076~The Second Task (3)
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Yvlena didn't get the chance to look at the Alchemist Kit when she bought it at Risel's apothecary. She took it out of her inventory, holding it carefully in both hands as she laid it down on the dock's less patchy area.

Whatever she was expecting it certainly wasn't a wooden box, the Basic Alchemist Kit was a smooth wooden case with a golden latch holding it closed.

The polished lacquer gleamed as she observed it before finally unclasping the latch to peer into the box.

"Oh," Yvlena gasped, the case was neatly packed with instruments an alchemist would need but she could only recognize a few of the tools.

In the case were a grate, grinder, small ceramic mortar with a pestle, burner, and glass containers.

Yvlena held the burner marked with runes, possibly for igniting flames without using charcoal or matches. The burner stood on three feet, finished with a small rabbit's foot on each of its three legs.

"Cute," she said, setting it down on the wooden surface. "I had something like this in my chemistry class, nothing this fancy though,"

Next came the glass containers, there were two of them, one was a rounded flask that attached to the burner quite easily, topped with an intricately designed cover that opened and closed on a single hinge, probably so she could add ingredients to boil.

The other was a rounded flask as well that closed with a round nose, she didn't know what to use it for and left it in the case for now. She took the first bottle and fixed it securely to her burner.

Yvlena turned her attention to the Avaresh Lotus and picked the large herb up to examine it.

"Uh...where do I even begin?" she asked, first she separated the lotus from the pad it had floated on, the Avaresh Lotus itself was a deep red, with splashes of green bundled in petals.

Yvlena disassembled the Lotus piece by piece until she was left with the various parts of the plant.

[Yvlena Acquired


Avaresh Lotus Petals x15

Avaresh Lotus Seed x5

Avaresh Lotus Stem x1

Avaresh Lotus Pad x1]

"Alright, what's next?" Yvlena asked. She allowed her character's knowledge to guide her, picking up the mortar and pestle she set about crushing the Lotus Petals into a paste and placing them in the container on the burner.

The burner came on with a buzz, a blue flame roaring to life as the paste began cooking. Yvlena watched the petals dissolve into a pale, shimmering pink liquid.

She sniffed it, finding a mildly sweet and herbal scent reminiscent of flavored toothpaste.

Once it was done she poured the liquid and was able to fill two vials.

[Yvlena Acquired


Avaresh Lotus Extract x2]

"I still have a bunch of petals left so maybe I can make some more extract later. Might need it for some other potion,"

[Subclass Skill: Alchemy Leveled Up]

"Well this was pretty challenging, I would have been surprised if I didn't level up," she said, puffing out her chest in pride. "I have everything I need for the Water Resistant Elixir,"

The cauldron bubbled to life, lit with a magical flame. Yvlena prepared her ingredients starting with the slime. It was cool to touch as she lobbed it into the boiling pot, next was the vial of Lotus Extract, and lastly two Luna Orchids.

The elf watched the cauldron bubble until the potion was ready to bottle.

"Odd, it's only enough for one,"

[Yvlena Acquired


Water Resistant Elixir x1]

"Phew, a new potion made. I almost thought it was going to fail. It seemed so tough to make," she said, wiping the sweat off her brow.

She uncapped the bottle and tipped it into her mouth, swallowing the elixir in one gulp. Yvlena's eyes bulged, she gagged, nearly spitting up the foul tasting liquid.

"That was awful! How low was that Elixir's grade? You'd think it was 'Z' not an 'F' from how bad it tasted!"

[You and your summons can now traverse water without sinking, effects expire once you touch land]

"Does that mean anytime I'm back on the docks I'll have to drink another elixir?" Yvlena asked, her stomach lurched at the thought of drinking the elixir again.

"Let's start looking for those ingredients, Let me take a look at that recipe again," she said.

[Swamp Balm (Epic)


Type: Recipe

Created by the Bone Witch of Avaresh Swamp to stave off and soothe the pain of her Miasma induced illness.


Swamp Jelly (Herb) x1

Fox Glove (Herb) x2

Avaresh Lotus Petals (Herb) x5

Spider Venom x2


Small Jar


"Right, spider venom," Yvlena grumbled. Her foot landed with a splash on the water, possibly alerting more creatures to her presence in the Swamp. Rabbit Knight followed behind her, landing with a hop on the almost solid water.

Yvlena gripped her sword as she walked, ready to skewer any Swamp Fish that would dare cross her path.

"I need the slime anyway," Yvlena said. "I wonder what the chum is for, maybe bait? But what would I want to catch?"

She walked by the side of the docks coming to the end where the wood stopped. The sight of the way flanked by trees made her swallow with fear, so far the swamp had been creepy and she knew it would only get worse from there.

Something sinister awaited her.

"Alright let's go," she said weakly, Rabbit Knight glanced at her, Sprite huffed.


The waters of the deeper swamp rippled as Yvlena and Rabbit Knight walked through. Dying trees halfway submerged in water faced them at every turn, some dripping with the liquid she had come to know as the Miasmic Sap, tainting the water below further.

Yvlena didn't notice any more Swamp Fish but kept her eyes open for any new enemy types that might spawn from that point.

"If I were Swamp Jelly what would I look like?" She asked herself, looking around. It wasn’t long before she caught sight of a glowing yellow flower growing out of the swamp water, the bell shaped petals seemed to house a ball shaped fruit.

"Wonder if that's the Swamp Jelly," she walked towards, reaching out to cup the flower in her hands and move on to the next ingredient.

Underneath her, the water shifted, rippling with movement that was now her own and forcing Yvlena to jump back. She watched something big and reptilian poke its head out of the watery depths.

Yvlena saw its snout first, two nostrils poking out of the water as the beast began rising. It opened its mouth to show her rows of razor sharp teeth. A growl followed and Yvlena was now looking at a green crocodile covered in wet soil.

Yvlena's eyes widened at the sight of the reptile swimming through the water, amber slits darted left and right, eventually falling on Yvlena and her summons.

"Uh oh," Yvlena watched the beast submerge itself deep underwater, losing sight of it. "Damn it,"

She set her sights below her and sure enough, she saw the reptilian body swim underneath her ready to rise again. The water rippled, and she jumped just in time to watch the massive jaw open and snap beneath the water where she previously stood.

"Don't tell me I have to fight that!"

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