Chapter 44 Too Casual
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Chapter 44 Too Casual

“Clover, lean down for a second.” {Mercury}

“Why?” {Clover}

Despite asking why, she still did it. Mercury lightly chopped her head.

“No. Bad.” {Mercury}

“Is it that bad?” {Clover}

“Yes. Besides, you wound not like it… Maybe Felix would… Stop, focus. We need to clean up this place.” {Mercury}

“What is there to clean up?” {Clover}

“I do not remember what we left in that cave, and I think I still have an arm around here… somewhere.” {Mercury}

They went around cleaning up the area for anything abnormal. Mercury quickly realized that Clover did not know what she was doing and just had her watch what he did it. The cave was mostly empty, it only had Mercury’s quickly made Formation that had already stopped working. Mercury’s arm was quickly found and burned.

“Why did you burn it?” {Clover}

“My powers are… weird. I no longer considered it a part of me and I no longer had control over it. Maybe if no other part of me existed, then I would grow back from it.” {Mercury}

“You are gross.” {Clover}

“Get used to it. You can probably do the same now.” {Mercury}

“What?” {Clover}

“We can talk about everything on the way back.” {Mercury}

After cleaning up the valley, they climbed back up into the ridge and made sure that was clean before beginning to walk back.

“Okay. You probably have a lot of questions to ask. Ask away but do it over divine sense so that it is more private.” {Mercury}

(“Okay… What should I ask first… Who knows about you?”) {Clover}

(“Just you and Earthlight.”) {Mercury}

(“What did you do to Ivy and the other people?”) {Clover}

(“I have a near full control over my blood and body parts… that I still consider mine. Once it entered their bodies, I could do a lot of damage to them.”) {Mercury}


(“Wait… Then why did you say I went crazy then?”) {Clover}

(“I am not sure. I did not really test that idea after the first few people went crazy. Maybe injecting and drinking are different.”) {Mercury}

(“Would it be drinking make you think it is no longer yours?”) {Clover}

Mercury stopped and had a look of realization on his face.

“I AM AN IDIOT!” {Mercury}

Mercury started walking again.

(“Yes. You are most likely right about that.”) {Mercury}

(“Then does that mean you could have removed the poison by sticking me with one of those needles?”) {Clover}

(“That… I am not sure. I do not think my blood would have fixed you on its own. I would have had to control it to do anything and everything.”) {Mercury}

(“What about your home before you came here?”) {Clover}

Mercury and Clover talked about what and who Mercury was until late in the night.

“Hold that thought. I am finally getting contacted.” {Mercury}

Mercury pulled out his long distance jade for the Grand Formation Master.

(“Greeting Teac”) {Mercury}


(“Earthlight, what ar”) {Mercury}

(“ANSWER! THE! QUESTIONS!”) {Earthlight}

(“Clover is safe. But I need to know what is going on?”) {Mercury}

(“Everything is f*cked!”) {Earthlight}

(“What happened?”) {Mercury}

(“Around the mid-morning, a wave of, f*ck, I don’t know happened and f*cked everything! All Cultivators basically got punched in the face! Cultivators that were flying fell out of the sky. Formations stopped working. Some just blew up. Divine sense just started working again, but still there is little to no flying. DID YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT!?”) {Earthlight}

(“There is a non-zero”) {Mercury}

(“SPEAK CLEARLY!”) {Earthlight}

(“There is a chance it might have been me.”) {Mercury}

(“HOW!?”) {Earthlight}

(“Well… The simple answer is that I think Radiant Firelight tried to kill me and Clover.”) {Mercury}



(“You did not let me fin”) {Mercury}

(“GET TO THE POINT!”) {Earthlight}

(“Fine. I read the memories of the assassins and one reported back to Radiant Firelight. As for Clover, she is fine. Probably better than ever.”) {Mercury}

(“I just sent for any word of what Firelight is doing. Do you have any idea why he would do this!?”) {Earthlight}

(“Not really. It is not like I did anything to him. But he is also a descendant of that Vampire I told you about. Do you think that has anything to do with it?”) {Mercury}


(“Say that again.”) {Earthlight}

(“Radiant Firelight is also a descendant of the Vampire I told you about?”) {Mercury}


(“Is this the same Vampire that is the ancestor of Grand Darkness?”) {Earthlight}

(“It should be.”) {Mercury}


(“I just realized a little bit ago. And what is the harm in it?”) {Mercury}


(“Interesting. I did not know these Vampire could do that. I need to learn more about them.”) {Mercury}



(“Earthlight?”) {Mercury}

(“Well, I just got a report that Radiant Manor just got f*cked up, with Firelight and Sunlight in it. What the f*ck is going on!?”) {Earthlight}


(“MERCURY!”) {Earthlight}

(“Sorry, I was just checking something. Radiant Firelight is still alive. I think he”) {Mercury}

(“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?”) {Earthlight}

(“It turns out that I can track Vampires or those with Vampire blood if I think about them.”) {Mercury}


(“Because screaming and panicking will not get us anywhere. I am trying my best not to freak out about something else, and I do not need your needless panic.”) {Mercury}

(“BUT!”) {Earthlight}

(“If what you said is true then Radiant Firelight wanted to make a panic to have an opportunity to free the Vampire, but I already killed him. There is nothing to worry about there. Tell Starlight to send people to guard the tomb and wait for Firelight to show up. Easy.”) {Mercury}

(“SAYS YOU! Everything is still f*cked!”) {Earthlight}


(“SAY SOMETHING!”) {Earthlight}

(“I am trying to make a plan. Are Formations back to normal yet?”) {Mercury}

(“Everything is slowly coming back to normal. It seems like they will be soon but I do not known when. The only real problem is that some of them became damaged and unusable.”) {Earthlight}

(“Okay. Then I will create a body to send to the tomb to guard it. Just try to convince people to guard it as soon as you can.”) {Mercury}

(“How does that help!”) {Earthlight}

(“We are working with limited information. We know that Radiant Firelight is that problem, and I think I can find him, but we do not know about his collaborators or if anyone else is working with him. He does not know that we are on his trail. Also, only we know that he is the problem, but no one else. I think it is best to lay in wait and set a trap.”) {Mercury}

(“That would be nice and all but we cannot wait. Sunlight could be dead for all we know and I have gotten a report from Starlight that says that the Monster Races Elders were involved in an attack on other Grand Elders. Everyone is still panicked and busy! I even think some people are becoming mad at me for talking to you for so long. But I also still to ask about something related to you.”) {Earthlight}

(“What?”) {Mercury}

(“Starlight said he meet a very powerful Cultivator when investigating a Tribulation. It sounded like you, so I said that I ran into that Cultivator as well… Please tell me it was you.”) {Earthlight}

(“Was it around my 12th birthday?”) {Mercury}

(“I think so.”) {Earthlight}

(“Then yes, it was most likely me.”) {Mercury}

(“Good. Wait. F*ck. How do we put all this together? What do we say? What is our plan?”) {Earthlight}

(“I got it. That Cultivator goal is to hunt the Vampire and just recently he found me and Clover being attacked and saved us. This lead to him finding out about the Radiant Family’s connection to the Vampire. Do you know where the tomb is and have you spoken out load about this conversation?”) {Mercury}

(“I have already told Daylight about the Vampire being killed so we cannot use that in the plan.”) {Earthlight}


(“Then we were still saved by the Cultivator and he still told us about the connect between the Radiant Family and the Vampire. But after that he left. The Cultivation power event was unrelated to us. Just tell Starlight to have someone guard the tomb because you think it is related to this attack. I will just call Starlight to tell him I am safe.”) {Mercury}

(“That is a good idea. This would be a lot more stressful if I did not know you killed the Vampire and took the ‘Will of the World’ away. The biggest danger was dodged.”) {Earthlight}

(“Will of the World? You know about it?”) {Mercury}

(“Yeah… You told me about it. A black chain that the Vampire used to keep himself alive from its power. I do not know how you took it away from him without it breaking and dooming the world, but nice job.”) {Earthlight}


(“Why are you not saying anything?”) {Earthlight}

(“I left it in the tomb… after I killed the vampire.”) {Mercury}



(“I DID NOT KNOW!”) {Mercury}


(“If it makes you feel better, I am 99% sure that Clover is now immortal like me.”) {Mercury}

(“THE F*CK!!?!! HOW!? WHY!?) {Earthlight}

(“To make it simple. In order to save Clover, I had to do something that created that event.”) {Mercury}


(“Hand the jade over to Clover. Now.”) {Earthlight}

Mercury handed the jade over to Clover.

(“Hi!”) {Clover}

(“Clover… What happened?”) {Earthlight}

(“Some people tried to kill us. I ended up getting hit by a knife with some poison. I blacked out and when I woke up. I was stronger.”) {Clover}

(“Stronger how?”) {Earthlight}

(“I feel like I have a lot of energy and will not get tired no matter what. We also tried cutting me but nothing other than Merc could.”) {Clover}

(“What do you mean Merc could?”) {Earthlight}

(“Oh. I know about Merc’s powers. I have known Merc was different since the boat ride home.”) {Clover}

(“WHAT!?”) {Earthlight}


(“You did a good job keeping it a secret. Okay. You can hand the jade back over to Mercury.”) {Earthlight}

Clover did as she was told.

(“Just asking, but… could you do the same to me?”) {Earthlight}

(“No.”) {Mercury}

(“I assumed, but would still like to ask why?”) {Earthlight}

(“I do not know how I did it. I know that the one Lawless I had needed to die to do it once. So even if I wanted to, I could not at the moment. Having anyone with my abilities makes me extremely uncomfortable. Even someone like Clover makes me worry about them abusing their power and making the same mistakes I did.”) {Mercury}

(“Okay, I get it. No easy immortality for me. Plus… it sounds like I would get very bored very fast.”) {Earthlight}


(“Make sure Clover learns how to control her new powers.”) {Earthlight}

(“I will.”) {Mercury}

“Because for the first time… I think I have someone truly like me.” {Mercury}

Thank you for reading.