Dust settled
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Done... if I were to divide into more battle sites in the future, full war would last 20 chapters. Fuck it

The wolf pounced up in the air but did not charge straight as the knight expected, instead he ducked to the side thus trying to encircle Gawain from the left. Then attack the necromancer directly without engaging the bone wall in front of him.

This state of affairs the undead defender could not permit, so as soon as the wolf shifted direction Gawain quickly battered him with his sword. However, with grace and elegance, the experienced wolf dodged the incoming blow, yet did not stop trying to get closer to the necromancer. Gawain did not remain indebted to him either, and every attempt by the wolf to escape, to the right or left, the knight blocked with his shield or sword. Like a game of cat and mouse.

And so the battle between two worthy opponents reminiscent of a dance still went on, with the ever approaching victory of the big knight on the horizon for it was easier to defend than to attack. And also in a battle of attrition, nothing can beat the infinite stamina and flawless diligence of the undead.

Seeing that there was no imminent threat of attack from the old wolf, Samuel decided to take care of the other animal which had shown no signs of attack or presence for several brief moments.

"What..." Shouted the necromancer, when he found no other opponent in his sight. "Now where did the other one go..."

The wolf coward, as one would expect from him, had already escaped from the battlefield a while back when no one was paying the slightest attention to him. Thus leaving his companion to his fate or in this case certain death.

"Never mind... Randaloph will take care of him later.... the boy likes to hunt."

"Lone and still you have not escaped wolf." Thought Samuel as he looked at the 'One' that continued to dance with his knight. "I don't know whether to respect you or condemn you for your stupidity. Anyway, the chance to escape is already gone."


Gawain's fight continued, but this time with the help of his master it had no chance to last as long. The wolf, encircled on all sides by skeletons, was unable to dodge every attack aimed in his direction, simultaneously with the ice bullets of the necromancer. Whose mana began to slowly return, he stopped holding the ice arena together.

The exhausted wolf finally dropped dead when one of Samuel's spells hit him in the head, slaying him on the spot. The left side of the battlefield was over.


The only remaining surviving wolf outside the arena also tried to escape when was overwhelmed by the entire army. Yet tired and to top it off, wounded and bleeding, couldn't run far. Gawain, in his relentless run, caught up after some time and then easily eviscerated him.

The right side also wiped out, the battle was practically won. The dead were victorious, as always.

All that remained was the Randaloph struggle, at the end of which the rest of the undead decided to wait, watch and not intervene.

(Randaloph site)

Meanwhile, the uninterrupted wolf fight continued at its best.

Randaloph constantly healing from all his wounds, like some abomination, soon began to dominate the duel with ease. He went into a fighting frenzy, completely abandoning defense in favor of constant and relentless attack. He bit, scratched, and simply attacked whatever he could at an opponent larger than himself. Recklessness brought results.

Alpha was getting weaker at a noticeable rate, the first ones to start giving up on him were his extremities, then his torso, which was bitten repeatedly, and finally also one eye which was even chewed out by Randaloph's claws and fangs.... oh irony. Later, the other eye was also drenched in blood, completely depriving the white wolf of his sight. Exhausted and badly wounded, Alpha finally fell barely alive was on his shoulder blades, unable to get up. He was at the mercy of his opponent.

Randaloph, though, was not going to easily slaughter his former nemesis or end the duel with honor as was his habit before.

No... the undead wolf did not let go so easily this time, having learned from experience and also having watched his master handling of defenseless victims Randaloph decided to prolong the suffering of his opponent. Toy with his new prey as if it was food.

The one-eyed wolf, with all his might, held his former opponent with his front paws and slowly began to bite into the more frequently intact of his torso, only to inflict immeasurable pain. The undead monster's teeth gritted every time, as he even tried to swallow the skin of the living animal. He bit and gnawed until entrails began to ooze out at the point of mastication.

Yet the avenger didn't stop there because when he got a taste for blood, he began to devour the alpha's guts, spreading them right and left. Then, he was done with them and no remains were around he moved on to the limbs.

And so this macabre display of nature continued until not even a single intact fragment remained, from the body of the surely already dead beast. Not even the smallest one.

His moment of venting his frustration Randaloph only ended when he bit into the white giant's skull with all his might as he crushed its contents. Ending the blood feud.

Covered in blood, organs, and sweat on his white bones glistening in the sun, the one-eyed wolf wailed to the heavens with joy. Revenge had been paid in blood.

As for the entire battle, it was concluded with a crushing victory for the undead side.... without a single loss.

Funnily enough during the long battle it was unknown to either of the two wolves that at some point they stopped being surrounded by an ice wall and started fighting in the open area. Each went into a battle rage and saw nothing but their hated opponent.


Mentally exhausted by the whole incident, I sat down by the nearest tree and began to look at the whole mess. "It went easily, didn't it?"

"Maasster...." I was answered by a machine that needed no rest, which stood directly behind me. Protecting his beloved master from even the slightest danger.

"Good... I have nothing to complain about, all that matters is that we won. Gawain you know...."

"... Oh Randaloph will be here soon, I think he is victorious because he has finally stopped stealing mana from me."

"But just to be sure... would you walk over to him, my knight?"


"Well... I'll go with you, be that way.... ehh.... what is it to walk a few meters?" I said as I got to my feet, the headache still kept me awake but what one doesn't do for.... "Lead my knight."


"You know, I didn't expect that I would just see something like this today, and on top of that not from my hand, but... I understand why you did it," I calmly began the conversation while looking at something that can hardly be considered a corpse anymore. It was more like someone had scattered garbage.

Every limb of the former alpha was somewhere else, the head was barely recognizable, none of the muscles were in their original state and even the skeleton was intact. One word... mess.

The bones were crushed, torn and gnawed, the only thing that could prove that the former alpha's body had ever existed intact was a large blood stain standing in its original location, in the middle. In the middle of a created clearing of broken trees on the sides.

"I hope that the bloody mongrel didn't destroy the possibility of absorbing vitality." I thought as I began to approach the nearest 'intact' part of the corpse.

[Minor Death Touch]


"Well, it's working. And I was already about to complain that my biggest prey was taken away.... now I'm just going to have to use it on every remaining piece.... fuck."

"Ey Randaloph... there's still one wolf left to kill. If you don't have anything to do, you can take up the hunt." At these words the undead wolf finally got out of the lethargy and nostalgia in which I found him. His eyes were unfocused, his body shaky and the influx of emotions was overwhelming.

"One managed to escape during the fight, the coward as I called him, gave up. Leaving the other wolf to die, as the new alpha you may want to do something about it. Not sure what... we can always drop the chase..." I didn't even manage to finish the sentence when Randaloph outright launched himself into the forest.

"Bring it back.... if you find some lake nearby wash up by the way, the red doesn't match the style of our army." I shouted to the wolf, who was getting farther and farther away, but I guess he was already too far away.

"He didn't hear me, did he?"




"Yes, yes... let's get to work. So much unnecessary labor to do....I think I got what I raised."


"1...2...3...4...5...6...6 and 1/3...6 and 2/3.... well more or less 7."

[Minor Death Touch]

"It's like I'm putting together a big puzzle. I don't think I'll get anything more out of the rest of the pieces."

"O Randaloph you are perfectly on time. And you didn't forget to bring the prey, how nice of you. Put it back in the pile near the tree."

"Wait is he alive.... did I hear his breathing.... yes, barely but he's alive. He's all bitten, ragged but still breathing somehow, probably a coward afraid to even die. Well then his waste for an easier death, he will live a while longer and I have a new toy, if you don't mind of course."

" As he alive, put him on his side.... don't move the alpha skeleton, I just put it back together."


"Well you can choose the bone ... but not alpha."


"Are you sure you want a coward .... ok your choice, I'll just suck the life out of it and you can play or whatever you want to do with it."


[Minor Death Touch]


"There you go, here are the bones of yours but .... before you take them and run off to no one knows where, I have an idea you might like."

"( ̄_ ̄)"

"I see I've gotten you interested at last.... so without further ado, how about reviving your former pack like I did with you. What do you think?"


"Come on ... you don't have much to hide grudges anymore. They are already dead, if I resurrect them you can start your friendship from the beginning."

"( 〃..)"

"Don't exaggerate it won't be so bad, you'll be the alpha of your pack again. Don't you want to go back to the good old days?"


"Still not convinced, how about an argument that is unassailable for you. If I resurrect the white alpha, you can abuse him again until your anger passes. How about that?"

"(✦ ‿ ✦)"

"I knew you'd be persuaded, just put down that skeleton you're already holding in your mouth. I'll just create the rest of the army and we can get started."


"Eh... let it be, take it. I'm not going to argue another hour for one more wolf."

"Losing a coward is no loss." I thought while looking at the remaining large pile of animal bones.

After successfully persuading my disobedient pet, I crouched on a nearby stone and sighed. "Well, we're going to wait."

Mana : 175/3350

"Oh these will be long and boring hours."