Chapter 33 – Three Deadly Sin Imps
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I returned to Nazrat and the other Imps talking in Impan. The Human Imps broke away to speak in Falaran with each other, but when they saw me, they went silent and joined the rest in the back. Amon was studying the Falaran text translated by Nazrat on the floor. He uses the arrow on his tail to mimic the letters of the Human language. Amon must have the ancestor's Wisdom like Nazrat, who is quick to learn. Since Amon said he has the Glutton Sin, I used the interface to study his details while he was not paying attention to me.

"Interface, open Details of Amon," I whispered in English.

[Name: Amon
Race: Imp Mage Caste (Non-Human)
Title: The Imp Who Studied the Art of Spellcrafter, The Shape Shifter Imp, The Imp Who Will Destroy the Dharman Kingdom
Class: Blood Mage - Bloodmancy (Combat Class), Druid Shape Shifter (Combat class)
Rank: Clay
EXP Bar: Lv 10 500/500 => (Clear conditions to Rank Up or Evolve)
Skills: Blood Sucker Fang (Clay), Blood Blade (Clay), Blood Whip (Clay), Blood Eye (Clay), Blood Sense (Clay), Blood and Flesh Regeneration (Clay), Druid - Animal Shape Shifter (Clay), Gluttony (Clay), Ancestor's Wisdom (Clay), Bloodmancy Spell Scroll Creator (Clay)
Language Skills: Impan]

[Amon has unlocked the following Evolution Tree Paths:

Gluttony Sin Tree (Unlocked by gaining the skill Gluttony)

Warning! Those who awakened 'Gluttony' cannot pursue Rank Up or any other evolution tree due to the 'Sin Restriction' system. Losing the Gluttony skill will remove this restriction.

Gluttony - Zen Elemental Mage Imp (Stone):
Consume 10 Human Mages with different elemental affinities to gain them.
Fire Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Earth Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Water Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Wind Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Metal Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Shadow Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Ice Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Blood Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Lightning Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)
Holy Elemental Mages - Clay Rank (0/1)

Gluttony - Druid - Monster Shape Shifter Imp (Stone):
Consume 10 Clay Rank Monsters of different species to shapeshift into them.
Monster species consumed (0/10)

Gluttony - Skill Collector Imp (Stone):
Obtain different skills by consuming Humans and Non-Humans.
Skills gained from consuming Humans (0/5)
Skills gained from consuming Non-Humans (1/5)

Gluttony - Chimera Imp (Stone) - Clear the conditions for Zen Elemental Mage Imp, Monster Shape Shifter Imp, Skill Collector Imp]

[Glutton (Clay):
Your hunger goes beyond food. It craves your opponent's abilities, unlocking the Sin-Glutton Evolution tree. You can consume blood, flesh, organs, and bone at Clay Rank without chewing, gaining weight, or feeling full. You will lose this skill if your hunger is satiated]

I stand in silence, trying to process the incredible titles and the Druid abilities this Blood Mage Imp has. But the evolution tree was what made me re-read it several times.

Amon can gain all the elemental affinities? Won't that make him an overpowered Mage? I guess the Deadly Sin Imps are like living Cheat Codes. Why would his previous owner sell him without even trying to meet the conditions of his evolution tree?

I asked Nazrat to question Amon about how he ended up here and how he acquired Druid's abilities. After the two had a lengthy conversation, I got a surprising answer.

Amon was born to a Mage Cast Female Imp, an old Human Mage tamed in the Dharman Kingdom, North of Arya. The old man recognized Amon's studious nature and taught him the art of Spellcrafting in the Impan language, hoping he could create his own Bloodmancy Spell Scroll. However, Amon went beyond and created new Blood spells with the help of his ancestors' wisdom, which made him famous and caught the attention of the King's Court. Unfortunately, one of their Mages possessed a book with a Spell Tome that could control time. They used it to see Amon's future and found he would destroy the Dharman Kingdom. So the King ordered Amon's execution with his master, but the old man sacrificed himself to help Amon escape the Palace. Amon managed to board a riverboat sailing south, hiding in the cargo hold for days and surviving on rats and bugs.

Eventually, he had to hunt larger prey, so he sneaked into the Cook's quarters, where they kept livestock like goats, chickens, and pigs for fresh meat during the voyage. However, a Druid Shape Shifter pretended to be one of those pigs to hitch a ride. The Druid shapeshifted into a wolf and tried to kill Amon, but Amon managed to defeat him by draining all the blood from his body. The Druid was a Non-Human, so Amon gained his class and one skill to transform him into an animal. But the fight caught the attention of the Cook and the rest of the sailors, who locked Amon in a cellar and starved him to weaken him since he almost killed them all when they tried to capture him.

After several days, he was in a state of despair and dreamed of eating all the Humans aboard the ship and gaining their skills and memories. That was when his Gluttony Sin awakened. The ship's captain sold him to a creature Trader in Rodwin, and the man happened to be Redrock, who had heard of the Imp who could shapeshift into Animals. It has been a week since Amon left this warehouse to wait for a suitable customer to buy him from Redrock.

"Why didn't Redrock teach you the Falaran language?" I asked, and Nazrat relayed the question in Impan.

"Amon's greatest pleasure was learning the 'Art of the Spellcaster' on his own. So he resisted Redrock's attempts to teach him a language the easy way." Nazrat explained.

"Oh? Will he accept a translation book?" I asked, and Amon nodded after Nazrat relayed it.

"Great! I will buy Impan-Falaran from Whiterock if he has one." I reply.

"No, I will teach him! High-Chief should focus on helping him Rank Up!" Nazrat reminded.

"All right! But has he chosen a path, or is he leaving it up to me?" I ask and wait for the translation.

"He wants to take the path that includes all the options," said Nazrat.

"A true Glutton. Where are the other two Sin Imps?" I ask Nazrat.

"They are still with other Non-Believers. I tried my best, but they want to talk to you first." Nazrat said as he pointed to where they both were in the warehouse.

"They speak Falaran?" I ask.

"Yes, Redrock taught them the language but told them not to speak it unless you pick them," Nazrat explained.

"Oh! It was supposed to be a test to see if I could know their potential." I reply. "By the way, what are the rest of the Imps?" I add.

"Out of the 77 I picked. There are 6 Miner Caste, 4 Builder Caste, 30 Warrior Caste, 15 Priest Caste, 12 Smith Caste and 10 Hunter Caste Imps." Nazrat reported.

"Any of them have something special?" I ask.

"There is a Hunter Caste Imp gifted in Archery and a Smith Caste Imp who can turn Gemstones into Rune Stones to enhance the weapons and armor he makes," Nazrat explained.

"I think it would be interesting to have a Rune Smith, but for now, I am going to focus on the other two Sin Imps and make them serve me," I declared before walking over to the other side of the warehouse. While they were trying to hide among the other Imps, I noticed that their bodies were different than the rest. One of them had the body of an adult male orangutan with orange hair, while the other was a Mandrill with white fur. However, both of them had the horns, tails, ears, and eyes of Imps. I used the interface to examine their details and discovered that the Mandrill had the Greed Sin, and the Orangutan had the Wrath Sin. Their status windows were hovering before me, and I took my time reading them.

[Name: Yolo
Race: Imp Tamer Caste (Non-Human)
Title: None
Class: Tamer (Combat Class), Card Summoner (Combat Class)
Rank: Clay
EXP Bar: Lv 10 500/500 => (Clear conditions to Rank Up or Evolve)
Skills: Tame Elemental Beasts (Clay), Tame Monsters (Clay), Tame Soul Forged Equipments (Clay), Greed (Clay), Ancestor's Wisdom (Clay)
Language Skills: Impan, Falaran]

[Yolo has unlocked the following Evolution Tree Paths:

Greed Sin Tree (Unlocked by gaining the skill Greed)

Warning! Those who awakened 'Greed' cannot pursue Rank Up or any other evolution tree due to the 'Sin Restriction' system. Losing the Greed skill will remove this restriction.

Greed - Elemental Beast Card Summoner Imp (Stone):
Tame 10 Elemental Beasts of Clay Rank with different elemental affinities that belong to enemy Tamers or Summoners. With a 50% Chance of success when they are in perfect health. There is a 100% chance that their health is below 50% of total HP. The beasts will be trapped inside a card bound to your Soul. If it is summoned and killed, it can be resummoned in 10 Hours. The Elemental Beasts within the cards will automatically Rank Up with the Summoner.
Fire Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Earth Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Water Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Wind Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Metal Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Shadow Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Ice Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Blood Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Lightning Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)
Holy Elemental Beast Card - Clay Rank (0/1)

Greed - Monster Card Summoner Imp (Stone):
Tame 10 Clay Rank Monsters of different species that belong to enemy Monster Tamers or Summoners. With a 50% Chance of success when they are in perfect health. A 100% percent chance when they are health is below 50% of their total HP. The Monsters will be trapped inside a card bound to your Soul. If they get summoned and killed, they can be resummoned in 10 Hours. The Monsters within the cards will automatically Rank Up with the Summoner.
Monster Cards collected (0/10)

Greed - Equipment Card Summoner Imp (Stone) :
Tame the souls residing within the enemy's soul-forged equipment. With a 50% Chance of success when they are in perfect condition. 100% percent chance when they are damaged or destroyed. They will be stored in cards and bound to your Soul. If you summon the equipment and it gets damaged or destroyed, it will be restored to perfect condition in 10 hours. The equipment will automatically Rank Up with the Summoner.
Soul Forged Equipment Cards collected (0/10)

Greed - Fusion Card Summoner Imp (Stone) :
Clear the conditions for Greed - Elemental Beast Card Summoner Imp, Greed - Monster Card Summoner Imp, Greed - Soul Forged Equipment Card Summoner Imp]

[Greed (Clay):
Your selfish desire to possess creatures and equipment that belong to your enemies has unlocked the Sin-Greed Evolution tree. At Clay Rank, you can store Elemental Beasts, Monsters and Soul Forged Equipment into Cards once you steal them from your enemies. You will lose this skill if you lose your desire to possess what belongs to others]

[Name: Forge
Race: Imp Warrior Caste (Non-Human)
Title: None
Class: Barbarian (Combat Class)
Rank: Clay
EXP Bar: Lv 10 500/500 => (Clear conditions to Rank Up or Evolve)
Skills: Enhanced Senses (Clay), Feral Fang (Clay), Arm Thrust (Clay), Acrobatics (Clay), Chest Drumbeat (Clay), Thick Skin (Clay), Roar (Clay), Wrath (Clay), Ancestor's Wisdom (Clay)
Language Skills: Impan, Falaran]

[Forge has unlocked the following Evolution Tree Paths:

Wrath Sin Tree (Unlocked by gaining the Wrath skill)

Warning! Those who awakened 'Wrath' cannot pursue Rank Up or any other evolution tree due to the 'Sin Restriction' system. Losing the Wrath skill will remove this restriction.

Wrath - Grudge Imp (Stone):
Kill 10 enemies of Clay Rank who tried to kill you without provocation. Stats will double when fighting those enemies until they are killed or flee from you.
Clay Rank Enemies killed during Grudge state (0/10)

Wrath - Berserker Imp (Stone):
Kill 10 creatures of Clay rank who have brought your health down below 10%. Stats will double when fighting in this condition. The stats will return to normal if your health is restored above 10%.
Clay Rank Enemies killed during Berserk state (0/10)

Wrath - Monster Slayer Imp (Stone):
Kill 10 Monsters of Stone Rank or above who try to eat you. Stats will double when fighting those monsters.
Enemies killed during Monster Slayer state (0/10)

Wrath - Revenger Imp (Stone) :
Clear the conditions for Wrath - Grudge Imp, Wrath - Berserker Imp, Wrath - Monster Slayer Imp]

[Wrath (Clay):
Your strong vengeful hatred and resentment towards your enemies who have tried to kill or eat you have unlocked the Sin-Wrath Evolution tree. At Clay Rank, all your stats double temporarily when certain conditions are met. You will lose this skill if you let go of your wrath towards your enemies]