Chapter 3: A New World
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' it so loud..."


A teenage boy with tousled brown hair and a moderate build fought against the pull of slumber, his efforts to awaken met with resistance. The darkness enveloped him like a heavy shroud, rendering movement futile. Yet, despite the void around him, he sensed that his eyes were already open, though the world remained obscured.

' I!?"

The boy soon started panicking.

'Why is it so dark...'

Soon a series of thoughts went through his head

'Wasn't I somewhere a little while ago'

'Wait...where was I?'

Soon, the boy found himself enveloped in an all-encompassing darkness, his gaze darting frantically in every direction. Yet, no matter where he looked, the oppressive veil of blackness persisted, wrapping him in its suffocating embrace. With each passing moment, the darkness seemed to deepen, casting him adrift in a world devoid of light and hope.



The boy's trance-like state shattered as a strange mechanical voice pierced the silence, jolting him from his reverie. A peculiar sight unfolded, a mysterious blue glass materializing before him amid the profound darkness. As if summoned by some unseen force, words etched themselves upon its surface, glowing faintly amidst the obscurity. Caught between awe and apprehension, the boy approached cautiously, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic message before him.

[Welcome User Ryusui]


The Boy was confused as he blinked his eyes several times. But soon the text on the bright blue glass started to change.

[ Main Quest: A New World

Difficulty: - F

Mission: Kill any 10 Monsters

Progress: 0/10

Reward: Right to use interface

Failure: Death ]


The boy was confused.

'Am I hallucinating?...'

He said while reaching out to touch the strange blue glass hovering before him. But to his bewilderment, his hand passed right through it, as if it were nothing more than a mirage. A surge of unease washed over him, mingling with the excitement of the unknown.

'Sigh!....just what is going on?...'

Soon the words started to change again. 

[ Good Luck ]


The Boy started to feel severe dizziness.




Ryusui groaned as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

'Where is this....a forest?'

As Ryusui gazed around, he found himself amidst a thriving forest, its canopy teeming with life. Countless trees stretched towards the sky, their branches heavy with luscious fruits casting dappled shadows, while the ground below was blanketed in vibrant green grass. Yet, amid this greenery, he sat in a small clearing, surrounded by trees and grass stripped away, leaving nothing but bare earth. It was a curious sight, one that left Ryusui with a sense of isolation amidst the verdant abundance that enveloped him.

'Wait...did I...'

Tap! Clunk!

Ryu seemed to have reached a conclusion but abruptly stopped as he heard a faint footstep and the sound of a sword being sheathed.


Ryu looked towards where the sound came from.


What he witnessed next stole the very breath from his lungs. Before him stood a boy, seemingly of his own age and stature. With waves of medium-length dark brown hair framing his face and piercing dark brown eyes, his features were strikingly distinct, defying classification by any known racial norm. Ryusui couldn't place his origin; the boy's appearance transcended cultural boundaries, evoking a sense of otherworldliness.

But it wasn't the boy's enigmatic appearance that rendered Ryusui speechless.

Ryu's gaze drifted towards the boy's attire, noting the weathered white shirt adorning his frame. It bore the unmistakable signs of hard labor, its fabric etched with the wear and tear of countless days spent beneath the scorching sun, reminiscent of the toil endured by farmers in their fields. Paired with it were brown trousers, faded from years of wear yet resilient in their durability.

A weathered leather belt encircled the boy's waist nestled within its weathered embrace was a sword, Despite its worn appearance it seemed quite sturdy.

'What a strange medieval I in the past'


'But why is he in a defensive stance?'

Ryusui thought as he looked at the boy who was on high alert and didn't seem to let the grip on his sword loosen.

'Does he consider me a threat?...'

Ryu paused for a moment.

'No!...if that were the case I would already be dead'


'This place is too strange...'

Soon Ryu decided to take the initiative to converse with the boy.

" am I?"


The Boy seemed shocked.

'I know I'm not good at conversing with it that bad?...or is something on my face?'

The Boy soon replied.

"You're in Baldour City"

'Baldour city...where is that?...perhaps...'

Ryu seemed confused but he decided to clarify one more thing.

"Um...what year is it?"

"What you don't know what year it is!?"

The Boy seemed confused.


There was a brief silence.

'I guess it's too suspicious for him...'

Ryusui stuttered as he made up an excuse.

"Oh sorry...I uh....lost my memory, The next thing I remember is...I woke up here"

The Boy paused for a moment and then.

"it's the year 8686"


Ryusui was speechless.

'Not the year 2023...but 8084!?'

Ryusui went into a trance, as he was in modern Japan just a while ago he simply couldn't grasp the situation at hand.

'8084...isn't it supposed to be high tech?...then why is that guy wearing medieval clothing...a cosplayer?'

Ryusui soon shook his head.

'No...his sword is too real'


As Ryusui was wandering in his thoughts he heard a slightly loud sigh.

He looked towards the boy approaching him as he loosened the grip on his sword, The boy stood in front of Ryusui for a moment and then spoke.

"What's your name?"


Ryusui stuttered with his eyes wide open while pointing at himself.


"'s Ryusui"

The Boy looked at Ryusui for a moment and then stretched out his hand to him.

"Do you need help?..."

Ryu looked at the boy and then took his hand to stand up wiping the dirt off his pants.

'It's probably not wise to ask him too much...'

Ryu looked towards the strange boy and had an idea.

'If I can go to that Baldour City then...maybe I can learn more about this world there'

Ryu soon replied.

"Can you take me to the city"


The Boy replied.

"Follow me!"

The boy said as he turned around towards the bushes in the forest.

Ryusui soon called out to the boy.

"Can I know your name?"


The boy soon turned around rubbing the back of his head in realization.

"I'm Bell!... Bell von Ashenfort"
Ryusui seemed to pause for a moment.

'Yup!... I totally got Isekai'ed'