.” Nephinae brushes off. 

Alex finds herself blushing slightly, followed by a tinge of some strange emotion she couldn’t quite place at the mention of her friend's marriage. 

“My lady, you must pick one of the dresses” Nephinae notes. Looking at the big pile of discarded dresses. 

“Uncle has such horrid taste…” Alex scowls down at the collection. 

“And you, my lady, are too picky, in both men and in dresses.”

Alex didn’t know how much time had passed since between that conversation and their next one. The days all managed to blur into one. Between her studies, tutorage, court, shadowing her uncle and appeasing the other men of the household it became difficult to determine just how much time had passed on any day of the week. 

At her fathers estates, she was given far more freedom, far more power, power she was not used to having so unceremoniously stripped away. 

At her fathers estates, she had her own retinue of attendants to help her with her day to day activities. She had many handmaids waiting on her at all times, as well as personal guards to ensure her safety.

She could wander the town or the market squares. She could explore the gardens or even sometimes convince the stablemaster to let her tend to the horses. 

She would spend hours reading, writing, and learning about the things she loved, not boring matters like statecraft and trade. Those were the jobs of the boys of the household. 

She was nobility, and she lived a life of all of its pleasures because her father was a strong leader, a good man, a man who ran his county so well she didn’t need to ever worry about wanting anything. 

Here, she was nothing more than a commodity. A slave, a tool to be used for her Uncles own ambitions. 

She was well aware that she had lived a life of luxury, a life unlike most people ever would, and that even among the nobles the benefits she was afforded were vast. 

In her uncle's county however, it was akin to being in the heart of a dragon's lair. 

Lies, depict, backstabbing. Intrigue, assassinations. It was a game of chess and she was but one of the many pawns on the board her Uncle played with. 

All that was to say, she had no idea how long the emotions building inside of her had been fastening. How long they had been threatening to burst. How long it had been since she realized she was watching the other maids more closely. How long had it been, since she let her eyes linger on Nephinae. How bashful she got when her handmaid saw her nude, and how much she liked being seen.

Alex had no idea what she was feeling, and it wasn’t as though she had anyone else to talk to about these things. 

“Nephinae…” Alex spoke the elf’s name softly one night, just as she had finished helping Alex bathe in her room. 

“Yes? Is something the matter?” Nephinae asked, draping the large towel around Alex so that she could dry herself. 

“I was wondering, if it would be possible for you to stay in my room with me tonight?” Alex asked in a low tone. 

“Of course my lady.” Nephinae reassures her. “Though if I may ask. Has something happened? Another nightmare perhaps?” 

“Yes. A nightmare” Alex lied. 

“I understand. I would be happy to stay with you then.” 

Alex changed into her night gown, providing one of her many others for Nephinae to don as well. 

It looked a little strange on the elf. She was much taller than Alex and thus the gown draped only to her upper thigh, meanwhile the chest was much too large for Nephinae. Creating a sizable amount of extra fabric to deal with. 

The two laughed as they worked their way around the room to extinguish the candles, before settling into the large four post bed.

It was much too large even with the both of them. The down feathers let them both sink into the fabric. Threatening to be consumed by it. 

They spoke for a time of nothing at all, sharing whispers and gossip in low, mischievous tones. 

Alex blushed as she leaned in close, her nose almost touching Nephinae’s as she started to speak, but then laughed too much to get the rest of the words out. 

“You're in good spirits tonight for someone with nightmares” Nephinae teases gently, bringing her hand rest near her face on the pillow. 

“I… lied, I'm afraid, '' Alex admitted, bringing her own hand to clasp Nephinae’s. 

“Lie? Why lie about such a thing?” 

“Because I thought if I told you the truth you would be upset with me.” Alex replied, red covering her cheeks steadily, growing. 

“Upset? Pray tell why I would be upset?” Nephinae cocks her head slightly, searching Alex’s eyes. 

“I… wished to try something with you.”

“With me?” 


“What is it you wished to try my lady?” 

“I… wished to try kissing. With you…” Alex blushed hard then, pulling Nephinae’s hands close to her own lips as she felt her heart suddenly skip and beat faster. 

“Mistress Alex… I, surely we shouldn't. I am your slave, your hand maid, we… are women. Kissing should be done with boys” Nephinae explains. 

“I know how it should be done,” Alex insists. “But I… I don't want to do it with a boy, I would like to do it with you.” 

“You are mistaken…you don't know what it is you like yet” Nephinae softly counters. Not wishing to be harsh, and instead gently dissuade this line of thinking.

“I know, I wish to try kissing you” Alex presses, inching closer. 

“I shouldn't allow this…” Nephinae begins to frown, her eyes filled with concern, with love for Alex, and worry about what this course of action might bring them. 

“I can order you to kiss me…” Alex tests, feeling her heart beat faster and faster. 

“Even if I did not wish for it?” Nephinae asks. 

“Does the thought of kissing me truly upset you so?” 

“No… no it isn't. Alex I would do anything for you. I love you dearly. But to share a kiss with you? That is… it's wrong. It's taboo, it could get us killed even!”

“It won't, not if we say nothing, tell no one… I… Nephinae I know it is selfish but. I don't know what's happening to me. I don't know these feelings inside me, I can't make sense of the pain in my chest, the beating of my heart. I…” 

Alex pauses, as she inches closer, and closer to Nephinae, so close their breaths mingle, their noses touch and their hair tangles. 

“I want to kiss you so badly Nephinae… please.” Alex begs. 

Nephinae searches Alex's eyes, desperate, confused. 

“Alex, I… alright. I will kiss you.” She gives in, her own hearth thundering 

Nephinae's breath catches then, as Alex wraps her lips around Nephinae's.

It was so suddenly, so quickly it barely felt like anything at all as their lips grazed ever so slightly against one another's. 

Alex’s body lit up with static at the daring, at the wrongness, at the rightness of it. 

Hesitant, she moved in once more, another kiss, longer this time, daring, tasting, gentle around the elf’s own. 

Their breaths came in rapid and staggering. Alex wanted more, she needed more of this feeling. 

“Alex~” Nephinae breathed, her eyes searching, her own heart beating faster than expected, her lip quivering in anticipation. 

Alex brought their lips together once more, but this time was different. This time was passionate. 

It's sloppy at first, fumbling and awkward, until Nephinae parts her own Mouth to wrap and tangle with Alex's. 

Their breathing drops low and heavy. Alex tangles her fingers in Nephinae's as she finds Nephinae’s fingers comb through her hair, her nails gently grazing her scalp as they pant into one another. 

Alex teases Nephinae's tongue, coaxing it from her mouth until they enter an impassioned tangle. 

Lips move and lap and suck Alex is quickly lost in the melting passion. 

she pulls away for a moment, but only a moment before she hungrily, greedily returns for seconds of Nephinae’s taste. 

soft moans escape Alex's mouth just as Nephinae becomes too lost in the sensation to think. 

Nephinae's neck arches back. Desperate to catch her breath. Alex finds herself kissing the woman's long elven neck, down to her collar bone in slow gentle pecks. 

Alex's mind races, faster, faster, too fast to understand. Guilt rises in her chest, pleasure, desire, oh gods the desire, her fingers tangle in the back of Nephinae’s hair. Pulling her head backwards, exposing more of her neck, exposing her chest, when did she pull the gown that far up? When did she begin to cup at Nephinae’s breasts? When her own hand get between her legs? 

“Alex!” Nephinae gasps, and the pure panic in her tone shook Alex to her core. 

As if splashed with ice cold water, reality came rushing back in an instant.

Alex breathed heavily as she removed her fingers from the wetness between her legs. 

She carefully took her other hand from Nephinae's bare breast, watching as the string of saliva still connecting their mouths hung between them. 

Nephinae breathed in panting rhythm. Bringing the back of her hand up to cover her mouth as she turned away from Alex in shame. 

“I'm… so sorry…” Alex gasped. Horror quickly replaced pleasure. 

“Nephinae I…” 

Nephinae forced her gown back down over her exposed body, Not able to look Alex in the eyes. 

“Nephinae I'm so sorry. I don't…” 

“Its alright mistress. It's alright” Nephinae reassured her, though still she didn't look at Alex. 

“We mustn't ever speak of this, this night never transpired. Understand?” Nephinae Presses. 

“It… never happened. Of course.” The guilt tearing Alex apart was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her heart ached so badly she thought she Would surely die. 

“I…should return to my quarters, less The guards get suspicious.”

“right…” Alex watched as Nephinae quickly removed herself from the bed and changed back into her uniformed attire. 

“I'm so sorry Nephinae” Alex tried again, as Nephinae heads towards the door. 

“Alex, I swear to you no Harm was done” Nephinae reassures Alex, trying hard to hide the redness in her own cheeks.

The memory melts away as Laihal feeds on the sleeping Alex.
She had intended to continue to feed on the dreams of Elisayra, but the pain in her hands had caused the half elf to wake before Laihal got her fill.

Feeding on Nephinae would be too risky as well, given the elves aptitude for magic it was possible she out of anyone here would sense her presence.

Feeding on dreams was all she could, or would ever risk doing for the time being at least. 

Annabelle had taken to keeping an eye on her ever since Alex introduced them. She didn't mind, being half succubus had its benefits when compared to the other possible half fiend breeds and allowed her the ability to subtly feed on the dreams of others whereas some other fiends required the more direct approach to feeding.

Laihal hummed in self satisfaction as she tasted the dream, the memory she had stumbled into from Alex's mind. Had she known Alex truly so pent up, she may have asked for something intimate directly. 

Elisayra’s dreams were rather exquisite in fact. The strange deviant desires belonging to her had satisfied Laihal's appetite for the past several days. So much so she was disappointed when Elisayra had woken early, only to instead be greeted by dreams nearly as sweet. 


The reason Laihal had chosen to feed on half elf to begin with was because she knew based on the passive pheromones the woman gave off, she was most certainly a very needy girl. Alex was much better at suppressing her desire in comparison.

Laihal would be a good and obedient slave, and hopefully then she could be rewarded. Until then however, she would continue to feed without intrusion, or until one of the two marked individuals gave in to their primal desires. 

She wouldn't dare risk crossing Casper nor this nameless girl, it was in her best interest to continue to be obedient, continue to be an asset to them, continue to ensure she never crossed a line that would see her killed. 

Beyond the very real fear she felt towards the marked individuals. Laihal conformed to the lore of her people.

The marked were harbingers, god kings, royalty, supreme beings. She would be beyond honored to accept either of the two as a mate, or hell’s even as a concubine. They were the single most feared and respected entities to walk this earth.

However, that wouldn't stop her from tempting them. Feeding off a marked person would be unearthly. An incredible opportunity to experience something so rare, as well as gain a substantial amount of power independent of the status and honor of such an act.

She would have to be careful though. The marked were a dangerous bunch, if she over stepped it would be disastrous. She would never dare insult either, or risk sounding too needy.

Laihal closed her eyes to enter into her own sleep. 

Perhaps after she proved herself trustworthy when their time in the forest was done, she would be bold enough to ask for more direct feedings should mistress Alex allow, or, given how incredibly full of desire these women were, one might simply come to her directly and ask.

Laihal had heard their conversations, felt their eyes, smelled their desire. 

She didn’t mind the attention after all, she was part succubus. It was in her nature to enjoy these things, and what incredible company she had fallen into to enjoy it all with.