Chapter 1: The Beginning
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Two officers had a man kneeling in front of them. The man looked over the edge of the building, the cold breeze prickling his scarred, rough skin.

"We tried to do this the official way, but your grimy hands had its reach all the way to the leaders of this world." 

The officer with his gun to the back of the man's head, uttered. 

"Amado Chapt, or should I say 'King Of Snow' you owned half of the government in Brazil, had ties with criminal organizations all over the world, and owned high level executives in multiple companies and even the government, yet here you will die. A death in the slums of some random city, you should have been more careful."

The other officer said.

"Any last words Amado?"

"I...I regret it."

His sorrowful words quietly left his dried lips. 

“Haha! The great King Of Snow regrets his actions!”

Both of the officers burst out laughing, their fingers slowly tensing around their triggers.

“I regret that I didn't do more… I had hundreds of millions I saved, and for what? To die without spending it? If I had the chance I would have bought one more official, bought more land, strengthened my men. Now all I'm left with is this regret.”

“Fuck off.”

The officer shot his gun into the back of Amado’s head, his lifeless body fell.

As Amado Chapt opened his eyes, he was met with a white room that seemed to stretch out endlessly. 

“Good morning mister Chapt!”

A little boy said cheerfully, he had white hair, blue eyes and a blue suit that was almost twice his size.

“Wh-who are you?”

“I'm my papa’s son!”

“Yeah, well, I get that, but who's your father?”

“Well I call him papa, but your world calls him god or whatever!”

The little boy said as he jumped around.

“Why am I here?”

“Obviously because you’re so cool! Papa agreed to let me do what I want with you since you're my favorite on earth!”

As Amado was still laying on the ground, he decided to sit up to be eye level with the boy.

“So what do you want to do with me?”

“Obviously I'm going to send you to the coolest world I know!”

“And what world is that?”

“It's the one that goes, Bang! Boom! Pow! Gah! Ow!”

“Sounds cool indeed.”

The little boy shook his head in agreement. 

“Well mister Chapt, I'm sending you off now!”

“Sounds good.”

The boy ran over to him and placed his finger on Amado’s head. 


Amado’s eyes once again opened, and once again he was in a different room. This time though it was not a pristine room, its walls were moldy and torn, clearly damaged from constant rain. There was a smell which protruded into his nose, causing him to gag, and a piercing freezing sensation running all throughout his body making him shiver. The worst part was the jagged ground beneath him digging into his bare skin, tearing it apart whenever he would shift his weight. 

“Where the hell did that little shit send me?”

As Amado’s stomach grumbled, he looked down. 

“What the actual fuck.”

When he looked down, his once toned, fifty year old body was no longer, he was now small, starved and a puddle on the floor revealed the face of a prepubescent boy with light blue hair. 

“Is there a way to get sent back?”

Amado sat against the torn up wall and looked at his surroundings. He was in a small ‘room’ though the shape of a room, it was too small and cramped, just sitting up, his head was hitting the ceiling, and if he laid on his back his feet would be pressed against the other side. It was made out of wood on all sides, even the ground, yet there was no mattress, not even one thing was in his room, the only thing that stood out from the walls was the door, and he already knew where it led due to the holes in each part of the walls. 

Through the holes in the walls he could make out a long dark alleyway which he couldn't see the end of, there was no light except for the two moons which dimly lit the dark corners and the occasional lighting which would light the area up. He could make out dozens, if not hundreds of other small wooden structures that looked like his. They had holes in them, and through the holes he could make out the shadows of children, once in a while he would make eye contact with one.

The one across from him had a loud rough cough, and he could hear faint crying coming from the rooms next to him. He sat there, pondering on what he should do, he grew up poor, but this, this was just another level, wherever he was, he wanted to get out. As his stomach growled, he could hear faint footsteps, around three or four people walking towards him. As they got closer he could see what they were doing, they would knock on each of the doors, and when the child had opened it the teenagers would give them a piece of food. When they made their way to his room, he waited for the knock, and the second they did he opened his door. 

“Here, eat slowly so you don't throw it up.”

Amado took the bread, and looked the three boys in the eye. 

“I.. I want to join you!”

It was hard to speak due to the lack of water in his body, but he forced out the words. 

“If you can keep up with us, go ahead, just don't get in the way.”

The group was made up of three boys, one had yellow hair and was missing an eye, and the other two both had red hair and looked very similar. The two red haired boys were twins but the thing that differentiated them were their arms, while one was missing his left arm the other was missing his right. 

As Amado walked slowly behind them, he slowly ate the piece of bread that was now soggy from the rain. He would fall, scrape his knees, get up and walk towards them, he did this over and over again. Though they were getting further away from him, he had one thought in mind. 

“If I stop now, I'll die.”

As he made his way further down the alleyway, his body was finally giving out, it felt like they were walking for hours, and his malnourished body simply couldn't keep up. Yet before he collapsed he watched as the three boys made their way into a small worn down house, it was almost ten times the size of the small wooden rooms he had seen up to this point. He limped towards the entrance and reached his hand towards the door, but before he reached it, he collapsed. 

Amado laid on a hay bed that was poorly woven together, next to him was a small bowl with a thick, porridge-like substance with a foul stench emanating from it. The room was fairly empty, though bigger then the place he was before it was by no means large, but the walls were kept together, and the only noticeable thing was a small leak in the roof.

“We should just take him back, he looks like he will collapse at any moment.”

“Yeah? well the one eyed freak decided to bring this snot nosed brat along with him!”

“I told him to follow us if he could, I didn't think he'd be able to actually keep up, I mean look at him!”

He could hear three different people speaking, and none of them seemed to want him there.

“Look, let's just take him to the seer.”

“Alright, but if his skill is shitty we're taking him back!”

Amado was confused, seer? Skill? What was this, a fantasy world? One thing was for certain, his fate rested in the hands of these three boys. While he was lost in thought, a knock came from the door.

“We're coming in.”

The person in front entered, it was the boy with yellow hair, and the two others tried going in at the same time but didn't fit, they began shoving and pushing each other. The yellow haired boy grabbed both of them by the collar and pulled them into the room. 

“Sorry about that, those two are always a handful.”

“It's okay.” 

Though it was still hard to speak, he tried his best to be respectful. 

“My name is lead, the one missing his left arm is righty and the other is lefty.”

“Nice to meet you!”

They both said jokingly. 

“Nice to meet you all, my name is…”

He wanted to say his real name, but he thought to himself, what if someone knows who he is, he didn't want to be thrown out for lying. 

“Don't worry, most kids here don't have a name, we'll just call you snot.”


“What, you don't like it?”

“No, It's perfect.”

“Haha! Good! Now get ready, you're going to be meeting the seer.”

“Yes sir!”

It was annoying talking so respectfully to little kids, but they are the ones who saved his life. Plus if they feel like he is a little kid with nowhere to go they may help him more. He was still hungry, so he scarfed down the last of the porridge, though disgusting, it helped to make his growling stomach calm down a little. 

“Well let's go!”

Amado followed them out of the room, there wasn't much inside of the small house. There was the room he was staying in, two bedrooms, and a small closet. The house, although better kept than the small shack he was in before, was still severely run down, and the wood, like the others, was rotting. 

He followed them out of the house, and once on the street they made their way down the alleyway. As they walked, the dark alleyway was becoming brighter, and the once desolate place was now beaming with light. It was a city, people who looked healthy, shops, houses that actually looked like houses, knights who patrolled the area, people using magic and people with chains around their necks being led around like animals. He was truly in a different world, one where no one was pursuing him, one with unlimited possibilities.

“Stop standing in awe, we got places to be.”

Lead grabbed Amado by the arm, and led him to an old tavern. Inside there were few customers and an old man who was behind the desk. 

"Coming to see my grand-daughter again? At this point you mine as well get married!"

The old man said, letting out a chuckle.

"Shush it gramps, we need her to evaluate this boy."

"Yeah yeah, you know where she's at."

Rolling his eyes the man went back to making drinks.

"She's right through here, Snot."

As they made their way into the room, there was a girl the same age as lead sitting on the bed, she was wearing a white dress and had cloth wrapped around her eyes. 

“Lead? Is that you?”

Her voice was soft and barely audible. 

“I need you to check his skill.”

“As cold as always, bring him here.”

As Amado made his way over to her, he noticed a small grin on her face.

“Lead, please step out of the room.”

“Of course.”

As Lead left the room, the seer looked over to Amado.

“How old are you?”

“Im, uh, eight.”

A frown washed over the girl's face.

“Are you, Amado Darwin Chapt, Fifty-two years old? Or are you Izar Solidbrow, Nine years old?”