Start of the battle
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"Fire," I gave the order using my thoughts and then together with everyone I fired the first spell.

[Ice Arrow]

The volley of arrows fired flew a group of unsuspecting giant wolves that moved in formation toward our position. "They didn't run blindly.... which means they didn't notice us after all, we're lucky."

"Although what's in it for me after a surprise attack since, if memory serves me right, the arrows didn't impress Randaloph in the slightest. Let's hope he was an exception in his species. Let's hope so as without the help of archers the only thing that could harm these monsters would be my spells and Gawain's sword."

My hope was dashed just as quickly as it appeared for when the barrage of arrows reached its target, not only did it barely hit the mark, but the wolves flawlessly began to make quick dodges. The arrows that by some miracle reached the target were bouncing off the animals skin, just like water on a duck.

Luckily, not everyone's. The huge pack of giant wolves after the purge carried out by Randaloph and then by the new alpha stood not only very thinned but also relatively young. So the young were not so resilient.

Older individuals, thanks to experience, reacted quickly, they knew their strengths and weaknesses so they began to quickly protect vulnerable organs. Younger ones, on the other hand, not only did not have fur thick enough to resist arrows, but also lacked a sense of danger. One accurate arrow in the eye might as well end in instant death if not permanent maiming for them, but youth also had its advantages.

My bad luck prevailed this time, though, no wolf received a lucky shot, even despite the bravado of the young and foolish individuals. So, sadly, the first volley fired by the undead ended with only a couple of shots protruding from the backs of a couple of weaker individuals, yet not all in vain.

"Bull's eye shot" I said with a cruel smile on my lips as I gleefully watched the ice arrow that was disguised as a regular arrow hit the wolf in the eye. The old monster did not dodge the projectile because he did not expect that an ordinary projectile could pierce his hard eyelids, this was his last mistake.

One down, six to kill.

As all the arrows fell, the dust settled on the ground the wolves noticed the death of one of them. Furious cubs began to charge at the wall of shields in front. While the old ones tried to stop them but seeing the lack of reaction ran after them.

"Alright stupid beasts, go on, attack."

Unfortunately, again my whim did not come true because as if by magic wand the wolves magically stopped, they heard the hiss of the alpha standing behind and froze in place. The big monster like a general from a safe distance watched everything calmly rather than leading the pack in the lead.

"Damn it was so close, this big white bastard is going to be a problem, he needs to be dealt with.... immediately. Randaloph you know what to do, wait for my signal to attack." I said quietly to the animal companion still hidden behind the trees.

"Again, shoot." I said after calming my emotions a bit, however, this time I did not cast another spell. They were aware of the threat and I did not want to waste mana, more important actions would come in a moment.

Just as I predicted the wolves this time were ready, they did not rush forward like berserkers interrupting the slow encirclement of my army but calmly began to dodge all projectiles. Each individual, as ordered by the leader, lowered his head down with his eyes closed and observed the immediate surroundings, thus limiting their vision. But at this point they didn't need vision, just one pair of eyes was enough, the penetrating gaze of the leader of the flock was more than enough. Slowly, the pack began to operate like one big machine.

Alpha positioned himself far behind everyone, ideally out of shot range but close enough to react rapidly. He observed the whole situation analyzing and gave orders to each individual. Even the successive volleys did not interrupt the slow and determined march of the group of wolves. Which, when it split into two smaller groups of three individuals in each, began to encircle the army of skeletons. It now felt like a real skirmish of wits.

Happily it was unknown to the wolves that the closer they got to my undead the farther away they were from their leader, who was becoming more vulnerable with each passing moment. The trap had set itself.

"Now Randaloph!" I shouted when I decided that the path between the white alpha and Randaloph, hidden in the bushes, was safe enough. No other individual would be able to stop my dog's charge.

And at my command the undead wolf shot out of the bushes as if pressed from a slingshot. Randaloph ran and ran, he reached his target practically unnoticed, only when he was at the alpha range enemy spotted him. Alpha then let out a loud screech ordering the other wolves to retreat, but even that signal was interrupted. Like an arrow, Randaloph rushed at his rival with all his momentum.

Alpha and Randaloph did a few flicks on the ground, then immediately, each driven by experience, they jumped off a considerable distance. A deadly stare-down fight ensued between them. Inferring from the stares, each was confident of winning, for they knew they would have support. Alpha in the form of his pack and Randaloph mine.

Unfortunately, one of them must have been disappointed as seeing the impasse of the dueling wolves, I did not wait any longer.

[Ice Walk] x4

And in accordance with my thought, a huge ice square was created completely surrounding the fighting wolves , thus creating a sort of object resembling a primitive arena.

"Fight to the death" I couldn't help but think, regretting that I wouldn't be able to watch the bloody spectacle in its entirety. I may have had my sight covered by object I created, but I still had some peep to glance at every now and then.

The trapped Alpha unsurprisingly did not attack his opponent facing him but cautiously began to attack the ice walls with his claws. Like a beast that smelled blood the alpha attacked faster and harder seeing that with each attack the wall gave way.

This state of affairs we could not afford, Randaloph without even waiting for my command began to distract the enemy while I began at the same time to repair the damaged walls with my mana.

"Damn, I guess now I'll have to do without mana regeneration." I thought slightly angrily as I watched the accumulated reserve shrink more and more.

"Randaloph will be fine.... I hope... I, meanwhile, have to deal with a more pressing problem. Now just how do I murder these damn dogs?"


Nevertheless, the great wolves, even without the leadership of a leader, posed a serious threat to my army of undead. Divided into two groups of three individuals in each, they began to attack the skeletons from two sides simultaneously. And that meant I had to focus my attention on two places at once.

On the left was the individual I called number one, the largest of all the wolves except the alpha of course, an old experienced male, had brown colored fur and many scars on his body both old and new. "Probably the deputy leader and also currently the biggest threat" I thought while analyzing the opponents on the fly.

Number two, a young female and looking at her size one can tell that she is not yet fully mature. Black fur with a few traces of brown, no battle scars or other special marks. "Alone a very easy prey but in combination with the rest she can be a troublesome one."

Number three, a young fully mature male but seeing that he is almost a third smaller than number one it probably did not occupy a high place in the pack. Completely gray fur and a pair of small but deep wounds gave him a warlike appearance. "Is he a coward.... his gaze tells me he doesn't want to be here. He will probably run away when I deal with the majority and push him harder, he won't often help the rest.... which means an easy target."

Now from the right, number four. Larger even than the rest of the males except number one, female. White fur surprisingly similar to the alpha. "No battle scars and it's interesting to see if females have it easier. Just like number one can be a tough nut to crack."

Number five, a male but barely mature probably the youngest of the pack, although looking a his current height and comparing it to his age he may live up to the size of an alpha in the future if he will still grow. Black fur with traces of white gray and brown. "I don't know what to think of him, supposedly he has the most arrows stuck in his back which indicates his inexperience which creates him an easy target but by being so young he will be the most energetic, mobile and there is a high probability that he will attack when least expected."

And the last number six , an old female with no distinction whatsoever, being the average of the others. The brown color of her fur and a couple of minor wounds don't change that. "Not a leader, not a fighter, just a mob to complement the rest, to kill on occasion."

"Well then Gawain which part do you take," I asked amused at my faithful knight's obvious nervousness. This is not how I designed it, but you have to live with what you have.


"Well, I take the left."


"It's going to be okay"

"I hope..." I whispered quietly so that my servant would not hear.

"And Gawain take most of...!"


"No... it's better this way, you have a better chance of getting past them faster than me. Just make it quick ok, because I don't know how long I will have enough mana to defend myself."


"Well... well, here we go with this coke."

"Good luck my knight!" I shouted when I had moved only 1/3 of the troops behind me.

"It will be fine... after all, what can go wrong?"


The battle between Samuel's growing army and the small pack of wolves has begun in earnest.