Chapter 34 : Encountering the Enemy
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After the Black Spade Pirates completed their resupply on Doloran Island, they stayed on the island for a while longer.

After all, they had been on desolate islands and the ocean for several months, with tense nerves the whole time. The crew was starting to feel the strain.

At this moment, inside the restaurant on the island.

"Ace, the information we gathered from the tavern," said a crew member from the Black Spade Pirates wearing a skull mask, "is that the Red-Haired Pirates appeared on an island not far from here a few days ago and likely haven't gone far yet."

"Moreover, it seems like we're being targeted by the Beasts Pirates now, so in addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, we've also offended one of the Four Emperors."

Ace, who had been dozing off, opened his eyes, lifted his head from the dinner plate, and continued eating voraciously while mumbling, "It's fine; isn't this normal? Anyway, to become the Pirate King, you have to take on the Four Emperors' crews, right?"

"Alright." The crew member of the Black Spade Pirates was already used to their captain's nonchalant attitude. "In that case, we should continue our journey to catch up with the Red-Haired Pirates..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ace grabbed his arm and burst out the restaurant door.

A terrifying attack descended from the sky, instantly blowing up half the restaurant. The Black Spade Pirates crew member, staggered by the attack, looked up to see a pterodactyl flying in the sky and immediately exclaimed in shock.

"That guy is... the All-Star of the Beasts Pirates—King, the Wildfire!"

The pterodactyl landed, transforming into a tall man wearing a black leather jacket with a pair of black wings on his back. He stared coldly at Ace.

"Oh no! Looks like we're being sought out!" Ace scratched his head, a bit troubled, but then his expression turned serious.

"But is there really only one All-Star from the Beasts Pirates coming after us? Why isn't Kaido himself here?"

King spoke coldly, "Not just one, but three—having the Three Calamities of the Beasts Pirates all come out to deal with a pirate crew that has just entered the New World is quite an achievement for your Black Spade Pirates, Fire Fist Ace."

He didn't mention that his boss, after drinking too much, had transformed into a dragon and flown off without even bringing the log pose, leaving King to handle the matter.

"So the Three Calamities have all come out? Why is there only one of you here?" Ace frowned and asked.

"The other two have gone after the Black Spade Pirates and Lord Yamato. As for you, I'm more than enough on my own," King said, drawing his long sword. The flames on his back blazed intensely, and he smirked coldly.

"Have they gone after Yamato? Then it looks like I only have you to deal with," Ace smiled, igniting flames around him, showing no sign of worry.

Youta and Yamato's strength wasn't far off from his own; in fact, Yamato's combat power might even surpass his. Therefore, Ace didn't need to worry about the other two Calamities.

At this moment, the island's residents, seeing the appearance of King, had all become very practised at fleeing the scene. In the New World, you could be unaware of the Navy and the World Government, but everyone knew the information about the major pirates. So when King appeared, everyone quickly ran away, vanishing without a trace.

This saved Ace from holding back during the fight.

"Brave, aren't you? Just for that courage, if you lose, I won't kill you," King said. As one of the few reliable members of the Beasts Pirates, he had a strong desire to expand the pirate crew, not far off from Kaido's own ambition. Seeing Ace, a rare Mera Mera no Mi user, naturally sparked his interest.

"Hahaha," Ace laughed, "Well, thank you, but..."

"Big talk is for when you've beaten me! Fire Fist—!"


While Ace and King were already battling, on the other side, Yamato and Youta also encountered the other two Calamities.

Queen, being sly, knew that Yamato's strength was likely the only one the King could handle. Moreover, Yamato was Kaido's daughter, so Queen didn't dare interfere in the family matter.

Thus, in this fight, Queen directed the foolish Jack to cause trouble for Yamato while he himself targeted Youta, who seemed the easiest to deal with.

"Kid, you're the one who stole our Beasts Pirates' treasure, aren't you?" Queen, wearing sunglasses and looking like a round ball, stood in front of Youta. "Hand over the treasure quickly, and I'll give you a painless death!"

Youta scratched his head and chuckled. "So you're the one dealing with me? But I don't see Kaido around!"

"For small fries like you, the Three Calamities are enough. You aren't worthy of our boss's attention," Queen said, as he extended his hand. His entire arm transformed, becoming a massive gun.

"Fine, I'll just beat you into mincemeat and find the treasure on your pirate ship!" Queen laughed maniacally, and his massive gun fired rapidly.

Hearing that Kaido wasn't coming, Youta breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Queen's arrogant demeanour, Youta smiled coldly and effortlessly dodged the gunfire.

"Idiot, if it were one of the other two Calamities, I might actually struggle."

"But you, I can completely overpower."

Youta moved swiftly and appeared beside Queen's mechanical arm. Queen grinned menacingly and aimed his arm at Youta's head, releasing a laser.

"Hahaha, my technological prowess is beyond someone like you... What!?"

Youta opened his mouth wide, wide enough to cover his entire head and even part of his chest. The laser shot into Youta's mouth without causing any damage.

Then Youta bit down hard on Queen's mechanical arm. Queen shook his arm violently and threw Youta away.

"What kind of Devil Fruit power is that? Is it the legendary Gluttony?" Queen exclaimed, then aimed his arm at Youta again. "Too bad, what good is just a defensive mouth? I'll blast you in two!"

With a loud explosion, Youta was unscathed, but Queen's entire mechanical arm exploded.

"Fool, idiot! Although I don't know how to perform mechanical modifications, I know how to destroy them!"

"The Transform-Transform Fruit's modification ability is unmatched among all Devil Fruits! The alloys produced by someone as brainless as Wapol in the original work could make Vegapunk marvel, so modifying your mechanical arm in an instant is a breeze!"