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"Hm, hm, hm~" The pleasant sound of humming filled the room. It was an opulent room, far surpassing the realm of necessity and embodying the nature of excess. Marble flooring, intricate wall designs, a chandelier that was likened to a work of art and furniture crafted with utmost care and the finest materials. It was fit for royalty and more.

There was more than enough space in the living room to house a whole party so it felt a little desolate as there was merely one figure cleaning away. She used a small duster and some wipes along the surfaces of the room, humming as she did so. Sapphire blue tresses of hair cascaded down her back, framing her lithe and tall frame that was wrapped up by a somewhat plain blue dress the same shade as her hair. 

Turning around to wipe down a sofa, her countenance was lit up by the chandelier that twinkled like stars from the ceiling. Her face held an otherworldly quality, holy and untouchable. Most would feel uncomfortable with the thought of even looking at it. They would feel unworthy to sully such a beautiful thing. 

She had an alluring face but what stood out most were her eyes. They were a deep blue, swirling and swirling like a whirlpool. Untold depths were held within her gaze, speaking of the vicissitudes that she had seen, deeper than the ocean itself. Staring too long, one would be unable to extricate themselves from her stare.

She paused her cleaning momentarily, blinking. "Jeanne?"

Another woman exited from the shadows, cutting an equally beautiful appearance as the blue-eyed woman's. Each ray of light from the chandelier seemed to be absorbed by her alien-like dress.

"I apologise for arriving late. I was... held up by something."

"No worries. Come and take a seat. Let me make some tea for you." The other woman left.

Jeanne didn't reject her offer as she seated herself down on the sofa, crossing her legs. A few minutes later, she returned with two cups of tea in hand, setting them both down on the coffee table. Visible wisps of steam curled up from the brown liquid.

For a bit, neither one spoke. They took some sips of tea and enjoyed themselves. 

Finally, the blue-eyed woman broke the silence. "I don't suppose you're here about the alliance?"

Jeanne took another small sip before elegantly putting it back down. She seemingly considered her words for a moment before nodding, "That's right. I want to rehash the terms of the alliance. Let's not beat around the bush, Mu. We both know exactly what I want."

Mu tilted her head. "Why, I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I want to have your vote in the next two Gatherings."

"We both know I can't do that." Her tone, which was pleasant and unassuming before, took a hard turn.

"You can. I just need to offer you something of greater value than the other side." Jeanne sniffed.

Their quickfire conversation cooled down as they took a small break to sip their tea and think about their next words and responses.

The next words that came from Jeanne's mouth were like a bombshell dropping. "Ymir contacted me a few days ago. She's caught signs of miasma in the Endless Sea. Although she sent her children to suppress the source, we already know that this is just a precursor to future incursions."

"...Why would I not have detected this?"

"You don't have to take my word for it. Search again."

Heeding her words, she closed her eyes and expanded her senses. Like an all-encompassing wave, an undulation of power swept through the oceans of Terra. A few seconds later, she snapped her eyes open.

"I want to be upfront about this. I have no desire to lead the Immortals for the next thousand years. I want to unite us under a single banner for just a moment. For that sake, I need to become the Overseer. I will step down straight afterwards. You need to trust me on this." Jeanne took a pleading air, staring earnestly at Mu's conflicted expression. Her last sentence caused the latter to giggle.

"How ironic those words are coming from you, Immortal of Trickery." Jeanne didn't deign a response, waiting for Mu's reply. Seeing the other Immortal stall once more, she sighed inwardly. She didn't want it to come to this.

"------------------------------------" Soundless words left her lips.

Mu laughed even louder. "You haven't changed one bit. All of that nonsense was false after all."

As Mu's laughter echoed through the room, Jeanne remained composed, her expression unreadable as she waited for Mu to finish. When the laughter finally subsided, Jeanne spoke in a calm tone. "Have you been watching Alice?"

"Naturally. She is the sibling we have been waiting for. For a thousand years."

"Then... you know right?" 

"I do."

The Immortal of Trickery finished off her tea in an uncharacteristically inelegant gulp. The Immortal of Oceans raised an eyebrow.

"Let's make a bet. I'm betting on her future." Jeanne grinned.

Henry whirled the ale in his mug slightly, his face blank with absentmindedness. It had already hit midnight, yet he was still loitering in the Guild branch with a mug of ale in hand. He had no doubt he looked like a slacker up to no good to others but he couldn't care less. All he could think about was her.

He had met her a week ago. In Paradise Forest, he had been hunting a pair of Grey Crested Giant Eagles that had been put on the quest board by an especially annoyed merchant who lost a lot of his goods in an attack by them. He had been staying in Hugh for a month at that point to unwind from his previous adventures; drinking in the tavern, sampling the local restaurants, taking walks in the town and interacting with as many people as possible.

Seeing the extermination quest represented a nice chance to get back into shape. A month was enough for anyone to get a bit rusty so he aimed quite low and went for the D-Class quest to warm up. He slew the first very easily, clipping both of its wings in one slash and beheading it in the next. The main trouble was finding it in the first place, which he did by roasting a whole boar he had killed earlier to attract the eagles by scent.

After taking the proof of extermination, he moved to find the mate. Grey Crested Giant Eagles hunted in a male and female pair so the other eagle was definitely in the vicinity. Imagine his surprise when he found the eagle already dead at the hands of a girl, perhaps around the age of eighteen and dressed in an angelic summer dress. She held a staff, signifying her status as a mage, but that was barely a footnote before her beautiful appearance. Green, luscious hair, soul-stirring golden eyes and a perfectly symmetrical face.

He had been so stunned that he lost his composure during their first interaction. Fortunately, she was equally as awkward and offered him to eat with her, to which he gladly agreed. He liked to make new friends, learn their history, likes and dislikes and gain their trust. It was just part of his nature which carried over to his adventuring spirit.

Their first day of meeting was enlightening, to say the least. She presented herself as erudite and curious yet she was terribly ignorant in some ways. Any field that she was knowledgeable in, wasn't very deep whatsoever. However, her thirst for knowledge was unmatched. He himself was well-read so they clicked very quickly. 

Their interaction intrigued him so much that he decided to go out of his way to accept quests going to her area of Paradise Forest so they could meet more feasibly. Each and every day, they talked and talked; whether it be over a campfire, sitting in the branches of a tree, lying in a patch of grass or just walking side by side, he found his heart warmed by their friendship.

Henry believed himself to be bereft of any romantic feelings for her. He had discarded such urges, along with many things. However, as he sat at the Guild branch bar with a mug of ale in hand at midnight, he began to question that statement. Why was he worrying this much? She was only a talking friend he'd met not too long ago. Could it be there were deeper emotions at play? He facepalmed and dragged his hand down his face, in agony over this simple question.

"...if anything, I never want to be in a deep relationship ever again..." Just as he muttered those words under his breath, the doors to the branch slammed open. The loud sound of wood hitting wood caught everyone's attention, including his. They all stared as a green-haired figure walked to the reception. She wore a floral dress and gripped a magic stave in her hand, donning a bag slung over her shoulder. 

Her unorthodox appearance meant he absolutely recognised who it was. He stood up, walking over to her while leaving his mug unattended.


She turned around, surprised he was still in the branch. "Oh, hello there." There was a flash of a smile before she turned back around to the same receptionist she had talked to yesterday, pulling out two items from her bag. Both Henry's and the bespectacled man's eyes widened when they saw what it was.

"You... hunted a Spiked Direwolf?" Henry whispered.

"Un, that's right. I got hit but luckily it wasn't too bad. Do you know where I can get it treated?" She pointed to her bandaged shoulder, which had a small bit of red going through it. Placing the Direwolf's ear and fang on the table, the receptionist got to confirming her kill. 

He only spent a few moments using a magnifying glass and a strange rod-like tool to nod, saying, "This has come from a recently slain Spiked Direwolf, a D-Class monster. You can claim the bounty we've put up for it."

"I'd like to, thank you."

Henry felt complicated as she received the bag of money. He should've known that she went out on her own to complete a bounty. She had spent a decent amount of time staring at the bounty posters after all. 

"You can get your shoulder treated at the local healer. Come with me." 

"Thank you for helping me again."

She followed him through the more deserted streets. It was now midnight so most of the town residents had gone to sleep. It didn't take long to reach the healer's, which was surprisingly open twenty-four-seven. It was a small building, only one storey, built with wood and stone. It stood out in the uniform architecture of Hugh which favoured boxy housing made from mostly timbre. 

As they entered the healer's, a warm, herbal scent greeted them, instantly calming Henry's nerves. The interior was cosy yet well-organized, with shelves lined with bottles of potions and jars of herbs. A small fireplace crackled in the corner, casting a soft glow across the room.

The healer, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, looked up from her desk as they entered. "Ah, Henry! What brings you here at this hour?"

Henry gave a small nod of greeting. "Hello, Mrs Elara. This is Alice. She's in need of some treatment for her shoulder."

Mrs. Elara's gaze shifted to Alice, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in the bandaged wound. "I see. Come, child, let me take a look."

Alice complied, wincing slightly as Mrs. Elara gently peeled back the bandages to examine the injury. When it was fully exposed, Alice blinked. The large stab wound which had been bleeding ceaselessly just a few hours earlier had almost closed. Now, it just looked like someone had stabbed her with the very tip of a knife.

'Ah, my natural regeneration. I was so panicked that I didn't even think about it. How dumb of me.'

The healer hummed. After a thorough examination, Mrs Elara nodded in approval. "It's a minor wound, nothing too serious. You were fortunate, my dear."

"That's a relief to hear. Thank you, Mrs. Elara."

The healer smiled kindly. "Of course, dear. Now, let me fetch some salve to apply to the wound. It should help with the healing process."

As Mrs. Elara busied herself with gathering the necessary supplies, Alice turned to Henry with a grateful smile. "Thank you for bringing me here, Henry. I appreciate your help."

Henry returned her smile with a nod. "Of course, Alice. I'm just glad you're alright."

As they waited for Mrs Elara to return, Alice glanced around the healer's shop, taking in the comforting atmosphere of the room. Her gaze lingered on the shelves filled with bottles of potions and jars of herbs, each one meticulously organized and labelled.

"I've always found places like this fascinating," Alice remarked, her voice soft as she spoke. "The art of healing, the knowledge of herbs and potions... it's all so intricate and delicate."

Henry nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the shelves with interest. "It's amazing how much can be done with just a few herbs and a bit of knowledge. Mrs. Elara is truly skilled at what she does. She even knows healing magic, though she charges quite a lot for it since it drains her mana."

Before Alice could respond, Mrs. Elara returned with a small jar of salve, which she carefully applied to Alice's wound. "There, that should do the trick. Just make sure to keep it clean and dry, and it should heal nicely."

Alice thanked the healer, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Elara. I really appreciate your help."

Mrs Elara waved off her thanks with a smile. "It's no trouble at all, dear. Just be more careful next time, alright? That'll be one major." Alice promptly handed over the money.

With her wound properly treated, they bid farewell to Mrs Elara and stepped back out into the cool night air. Henry couldn't shake the feeling of relief that washed over him as they walked together. Despite the danger she had faced, Alice was safe and sound, and for that, he was grateful.

"Next time, you can ask me for help you know?" He said.

Alice scratched her nose embarrassingly. "I wasn't thinking at the time. I'll prepare more thoroughly next time."

"Haha, alright. Where are you going now?"

"Mmm, I think I'll go back to the forest. I need to sleep."

Henry cleared his throat. "Well, you can rent a room in the inn I'm staying in for a night. It costs around thirty-three minors a night."

"Really?" Alice knew what a bed was but she had never really laid in a proper one before. She had been sleeping in trees, in grass or piles of leaves that she had gathered up. While she didn't dislike it, it wasn't the most comfortable either.

"Yeah. You can get discounted meals as well since you're an adventurer. Everyone in Hugh appreciates the adventurers for protecting their town."

Alice's eyes lit up with curiosity at the idea of sleeping in a proper bed for the first time. "That sounds wonderful, Henry. Thank you for offering."

Henry smiled warmly. "It's no problem at all. I'll show you to the inn."

Together, they walked through the quiet streets of Hugh, the night air crisp and refreshing. Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of staying in an inn for the first time. As they reached the inn, Henry held the door open for her, gesturing for her to enter.

The interior of the inn was inviting, with a warm fire crackling in the hearth and soft lantern light casting a gentle glow across the room. A few patrons sat at tables, chatting quietly over mugs of ale, while the innkeeper bustled behind the bar, cleaning glasses and serving drinks.

Henry approached the innkeeper and quickly arranged a room for Alice, explaining that she was an adventurer in need of a place to stay for the night. The innkeeper nodded understandingly and handed over a key to a room on the second floor.

"Here you go, miss. Room number seven. Enjoy your stay," the innkeeper said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you," Alice replied with a grateful nod and handed over the payment.

Henry led Alice up the stairs to the second floor, where he stopped in front of room number seven. He handed her the key with a smile. "Here you are, Alice. I hope you have a comfortable night's rest."

"Thank you, Henry. I really appreciate your kindness," Alice said sincerely.

"It's nothing, really. Just let me know if you need anything, alright?"

Alice nodded, a warm feeling of gratitude swelling in her chest. "I will. Goodnight, Henry."
