Ch. 08: Mimosas
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As a habit, Sabrina sprung up in a panic when her alarm went off. Then it set in that she didn’t have or need a job. There was nowhere she needed to be. Gleefully, she turned off her alarm, then turned off the entire schedule of alarms on her phone. Her time was her own.

When she finally did start her day, around eleven, she went out to find Jade cooking a big breakfast, still nude. Sabrina could get used to waking up to that sight. Jade was dancing between different spots on the kitchen, shaking her body nicely.

“Mornin’, sunshine,” Jade greeted. “Doncha just love waking up twice as rested?”

Sabrina rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, a smile growing on her cheeks. “Not as much as I love unemployment.”

“You’re telling me! On any other day I’d be out in the sun getting groped by golfers for shitty tips. Now I get to put my energy towards making pancakes and bacon for my most favorite person.”

“Your favorite person? Did you invite someone over?” Sabrina asked sarcastically.

“Oh ha-ha. You just smart-assed your way out of mimosas,” Jade scolded.

“Aw come on! What can I do to make it up to you?”

Jade considered a moment, and answered, “one really good squeeze of your ass should do the trick.”

Sabrina rolled her eyes, pretending not to be thrilled as she accepted the terms. Jade stepped up to her and threw her arms around her, getting a handful of each cheek. The firm squeeze felt like heaven, and Sabrina missed it when it was gone.

Now that the trade was made Jade served up a mimosa, as well as another for herself. They ate the delicious breakfast on the couch, getting increasingly buzzed as they downed a few more drinks. By early afternoon they were a bit groggy.

They walked off the post-mimosa haze, taking a trip to the pawn shop in at the end of their block. Neither woman had ever gone in before, but it seemed like the obvious place to trade in their silver. Adi, the muscular Bosnian dude behind the counter, reacted strangely to the silver. Once it was out in stacks on the counter, he went into an emotionless trance, and traded it for an even and untaxed twenty-five bucks per ounce. Once the transaction was done, he reverted back to his previously chatty attitude like nothing had happened.

Now flush with cash, the roommates grabbed some iced coffees and went home. Jade was repeatedly counting and flipping through the stack of bills, practically vibrating. “This is basically rent for the month! For nothing! Is this what being a sugar baby feels like?”

“Pretty sure that feels a lot grodier. We didn’t have to fuck any old men,” Sabrina argued.

“True. Not just old dudes, either. Rich old dudes! That shit’s blood money. You gotta deal with the guilt of knowing it came from some oil baron shlurpin the marrow out of the planet. And you just know his workers were slaving away for pennies, like, you load sixteen tons, whadya get? Another day older and deeper in debt,” she manically ranted, singing at the end.

“Is this the caffeine or the champagne?” Sabrina asked, in a mix of concern and amusement.

“I’m just fucking hyped, Bean! Look at our lives! I’ve got massive mommy milkers and mystical ninja skills! We just paid our rent in a few hours of goofing around and being sexy. I’m pretty sure I could get stabbed and walk it off. How is this even fucking real, dude?”

Sabrina was grinning like a fool. Jade was right. Her life was pretty amazing right now. “I know, right? I keep waiting to wake up in a psych ward. I mean, Jade— magic is real! We get to be magical! We’re adventurers. Super horny adventurers, but still adventurers.”

Jade put her hands to her face and tossed herself backwards into the couch, letting out and overwhelmed shriek. “Fuck! I love it… should we bring someone else in on this? Are we hoarding this?”

Sabrina bit her lip, mulling it over. “Maybe. It’s still early, we’ve only delved in there once together, and we still need to figure out the time dilation thing… but yeah. If anything, it’d be good to get a couple more people in our party for the sake of strategy.”

“Oh, what about Sloan? She would totally dominate out there. You’ve seen her in roller derby. Plus, she does MMA.”

“She’d totally be our tank. Full on barbarian,” Sabrina agreed.

“Oh my god, Alice! She’s an encyclopedia of all that D and D shit and think of what a few pink jellies would do for her! They would change her life.”

“Jesus, yeah. They really would. Assuming it doesn’t just improve based on your assigned sex or whatever. You really wanted big tits though, and here you are. She’d love that.”

“Oh yeah, there’s no way it would like, pump her with testosterone or anything. From what we’ve seen levels in Lust do, I wouldn’t be surprised if it strictly feminizes people. Plus, it’s a dungeon. Think of how much her brain would just explode over all that nerd shit,” Jade said conclusively.

“Sounds like a plan. We’ll bring in Alice and Sloan in the near future, after we poke around down there a bit more,” Sabrina plotted.

Jade was already typing out on her phone. “Uh, so here’s the thing… I just texted them already. Sorry Bean but once I get something in my head I can’t just sit on it for a billion years.” Sabrina stood in irritated silence a moment. “Alice says she can come by tomorrow to hang, I’m not holding my breath for a response from Sloan. She’s a busy gal.”

Sabrina could work with that. She just needed some more time alone with Jade. Alice was a good dungeon master and a better friend, though. Sabrina was happy to bring her in, she just needed a little extra time alone with Jade, first.

The pair split up for a little while to nap off the champagne headache. First, though, Jade insisted that Sabrina began incubating her egg immediately. She argued that the potential rewards were too crucial to ignore.

Reluctantly, Sabrina fulfilled the request. She worried about the fact she’d never had such a girthy insertion, but her Stretchy perk seemed like it would help. Even then, six hours was too long to have something inside of her. She’d once made the mistake of leaving a love egg inside for half as long and was sore as hell by the end.

She underestimated her magical pussy, though. Being totally filled with the rock-solid egg was strangely satisfying. The only downside was that the sensation was stubbornly resistant to being ignored. As time went on, her awareness of the heavy object inside of her never faded into the background.

Considering that lately her arousal could be triggered by a gust of wind, the pressure sliding around against her G-spot made her quite horny. She opted to take on a couple masturbation challenges to pass the time. She had a great time doing it and got some rewards to show for it. She got two silver bars, two Lust jellies, some interesting ingredients, and thigh-high socks that matched her bodysuit.

The socks were great. They were armor, just like the bodysuit, except enchanted to broaden the range of ambient temperatures that felt perfectly comfortable to her. They were also just tight enough to make her plump thighs bulge just above where they ended. Her armor was coming together to be pretty sexy and cozy at the same time.

Jade spent her time just as productively, as Sabrina learned when they reconvened in the living room. Jade was wearing only a silky black harness that covered nothing, and patterned stockings that were crotchless and assless. Sabrina’s affinity for lingerie was setting off fireworks in her brain.

“What’s um… what’s all this?”

“Armor,” Jade answered proudly. “Did a bunch of challenges.”

“How?” Sabrina asked. “Did you leave the apartment?”

“Didn’t need to,” Jade explained. “Check Twitter.”

Sabrina cocked an eyebrow, and grabbed the phone she was keeping tucked in her sock. Her feed was plastered with pictures and short videos of Jade showing off everything that she could show. “Holy shit! Jade, this is your main account!”

“I know,” Jade said with a devilish grin.

Sabrina was at a loss for words. Unable to engage with just how absurd Jade’s behavior was getting she pivoted. “What other prizes did you get?”

“A bunch of ingredients and silver, enough jellies to bump me up a level, more of those cunt candies, and a set of magic anal beads.”

Seeing Sabrina’s curiosity, Jade elaborated, “the beads make it so that any waste you produce magically goes away. I can also leave them in as long as I want without getting sore, and they squirm around inside of me on their own. It feels awesome. I’m constantly getting massaged from the inside. Speaking of, how’s your baby doing?”

“It’s not a baby,” Sabrina defended. “The eggs doing okay. Kinda sucks that I waited, though. The sun is going down soon but the egg won’t be done until a bit after eight.”

“Wanna wait?”

Sabrina felt uncomfortable with the offer. She didn’t want to be the reason that they were late for their delve. She was the one who found the dungeon and introduced Jade, and it made her feel useful. She couldn’t risk losing her usefulness and being left behind. “No. Let’s go in as soon as it opens. We’re both armed and armored, we can really push it forward in there tonight. I’ll just hope for the egg to be a deus ex machina that comes in clutch right when we need it,” she declared with false confidence. “Oh wait, you never said what you got for your Lust level.”

Jade smirked. “It’s pretty cool, actually. I got a perk called Inconspicuous. It puts out a psychic aura that checks for subliminal consent. Basically, if I’m naked or doing sexy stuff, children and anyone who isn’t interested in seeing it won’t look at me. Also protects me from any legal trouble for my naked shenanigans.”

“Wow! That’s useful. Anything else? Perks usually come with affinities.”

Jades eyes darted down at Sabrina’s legs, and back up for intense eye-contact, daring Sabrina to break her gaze. “Thighs.” After a moment of maintaining her glare, she cracked a grin. “On an unrelated note: is your affinity just for getting your face sat on, or sitting on faces, too?”

Sabrina gave a chuckle. “It’s both.”

“Good to know. For no reason. I was just… curious.

Sabrina’s heart skipped a beat. She liked the thought of where Jades curiosity might lead. She needed to be patient, though. She couldn’t overplay her hand and ruin their friendship. She would need to focus on the nights delve.