Cycle 5???
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Cycle 5???


This will be my last entry into this collection of journals.


My name is Ariane Yeong, Scout Officer in Command of the Penrose-512.


Our mission is a failure, but we never gave up; either of us.


We have succeeded over five-thousand Cycles of exploration. The exact date has been unknown ever since the ship’s chronometer ceased functioning.


Supplies are nearly exhausted. Systems throughout the ship are failing one by one. Living conditions are no longer sustainable. Crew health and morale is-




When this entry is completed, I will summon our engineer, my Elster, to perform her final duty.


She is without a doubt the finest engineer in the whole galaxy, she made her cadre proud


And she is the finest woman; the most wonderful partner I could ever ask for.


If you find these logs, please bury us together. We promised each other we would never leave each other alone. Do not recycle Elster. She has more than earned this dignity, it is my sole and final request as an officer of the Eusan Navy.


The love we shared was real. Love motivated us, kept us going as far and as long as we did. Love will now end our journey, and serve as a beacon to all others.


This glory is ours.


This is Scout Officer Ariane Yeong, in Command of the Penrose-512.


Signing off.