107 – Big Project:
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After some deliberation with his women and careful planning, supported by new and trustworthy information, Bastian decided not to intervene with the government at this time, as he sincerely wanted to visit the United Kingdom as soon as possible.

Along with his women, he came back to Paris, and surely trouble would eventually find him, Bastian had barely entered the city walls when he saw three strong tall men bullying Elise and Edeline, laughing loudly while the girls in tears tried to evade their encirclement.

Bastian could see that those men were cultivators and their clothes gave a nobleman feeling, just in that instant the tallest between them tried to hold Edeline’s chin, trying to deliver a kiss on her lips. Bastian went into rage instantly and to everyone looking he moved as fast as light, getting in between the man and Edeline in no time, taking him by surprise, and leaving all of them stunned with his dexterity and speed.

The tallest man in reflex, gave a back jump, already reaching for his sword which gave Elise and Edeline a dangerous feeling, but did not come into Bastian’s eyes, who smirked and asked the girls:

“Are you all right? Did they harm you in any way?” The girls shook their heads side to side in denial, and Bastian could examine them closer, after that, he spent a heavy glance at those tall men and said:

“Good, nobody has to die today!” The tall man did not know why, but his body just wanted to flee, run as fast as possible far from that elf boy, as he felt a terrible vibe from his killing aura. Chuckling, the group walked away as fast as they could. 

“Who were them?” Bastian asked looking straight into Edeline’s eyes.

“Master, the tallest one is Charles, the son of a nobleman, and the nephew of our ruler.” After Edeline said this, Elise complemented by saying:

“And he has loved Edeline since we were kids!” Edeline almost had a burst, trying to cover Elise’s mouth, completely embarrassed. Bastian just lanced a side glance at Elise and returned his gaze at Edeline, enquiring further:

“Do they always harass you?” Edeline looked down and Elise jumped in to explain:

"Master, Edeline traveled with my father's merchant company to run from those bastards!" Bastian looked at Edeline, and now he understood the motivation behind Edeline's parents to approve of their daughters becoming Bastian's disciples.

Bastian took the girls by their hands and walked alongside them until they reached home, on their way, Bastian was in deep thought of what he could do to help them, and after several options, he decided, but first, he needed to talk to Monsieur Luiz and his wife.

Arriving at the castle, Elise and Edeline hurried to enter and call for their father, as Bastian had told them his intention to take all of them to a better and more peaceful place, where all of them could live calmer lives. 

Monsieur Luis, already waited for them to arrive in the family room, gathered with the remaining members of their family. Bastian asked Monsieur Luis with a serene face:

"Monsieur Luis, would you like to live with your family in a tranquil place, where you would plant and take care of a place with no worries with enemies?" Monsieur Luis asked back:

"Is there such a place?" Bastian opened a wide smirk, nodded his head up and down, and said:

"Also, you would be taking care of a farm for me, planting and caring for the land!" Monsieur Luis grabbed hard the hand of his wife with tears in his eyes, which glanced back in his direction with affection understanding the difficulties the man and all the family members had faced.

Cosette was a nice and good wife caring for her husband as much as possible, but she knew that the future was uncertain and each day it was becoming a bit more complex.

Another elderly man approached Monsieur Luis and Cosette, placing his hand on the shoulder of the first and said:

"What to think? Here we have faced troubled times with no hope for any improvement, at least he offers a safe place where the whole family can live in peace."

Monsieur Luis tapped the hand on his shoulder with care and looking deep at Bastian's eyes asked:

"When can we go?" Bastian was sitting comfortably on a chair, sipping tea, and with a simple gesture a portal appeared from nowhere. Standing up, Bastian called for Monsieur Luis, Cosette, and the elderly man to accompany him.

Entering the portal, they appeared on a hill of a vast land, green pastures could be seen where the eyes could reach, and several cows roamed the land. Monsieur Luis, Cosette, and the elderly were stunned, first by the portal, second by the place. Monsieur Luis had tears rolling down his face and with a weak voice asked:

"Young Master, where is this?" Bastian chuckled and a bit of truth he told in mockery:

"This is in my arm, but does it make any difference?" The elderly had a funny face and Monsieur Luis shook his head from left to right. Bastian stated:

"All your family can build houses here, create a village, and live your life on this land for a while or for how long you wish!" Soon the elderly man tapped the back of Monsieur Luis and commented:

"Is this the life you asked God?" Monsieur Luis nodded his head affirmatively, and Cosette closed her embrace onto her husband, clearly agreeing with the proposition.

Bastian made a hand gesture and another portal appeared, for them to leave the place. Back in the family gathering room, they discussed the process of moving, but Bastian asked them to gather all the materials to build their houses first and move only after all was prepared and built, in fact, he already had asked AI to help him to prepare a blueprint to the whole village. Monsieur Luis was a bit reluctant at first, but Cosette had to intervene and clear some facts. Monsieur Luis was so eager to change his life that he already wanted to move at the same moment.

The village would also be a support for all his plans of occupation of his Godly Abode, as he wanted to take the most advantage of the spaces he had at his disposal.

Another idea that Bastian had was to call all the men from the family and ask them to call for a woman to marry them, the same was true for the women. But Bastian took time to explain to them to choose nice and calm men, of course doing so they would have peace inside his Godly Abode.

A bit of reluctance was seen in their eyes, and Bastian had to explain each motive for that, what cleared their doubts about the subject, accepting his suggestion.

A month passed quickly and the castle was alive people coming and going all day long, bringing several materials, and other objects. After all the construction materials had been gathered, with a simple hand move all were transferred to the place where the village would be constructed inside the Godly Abode, Bastian specially chose some artisans and builders explaining each blueprint to the last detail and moved all of them swiftly through a portal.

Some of the previous inhabitants of the Godly Abode, were those who were saved previously from slavery, preferring to stay and live inside the Godly Abode, as they had no house, families, or friends anymore. They were also called to help with the construction, and as soon they heard their savior calling, all of them were more than glad to help their new neighbors.

A month passed very quickly and Bastian got to acquaint himself better with Edeline and Elise. Milene, the youngest daughter kept some distance but always was observing Bastian with her incredible eyes, rubbing from time to time, Madam Cosette always giggled at her youngest daughter's behavior, but did not intervene in any way, nor encourage or demotivate Milene.

Bastian knew of this odd observer but did not expose her, by the opposite, he embraced the idea to tease her and often shortened the distance to Edeline and Elise even further, sometimes speaking intimacies in their ears, making them brush in red furiously. The kid was so naïve that she covered her eyes with her hands, but always opened a space in between her fingers so as not to lose any part of the scene. A candy for Bastian’s tired eyes, which prepared to take all of them as his disciples and women as well.

Edeline and Elise did not need another month to accept Bastian’s embraces and advances, Milene, however still shone in red every time she looked at Bastian’s deep golden-purplish eyes. Monsieur Luis and Bastian decided to schedule the Bai Si ceremony for the same date when Edeline’s whole family would move to live inside the Godly Abode.

Today Bastian decided to play “catch" after Milene, and Cosette observed her daughter run for her life with all her might, losing in the end to Bastian reaching her, planting a kiss over her smooth cheeks, and declaring:

 “Today you are mine!” Milene opened her eyes as wide as she could and resumed running for her purity again, Monsieur Luis arrived at the moment that Bastian said that, and lanced a glance over Cosette, who was feeling her husband’s glance and said:

“His training methods are unorthodox, but effective indeed, as she is running from him there are more than three hours!” Monsieur Luis nodded his head up and down and commented:

“Our Young Master is mysterious indeed! I hope they will be happy in the future!” Cosette chuckled at him and asked:

“Have you seen Edeline and Elise lately?” Monsieur Luis frowned and asked:

“What has happened?” This time Cosete frowned at him and asked:

“Have you not noticed how your daughters are infatuated towards him?” Monsieur Luis rugged his wife by the waist at the window and commented:

“I have neglected you lately! I am sorry!” Madam Cosete passed her slim arm under her husband's chin and caressed his cheeks gently, commenting:

“Soon we will be free from those bastards! Calm down!” Monsieur Luis approached his wife even more posing his chin over Cosette’s shoulder and said:

“As soon as we move there, I will give him the King’s Ring!” Cosette turned her body to face her husband’s eyes and asked:

“Are you sure? There will be no return after handing it to him!” Monsieur sighted deep and said:

“The only thing I wish for us and our family is peace! I do not wish for dominion, nor to be the King of France! Nor I desire this for any of our children!” Madam Cosette and Monsieur Luis spent a long time in a tight rug, Monsieur Luis from time to time glanced over the window to see his youngest daughter running as fast as she could to save herself.

Another month passed smoothly and swiftly, inside the castle there was almost nothing left, just a few pieces of old and unusable furniture, Bastian was sitting on a bench in front of a small pond, and by his side Milene was lying with her head on his lap, taking a nap. Previously Bastian had pursued Milene for over four hours straight while the family moved the remaining things inside Bastian’s Godly Abode, Bastian had decided to wait for the members of the family who were traveling on business to arrive, and gradually all of them started to move early in the morning, the two guards left were about to be called when someone stump over the door and threw the two guards on the floor, forcing their way in.

Bastian immediately teleported Milena inside the Godly Abode to the side of her mother and waited for the invaders to come close. The biggest man among the invaders was almost two meters tall, burly, and well-dressed, laughing aloud and sometimes screaming for Monsieur Luis.

“Come here you dog Luis! Today you will surrender the King’s Ring or I kill you all!” Bastian was an experienced guy, who had traveled all over the world before he died, and he had visited Paris several times before, even seeing the treasures of Royalty, the Royal Robe, the Royal Crown, the Royal Staff, the Royal Dagger, and the Royal Ring.

All of these objects were exposed in the Palace of Versailles and after in the Louvre Museum. AI complemented the information telling him that these objects were transformed into artifacts by one of the godly cultivators in the Royal Family before the calamity that almost ended the world. When Bastian received the gem that represented the Hidden Realm, he also discovered the name of the Artifact, it was the Royal Throne Room.

A strong and tall man in steel armor came near Bastian intending to harm him with a sword in his hand, but was stunned by the elf’s cold glance, he felt the killing aura and pressure of a powerful enemy and understood the problem, at the same time, the big man also felt his killing aura, approaching quickly and standing in front of the man to shelter his subordinate from the pressure exhibited by Bastian. The big strong man looked intensely at Bastian and screamed:

“Who the hell are you? Where is that dog, Luis?” Bastian took time to look at the man analyzing him from top to bottom, twitched his head aside, and with a smooth gesture teleported the guards inside the Godly Abode swiftly, leaving all the men surrounding them with spears in hand stunned. After that Bastian returned his look straight to the eyes of the big strong man and asked:

“Are you the one calling himself the king?” The big strong man looked at Bastian and in a swift movement tried to strike with a dagger into Bastian’s neck. What he did not know, was that Bastian was way faster than him and his cultivation was stronger than his, not only the foundations' technics, but all and all, as Bastian cultivated his mind, energy, and body. Analyzing deeper and further, it was possible to say that Bastian’s cultivation was at least ten times higher than the man's. Bastian grabbed the incoming dagger between two fingers, without looking at it, still looking at the big man’s eyes, he left a sound of displeasure and asked:

“Tsk. Are you stupid? I asked if you are the one calling yourself the king?” The big strong man tried to put strength and retrieve the dagger, that still immovable between Bastian’s fingers. The big strong man understood the superiority in strength of the man in front of him and said:

“Yes, I …” The big strong man had not finished his sentence, when Bastian moved at high speed claiming his and the lives of all of those men who barged into the castle’s property.

Looking at the dagger in his hand he observed the gem embedded at the halt’s end, on the blade, the engravings "L ‘État, c'Est Moi", meaning - I Am the State, after he read the famous phrase said by Luis XV, father of the last King of France, he stared wonder while walking slowly to approached the body of the big strong man, now with no head over his shoulder, and kneeling Bastian reached for his waist to retrieve the scabbard, made of gold, as the dagger itself, also embedded with several gems, both were two pieces of beautiful jewelry. 

Bastian also looked at the man’s hand, and retrieved two beautiful golden and black rings, analyzing them he found that those space rings had plenty of space, as it was almost as big as a hidden realm, and uncountable resources were found in them, from precious gems, currency, and herbs, several book collections, a mountain of artifacts and gold, clothes, and several other stuff.

Bastian sat again and took some time to see through everything, discarding everything that would not be of use. Bastian also found something that made him smile, several rolls of fine fabrics, a mountain of them to tell the truth.

Bastian was looking through the second ring when another group barged into the castle, it was another group of soldiers from the “self-proclaimed king” and some “nobles” commanding them, including those who harassed Edeline and Elise. Bastian opened a huge grim as his senses told him that those were about 150 men, and more were on their way.

Bastian had barely used the sword inherited from his uncle, as he tried not to be violent, but this day was a day to celebrate one thing and one thing only: “Revenge is served” Bastian moved as the trace of a lightning was barely seen by some cultivators right before their vision blur and their life sway as they died in the soil of the Righteous King of France’s Castle – The Palace of Versailles.

That sunset would be remembered by all of the residents of Paris, as the screams of more than a thousand men were heard loudly reverberating through the walls of the “Ville de Lumière” (Light City). Bastian slowly walked out of the light city saying in good French:

“Vive Le Roi de France!” No one came to bother him, as more than a thousand soldiers had died at his hands, there was no soldier from the impostor king left.