Chapter 11: World Balance
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Chapter 11: World Balance
Domino stares at the poor girl as she lifts her left foot in the air and slightly stomps as the concrete floor starts to crack beneath her feet.  "Do not make me tell you twice."
The beautiful brown-haired girl dressed in a tight, low cut, dark red dress, nods furiously as she verbally smacks her friends out of their fugue state.
"W-we gotta go, h-hurry up, let's go now!" The girls finally snap out of it and listen to the lucky beauty who was once seconds away from death just a few minutes prior.  With quick steps, they walk past her and just before the beauty leaves, she runs back over to Domino and gives her a short hug.
"Th-thank you!" She starts to head for the door when she stops again. "W-wait, don't you need help finding your mom?!"
Domino's face turns bright red in embarrassment, she squints and pinches the bridge of her nose before saying in a soft whisper, "oh, crap I did say that."
Domino touches the back of her head with her hand as she turns towards the thoughtful girl at the door. Domino lets out a small giggle and an awkward smile as she tries to ease the girl's mind.
"O-oh no..." Domino stammers a bit before clearing her throat and continuing. "That's okay, you just get home safe, and make sure your friends do too."
Domino is just noticing the girl's big green eyes as they water slightly.  She starts to open her mouth to speak but only brings herself to nod quickly before turning and leaving the room to catch up with her friends. 
Domino takes another look around at the bodies strewn across the floor, all of them, look like all of their blood were drained with looks of permanent horror on their faces. 
"I don't get it, for what? This doesn't even make sense to me."  Domino makes a mental note of this, "life is so fragile, isn't it? Being so... finite is honestly a new concept for me.  This is my first-time seeing death in this world, actually. What am I supposed to say? 'Welp, That's Life.'"
Domino scoffs as she continues, "No, no, not to me, I mean sure, vampires need to feed, I get that." Domino says in an understanding tone before looking back towards the couch. 
"But that doesn't make me any less pissed off! What you did here, was not dinner, it was playtime.  It's sickening, you're lesser than a gathering of leeches in a small pond. And the arrogance to assume leeches wouldn't have any natural enemies, what a disappointment."
Domino scoffs again and shakes her head.
"Are you under the impression that I can't see you?" Domino says in a monotonous, yet intimidating tone as the light in her eyes burn with fervor and a bright orange glow once again.
The vampire with superior hearing abilities listens to a burning, cackling sound of fire, and a sense of dread washes over him.  An "Oh shhhhiii.." could be heard in a low whisper before the cowardly vampire panics and jumps to the side, just when two bright orange laser beams shoot out and cut the couch in half with perfect symmetry. Leaving a burning charcoal effect to where the two halves meet in its aftermath.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!! h-hold on!" The vampire crawls out into the open and stands up with his hands raised to shoulder height. 
"Did I say you could stand? I'm quite short, so I prefer you kneel for this."  With still glowing, bright orange eyes she says with mild anger present in her voice.  The lone vampire immediately does as she asks and kneels where he stood.
"I-I didn't even know these guys, in fact, th-this is my first time in L.A. I'm telling the truth, y-you have to believe me!  I d-didn't even want to be here!  I was dragged here against my will, I swear! I-I'm just as much of a victim as they are!" He says with evident fear as he points to the almost blue bodies of women on the cold floor.
"Ahh, I see, you think you can compare your situations? What makes you think that? Tell me, would you rather be in their situation, or yours?" Domino asks expecting an answer.
"I-um, you mean right now? Uh, I--theirs? Wait, no mine. Wait- I don't know, they both kind of suck." The vampire says in a defeated tone.
"I would honestly laugh if I wasn't so pissed off at your pathetic attempts to gaslight your way out of this with your brain-dead reasoning skills."
Domino says as she leaks out a cold breath. An icy mist can be seen slowly seeping out of her slightly open mouth as the ground starts turning to ice.  She steps forward, relinquishing the hold on the density of her body. The sheer weight she exudes cracks the ground beneath the icy flooring of the nightclub basement with every small step she took. Domino could easily just kill him and be done with it, but if they get to play with their food, then so does she.  
Domino finally reaches him, whether he is shivering with fear, or cold, or possibly both, doesn't matter to her. What matters to her is that he dies slowly, eliciting as much fear through pain as possible.  She wants him to feel what they felt. The sense of dread amplifies, he puts his hands up to his face to protect himself out of reflex, only for them to be immediately frozen in ice. 
The ice from his hands starts to slowly expand down his arms, before she lets out two quick consecutive laser blasts, burning his hands away in an instant.  A shocked vampiric face can be seen on the man before a painful shriek leaks out of his mouth.  Domino with a speed no human eye could catch, she reaches out and grabs him by the chin to halt his screaming immediately. 
"Stop, save those vocal cords for when you need them.  Do you think we're done here? Domino says with a diabolical grin and the cutest voice you could ever hear.
The confusion bringing his fear to a whole new level. She starts to lightly squeeze his chin with an uncomfortable cracking sound of his teeth, emanating through the acoustics of the cold, and desolate room they are in. Just when she was about to tear his bottom jaw off of his face, the door opens, and a certain tall bleached blonde man in a long black leather jacket walks in with his beautiful beloved wife by his side.
"You see, my love? I told you I'd take you to a show after dinner." Spike says with love and certainty in his voice as he paints a smirk on his face. Dru pays no mind to Spike's continuing affection, at this moment, she only has eyes for Domino. 
"Are you who the stars sing about?  A prophecy told by their lullaby's told me I'd meet you soon.  Spike, do you see it? I told you; the stars never lie." Domino turns to the intruders with an expressionless gaze as she blows a frozen breath towards their feet, only for them to walk right through the trapped ice like it was nothing to them. 
Domino with her hand still on the vampire's chin, squints her eyes before finally noticing, they aren't like normal vampires at all. They are much older and stronger than this weak, new amputee she has in her clutches. Domino pushes the weakling to the side and puts her boot on his face to hold him there while she thinks.
Domino doesn't say a word as she just stares at them and monologues in her head for a moment.
"So, this is what a God Mode version of this universe looks like.  I was wondering when it was going to rear its ugly head at me. I guess a lot sooner than I previously thought.  I mean, I could only measure the strength based on my opponents, and well... I didn't even break a sweat until now. Just the mere presence of them makes me uneasy, I can't even gauge their strength properly, but I do know that it wouldn't be an easy battle.  Do vampires evolve with time in this reality? Or are they special? Either way, I can't act recklessly until I have some answers." Domino stops her thoughts to answer the woman's question with a question.
"The stars sing about me? Why do they sing to you?" Spike, finally getting the clue of what this is about. "Never mind her, the stars are always yapping to her about something, frankly, I think they talk a bit too much."  
"True, I'd eat them all if I could."  Domino says with a small giggle and a stomp of her foot on the man who just tried to move beneath her foot, making his ears ring as the concrete cracks again in the process.
"Oh? an enemy of the stars or an ally? The stars and I are awfully conflicted now.  See, Spike? I told you she'd be fun!" Drusilla says with a smile and a quick clap of her hands.
"I guess it depends on how you look at it, would you say you are an enemy or an ally to blood?" Domino fires back with her own philosophical question.  
"Food is food, I don't think about the philosophy of it all, I want it, I'll have it, I'll eat it... the only philosophy I need."  Spike says in a matter-of-fact tone. 
Domino nods her head in agreement.  She's starting to like them, which was not what she expected at all. "I can relate, actually, the stars are delicious."  Domino says with a small smile on her face like she's reminiscing, which makes Drusilla smile in return.  
"Spike, can we keep her? She's such a darling!"  