Just Like His Father
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Rein followed Pluto and Clyrith down the street, thinking to himself. He thought about his father's reaction and his principal's reaction. The reaction from those he didn't even know. 

He looked down the street and saw Thana watching him. *Why couldn't she just leave me alone?* Pluto looked at him, then looked at Thana. The son of Hades raised an eyebrow, then looked at his brother. *If the sons of Hades found out their half-sibling is watching over me, I'm dead.*

“Who's that?" Clyrith asked him, pointing to the mirror demon. Rein shrugged as if saying he didn't know and didn't care. "Isn't it Thana?" He asked. "Our sister?" 

Rein froze mid-stride. Pluto and Clyrith looked at him expectantly. He looked at Thana, then looked back at the twins of Hades. 

Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched Thana walk closer to them. "I think it's someone else," he said, his eyes on the twins. 

Thana walked up to them, and said to the twins, "Father knows about the quest." 

The twins looked at their sister, then back to him. "You told us you didn't know her," Pluto said after a minute. "But you do, don't you?" His easygoing smile vanished, and a cruel smile replaced it. 

Rein clenched his fists, and growled, "It doesn't matter, Pluto, Clyrith. If I don't tell you, you don't need to know." Pluto looked at him and seemed to shrink. Out of the corner of Rein's eye, he could see the world getting darker. 

Thana put a hand on his shoulder, and said, "Relax." 

He shoved her away, and said, "Leave me alone, Thana!" He turned to the twins of Hades and took a deep breath. "Go back to camp!" He growled. 

Without realizing it, he shadow-traveled to a place he'd been only once before. In the south, where he's wanted to go back for years. He remembered when he was a child, his mother had taken him to a lake down in Texas. They had the best weekend ever. They never went again. 

When he opened his eyes, he saw the lake and almost stumbled. The lake was as beautiful as he remembered. The sun shined down on the water, and he smiled. Even though Rein was angry, angry enough to cause a drought, he still smiled at the lake. 

He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he froze. "You know, it's been a while since I've seen you smile," The god of death said behind him. 

He continued to look at the lake, not bothering to answer his father. He was relaxed here, and he wasn't going to let his father ruin that. "Father, please just leave me alone," he asked quietly. 

Thanatos squeezed his son's shoulder and disappeared into the underworld. Thanatos knew Rein was on a quest, but he didn't understand why the boy was at this lake. Thanatos looked up at Hades, who was sitting on his throne of bones. "Please, my lord. Just allow me to help my son," Thanatos begged his master. 

Hades looked down at him, remembering what Zeus had decreed. "My brother said no, Thanatos," he said after a minute. "You won't even allow me to help your twins?" 

Thanatos retorted. "You heard the prophecy. You know what it means, please, my lord," Thanatos begged, getting down on his knees. 

Hades thought for a minute, and growled, "My sons are capable of taking care of themselves, now, don't you have souls to collect?" Thanatos sighed and looked down. He nodded and left the throne room. 

Still looking at the river, Rein heard something in the forest. He slowly turned around and saw Clyrith. Rein noticed Pluto was nowhere to be seen. Clyrith walked up to him and stopped a foot away. 

Rein shook his head lightly and turned back to the lake. "I don't want to see you, or your brother," Rein said after a moment. He kneeled in front of the water and put his hand in. The water was cold, and he smiled. 

He turned to look at Clyrith, who was frozen. Rein stood up and raised an eyebrow. "Clyrith?" He asked. No response came. "Clyrith?" He repeated. Again, there was no response. 

Rein glanced around quickly and saw a man standing on the other side of the lake. He turned back to Clyrith and waved a hand in the son of Hades' face. For the third time, Rein got no response. He turned back to the man across the lake and shadow-traveled to the other side. 

The man looked at him, and asked, "Son of Hades?" Rein didn't answer. Instead, he was too busy looking the man over. The man had dark brown wavy hair, dark blue eyes, and tanned skin. He was wearing an orange camp shirt, jeans, black Nikes, and a black leather jacket.

Rein shook his head, and said, "I don't see why it matters." The man looked around for a minute, then shrugged. "Now, why did you appear to me?" He asked.

"Because I can, and I wanted to help the son of Thanatos with his quest," The man said with a small smile.

"Why would the son of Thanatos need help?" Rein asked, speaking about himself. Even though the man didn't know his parentage, Rein wasn't going to tell him.

"Because even if you are stubborn, you can't do everything on your own, Thomas," The man said, the small disappearing.He took off his jacket and tossed it over his shoulder. "Even Sorani knew that." The man turned around and started to walk away. Meanwhile, Rein was frozen. 

After a minute or so, the man turned back to him. "But you were too stubborn to listen to him. Look where he ended up." 

Rein finally got his mouth to work. "What are you talking about?" He asked the man. He shuddered lightly and repeated the question when the man did not answer. 

"Sorani is useful to Chaos in different ways," The man said with a creepy grin. "Maybe you'll be alive to help with it." 

“Where's Sorani?" Rein asked, fearing for his teacher. Even if he didn't trust him anymore, he still feared for the best teacher he had ever had.

"If you had trusted him, maybe you would know," The man said after a moment. "My dad was wrong about you. You're not annoying, your actually pretty cool, when you want to be."

"And who is your dad?" Rein found himself asking. Even if his gut told him not to trust the man, he still wanted to know.

"Zeus, Lord of the Sky," The man said with a charming smile. Rein froze as he remembered the gods' words. "I can't wait for you to meet my son," The god had told him. Was this the son he was talking about? Rein sure hoped not. "And I know all about your arguement with him, Rein. Don't worry, you have nothing to fear." 

Rein nodded, and closed his eyes with a sigh. He didn't see the son of Zeus walk closer to him. He didn't feel it when the man picked him up, and threw him into the water. 

After about two minutes, he opened his eyes, and saw the water around him. The son of Zeus was next to him, and smiled at Rein. *What the? Why am I underwater? How am I breathing?* The son of Zeus smiled, and nodded. Rein realized that the son of Zeus was using his powers to keep them both alive right now.