Appendix E: Notes on the Calendar, Holidays, and Dating System
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The Calendar is divided into twelve lunar months of exactly twenty-eight days each. Additionally, there are holidays on each solstice and equinox which are not considered part of any month. Together these form a three-hundred-and-forty-day solar year. The years are thus also grouped into seven-year cycles, when the start of a new year coincides with a new moon. This event is known as a jubilee, and is considered the most profound holy day of all.

Within Imperial and formerly Imperial territory every month is named after a particular constellation, each of which has superstitions associated with them.


The Winter Solstice is a an important transitional holiday, which is considered neither a part of one year nor the next. It's typically associated with family, but also acts of charity. The holiday is overseen by the goddess Luna. During jubilee years the celebrations are extended to the final day of the previous year, and the first day of the next year.

The Stronghold is the first month of winter, and those born under this sign are said to be reserved and cautious.

The Grail is the second month of winter, and those born under this sign are said to be gregarious and generous

The Knave is the final month of winter, and those born under this sign are said to be tricksters and humorous.


The Spring Equinox is associated with birth and fertility, and overseen by the Earth Mother. It's typically celebrated with community dances and other festival activities.

The Maiden is the first month of spring, and those born under this sign are said to be adventurous and affectionate.

The Mare is the second month of spring, and those born under this sign are said to be healthy and libidinous.

The Stallion is the final month of spring, and those born under this sign are said to be trustworthy and dependable.


The Summer Solstice is strongly associated with Helios. It's a celebration of both life and joy, marked by carnival performances and huge market fairs.

The King is the first month of summer, and those born under this sign are said to be temperate and make excellent leaders.

The Warrior is the second month of summer, and those born under this sign are said to be brave and aggressive.

The Dragon is the final month of summer, and those born under this sign are said to be passionate and driven.


The Autumn Equinox is a harvest festival, overseen by the Sea Lord in his aspect as the Storm Father. It's typically celebrated with community banquets and potlucks.

The Hierophant is the first month of autumn, and those born under this sign are said to be wise and spiritually aware.

The Tome is the second month of autumn, and those born under this sign are said to be analytical and intelligent.

The Spider is the final month of autumn, and those born under this sign are said to be cunning and prone to insanity.


Each month is further subdivided into four weeks of seven days each. Traditionally six days are devoted to work and one to rest. However, which day is considered the rest day varies by both religion and region.

The days are as follows: Sunsday, Marday, Terrday, Albaday, Thesday, Orday, and Moon’s Eve.

Moon’s Eve is always the final day of every week, and is the most common rest day, followed closely by Sunsday, the first day of the week.

In human lands the years have historically been divided into the Imperial and Pre-Imperial eras, based on the semi-mythical founding date of the Imperial City. However, in Velois, Lusitan, Whitegate, and other human successor kingdoms that liberated themselves from the Imperium, they use the Modern Era dating system, which traces its origin to the break-up of the original Human Imperium.


First day of the Maiden, 899th year of the Modern Era – Veronique is born in the barony of Loix at midnight. Her mother’s labor began the previous day during the spring equinox, which had been marked by the appearance of a red moon.

Winter, 914 ME – The Kaiser of Teutonia is taken by a sweating sickness, his only heir dies in the same epidemic within weeks. Due to feuds between the electors, the grand princedom would remain without a monarch for more than a decade.

Spring, 915 ME – The War of the Bastards begins in Velois.

Summer, 918 ME – The War of the Bastards ends. Louis VII becomes the sole king in Velois, after having his captive half-brother is assassinated in prison.

Spring, 919 ME – Master Slayer Aquinas is killed in battle with a loup garou, leaving Vero on her own.

Summer, 919 ME – Vero cleanses the tower of Kaer Longus for the Marquis de Fer.

Autumn, 919 ME - Vero becomes the mistress of the Marquis de Fer. He raises her to the noble rank of Dame.

Winter, 925 ME – Vero arrives in Whitegate short on money after a misadventure under the Ruby Mountains. She works as a laundress there, and takes a room with the prostitute Theodora.

Summer, 925 ME – Vero destroys a coven of vampyres in Whitegate, and begins traveling with Dora as her common law wife.

Autumn, 925 ME – Vero reaches the city of Burgorad in the company of a rogue student named Ramiro.

1349 ME - A Novice's Catechism Regarding Luna's Many Faces is published.

1599 ME - An Introduction to Secular Arcane Theory is published.

1638 ME - Salvador Devalance delivers a lecture at the University of Whitegate.

1649 ME - A Brief History of Medieval Velois is published