Chapter 49: Finding a Map
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Yuuki sat behind his desk, engrossed in the paperwork that seemed to multiply each day. The soft glow from the desk lamp illuminated the room.


“Those blackout curtains were a good idea,” Yuuki mutters to himself as his heavy eyes close and his body slumps forward ever so slightly. Could you blame the guy? It 7:08 am he was pulling an all-nighter and a little bit of a nap couldn’t be too bad… After all no one would know. 


The door to his office burst open abruptly, and a frantic secretary rushed in, her face flushed and eyes wide with alarm. That loud bang immediately stirred the tired Grandmaster of the Freedom Association awake. 


“Grand Master Yuuki!" she gasped, trying to catch her breath. "There's an urgent situation.” 


“What is it?” Yuki asks standing up both his hands on his desk.


“At the main desk, hurry.” The panicked receptionist says


Yuki was already out the door the second he had gotten the location.



Nekra stood confidently at the main desk, her presence commanding immediate attention from everyone in the vicinity. The room was buzzing with whispers and hushed conversations, as guild members exchanged surprised glances at the sight of the legendary S-rank standing before them.


The guild's main hall, usually a place of bustling activity and camaraderie, fell into a palpable silence as Nekra stood at the desk waiting for the receptionist who took her adventurer's card to come back. She ran off rather quickly so it shouldn’t take her too long to get back. 


As Nekra waited, a voice echoed from a stairway that led upstairs. "Oh my god, you're actually real?"


A young adventurer descended the stairs, his eyes wide with awe as he stared at Nekra. His voice had caught the attention of others in the hall, and soon all eyes were him looking between him and Nekra… 


"I thought you were just a myth, a story told to inspire us," the young adventurer continued, taking a few hesitant steps closer. His excitement was palpable, and it was clear that meeting Nekra was a dream come true for him. Or was it some other emotion besides excitement?


Nekra glanced towards the staircase, her expression unreadable as she observed the young man's enthusiasm. She had grown to hate such reactions over the years, but it still amused her to see the awe and disbelief in the eyes of those who had only heard tales of her exploits.

Nekra nodded in acknowledgment, her attention returning to the main desk as she prepared to follow the receptionist. The room was still buzzing with excitement, but now there was an added sense of anticipation as everyone wondered what business the legendary S-rank had with the grandmaster.


"Well, I'm glad I can inspire others," Nekra responded with a wry smile, her eyes scanning the room. Seeing that the receptionist had made her way back, "Although, where is the guild master?" 


Unbeknownst to her, the young adventurer she had just spoken to was none other than the Grandmaster himself, Yuuki. The young appearance of the guild master often led to such misunderstandings, much to his annoyance. Yet he had to be nice here, after all, he couldn’t anger the one and only S rank. The humanoid monster in front of him somehow survived her clash with Milim Nava over 80 years ago. 


Yuuki smiled warmly at Nekra and the receptionist this was not the best place to have this conversation however his safety was guaranteed in the bustling lobby. Standing tall, he addressed Nekra with a welcoming gesture. "Ah, Nekra, welcome to the Freedom Association. I'm Yuuki, the GrandMaster here."


Nekra's eyes widened slightly, her surprise evident but quickly replaced by a respectful nod. "Ah, Guild Master Yuuki. It's a pleasure to meet you… You must be strong to be in such positon in such a young age."


“I’m 23!” Yuuki shouts


Nekra is taken aback, “No, thats too young nya. Do you perchance mean one hundred and twenty-three? Some humans are surprisingly long-lived.” Nekra states 


Yuuki does his best to keep his calm, he might be one of the strongest however fighting against a being who at this point he is 80% sure is a demigod would not end well for anyone especially the city they are in. 


“So, what brings you here?” Yuuki asks 


“I need a map of the continent and an update to map of the easter empire nya?” Nekra states

Yuuki maintained his composed demeanor, reminding himself of the stakes as he engaged with Nekra. He leaned slightly against the nearby table, feigning casualness while internally calculating how best to handle the situation.


"Ah, maps of the continent and the Eastern Empire. Those are certainly doable requests," Yuuki replied, keeping his tone neutral and professional. "We have an extensive collection of maps and geographical data. I can have someone fetch them for you right away."


Nekra's feline features seemed to light up at the prospect, her tail flicking with anticipation. "That would be great, thank you."


Yuuki signaled to one of the nearby assistants, instructing them to retrieve the requested maps. As the assistant scurried off, Yuuki maintained his focus on Nekra. "While we're waiting for the maps, is there anything else you'd like to know or any other assistance you require?"


“Nyo that would be it, however if you have any investments in that country… You dont want them.” Nekra states with a smile 


“Go get her the maps.” Yuuki says seriously while looking at the receptionist


Said girl lets out a panicked squeak before nodding and running off. 


“Thank’s nya.” Nekra states