Chapter 11 No Breaks For Perfection
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As Sasori made his way toward the beach, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The crashing of the waves against the shore and the salty scent of the sea air helped to clear his mind, providing a welcome respite from the chaos of battle he was so used to.

Finding a secluded spot along the shore, Sasori settled himself on the soft sand and pulled out two scrolls he preast his hand against the scroll sanding his chakra into it making a small long wooden table with a brush and an ink bottle and the weapons of his puppet pop out.

"The beach is the perfect background sound for work," Sasori said to himself as he began to brew several seals on the weapons.

Sasori relished the peaceful atmosphere of the beach as he set up his impromptu workspace. With the rhythmic sound of the waves as his backdrop, he focused on his task, his hands moving deftly as he inscribed intricate seals onto the weapons of his puppet.

The soft sand beneath him provided a comfortable seat as he worked, and the cool breeze of the ocean carried away the heat of the day, leaving him feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

As he meticulously brewed the seals, Sasori allowed himself to get lost in the flow of his work, the repetitive motions calming his mind and sharpening his focus. Each stroke of the brush felt like a meditation, bringing him closer to the state of clarity he sought wen it was broken by a voice.

"What are you doing?" A young boy of fair skin and short stature with a lean muscular build along with long, straight hair of a black color that fades to pale turquoise as it approaches his waist he is eating an ice cream.

Sasori looked up from his work, momentarily startled by the unexpected interruption. He studied the young boy before him, noting his distinctive features and the vibrant colors of his hair. Despite the interruption, Sasori couldn't help but admire the boy's curiosity and boldness in approaching him.

"I'm working on some seals for my weapons," Sasori replied, his tone calm but guarded. He wasn't accustomed to strangers interrupting him during his tasks, especially ones as delicate as this.

The boy's eyes widened with interest as he took in Sasori's words, his ice cream momentarily forgotten as he leaned in closer to get a better look at the intricate designs on the weapons.

"Seals, huh? Can I watch?" the boy asked curiosity in his words.

Sasori hesitated for a moment, weighing the potential risks of allowing a stranger to observe his work.

"No Sasori said but the boy ignored it and sat next to him.

Sasori's annoyance simmered beneath the surface as the boy disregarded his initial refusal and settled down beside him anyway. He gritted his teeth, the interruption disrupting his focus once more.

"Did you not hear what I said?" Sasori repeated, his tone tinged with annoyance. 

"Are you a Demon slayer?" The boy asked. The question caught Sasori off guard "Who's asking?" Sasori asked "My name is Muichiro Tokito the Mist Hashira. That's who." The boy answered as he lifted his hand and the kanji for Hashira appeared.

Sasori's irritation deepened as the boy not only persisted but revealed his identity as Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Hashira. The mention of his rank sent a ripple of surprise through Sasori. He hadn't expected to encounter a Hashira.

"I did not expect to meet a Hashira," Sasori said. "So, you are a slayer. Why do you need so many swords?" Muichiro asked, looking at all his blades.

"None of your business," Sasori replied, making Muichiro look annoyed. "As your superior, I order you to tell me."

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Sasori asked, raising his eyebrow.

Sasori could practically sense the annoyance coming from Muichiro. "How about a duel? If I win, you let me watch and answer all my questions."

Sasori smiled at Muichiro's boldness. "Oh yeah? What do I get if I win?" Sasori asked. "I'll give a good word about you," Muichiro said.

Sasori huffed. "Why are you even interested in my seals?" he asked.

Muichiro shrugged. "I forgot," he said as he went and retrieved his sword.

"Even if I refuse, you won't leave me alone," Sasori said as he retrieved his own sword.

Muichiro nodded in acknowledgment, his expression remaining stoic as he awaited Sasori's next move. With a flick of his wrist, Sasori unsheathed his sword, the metal glinting in the sunlight as he assumed a defensive stance. "Let's get this over with," Sasori said.

Muichiro was prepared to lunge at Sasori, but a shirtless hulking figure grabbed the collar of his shirt from the back. "Young Muichiro, why are you disturbing the elders?" he asked.

"He challenged my authority as a Hashira," Muichiro said. The man simply sighed. "Apologies for Young Muichiro's behavior, sir," the man said as he walked away with Muichiro still gripped by his collar.

"Never that you would make fun of someone. Not that I mind," Muichiro said, making Gyomei appear confused. "What are you talking about, Young Muichiro?" he asked.

"Well, you called the redhead an 'elder,'" Muichiro explained. "And how was that an insult?" Gyomei asked.

"You called him an old man?" Muichiro answered, confused. "Elder is a term of respect, not an insult," Gyomei said. "And do you respect him? He looked like he was age," Muichiro said.

"Really?" Gyomei said, surprised. "Is something wrong?" Muichiro asked. "He carried himself like he went to war," Gyomei said. "So? He survived a war; he probably just hid," Muichiro said. "He didn't survive a war, Muichiro. He is the type of person who would thrive in war," Gyomei said.

Muichiro's confusion deepened as Gyomei's words sank in. He furrowed his brow, trying to comprehend the implications of Gyomei's statement. "He's the type of person who would thrive in war?" Muichiro repeated, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Gyomei nodded solemnly, his expression grave. "Yes, Muichiro. Some individuals possess a strength and resilience that can only be forged in the fires of battle. It's not about surviving a war; it's about thriving in it, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before."

Muichiro pondered Gyomei's words, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. The thought of someone embracing the chaos and destruction of war seemed foreign to him, antithetical to everything he stood for as a Hashira. Yet, as he glanced back at Sasori, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the redheaded warrior than met the eye.

"Thank you for explaining, Gyomei," Muichiro said finally, his tone subdued. "I'll keep that in mind."

Gyomei offered Muichiro a reassuring smile, his smile warm with understanding. "Of course, Muichiro. We all have much to learn from one another."

"What were you to talking about?" Gyomei asked course "I forgot. Wait what even are we doing on a beach?" Muichiro asked making Gyomei sigh.


"Gyomei, why are you taking me to the beach?" Muichiro asked.

"At your age, being a Hashira would be overwhelming. We already tried meditation, but it didn't really work, so we're going where everyone goes to relax," Gyomei explained.

"The buffet?" Rengoku asked.

"Rengoku, do you really take sunscreen, towels, and a large umbrella to the buffet?" Giyu asked.

"Hmm, no. But then where are you going?" Rengoku asked.

"To the beach, of course," Gyomei said.

"And thank you for taking mine and Muichiro's missions," Gyomei said.

"Don't worry about those missions, Gyomei. Me and Giyu can handle them," Rengoku said as he threw his arm over Giyu's shoulder.

"Okay, whatever, but why do you need to come?" Muichiro asked Gyomei.

"It would be irresponsible to let you go on your own," Gyomei said as they left.

Giyu and Rengoku stayed behind to make sure Muichiro didn't try to leave without Gyomei noticing.

"Are you sure we should let those two go alone?" Giyu asked.

"Muichiro's strong for his age, and Gyomei is the strongest Hashira. I'm sure those two can handle themselves," Rengoku said confidently.

"No, I mean, should we leave a child with worse memory than a goldfish alone with a blind man?" Giyu said. Rengoku was silent for several moments, making Giyu worry for a sec.

"I'm sure they would be fine," Rengoku finally replied, his tone slightly less assured than before. Yet, he couldn't shake off his trust in Gyomei's capabilities and Muichiro's resilience.

As Gyomei led Muichiro towards the beach, the sound of crashing waves grew louder, signaling their approach. Muichiro glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling coastal area.

"So, what's the plan once we get there?" Muichiro asked, his curiosity piqued.

"We'll find the perfect spot to unwind and bask in the soothing ocean breeze," Gyomei replied, his voice a steady anchor amidst the tranquil surroundings. "Taking breaks and allowing ourselves to recharge is crucial, especially for us, with the responsibilities of being Hashira."

As Gyomei continued speaking, Muichiro did not notice the nearby sign, bearing a shark symbol, tossed aside.

-End of Flashback-

"Oh, right. Can we leave?" Muichiro asked abruptly. "But, Muichiro, we just arrived," Gyomei responded, settling their spot and reclining. "Why don't you go play in the sand while I take a nap?"Gyomei said slowly falling asleep.

As Gyomei's breathing grew steady as he gradually drifted off to sleep, his form relaxed against the sand.

Muichiro, observing Gyomei's peaceful slumber, felt a mischievous idea brewing in his mind. With Gyomei deep in sleep, Muichiro decided to entertain himself until Gyomei woke up.

Several hours later, Muichiro found himself unable to contain his grin as he beheld Gyomei, now adorned in a sand sculpture resembling a mermaid.

"Something's missing," Muichiro mused, seizing two seashells and placing them strategically on Gyomei's chest. "There, perfection," he declared to himself.

As hours passed in serene bliss, Sasori immersed himself in his craft, guided by the rhythmic melody of the waves. With the sun sinking below the horizon, casting the beach in a warm, golden hue, Sasori surveyed his handiwork with a contented smile. The seals on his weapons glowed softly in the fading light, a testament to his skill and dedication.

As Sasori sealed the weapons away again when an army of crabs came out of the ocean and began to scatter as far away from the beach as they could.

As Sasori watched the crabs scurry away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity piqued by their sudden exodus. Setting aside his weapons for a moment, he leaned in to get a closer look at the peculiar sight.

"What's got them all worked up?" Sasori murmured to himself, scanning the shoreline for any signs of danger or disturbance. His eyes widened as he noticed a faint shimmer in the water, barely visible against the darkening sky.

Without hesitation, Sasori sprang into action, his instincts honed by years of training and battle. He quickly retrieved his weapons, readying himself for whatever threat might emerge from the depths.

"Oi, what's going on?" Muichiro asked, striding closer to Sasori.

"Dodge," Sasori calmly replied as a humanoid shark leaped out of the water, aiming for Muichiro.

Muichiro effortlessly evaded the demon's attack, his movements swift and precise.

The demon, ignoring Muichiro, then lunged at Sasori, who swiftly dispatched it, cutting it cleanly in half. "Well, I guess that explains why there's no one else here," Muichiro remarked.

"Keep your guard up, there's more," Sasori warned as additional demons emerged from the water. "I was hoping for a relaxing day, but it seems fate has decided that's not going to happen," Gyomei added, handing Muichiro his sword and deftly swinging the spike ball chained to his axe.

"Keep your guard up, there's more," Sasori warned as additional demons emerged from the water. "I was hoping for a relaxing day, but it seems fate has decided that's not going to happen," Gyomei added, handing Muichiro his sword and deftly swinging the ball chain attached to his own blade.

"I've never seen demons work together like this before," Sasori observed as he began decapitating the demons. "It doesn't often happen unless they have a stronger demon directing them," Gyomei explained, taking on three demons together, swiftly twirled his chain, entangling them, and with a single powerful swing of his axe, he beheaded all three in one fluid motion

"Is that the one?" Sasori pointed towards the water, where a demon with a long, swordfish-like nose emerged, its most striking feature being the transparent jellyfish atop its head, revealing the Jellyfish's brain.

"Probably, but how are we going to reach it?" Muichiro asked, dodging attacks from demons approaching from behind.

"I can handle it," Sasori declared with confidence, effortlessly leaping over the small army of demons and landing gracefully on the water's surface.

"How the hell are you doing that?!" Muichiro exclaimed, a mix of confusion and shock evident in his voice.

Sasori did not bother to explain, as he dashed towards the swordfish demon, which promptly submerged into the water.

Undeterred, Sasori relied on his keen senses, honed through years of training and battle experience, to track the demon. As it lunged from behind, Sasori intercepted its attack, blocking the blade on its head and revealing the two other blades that served as its arms.

It attempted to cut Sasori in half using its blades, but Sasori quickly spat a large amount of fire out of his mouth, making the demon retreat.

As steam rose and covered their battlefield, the demon took the chance to lunge at Sasori again. However, Sasori blocked all its attacks, but the constant onslaught from the three blades gave him no time to counterattack.

The demon attacked using one of its swords. Sasori blocked it, and it lunged its other sword at Sasori.

Sasori grabbed the blade using his hand. The demon attempted to attack with the sword on its head, but Sasori released fire from his mouth, making the jellyfish on the demon's head retreat.

The swordfish demon stopped moving. It looked confused as if it had just woken up from a long sleep.

Sasori took that opportunity to behead the Swordfish demon.

Turning his attention to the elusive jellyfish demon which had retreated underwater, Sasori fired several shots at the jellyfish, but it dodged the bullets. Sasori attempted to fire again, but nothing happened. "I'm out of bullets," Sasori realized.

Unfazed, Sasori prepared to go after it, but his focus was diverted as two large eyes opened with the ominous words 'Lower' 'Four'.

"As they say, no breaks for perfection," Sasori said as several transparent tentacles lunged at him. If not for his senses, it would have been really annoying to dodge the attackers.

Sasori dodged the attacks and landed back on land, where Muchiro and Gyomei had massacred all the demons. "What was that?" Gyomei asked. "It's Lower Four," Sasori answered.

"How do we kill it?" Muichiro asked. "Not sure, but more are coming," Gyomei said as he threw the spiked ball at a demon emerging from the water, destroying its head.

"I have a way. But I'm going to need someone to cover my back," Sasori said as he pulled out a scroll and his elbow opened up, allowing him to enter the scroll inside.

"Are you human?" Muichiro asked. "Nope, I'm what you call perfection," Sasori explained. "Does that mean you're a demon?" Gyomei asked, making Sasori huff. "Those demons are more imperfect than humans," Sasori said. "So who's coming?"

"It's best if Muichiro goes with you. I'll deal with the demons coming to land," Gyomei said. "You can come too," Sasori said. "There is a nearby village here. I don't want one of the demons to go there," Gyomei answered.

"Very well. Okay, kid, get on my back," Sasori said as Muichiro climbed onto his back, and they went to the water. "Okay, I need you to protect me while I do a jutsu," Sasori said, making Muichiro raise an eyebrow. "I'm just going to stop questioning you since you clearly have no respect for your superiors," he said.

"Oh, yeah. Hold your breath," Sasori said as he attached his chakra string to the bottom of the ocean and pulled himself and Muichiro down.

They reached the bottom fast and Sasori lifted his hand up hand a bubble of air came out of it and slowly began to become bigger.

Several demons lunged at them, but Muichiro swiftly dispatched them, beheading each one that dared to approach. "How the hell am I supposed to protect him while I'm underwater?" Muichiro wondered, but he remained focused, skillfully eliminating any threat that came their way until they were encased in the bubble.

Muichiro took a sharp breath as he heard Sasori's voice, urging him to stay focused. Suddenly, Sasori launched a concealed blade from his arm at a demon about to attack Muichiro. The demon screamed in agony as the blade pierced its flesh, forcing Muchiro to swiftly behead it.

"What was that?" Muichiro inquired.

"Not a clue. For now," Sasori replied calmly as he infused chakra into the bubble, causing it to ascend towards the surface of the water.

"You're bleeding?" Sasori observed.

"Yeah, water pressure is a thing," Muichiro replied, blood trickling from his mouth and eyes. "Guess it makes sense. I did pull you down 2,200 meters, give or take," Sasori remarked.

"Yep, that would do it. Now, where is the demon?" Muichiro asked.

"Behind us," Sasori answered calmly as a blinding light flashed upon them.

Turning their gaze, they spotted a large transparent jellyfish, its organs revealed, with two large eyeballs and its brain.

"It's disturbing seeing eyeballs inside a jellyfish? I don't know how to phrase it," Muichiro commented, feeling unsettled.

Sasori nodded in agreement. "Not the most bizarre thing I've seen, but seeing it transparent, it does not need eye sockets," he explained.

"It's pretty disgusting," Muichiro remarked as several more demons entered the bubble. "Just how many demons does this thing have?" he asked, growing annoyed.

"Not the biggest army I've seen, and not the biggest I've killed," Sasori replied as he pulled out a scroll. "What? I can't really hear you," Muichiro said, dodging an attack from one of the demons.

Sasori infused his chakra into the scroll, and five puppets emerged. 

A sturdy-built puppet materialized, wielding a massive cleaver-like sword, its imposing figure ready to strike fear into the hearts of their foes.

Next appeared a smaller puppet brandishing a rapier, its slender frame belying its lethal precision and agility in combat.

The puppet crafted out of Riku emerged, its chain blade tail gleaming, and its claws poised to tear through adversaries like a predator hunting its prey.

Following closely, the puppet made out of Ren manifested, wielding dual swords with deadly proficiency, prepared to swiftly dispatch any demon that dared to challenge it.

Lastly, another puppet emerged, armed with a katana, its elegant yet deadly blade gleaming under the watery depths.

With precision and finesse, Sasori manipulated his chakra strings, directing the puppets toward the encroaching demons, ready to unleash their collective might upon their adversaries.

Muichiro wasn't really sure what happened, but he saw five puppets appear, and when he blinked, most of the demons surrounding them were reduced to dust.

"What the hell is that guy?!" A demon exclaimed to another as the jellyfish demon began to glow an electric blue.

"Ah, shit! Boss is mad!" another demon exclaimed, starting to run. But before he could jump into the water, he was struck by lightning produced by the tendrils of the demon jellyfish.

"¿Quién dijo que puedes irte?" The jellyfish spoke, but neither Sasori nor Muichiro understood what it said.

Its eyes turned back to Sasori, and as it blew electric blue, it aimed its tendrils at him. However, before it could fire, it changed its aim to Muichiro and unleashed the lightning bolt.

Muichiro couldn't move from the injuries he had. Even if he could, he probably couldn't dodge lightning. Muichiro closed his eyes, bracing for the pain, but it never came.

When Muichiro opened his eyes, he saw one of Sasori's puppets in front of him, one of its blades pointing at the jellyfish demon and the other one pointing at a pile of ashes. "What happened?" Muichiro asked, confused.

-Moments before-

As the jellyfish launched its lightning attack at Muichiro, he moved the puppet Ren in front of the attacker. "Time to test the seals," Sasori thought as he made one of the blades absorb the lightning attack. The lightning traveled through the sword to its other sword, which was aimed at another demon, striking it and turning it to dust.

"Ok, ¿qué carajo fue eso?" The jellyfish asked, lifting one of its tendrils, which seemed to contain the jellyfish that was attached to the Swordfish demon. It made a noise as a reply. "Ya, lo entiendo, pero ¿cómo hizo eso?" Lower Four replied, the jellyfish making another noise in response.

"¿Eres humano o demonio?" Lower Four said, pointing one of its tendrils at Sasori as it emitted an electric blue glow.

Sasori gave the demon a look that could be translated to 'I don't have a clue what you are saying.'

"Ah, olvídalo," it said as it launched another lightning bolt at Sasori, but he made the Ren puppet move in front of him, absorbing the attack with its swords.

"Ok, how does it speak? I don't see its vocal cords," Muchiro asked, beheading the last demon beside Lower Four.

"Debería haber aprendido japonés," it spoke, and the small jellyfish made a noise. "Cierra tu boca inexistente," Lower Four replied as it began to glow again and released its electricity onto the floor.

The large puppet picked Muichiro up and lifted him up. "Wait, redhead—" Muichiro began to speak, but the attack had already hit Sasori.

Sasori was just standing there, not really affected by its attack. The small jellyfish said something, and Lower Four seemed to get angry at what it said, increasing the power of its electricity.

Sasori looked at his skin, which was becoming scorched. "This is annoying," Sasori thought and made the Ren puppet stab its blade into the ground, absorbing the electricity. Lower Four stopped its attack, seeing its attack wasn't working.

"¿Qué se supone que debo hacer ahora?" Lower Four said, flabbergasted. The smaller jellyfish made a noise. "¡Oh sí, tengo brazos orales!" Lower Four said realising something as he launched his tendrils at Sasori.

Sasori dodged the attacks and used his puppets to cut some of the tendrils. "Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze," Muichiro said as he charged at the tendrils at blistering speeds in a zig-zag motion, performing a barrage of continuous slashes, cutting several of the tendrils.

"Oi, Redhead, launch me at it! Fast!" Muichiro said, jumping onto the big puppet. "All right," Sasori said, making his puppet throw Muichiro. He had added chakra to it just to be sure.

As Muichiro broke through the water's surface, he gritted his teeth in pain but didn't stop his attack. He thrust his sword at the demon's brain. 'First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze,' he broke through the demon's flash and brain, going into its brain. 'No going back now! Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash,' Muchiro performed a powerful and swift circular slash that cut the demon's brain.

The demon gave a loud scream and suddenly stopped moving. 'It's not turning to dust?' Sasori wondered.

Sasori looked around, and his eyes landed on the small jellyfish, which was trying to hide. 'Found you,' Sasori thought and launched Riku at it.

Riku cut the tendrils, putting its arm inside, trying to grab it, but it shot out ink, causing Riku's hand to melt. Sasori pulled Riku back. Sasori looked at Riku's arm, which was covered in black ink, melting the claw it had into its arm. "Now I have to replace the arm," Sasori said as he sent his chakra string to grab it and bring it to himself.

As Sasori lifted his sword, the jellyfish launched a bullet of black ink. Sasori dodged it, but it kept launching bullets at him.

"That's it," Sasori said as he made his big puppet throw its sword at the jellyfish, cutting it in half.

"¡Ustedes dos son realmente molestas!" Lower Four said as it launched several tendrils at him. He noticed Muichiro stuck inside its head.

Muichiro tried to poke through its head, which had regenerated, trapping him inside its head. 'Damn it, I only have enough air for one more attack,' Muichiro thought as he began to slash at its brain.

"¡Sal de mi cabeza!" Lower Four said as he pointed his own tendrils at his head and released lightning, shocking Muichiro. But he kept slashing, and he finally made it to the middle of its brain. 'Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash,' he performed a powerful and swift circular slash, cutting its brain again, and his vision began to go black.

Sasori looked back at the small jellyfish, but it was gone. 'Damn it, I lost focus on it!' Sasori quickly found it again; it was trying to escape up. Before Sasori could launch his string at it, a large figure came down, which Sasori recognized as the man who was with Muichiro. As Gyomei passed the jellyfish, he used his chain to grab it as he fell into the bubble. He cut it with his axe, and the demon began to turn to dust.

"Where is Muichiro?" Gyomei asked. Sasori quickly grabbed Muchiro with his strings and pulled him into the bubble. Sasori put his ear next to his chest. Sasori raised his head, shaking it. "He is dead," Sasori stated. "He will be if you don't try," Gyomei said angrily, lifting his palm on top of Muichiro's chest and quickly and forcefully slamming it down.

Making Muichiro spit out water and blood, he began to cough "First time seeing something like that." Sasori said 

as he helped Muichiro sit up. Muichiro gasped for air, his chest heaving with each breath as he coughed up more water and blood.

"Take it easy," Gyomei said, patting Muichiro's back gently. "You'll be all right."

"Only if he gets medical attention," Sasori said firmly, his gaze scanning the deteriorating bubble. "Let's get out of here; the bubble is running out of chakra."

Gyomei nodded, understanding the urgency. He carefully lifted Muchiro in his hand, mindful of his injuries. "And how exactly are we going to get out of here?" Muchiro asked, coughing again, his voice strained.

"I'll just lift us out," Sasori replied, as he attached his chakra to Gyomei and Muchiro. "We can't exactly just exit the water; Muchiro will get more hurt."Gyomei said "Unless he has a shield," Sasori said, bringing his large puppet over to them and opening its chest. "Put him inside," he instructed Gyomei, who gently placed Muchiro inside before it closed.

"Okay, let's go," Sasori said, resealing his puppets. "Get ready; it's going to be tough." With a warning, Sasori lifted them out of the water, and as they landed, Gyomei coughed up a little blood.

"Do you know where the village is?" Sasori asked.

"It's to the north," Gyomei answered, his voice determined.

-Author's Notes-

Thank you all for your support I really did not expect this story to go this far so thank you for that 😭