Chapter 43 – Stalin’s Stylish Socks
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After leaving the Adventure Society with an extra 1000 gold in my inventory, we went the long way around to the Sleeping Giant Inn.

  It seemed that no matter what time of day it was, the city was always a hive of activity. Bustling with life as lycanids, catonids, humans and other races I didn’t recognise rushed around the various districts.

  I made a mental note to go exploring when I had some free time. So far I’d only been to the docks, the society district, and the high street.

  That only covered a small part of the huge city. I wondered if there was anything interesting to find on the other side of town.

  We reached the inn and went inside. I greeted the lycanid landlady who blushed slightly as I spoke to her and retired to my room.


You are now entering a safe zone.


  I sat down on the bed in the small room and eagerly dived into my rewards section on the HUD. Panda sat next to me, watching what I was doing.

  He could see the major actions on my HUD due to his nature as a daemon familiar.

  I found the loot boxes and began the opening procedure. Loot boxes opened one after the other once you clicked to open one. Luckily, I didn’t really have any time constraints.


You are in a safe area. Open all loot boxes?




Duellist’s Loot Box


You’ve won your first duel! How very old fashioned of you. From knights to cowboys to immoral plantation owners, duels were the pinnacle of minor dispute resolution.

Is your neighbour mowing the grass too early? Is your grandma doing that thing where she licks a handkerchief and uses it to clean your face? Is your significant other’s snoring keeping you up all night?

There’s only one solution.

Pistols at dawn!


Reward: Dueling Glove


  The box popped open like a shot being fired from a gun and firecrackers exploded all around it as a single white glove floated out of it and disappeared into my inventory.


Little Bitch Loot Box


As the name implies, this box has been rewarded due to your bitch move of stealing someone’s kill by getting in the last hit right as they were about to die.

We’ve already covered this. Take your damn reward.


Reward: Personal Skill: Health Sense (common)


  A new personal skill? That was unexpected. I didn’t even know you could get skills through boxes.

  “You’ve done well there, kid.” Panda said, nodding to himself.

  As the box opened, there were no flashing lights, no fireworks, or confetti. Just the resonating sound of a someone saying the word “bitch.”

  Followed by a small, almost tangible light that flew into my chest and disappeared into me.



Genocide Loot Box


Since you love mass murder, it stands to reason that you’d also love the king of the gulags, Joseph Stalin. As such, I hope you enjoy this one-of-a-kind reward. Remember the only clothing you brought with you to this world? Because I do. Don’t say I never give you anything thoughtful.

I’m sure you’re Russian through this notification to get to your fabulous reward, so I’ll stop Stalin and tell you what it is.


Reward: Stalin’s Stylish Socks


  I wasn’t quite sure what to think about that. I was a little taken aback by the reward in all honesty.

  “Who’s Joseph Stalin?” Panda asked with childlike curiosity.

  “Use that sage skill of yours and google it.” I replied monotonously.

  I waited a moment as the golden box played tense orchestral music whilst the lid opened slowly. A pair of bright red socks appeared with a golden embroidery that depicted a hammer and sickle.

  These socks better be good. I feel disgusted just having them in my inventory. I sighed inwardly as they disappeared in a bright red light.

  I’d studied Russian history in school and it was equal parts interesting and horrifying. Those guys sure had it rough after Lenin died.

  “Oh my god, I just looked him up. Kaleb you absolutely cannot wear that item.” Panda said loudly.

  Shaking my head slightly, I dived into my inventory to check out what my rewards actually did.


Duelling Glove


I demand satisfaction! Wearing these gloves increases your accuracy with all ranged weapons.


+10% agility.


  That actually wasn’t bad. A boost in stats was always welcome and you could never have too much accuracy.

  I equipped the glove and immediately felt a small sense of power course through me.

  I wasn’t too keen on the look of it though. Wearing a single white glove reminded me too much of Michael Jackson.

  I wasn’t going to let a little thing like fashion get in the way of a powerful item though. It fit snuggly on my right hand, the hand I used to draw the bowstring. It coincidentally covered my pentagram tattoo as well.

  I wasn’t actively trying to hide it or anything, but since it signalled that I was a player killer, accidentally or not, it was probably good that I wouldn’t be showcasing it anymore.

  Oddly, the glove seemed to shape itself entirely to my hand. It didn’t actually feel like I was wearing a glove at all.

  I touched the bed sheets and could feel them just fine. It was like the glove was a part of me.

  Moving on I decided to check out the other item I’d received.


Stalin’s Stylish Socks


These socks let everyone know that you’re in charge. With their bright red colouring and their golden hammer and sickle, you’ll be the talk of the town.


  Was that it? An item that did nothing at all. No stat bonus, no skill, no… nothing. That made the choice of resigning them to the depths of my inventory, never to be seen again, that much easier.

  “What was the point of even getting a reward like that?” I asked Panda incredulously. “It doesn’t even do anything.”

  “Not all rewards are useful.” He shrugged like it was normal to get duds in boxes. “I was summoned by an outworlder a few centuries ago who got crappy rewards all the time.

  “This one time, the system gave him a loot box that took up the entire room and when it opened all he got was a t-shirt that said: I went to another world and all I got was vast cosmic power. Utter let down.”

  Oddly, it was kind of comforting to know that I wasn’t the only one the system was a dick to.

  Putting my crappy socks aside, I went into my skills and focused on the new one.


Health Sense (common)


Sense the health of those around you.

Usually reserved for healer classes, Health Sense allows you to sense the HP level of those around you.


  That was interesting. As I read the new skill I felt a small amount of knowledge enter my brain allowing me to use the skill.

  It was pretty simple. I looked towards Panda and focused very slightly and his health appeared floating above his head.

  It didn’t tell in numbers how much he had; it was more of a health bar. It was currently green and full to the brim.

  Just like every video game I’ve ever played. I thought with satisfaction.

  I wasn’t sure how useful this skill would be but it was definitely novel. I liked it.

  Standing up decisively. I decided it was time to go buy some armour. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted, but spending money on something that would help keep me alive seemed like a good idea.

  “Panda, can you take me to an armourer?” I asked.

  “Certainly, there’s one a short walk from here.”

  He led me out of the inn and down the street a short way. We passed by the shop I’d accidentally shot an arrow into and an angry looking lycanid stood in front of it, lifting a patchwork door up and attaching hinges to it.

  So much for magic. I thought, feeling a tang of guilt.

  “Hey, is there anything I can do to help you with that?” I asked, approaching the man.

  I wasn’t the most moral of people but I had been the one to destroy it. I had no intention of telling him that, but it was only right that I at least offer to help him fix it.

  “Not unless you’ve got one hundred gold coins spare so I can hire a mage.” He replied in a deflated tone.

  “No problem.” I said, pulling 100 gold from my inventory and handing it to him.

  He dropped the door and looked at me with an open mouth. He seemed pretty shocked so I opened his hand for him and deposited the money into it, most of it spilled onto the ground with a myriad of clinks.

  I began walking away before he called out to me.

  “I don’t understand, why would you… thank you! Come back any time, my treat!”

  He sounded grateful and I felt good at having done a good deed. Besides, 100 gold wasn’t that much considering how much I’d earnt from looting monsters and collecting the quest reward.

  It was only right that I pay to fix the thing I broke. Not that I would be admitting that it was my fault to the owner any time soon.

  He seemed to run a small restaurant, maybe I would pop in some time for a meal. I hadn’t tried much of Celestia’s cuisine so far after all.

  “Well that was a waste of money. Just think of all the books you could have bought me with that.” Panda grumbled as we walked.

  “How much do books cost in this world?” I asked.

  “Depends on the book. The magic printing press doesn’t mass produce too many of them. Only the really popular ones. You can get those pretty cheap but for a rare one it can be expensive.”

  “Well then let’s hope I have enough left over, after I buy some armour, to get you one.”

  Panda led me to a large shop a little further down from the restaurant. It was the only building on the street that was fully detached, though it was also only a single story.

  A neon sign glowed above it in purple writing that said: Andy’s Armour Emporium.

  It struck me as a bit odd for an armour shop to have a neon sign, but I guessed it was probably a wealth thing. There were a lot of adventurers in town and from what I’d heard, gear was insanely expensive.

  I walked inside and heard the sound of clanging metal coming form the back somewhere.

  In the front there were mannequins galore, covered in all sorts of armour. One looked like a medieval knight, there was one wearing a golden cloak and another dressed like robin hood with a green jerkin and feathered hat.

  One set in particular caught my eyes though.

  It was jet black and the torso piece was covered in intricate embroidery. It had black pants with knee pads and a cool, hooded cloak that covered half of the face with eye slits to look out of.

  I wasn’t certain if that would block my vision or not, but it looked awesome.

  I walked up to the counter and read a small sign that had been left there.


In back.


  It seemed the armourer was a man of few words. Walking around the desk I went into the back room where the source of the clanging was coming from.

  A tall, well-muscled man with broad shoulders and unkempt brunet hair was working.

  He stood over an anvil and seemed to be hammering a helmet with vigour. He didn’t even notice me come in. It was mesmerizing to watch and I found myself staring for a solid few minutes.

  He was wearing armoured black pants, boots, and a dirty, brown leather apron over his front.

  His body glistened with sweat. He was obviously the hard-working type.

  “Excuse me.” I said, attempting to raise my voice over the loud clanking of his hammer.

  He didn’t seem to hear me. I looked at Panda and he shrugged. I guess I’d have to shout louder.

  “Excuse me!” I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth.

  Still nothing. I could barely hear my own voice over the noise so it made sense that he wouldn’t hear me either.

  I walked towards him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention instead.

  Without warning a large hammer swung at my face.