Cycle 1190
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Cycle 1190


Well, now that we’ve gotten our ‘urges’ under control I thought it would be prudent to have a sit down with Ellie and uh, work out some kind of schedule or framework for how to handle things in the future.


Ellie laughed, “You want to make a schedule for our fucking?” but I’m deadly serious! We let so much of the ship break down because all we did for ten days straight was make love and sleep, with only occasional breaks for food and other bodily needs. One of us needs to be the responsible adult, and loathe as I am to step into that role, I do not think dear Ellie is up to the task of reigning in both of our rampaging libidos.


But Goddesses above, the sad puppy-dog look she gave me nearly broke my resolve. Good effort, Ellie, but unless you can teach the ship to fly and repair itself, we desperately need this.


We came up with the following rubric together:


  • No fucking in rooms with sensitive equipment. 

So, the medical bay, reactor control room, cryogenics room, and flight deck are all off-limits. Ellie seemed mostly okay with this, the idea of doing anything intimate in those first three rooms kinda unnerves us both.


  • No fucking when important/often-used systems need repairing.

No more leaving doors stuck, water purification rig clogged, washing machines jammed. Ellie frowned, but I just reminded her that so long as we stay on top of everything, this shouldn’t be an issue.


  • No fucking before breakfast.

This is just for personal health. Besides, as I’ve discovered, sex on an empty stomach just isn’t all that great, you want to have a good amount of energy or it’ll just feel disappointing.


  • No masturbating while Elster is conducting repairs or spending time in her recalibration pod.

A concession offered to Ellie, since she’s the one who does most of the mechanical work aboard the ship. I want this to feel fair for her as it does for me.


Anyway, with that out of the way, hopefully, we’ll both be on our way to conducting safe, responsible, Goddess-fearing intercourse.


Yeah, I couldn’t even write that with a straight face. Still, I can’t say we didn’t try!


Now, I wonder if Ellie feels as in the mood as I do right now.