The Allpresent Threads
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Grasp it. Command it. The gift of the life path.

Probacon, Adashu, and Wok putting their “red eyes” on full display.

The audience's eyes were keenly onto the projection, while both of these super-powered individuals emerged from the earth they had crashed into.

《Two forms emerge.》

Biz now had skin of a reddish-pink hue, a color concentrated more on certain spots, emitting moderate amounts of hot steam as well. ~Gum State: Heated.~

《One of fire.》

Barrth had undergone an even stranger transformation. With hair and clothes becoming a flaming white, red ringed irides, and an arc of cloud-like smoke around his upper arms and back, behind his head. He seemingly sat in the air with crossed arms and legs, and donned a maniacal smile. ~Gum State: “Freedom”.~

《One of bizarrity.》

Biz looked at his opponent, staring in simple silence, while the latter hysterically laughed away whilst his body motioned in noodle-like fashion.

Many pondered on the nature of this form, but conversely, many already knew that.

The contenders murmured amongst themselves, especially about Barrth's case, saying things like: "Interesting turn of events, wouldn't you say?” “Who knew he'd have access to that form?" "He doesn't even have access to what grants the form!”

Toxic observed the murmurers from a distance, chuckling to himself at the ruckus. "Hmm-hmm. Well, it is not entirely impossible to achieve certain transformations even without their ‘true’ sources.”

“That, is just how the Meridian works.”

And that certain group of six seated at the corner discussed their thoughts with each other briefly, hurriedly turning back to the match.

"That form…I take it an advanced variant of mine, no? (They both seem to have basis in rubber.)" Biz asked Barrth.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!! YEAH, YEAH!!! I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT! HAHAHA!" Barrth responded in hysterics, drawing a tinge of ire from Biz.

"Regardless, I've never seen what it is capable of…"

"Hahaha!!!...," laughed Barrth, pausing for a moment.

He would then swiftly bring his head down and show his opponent a wide grin. "Wanna test it?"

Biz smirked a little, intrigued by this newly discovered gift.

"I don't see…why not!" He said, as in a sudden burst of speed, he rushed straight towards Barrth much rapider than ever before.

But the latter's form truly was bizarre. For as he noticed his opponent, out popped his eyes from his head, and his tongue rolled out and became extremely long, as if in a face of unbridled astonishment, mimicking a “freely” animated character.

He looked to the ground on which he stood, and started to roll it over in an unorthodox manner in his opponent's direction.

Once Biz was close enough, Barrth extended the ground well enough to create a strange fishing net, and swiped his opponent using it.

He then strained himself and the net, and using its recoil sent a bemused Barrth tumbling backwards a thousand feet and bonking his skull onto a rock.

Biz was seemingly left stunned by this attack, and as he stood, stars rotated around his head, his eyes spun and dizzied literally, and a large bump swelled at its top.

"HAHAHAHA!! THAT WAS SO FUNNY! ONE MORE TIME!,” exclaimed an ecstatic Barrth, who was seemingly enjoying all the transpirings on his lonesome, whilst Biz shook his head to recover his composure.

Upon doing so, he looked at the transformed Barrth, with a glare so stern it could sunder stars.

"Do you think…this is a damn joke!?"

Barrth stopped laughing for a brief moment, appearing to have taken Biz's irritation seriously.

But not for long, going on to continue regardless, much louder and far less uncontainable than before, which ticked Biz off even more.

"Why so serious~?" Barrth asked Biz as he began jumping around, the ground beneath now becoming akin to a trampoline.

"This is just my state of true and complete freedom, so my regard for those stuff isn't really here. Plus, that's not all I can do…,” grinned Barrth.

Suddenly, fire burst around Barrth, as he suddenly grew larger and more muscular than before, flexing the full extent of this.

"This …is the Gift of Solaris. Together with that prior freedom, I can…" He said, grinning as while performing a handstand of sorts, he grabbed the surface, rubberizing it.

He lifted it up a little from the rest of the ground, while also setting some of it on fire.

"...easily outmatch you!!!" He yelled, pulling up the rubberized ground as though it was a rug attached to the floor of a building, and aiming to slam it atop Biz.

Biz managed to avoid this regardless, much to his opponent's surprise. And Biz wasted no time even contemplating a new strategy.

He'd charge at his opponent at full throttle, punching him in the gut, which caused Barrth's eyeballs to pop out a little once again.

It sent him flying away, straight through multiple rocks of factorial size.

Barrth quickly recovered however, grabbing onto an elevation of earth.

And in an odd and cartoonish manner, swung himself back towards his current rival, whilst both prepared attacks from their previous abilities.

The crowds cheered at this site, as a fast-paced exchange of attacks was shared between the brace. And to them, the current contrast between Biz and Barrth's behavioral traits might have just been the best part of the contest.

Suddenly, both halted for a brief moment, and Biz seemed to be out of breath, while Barrth seemed ever energetic, and was "sitting" in the air yet again, while spinning around this time.

"What is it? Come on, don't tell me you're out already! Does this mean I win?,” asked Barrth as he also giggled.

"Maybe…,” said Biz as he caught his breath, only for his expression to suddenly change in an instant.

"Or maybe…I'd already determine the fate of this encounter before it was over."


Suddenly, both of the abilities Barrth used automatically deactivated, causing him to fall straight to the ground.

What?! He wondered, empuzzled, having not undone those himself.

Biz smirked, beginning to stroll towards his opponent.

Why can't I transform!? What did he do to me?

"You must wonder what's going on,” said Biz, which Barrth turned to look to him in even more confusion.

"What I did…was simple. Fate."

"Fate?" "Yes, I control the fate of all within a single ‘bubble’, in this case, the ‘reality’ we currently are placed in."


"In short, you'd already lost from the moment you stepped in here!"

The crowd exploded in shock. Was such an ability even permitted? It appeared so, but seemed like a lazy means to gain victory.

Barrth reeled a little, looking for any, if just one, possible counter to such a boon of an ability.

But as he did, Biz whispered something, and arrows similar to Barrth's own ability appeared behind him as well, leaving Barrth absolutely bamboozled.

"That's my-!"

"Yes, your technique. And what will end it all!,” exclaimed Biz.

He used the exact same attack Barrth used but on a greater scale, sending down a rain of arrows onto where Barrth knelt.

Such caused an explosion that wiped away most of the surface of the landmass-sized Field.

All attention was to the Field, as the smoke cleared, with a lying Barrth critically injured, without a right leg and having the top right part of his head bloodied, but still managing to breathe regardless.

Biz stood there, reactionless and emotionless, turning his back to Barrth. "Remember this: It was not your abilities, or even I that defeated you.”

“What you lost to…was fate."


Now, there was greater variety in reactions from the spectators. Some cheered, some jeered, some simply applauded, and some did nothing at all or had no reaction.

Acts of a clear-cut and defined conclusion: the crowd's favoritisms were beginning to diverge. Something sensed and known by the two caretakers, who readied to take their preparatory measures.

Probacon and his group were onlooking, discussing inaudibly that match, whereas he himself stared blankly, contemplating the various different outcomes.

Dgiag teleported into the field, greeting Biz.

He summoned Jmlehvu to treat Barrth and transpose both him and Biz away.

The next match was spun for, and decided.

Between yet another Spirit Shinigami, one of reddened hair, and another Arbo.

The initial action was fast-paced, attributed to the two's celerity, even traveling past the points of natural glints and shines.

It eventually evolved into a more technical contest, both using different abilities and tactics to try and outdo the other.

At the end of it all, with his clear strength, skill, and All-Meridian tied to his variant of a Shinigami's sword's special mode, the Shinigami took the bout. As well as the hearts of much of the masses with his stoic but caring nature.

Probacon's company also discussed the match amongst themselves.

"My list of potential allies seems to grow even more,” admirably noted David as he stretched. "You just wanna ally with everyone, Davie.” Wok responded.

"..." "...Well, more like ‘the guy doesn't brutally murder. Future ally!’."

Everyone laughed at Wok's statement, for in a sense it was true.

"But, David's right. People like him are the kind you always want on your side.” Probacon noted. "Hmm, I agree with you guys on that.” Kai added.

"The next one's coming up…” Noot spoke, returning everyone's attention to the projection.

Dgiag signaled Tōmii to spin yet again.

The wheels were spun.

And the wheels after a long while halted, as two more were transposed into the Field.


Once again, there was a roar of excitement from the crowd.

"In the first corner, still using his form from his time as a mortal, The Ascendant One, Draxo!"

The crowd cheered at this name, a name of one who had gone beyond from mortal nature to become an Omniversal Pillar like Toxic, a role of great importance.

"Haah.” He sighed in an endearing tiresome, with striped white-and-black slicked hair, round eyes with black sclera with red irides and noticeable cracks around them, and a squared jaw. Of an average build, donning a gray suit jacket and black shirt underneath, as well as dull green pants and no footwear, and holding a can. On his left wrist was a device well-known across the realities with the appearance of a strange bulky watch with no clock.

《Draxo. Omniversal Pillar. Age 6000+.》

"And in the second, the Dartonitan Ultima, Nikhe!"

"So…two All-Meridian users? Oughta be interesting…” He spoke in an older tone, possessing black hair and a stubbe, blue eyes, and was lean but built to a degree. He wore traditional Dartonitan wear, consisting of a padded jumpsuit and a skirt, themed white and blue.

《Nikhe. The Cosmic Chad. Age 43.》

"Show you respects.” Dgiag said, as both men followed suit.

Dgiag returned to the great large Coliseum.

And with great interest everyone's eyes was on the Field, just watering from spectating a battle between two All-Meridian users.

"BEGIN!" Dgiag signaled.

Nikhe immediately charged at Draxo, who prepared a force-field to protect himself beforehand.

Both men then began to use various basic Meridian Force Powers.

Varying from use of the elements.

Energy-based attacks and more paranormal stuff.

They also engaged in physical combat intermittently, as Draxo's lengthier experience visibly opposed Nikhe's raw boxing acumen.

Skills and techniques that wowed the crowds, who desired to see, just where this battle would go to…

《How do the users of “all” do battle…?》