Chapter 10.
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As the sun set behind the horizon, the moon emerged. A thieving specter sneaking in to claim its rightful place, stealing away the light of the sun and casting a sheen of silver and illuminating the land below, highlighting every tree and blade of grass with an otherworldly glow. Its washed over everything in a hauntingly beautiful light as the shadows of the trees danced in its ethereal light.

The crisp scent of pine and earth mingled in the air, carried by the cool breeze that rustled through the trees. A hint of moisture hung in the air, signaling the possibility of rain.

The world was hushed and still, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what the night would bring. The world was transformed under the moon's watchful gaze, a dreamlike landscape bathed in silver and mystery. It was a moment to savor, to lose oneself in the enchantment of the night.

Back in the camp, fires crackled merrily and sent up plumes of smoke, the orange flames casting flickering shadows on the surrounding area. The air was filled with laughter and conversation as dwarves and knights gathered around the campfires, enjoying each other's company as they warmed themselves against the chilly evening.

Amidst the warm glow of the firelight, groups of friends engaged in lively games of dice, their boisterous cheers and jeers adding to the festive atmosphere. Others shared tales of their bravery and adventures during the recent battles, their voices growing louder with each retelling.

But amidst the merriment, there were also quiet moments. Some sat in peaceful solitude, content to watch the embers fade into ash as they reflected on their journey thus far.

In this moment, they were more than just comrades-in-arms; they were a family. As they shared food and drink like a family would, it was clear that they had formed a bond that went beyond mere friendship – it was a brotherhood forged through the battles and shared experiences. And in this place, surrounded by flickering firelight and familiar laughter, they were united by a common purpose and a shared sense of belonging.

At the same time, in the command tent, Reinhold, Gawain and Alathorn huddle around a round table with furrowed brows and tense shoulders. Each of their minds racing with the weight of responsibility resting on their shoulders.

"And what about the north? What's the situation there?" Reinhold's eyes narrow, his hands clenching into fists.

"Our latest reports show that Wolfenstein has mobilized additional legions to the border with the Whispering Forest, Your Majesty. The spiders in the forest have been growing bolder with each passing day, crossing its borders more frequently than ever before. In response, the lord of Dragonspire has ordered increased patrols along the forest's border as well." Alathorn report while looking at those reports on the table.

"Our soldiers must not neglect their duties either. If those spiders are bold enough to attack one of the cities in our realm, we must respond swiftly to minimize the devastation. And if Wolfenstein ever calls for aid, i must be the first ones to know and we must answer immediately." Reinhold issued the command with a sense of urgency.

"As for the elves in the forest, the resistance seems to be very weak, Your Majesty. The settlements or magic towers around the forest are under constant siege by swarms of spiders. And yet, City of Lylaththeas remains silent, offering no aid or support to it suffering people, leaving them to fend for themselves against this relentless onslaught." Alathorn added with a bit of nervous in his voice.

"That elvish Queen is a fool. She has allowed herself to be blinded and manipulated by her lust for power. Her selfish actions will be her undoing. I have warned you before about the threat that she poses to our kingdom, but it seems like she is not interested in listening." Gawain spoke with venom dripping from every word.

"She is not our main focus right now, Gawain. We must deal with our immediate threat. If those creatures continue their invasion into our lands, it may soon be too late to save anything. We cannot let the darkness swallow up all that is good and pure in this world."

"You are correct, Alathorn. However, we must never underestimated our enemies. Something is off with Lylaththeas and its ruler, Queen Eliyen Farfaren." Reinhold said in a low tone, his eyes darkening at the thought, "We can only hope that she don't share the same fate as Thoran, King of Threhbor. Our complacency towards the enemy in the dark may have already led to too many losses that we might not even know yet."

He then turned his gaze towards the large map spread out in front of him, his eyes tracing over the various locations and symbols painted in red ink, indicating the location of the spider infestations that plagued the land and his kingdom.

A heavy silence fell upon the men as they absorbed the gravity of Reinhold's words, each one lost in thought about what the future held.

The king's voice broke through the silence once more as he continued.

"We need to send a raven to Dragonspire. They must increase the security in the northern border of our kingdom. Those spiders must be driven back at all cost."

"At once, Your Majesty." Alathorn replied without hesitation.

"Good. Let get some rest now. We will advance to the citadel in the morning." Reinhold declared as he got up and retired to his chambers.

The king's tent was a sight to behold, sparkling with opulence and grandeur. Gold-threaded fabrics adorned every surface, from the intricately woven rugs to the plush floor cushions. Furs of various beasts were draped over the furniture, adding both warmth and luxury to the space.

In one corner sat a large bed, its silk sheets and velvet pillows beckoning for rest and repose. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of books, maps, and scrolls, providing easy access to knowledge and strategy planning for the king.

But despite all this splendor, a heavy feeling weighed on the king's heart. Unable to shake it off, he decided to take a walk around the bustling camp. As he strolled through the rows of tents and equipment, he caught sight of Thorin lying on a lush green hill, his gaze fixed sadly on the sky above. Without a word, Reinhold joined him.

Reinhold and Thorin lay on the green endless grass as they bath in moonlight, gazing up the starry night sky. The night sky was dotted with countless twinkling stars, their shimmer adding to the enchanting atmosphere surrounding them. It was as if they had appeared especially to provide a backdrop to the full moon's majestic presence.

"Gorgeous, innit?" Thorin breathed out in awe as he stared up at the vast expanse of the night sky. His voice was hushed and almost reverent, as if he was speaking to a higher power that only he could see or hear.

"Yeah." The word slipped past Reinholds' lips without thought. He couldn't help but be drawn into his mesmerized state, his own gaze fixed on the sparkling lights above, mesmerized by their beauty, their mystery.

His mind wandered, wondering about the secrets hidden among the depths of the stars, how long it would take to unravel them all. The twinkling constellations seemed to hold endless stories and meanings, passed down from their ancestors.

On other hand, the dwarf's face was illuminated by the moonlight. His beard was thick, with a few gray strands. His eyes shone bright blue in the night. His skin looked pale and worn, but it still held its youthfulness underneath. Lost in thought, the dwarf let his eyes flutter closed and took in deep breaths, savoring the cool breeze caressing him.

"Do you ever wonder about the stars and their secrets? They tell the stories of our forefathers, the ones who came before us. Their secrets are written in the stars, if only we know how to read them." Thorin inquired.

"Sometimes. The stars hold the secret to the deepest depths of this land and bearing witness to its beginnings." It was easy to forget the power and mystery of the stars when living in the bustling city but out here, in the countryside, with no lights to hide them, they seemed more ancient and powerful than ever.

Thorin let out a soft chuckle, his deep voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. He tilted his head back and gazed up at the clear night sky, dotted with countless stars.

"I used to spend hours staring at these very stars when I was a wee little boy," he said, a fond smile playing on his lips. "My grandfather told me that each of the stars were actually tiny lanterns lighting the way for lost children, guiding them home safely to their loved ones waiting for them."

His gaze shifted from star to star, as if searching for something,

"It always brought me comfort, knowing that even in the vastness of the world, there was someone watching over us." A tinge of sadness colored his tone as he spoke, remembering those long gone days of innocence and wonder.

"As the last living descendant of the once-great Drurin house in Threhbor, I felt the weight of their legacy on my shoulders. But as I looked at my trembling hands, I couldn't help but feel like a failure. My failure has led to this fate, and I am left to bear the weight of it all on my own. I cannot escape this burden, for it is my own doing, yet I could barely keep myself together. Was it all for nothing?" The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them as the weight of responsibility crushing him.

A moment of silence passed between the two before Reinhold reached out to touch the dwarf's shoulder gently.

"Forgive yourself," Reinhold's voice rang out strongly but softly, pleading with Thorin to release the weight of his guilt.

"I canna."

His shoulders shook with sobs as he struggled against the memories that threatened to overwhelm him.

"I canna, for I am such a disgrace." he choked out, his words hoarse and broken

"You are not a disgrace. No one is." Reinhold's heart shattered at the sight of his friend's anguish.

The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning as Thorin processed their impact. He turned to stare at Reinhold, his piercing eyes meeting the king's.

"Then, I'm a fool. A fool who fell prey to his own weaknesses. My father had pleaded for my help, but my fear had won over and I was too scared to face the enemy. Instead, I hid in that chamber, feeling like a coward and letting my father fight alone." He spat the words bitterly, the bitterness in his voice unmistakable as he continued to glare at the ground.

"No matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise, my mind always returns to that moment, the image of my father haunting my sleep. It was my fault. He died protecting the kingdom, because I was too weak to protect it with him. If you hadn't come, I'd probably still be cowering in fear and lock myself in that chamber." His voice cracked, the raw emotion in them making Reinhold's heart skip a beat.

The dwarf's eyes glistened with unshed tears. He blinked rapidly to clear them away before turning to meet the king's gaze once more.

"Realizing that you are weak is the first step to becoming stronger. One must not let that weakness overcome them, but rather utilize it as a driving force to surpass their perceived limitations. You will grow from that weakness. And when you do,"

Reinhold stands up with a sense of authority and gazes down at his friend. "Look back, and you will see your reflection."

"How?" Thorin whispered hoarsely, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"You must master your mind first, my dear Thorin. A negative mind breeds a negative existence; remember that. We all fear mistakes and question of our past, but our job is not to succumb to the despair and emptiness of it, but to use it as fuel to overcome and conquer it." Reinhold spoke with conviction, his words carrying weight and wisdom.

"Your true strength resides within your heart. It may be buried deep, but it is there, waiting to be discovered."

Thorin's eyes were wide open as he took in every word, hanging onto them as if his very life depended on the next sentence that would come.

"You may be afraid to face your fears, but they will always follow you, whether you like it or not. We suffer more in our thoughts than we do in reality. Embrace it, Thorin, for you cannot change the past nor forget it." Reinhold's voice grew deeper with each word he enunciated, causing his words to reverberate through the air, leaving a lasting mark on Thorin's soul.

The dwarf nodded solemnly, his gaze never straying from Reinhold as he absorbed every word.

"I will." He vowed silently to himself as he straightened his back and lifted his head high. He would no longer cower in the dark, but embrace the light. He would learn to face his demons and overcome them. He was determined to become strong enough to protect his people and prove himself worthy of his fate.

"Good, now rise Thorin, son of Thoran, last in line of the Drurin, King of Threhbor, and claim your rightful place among your people."