One Shot #1 – A drive at 7:43pm
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I pushed open the door of my bedroom leaving my laptop left open and on, on my bed. I made my way downstairs pulling my jacket off the banister and made my way to the door of the front room. Opening it I hugged my father from behind. He queried as to why i had my jacket on and i returned with a simple request. The keys to our family's Chevy C1500 Pick up truck. reluctantly he fished them out of his pocket and placed them in my hand. He simply asked that i didn't mess up the car. I gave him my word before leaving the room and closing the door behind me. Patting myself down to make sure i had my essentials i let out a sigh of relief when i found them all.

After making my way out of the front door i unlocked the door to the pickup and pulled myself in. Pulling my phone out i peeked at the time. 7:34pm. Plugging my phone into the car i started up the car and chose my usual playlist and began pulling out of our drive way.

After a solid five to seven minutes of driving the light of my town of Burnley faded behind me and ahead of me a long road that was the A671. Rolling past the window of the Chevy were vast fields and hills that were hazily visible in the setting sun. My fingers rattled on the steering wheel as I sang along to The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy at the top of my lungs. A smile grew on my face as i drove onwards and my music played. This feeling of freedom was amazing. 

After another 20 minutes of driving the sun had almost finished settings and I was reminded of this as a car honk over took my singing and song, which i replied with turning the lights on. I dug into the side pocket of the driver's seat and began rifling for any sort of edible or drinkable... thing. After some fishing without being able to see my hands wrapped around a breakfast bar which i promptly pulled up and corrected the direction i was heading as to not collide with anyone. 

Letting go of the steering wheel with my left hand i gripped the top of the wrapper with my teeth and tugged until the wrapping came off and I started to dig into the bar. sitting back a bit as I ate, I looked ahead of me. Gazing off into middle distance the music switched to a "in love with a ghost" song. 

The world felt still. The landscape ran. I drove.

Driving Further still I rolled down the window and let my arm hang out of it. After what felt like a little eternity of peace my phone buzzed and i saw the time. "8:21pm". I then looked at the message and it was from my dad. He simply asked when i'd get back and i sent back a simple shrug emoji and turned off my phone. My voice picked up as a song with lyrics came on. 

At 10:17pm I pulled back at my house, killed the engine and went inside, giving my father the keys. Pulling myself upstairs I closed my laptop and slept.