Blessings for the King. Ch1
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Narrator:   In the world there exists the GOD'S ([Enerion/Generator], [Machinus/Operator], [Ravagor/Destroyer]) and all the other gods like the god of war, god of anger, goddess of happiness, love, etc., who used to work under the GOD. Besides these gods and other realms like hell, there existed the Apostles, whose duty was to protect the world from the actions of the heaven and the hell beings. Each Apostle received blessings from the other gods, which lay the same for the king of Apostles. However, mostly the king received the blessings from more than one god. Each universe consisted of their own set of Apostles and their respective kings, the most powerful king was the king of Apostles from the world of elves. The king of all the Apostles was decided on the basis of the powers possessed and the course of action of a particular king for protecting their respective world. GOD's don't interfere with the working of the world which are formed completely, hence on their stead works the Apostles.

Enerion: "The creation of universe IB-LL201 is completed, and now it's time for Machinus to take action and complete the other crucial functions of the universe."


Machinus: "Huh! Enerion, I don't know how you're capable of making a universe in just a few days. Don't you ever get tired of it? Please, have some mercy on this small kid. For me, it takes an eternity to set the principles for the effective functioning and the basic operations of the universe."


Ravagor: (Angrily) "Do you think it's easy for me to destroy those beautiful planets, worlds, universes? It takes me a lot of courage just to think about destroying one. I don't know why those demons are so fast in converting a happy land of life to a barren wasteland where nothing can survive, a land of nothingness where it is impossible for the living to survive."


Machinus: "Hmmmmmm!!!! you are correct, Ravagor. But one thing is for sure: the rate of universe destruction has increased significantly than before. The demons have gotten much more powerful than before. Their significant growth in power will make it difficult for us to upkeep the pace of destruction and generation."


Machinus: "From my point of view, now it's time for us to form the one who will be able to defeat the demon lord and his subordinates."


Others: "We think you are right. It is time for the one who will lead the apostles of the gods across the universe. Let us make this world a practice ground for the one to understand the functioning of the worlds."


(Ceremony for the selection of apostles for the universe of IB-LL201)


"We, the gods of the universes, call upon the ones who will be responsible for bringing peace and harmony to the universe of IB-LL201. May your powers and the course of your actions benefit the lives of the human species. May you all work hard, just like the other apostles of the gods, to form a world where no one dies from the actions of the heavens or the hell, and the people below can live peacefully together."


"Now we call upon the apostles to receive the blessings from the gods:


Apostle Aqualis: receives blessings from the goddess of water, burdened by memories of ancient floods and the pain of lost civilizations.


Apostle Warlan: receives blessings from the god of war, haunted by the specter of past battles and the struggle to reconcile violence with virtue.


Apostle Lumina: receives blessings from the god of light, her radiance tempered by the shadows of doubt and uncertainty.

Apostle Glorious: receives blessings from the god of intelligence 






Apostle Sylvana: Blessings from the goddess of nature, her connection to the earth marred by the scars of environmental destruction and the callousness of mankind.


(Together a total of 7 apostles received blessings from the GODs)


Messenger of GOD'S: "Now it's time for providing the blessings to the one who will be responsible for leading the Apostles. None other than the king of the Apostles. May your guidance lead us through the darkest of times and may your strength inspire us all."


Aqualis: "Hahahahaha!!! I am very excited to see who will lead us. I'm sure the king will be twice or thrice as powerful as all of us combined. It will be fascinating to witness how many blessings he will receive."


Lumina: "Hmmm!! From the looks on your face, it seems like you wanted to be the king of the apostles, Warlan?"


Warlan: "Oye oye! I have received blessings from none other than the god of war. No one will even dare to lay a finger on me. Hahahahaha!!"


God of War: "Warlan, I think you should be thankful for receiving my blessings, but receiving them doesn't make you powerful enough to laugh at others. Let me warn you, I have provided you with blessings because you are one of the finest apostles in terms of close combat and swordsmanship. But if you try to harm others with your powers, I promise you that you will be met with consequences."


Ravagor: "My, my, I can hear words of destruction being exchanged. Have you forgotten that you are in the middle of a ceremony?"


Machinus: "Okay, okay! Everyone, please calm down. We can't allow this type of behavior in the ceremony."


God of War: "I am sorry, everyone. I lost my composure."


Warlan: "Arghhhh! I am sorry, Gods. I promise to use this power for the betterment of society."


(God's sensed the anger in his words God of war tried to reply but was interccepted by Machinus)


Machinus: messenger please go on with the ceremony....


Messenger: Ahem! Ahem! I am sorry for the interruption everyone now I call the King of the apostles of god for the world IB-LL201


(PORTAL OPENS) JEEVAN enters the ceremony hall......................................


Everyone (surprised) (Murmurs) Huh, he is a kid is this a kind of joke , how can a kid merely 13years old be powerful than us . We can single handedly defeat this brat!!!!!


God of destiny : (smiling and thinking) Well it is kind of true the kid is even weaker than the weakest apostle but not his will power when compared his will power can even defeat the power of ours ... However I wonder why am I not be to see what lies in the future for this kid? Will he end up in the void of nothingness for not being able to survive and fulfill his duties???


Warlan: I object the choice how can a mere 13 year old can control the power of the GOD's, we are not here for having fun we all have gathered here for the sense of duty of protecting the living species... and instead of someone as powerful as me who have collectively defeated the top swordsman and close combat fighters , warriors in my previous world how do you think you can crown this kid as the apostles king..


Machinus: Enough! The ones who have objections can leave the ceremony hall immediately and as for them they are directed to protect the lives of the species on the planet Zelbay of IB-LL201....


Warlan: Huh! I will never accept this brat to be my master. (Leaves the hall along with 5 apostles and departs towards the planet Zelbay)


*Except apostle Glorius who was able to sense the meaning behind Machinus actions)*



Enerion: "I bestow upon you the powers of creating realms and universes."


Machinus: "Moving forward, I, Machinus, provide you access to my powers."


Ravagor: "I, Ravagor, the God of Destruction, grant you my blessings."


Other Gods: "We bestow upon you the blessings of all the elements and abilities."


Machinus: "However, you will not be able to use all of these powers until and unless you prove that you are capable of using them for the betterment of the countries."


God of Magic: "Yes, Machinus is right. We can't trust whether you will be able to reveal the divine powers of the heavenly realms, so all of your powers and spiritual energy will be locked behind the seal which will be imposed on you."


Jeevan: "What is the point-?"


(God of magic chants a magical incantation.)


Jeevan: "My powers seem to be gone. I can't feel anything... But I promise you all, I will prove my worth and will bring betterment to the world I am about to incarnate."


Machinus: "Who told you that you will incarnate?"


Jeevan: "Pardon?"


Machinus: "I said you won't take birth on the planet of Zelbay."


Jeevan: "Then am I supposed to go descend as such?"


Enerion: "Hahahahah! Kid, the world of IB-LL201 that I have created is a world where living beings will progress with the help of their intelligence, science, and technologies. This world can't withstand the spiritual force from the body. If by mistake you broke the seal, then there will be left nothing in the world down there..."


"Wait for a while until I create a new universe where you will be able to use your power to an extent."


Jeevan: "Oh! I see. Then how am I supposed to do my duties as the king of apostles for the world of IB-LL201 if I have no powers?"


God of Magic: "You are wrong. You still have those magical gifts within your body. However, you will only be able to use 1 billionth of your energy for now. However, you can increase your capacity through-"


Machinus: "Enough. Now it is time for us to help you."


Machinus/Ravagor/Enerion: (Together) "Inchants.... Absolute dimension of heaven......"


Jeevan: "What is this?"


(Enerion: (voice echoing) "This is the absolute dimension of heaven. Here, you have the ability to check the functioning of Zelbay.")


Jeevan: "Huh! It is cool. And what to do after that?"


Ravagor: "Nothing, kid. Just observe the people of this world and try to have ideas about their emotions as you will be lacking those. Find yourself a partner who will help you protect the world. Hahahahaha."


(voice ends)


Jeevan: "Hello, hello? Find a partner? I don't know what does he mean. Do I have to take some tests to determine a suitable candidate or what? Aaaaaaaa, this is so frustrating. I can't think of anything."


"But what did he mean by I will be lacking emotions? Didn't I receive the blessings of emotions from the Gods themselves? Anyway, I must find myself a partner."


(Remembers) "Hmm, but why did Sir Machinus, Ravagor, Enerion stop the God of Magic in between? Because of them, I wasn't able to know the method to increase my powers."


"Huh, whatever. I am strong enough. I can use 1-billionth of my magical powers." (Tries to use magic but nothing happens.) "Seems like Warlan was correct. I am not even able to use fire, which is a basic magical power for the apostles."


"I really suck, but I need to be powerful to protect the people and satisfy the Gods with my strength."


----------150 years pass by---------- he is now completely bored----------


Jeevan: "I don't even know what in the world I am supposed to do. I have been carefully observing all the humans of Zelbay, but I have found no one strong enough to be compatible with my powers."


----------150 years pass by---------- he is close to finding his partner----------


(Meanwhile, in the heavens)


Enerion: "Oyee Machinus, you have not answered my question until now. What is the kid supposed to do? Why did you stop the God of Magic in between?"


Machinus: "I don't want the kid to be remembered as a monster."


Enerion: "Monster? What do you mean?"


Machinus: "Then just trust me and listen. The kid already has a seal of the heaven imposed on him by me. His willpower is so strong that it will make it difficult for the Gods to give him their blessings. Now he has received the blessings; his powers are likely to increase billion of times."


Enerion: "If that's the case, why not we directly check how capable he is?"


Machinus: "I understand your concern for him, but he is still a kid who doesn't know how to control his powers. He might become uncontrollable and cause destruction."


Ravagor: "You don't need to worry about that. If something happens, I am here to protect the world. He will be instantly killed by me."


Enerion: "So why don't we send him to Zelbay so that he can control his powers? Because of you, I even lied to him that the universe won't be able to handle the spiritual energy within. Huh! This is the world which can handle the spiritual power of three of us together."


Ravagor: "Yeah! We even lied about the incarnation process."


Machinus: "I know. I am sorry that because of me you both had to lie, but I don't want him to die in the world and end up in the void of nothingness."


Enerion/Ravagor: "Die?"


Machinus: "According to his destiny, he would have been killed by the demon lord."


Enerion: "(Angrily) No way! Are you telling me that you interfered in the destiny of a person and caused it to change? Have you gone dumb?"


Machinus: "Trust me, he is the only apostle who can defeat the demon lord."


(Narrator: Machinus is the only GOD who is able to find the potential that is hidden within one's consciousness.)


Machinus: "He is going to be a lot stronger than before."



(In Absolute Heaven Realm)


Jeevan: "How is this even possible? Who is this boy?"