What a Randaloph is e…. 2
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Randaloph is ready to evolve

This something new, another mechanics of the System's operation that I had no idea about. Still, evolution... my wolf was already the leader of the pack now, what will he become.... hold on, if he is became even stronger, then by chance will he outperform me even.... there would be a good chance of that.

However, even if... what can happen... after all, I just can't ignore it until I evolve on my own. I must, I need to exploit every opportunity that comes my way to grow in power....

"Fuck it... let's proceed."

Decision made, I clicked, wolf began to grow.

My one eyed beast began to grow and grow and grow until he had surpassed the white alpha in size by a head, as if his new form would not allow him to be inferior in any way. Next came the bones of its paws which, like those of some abomination, began to segment, thankfully this condition did not last long as the excess limbs disappeared as they merged, they became thicker, larger and generally more massive and majestic. His back like one big cartilage became connected thus eliminating any visible holes, while the skeleton itself all the way from head to tail further enlarged the bony tabs coming out of it. Now they looked like small spears, straight at a considerable distance from each other yet deadly sharp.... the perfect place to sit. The head was also not left untouched, proportionally enlarged but also noticeably slightly extended, while the tusks if they previously resembled knives were now more like a chainsaw, with their size and quantity.... a very large chainsaw. Yet the missing eye continued unhealed, all along there was a big black void in his eye socket.

In general, if I couldn't see in the dark and had to encounter my wolf, I might say without a second thought that he looked like a live one, a little fur here and there and even at high noon no one would find a distinction.... he was almost perfect.

Then the mana ran out.... or more precisely, the wolf stopped drawing it from me, also the System spoke again.

All conditions not met, Evolution interrupted

Ohh come on, System after all it was you who said that he was ready to evolve.... gosh.

The System's message disappeared but nothing happened, I continued to have my big monster.... evolution was irreversible, even for the System.

Still, perhaps it would be appropriate to examine it from the beginning, the message appeared because we defeated the pack.... but why?

It showed up because Randaloph triumphed over the past, won the duel, achieved catharsis or maybe simply due to the fact that the number of undead wolves changed or the fact that there could not be two alphas in the pack so the system had to raise one to a higher state.... so many possible conditions, not that I'm complaining. More fun puzzle solving for me.

Speaking of status I wonder what has changed with my favorite wolf.

Wolf Lord 'Randaloph' (LORD/ELITE)

Wolf lord... lord, next stage... eh, pathetic.

Couldn't someone come up with a better name, I can already see how suffixes like king, emperor, saint will continue.... quite like in some inferior cultivation novel. Although the name does give an idea if there is more to it than that. Still, I had nothing to dwell on it so much, further analysis awaits.

Lord cracked on elite.... I think I knew where it led. There was a chance, a very small a tiny chance that the evolution failed because of me, I guess I was simply too lame. I was an ordinary half lich and not a full fledged one.

Nevertheless, this would confirm my theory regarding the division into undead tiers.... and that would tell me a lot.... a very fucking lot.

While the worst of it all was that I still didn't know how to evolve myself, I fortunately already had some clues but one of the paths to greater power for my army had closed. Randaloph would not get any stronger and more wolves would not create themselves.

Time to move on.


Task accomplished so it was time to collect the reward.

Complete change of direction of travel was slow but nevertheless I was not at all concerned about it at all, I was comfy, as comfy as an undead skeleton could be.

Throughout this entire trip, I rode on Randaloph's back, observing the beautiful landscape of the still ongoing giant forest from which we had no intention of stepping out at all. I felt like I was driving a fast car when the environment changed in a split second, a beautiful muscle car. Simultaneously, the ride was like riding a bull, for the wolf's back was not only conducive to keeping me in place, but at the speed at which we were sometimes moving it would make a normal person go dizzy and vomit, not to mention my very polite wolf who, just to disgust me from riding him, performed numerous ground maneuvers throughout. Not counting the fact that he was constantly braking and accelerating.

But not with me were these kinds of problems, his new bones protruding from back were enough for me to hold on to them.... strength in the grip was the last thing I was going to lack. Besides, my wolf could never have predicted that his pranks were not even close to the roller coaster attractions on earth.... what an experience it was.

It was too late for Randaloph now, the dam had cracked, I had no intention of getting down myself if I didn't have to obviously, the big boy would have to get used to my presence on his shoulders. Especially when he was even bigger now, I had a better view, there was easier support, more speed was prevailing.... what more was I supposed to want. It was just like getting a shiny new vehicle.

I wonder that if I ask politely, will he let me install the saddle on him?

By the way, during this exciting ride I reached some interesting conclusions, wolves are perfect for scouting. Fast, agile, hard to spot, able to defend themselves and retreat when needed.... they were almost perfect for this role. Especially now that there was a strict hierarchy among them, their numbers were sufficient and on top of that, communication was no longer so difficult. The only missing piece to the perfection was that they couldn't speak, although sometimes through emotions and images communication might even be faster than verbal.

Not only that, if I could convince Randaloph to permanently riding him, then the rest of the wolves would also be more inclined to do the same, I already see it.... on the back of every undead animal there would be a skeleton, a real wolf cavalry. If wolf noticed something important then so the skeleton too, communication would be unnecessary, just I would take over the body at a distance and that was it. Ideal.

No need to push my luck... for now.

Randaloph would not agree to it so quickly.... I will need time, however, for now I was in no hurry to go anywhere. Surprisingly everything was going as it should.

It's just a pity that the experiment with summoning an undead horse failed, everything would have been simpler. Anyway, I'll have to play with the cards I have... wolves surprisingly did not count towards the limit and horses would probably would, one more horse means one less skeleton. Something for something.

Less so... nine wolves were enough as a whole to reconnaissance my army, even better, they will probably be enough until my army does not exceed hundreds or even thousands. After all, they won't get tired, and they move faster than in a regular army anyway. What happens after that, I'll worry later.

If scouting was in place already then what was left.... the main part of the army, the metaphorical cannon meat.... shields, a unit for reacting and breaking line.... spears and axes, ranged support.... bows, an elite unit.... captains, Gawain as the notional second in command, I as spell support and mage. It may have been a sapper team that was missing.... however, I will take care of that when it is necessary to besiege some castle.

So in addition to the aforementioned cavalry, the only thing missing was our quantity, quality and quantity, well, and improved command as even I won't be able to handle it at some point.

Well, and to increase the amount mana was needed.

Mana, mana, mana.

Speaking of which, I think I picked the perfect time, another village was ahead. Juicy village full of villagers.

Mana full, the army was almost there and even the location was decent, I guess it's time for some more decent battle, after all, the conditions will not always be in our favor. An attack during daylight would be the perfect trial to test.... and as if something didn't work out....

Everything will go well, it worked then and it will work now too. We had more troops and on top of that better quality ones, and the surprise will continue to be on our side...

It's just a pity that I was not able to exceed the magic number of one hundred undead warriors. According to my calculations, however, I should have been able to, perhaps another hidden condition?

Oh welll...

So I guess it's time to make up for it.... harvest time.