Chapter 62: No Rest for the Wicked
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Kasumi scowled as she perused the images displayed on her laptop screen. Her mouth tightened as she swiped between pictures—images sent from one of her scouts monitoring Axion's recent movements. They showed a picture of Axion fighting off members of Salvatore's Adrenomancer crew in the Rust Market.

Apparently, they fought to a draw—Axion managed to get away while the Adrenomancers licked their wounds. Kasumi bit her lip. She couldn't tell which option enraged her more: Axion getting away or the fact that she managed to go toe-to-toe against five Adrenomancers.


Though Kasumi never fought against one, even she realized how formidable those monstrosities were. She would need to get the jump on one and use her nanowires to immobilize and shred them—but that alone proved challenging.

To face multiple? Impossible.

But somehow Axion managed to pull it off—which meant that she either got lucky...or she possessed powers far more advanced than what she showed when they met at the pharmaceutical building. 

Was that girl holding out on her? It didn't feel like it. What happened to her during the relatively short time since they last fought? Would Kasumi be able to win a rematch?


As much as she hated admitting was likely she'd lose if she tried again—and lose decisively. And that pissed her off to no end. That Axion had the gall to stand above her...above the Neon Vipers...that alone grated her nerves. To Kasumi—it felt like an affront to her pride and authority. The notion that some amateur Super could best her? Disgusting.

It shouldn't be possible...and yet here she was. The proof lay in her image, displayed clearly on the laptop screen. A photo showing Axion taking down Blitz and Raze as if they were fodder.

Kasumi set her laptop onto a nearby couch. She grimaced and closed her eyes. She focused on evening her breath—deep inhales and exhales. One. Two. Three. She released the air through her teeth in a slow hiss. Her scowl lessened ever so slightly.

A small victory. Kasumi preferred not to dwell on things she couldn't control.

What happened—happened. Worrying about the past was useless. Now all she had to do was focus on moving forward—finding solutions to her problems and adapting to overcome new ones. As always. Life went on.

Vaughn tapped her shoulder, interrupting her thoughts. "Cobra?" he called out warily.

Kasumi ignored him, opting to rub her temples. Her stress headache would take more than a few minutes of meditation to quell. Vaughn was known to give the worst advice, and the last thing she needed right now was him rattling her brain with stupid ideas. She also needed a smoke break. Or at least some liquor to calm her nerves.

"Cobra," Vaughn repeated—this time with a hint of urgency.

She shot him a withering glare. "What?" she spat irritably. "I'm trying to relax."

Vaughn backed off, holding his hands up. "My bad. But our lookouts say the Echo Syndicate is snooping around the area again. They're getting closer to the warehouse. This time, they brought more people." He eyed her apprehensively. "If we don't send them packing soon, they'll start poking their heads around and figure out where we hold operations."

Kasumi pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. The Neon Vipers didn't have the manpower or gear to take on the Echo Syndicate head-on. She was too hopeful banking on the lie that Axion was working with them in distributing the Shiver drug. Too confident that she'd get an easy two birds with one stone.

Now Axion had gotten stronger...and she still had to deal with those goons from the Echo Syndicate. A nightmare scenario. Nothing ever came easy in this godforsaken slum.

"Get everyone ready for combat," Kasumi ordered Vaughn. "We'll ambush the first team we find. I don't care how many of them are out there. We'll keep hammering them until they run out of thugs and leave us alone."

Vaughn hesitated for a brief moment before nodding. "On it." He disappeared around a corner. His footsteps grew fainter as he climbed the stairs to inform the others.

Kasumi rose from her chair and dialed Salvatore's number on her phone. She waited a few moments as the line connected with a series of buzzes. On the other side of the line, she heard an audible click and a scratchy voice.

"Kasumi. You caught me in a good mood," Salvatore greeted. "How are you doing on your end?"

Kasumi leaned against the wall and propped herself upright. She adjusted the receiver close to her ear. "One of the major gangs in the slums has been hounding our turf lately. They're out to destroy your production facility. I need you to send backup. Anything will do."

Salvatore remained silent on the other end of the line. Kasumi imagined him stroking his chin—contemplating.

"Well," Salvatore finally responded. "That's problematic. Are they a particularly bothersome lot?"

"You can say that," Kasumi replied. She drummed her fingers against the concrete wall. "The Echo Syndicate. I've tangled with them twice now...they're a persistent bunch." She exhaled slowly through her lips. "I don't have enough men to handle them if they really decide to escalate things...not without serious losses on our part."

Salvatore hummed thoughtfully. "I'm sure you're aware...I prefer not to use my full strength for...such matters..." he began slowly. "It would be unwise to tip my hand before everything is ready."

"I am," Kasumi interrupted impatiently. "That's why I'm calling for a favor here. If you don't help me out...I won't be able to protect your investment. Once they find it, your production facility's doomed." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. Her headache still throbbed. "Just send...a small group or something. Those five Adrenomancers who tried to kidnap Axion should be more than enough to make those idiots back off—"

"Two of them had already been killed in action," Salvatore informed her dispassionately. "Mirage is currently preoccupied. But I can send Havoc and Voltaire over. Would that suffice?"

What? Two of them were killed? By who? 

Kasumi blinked. She kept her tone neutral. "I suppose. What happened to Blitz and Raze?"

"Those two...proved to be disappointing investments. Let's just say I got what I paid for...but the result was less than ideal," Salvatore answered casually.

Kasumi bit her tongue. This man...his lackadaisical attitude regarding casualties was disconcerting.

More importantly, did Axion kill them? Doubtful. She didn't strike Kasumi as that type. No...someone else had to be involved. What other factor could she be missing? She chewed the inside of her lip in thought.

Kasumi finally nodded. "Yeah—yeah...they should be enough." She slid the laptop shut and cradled the receiver between her neck and shoulder. "Tell them to come quick."

Salvatore paused momentarily on the other line. "Ah...before that—Kasumi." He hesitated, as if collecting his thoughts. "Do you plan on making good on our arrangement? About you working under me after everything is said and done?" he asked. His tone was friendly and congenial—the sort of voice one used when striking a business deal with an old friend.

The question threw Kasumi off for a second. She scrunched her face. "Not interested," she snapped dismissively. "I told you. This was a one-time partnership."

"Ah...that's too bad," Salvatore continued airily. "Very well, then. We'll go our separate ways once we've finished dealing with this last issue. As per your request...I will send Voltaire and Havoc your way immediately." A faint beep sounded as the line went dead.

Kasumi slammed the receiver down with more force than necessary. Her eyes narrowed as she scowled at nothing in particular.

What a slimy man. His attitude...annoyed her. Everything about him grated on her nerves. She couldn't wait for all of this to end and cut ties with him forever.

Still...this arrangement served its purpose. She got paid enough capital to fix her problem and bolster her gang.

Right now, taking care of the Echo Syndicate was her main concern. Afterwards...she would worry about the future. 

She climbed up the staircase toward the warehouse's rooftop exit. She needed a smoke before their ambush began. Her headache hadn't gotten any better.

Kasumi observed through binoculars as the Echo Syndicate thugs spread out into groups to scour the alleyways below. Most of them sported bats, knives, and tire irons—some even carried pistols and shotguns. She scanned the rooftops nearby for their snipers—only to find none.

Excellent. Less danger for her men to deal with. Still, she knew they weren't stupid. The only reason why she caught them off guard last time was because she got lucky with the layout. This wouldn't be as easy.

She frowned in annoyance. At least Havoc and Voltaire would make short work of these fools. That made things less complicated for her and the Neon Vipers. Her eyes flickered over to Havoc, who crouched next to her. He wore a scowl that made it look like he bit into something bitter and sour.

Probably didn't take the news very well that two of his colleagues got killed. That suited Kasumi just fine—she preferred angry people during combat—their wrath and aggression made them dangerous opponents to fight.

Voltaire stood near the edge of the building opposite hers. Unlike Havoc, he maintained a neutral expression and merely waited for instructions. No fuss whatsoever. And while that didn't impress her...she appreciated his professionalism.

The rest of her Neon Viper crew, including Vaughn, spread across the rooftops around her. All of them stayed low and away from the edge of the buildings' ledges. Some carried pipe rifles with suppressors while others opted to stay armed with melee weapons. Others had set up various traps and makeshift barricades consisting of spikes or dummies laced with explosives.

It wasn't the best group she could assemble...but beggars couldn't be choosers. These were the only able-bodied thugs she had available on such short notice. Even if some were a little green...they'd do. She needed everyone here for this ambush. The Echo Syndicate was bound to come prepared this time—and she couldn't afford to have them sniffing around any longer.

"Alright," Kasumi commanded the rest of the gangsters surrounding her. "The Echo Syndicate is onto us—onto Salvatore's investment. They'll try to destroy what they think is ours. We won't let them." She flashed her crew a confident smirk. "This isn't a negotiation. Shoot until you see blood or they run screaming. Stay in position until I give the signal to move out. Got it?"

A chorus of nods and acknowledgments rippled throughout the ranks. They kept their voices low. Everyone carried grim expressions as they checked their gear. One thing Kasumi was grateful for about these goons...was their loyalty and respect for her. As much as they joked around with her outside of battle...when they operated as a team...they understood how things worked. It made her job easier when she didn't need to worry about their competence.

Her eyes flitted over to the two Adrenomancers waiting nearby.

"You two." Kasumi gestured toward Havoc and Voltaire. "Make sure the Echo Syndicate don't escape once we start this fight. Make as big of an example out of them as you can. There should be ten teams scouting this area." Her gaze hardened. "No survivors."

Voltaire dipped his head in acquiescence. He appeared disinterested with his assignment—though his lackluster response didn't bother Kasumi in the slightest. His apathy meant he was obedient to a fault. Someone she could work with. A perfect yes-man.

Havoc rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. He glanced at Voltaire briefly before locking eyes with her. "Fine," Havoc spat in annoyance. "Just don't get in my way—or whine like a bitch when I start breaking shit. I got a bone to pick with 'em anyways since their asshat leaders turned down Salvatore's offer." He cracked his knuckles menacingly. "That means I can tear through their ranks however I want."

Kasumi merely nodded. That suited her just fine. 

"Let's make this quick," she ordered. "Everyone...get ready."

She flexed her fingers as the nanowires inside the dispensers on her gloves twitched. The material's mechanisms activated—expanding to the tips of her fingers with a barely audible mechanical whir. The sensation reminded her of phantom limbs—except instead of flesh and bone, it was metallic threads.

Kasumi watched with cold, unfeeling eyes as the Echo Syndicate gang ventured into their ambush point.

Time to slaughter.