Chapter 7 – Getting out by… falling?
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Chapter 7 – Getting out by… falling?

By the time Michael had finished washing her clothes, the sun had already started rising again. Although Michael was quite exhausted by now, she was also quite happy to be finally able to wear clothes again. Finally, she didn’t have to walk around commando anymore. But before she could wear them, they had to dry first. Moving around completely drenched wasn’t one of Michael’s hobbies.

While her clothes were drying, after she hung them on the trees around her, Michael started thinking about what she should do next. After all she simply couldn’t live on normally like this. She didn’t even know the damned date, so how could she? Thinking about the date, Michael remembered her smartphone. While she had taken it with her, she completely forgot about it as soon as she discovered the river. Quickly looking around, she soon found it beside the riverbed. Luckily she had dropped it there and not in the river. As broken as the screen was, the phone would have been completely useless if it had fallen into the river. With a sigh, Michael went to pick up the phone and continued to think about what she should do next.

Maybe should try to simply walk out of the forest she was in right now? That would be the most reasonable thing to do. After all, she didn’t even know where she was right now and she could only walk into the right direction. No matter where she went, she would be satisfied as long as she got out of the forest and back into civilization, preferably back home. Maybe she should just walk along the river? That way she could probably prevent herself from getting lost in the forest. And she could also avoid accidentally coming across the bloody mess she left behind. Her desire to see and walk across that scene again was nearly zero.

It took until what was probably midday, until Michael’s clothes had finally dried. She quickly gathered them and wore what was still wearable. Looking down on herself, her face grimaced a bit. What she was wearing right now made her look more like a beggar from the middle ages than a civilized person. A top that barely reached beneath her chest, only held by a single strip of clothes on her right shoulder and pants that looked more like a mix of torn hot pants and nothing at all, than the jeans she was wearing before. At least her important parts were covered… for the most part. Actually… wasn’t this more like she was someone from the stone ages?! Completely covered in rags that one could barely call clothing and besides her phone no sign of her being a civilized person anywhere?!

Michael noticed, that if she moved a bit fast, or in a wrong way, her crotch was exposed. And what bothered her the most was, that it felt very breezy. It made her feel unguarded and it also made her heart beat fast. She really didn’t like this sensation! She surely wasn’t an exhibitionist after all! Because of this, Michael decided to walk relatively slow, so she wouldn’t accidentally expose herself, even if there wasn’t anyone who would be able to peek nearby. It would already be embarrassing enough to walk through any town or city like this. Just imagining the looks, she would be given, was enough to make her cringe. Besides… how would she even be able to enter her home like this? Would her family even believe her if she told them that she was actually Michael? And what if she didn’t even reach that far? What if someone reported her for going around in public nearly naked and she would be caught by the police because of that? She wouldn’t even be able to identify herself!

Barely noticing that she was about to panic, Michael decided to completely stop thinking about anything besides getting out of the forest. She decided that she should really just walk along the side of the river. That sounded like the simplest and safest option. She couldn’t get more lost like she already was and she was bound to reach somewhere at one point. All she had to do, was to not get distracted by anything.

With the determination to get out of this forest by evening, Michael slowly started walking alongside the river. Slowly she put one foot in front of the other, just slow enough, so that her crotch wouldn’t show. It felt unbearably slow for Michael, but she didn’t dare walking faster. Her embarrassment of putting her… pussy on show, won over her desire to just walk as fast as she possibly could in the end.

To not get distracted by anything at all, not even her own thoughts, she was keeping her eyes focused right in front of her. Maybe that way, her slow walking will seem faster to herself as well. At least, that’s what she hoped would happen. She was so focused on what was in front of her that she noticed even the smallest of things happening where she was walking. She noticed for example, how there were actually tons of insects in front of her. She was a bit baffled by this. She was aware that there quite a lot of bugs in a forest like this… but this was simply too much! It’s like all the bugs suddenly decided they had to move somewhere, all at once! And they weren’t even all that visible… if she didn’t keep her focus on the ground, it seemed that there were only normal numbers of these tiny, disgusting things around her.

This creeped her out so much, that she actually stopped walking and jerked in disgust. She absolutely hated bugs, especially those spiders, with their creepy eight legs. She absolutely refused to walk on in this situation. But when the bugs decided, that she was part of the forest, since she wasn’t moving and started slowly crawling up her legs, Michael actually let out a scream, started jumping up and down to get rid of those creeps crawling up her legs. Quickly looking around, Michael ran to the first tree she could spot, not minding that the rags she was wearing didn’t cover her privates anymore. Though when she reached the tree, the situation wasn’t really any better than before. There were still bugs crawling all around her. She could hear a sickening crunch every time she stepped on the ground.

The only thing on her mind right now was, how to get away from these bugs as fast as possible. Walking or running simply wasn’t an option, since the bugs were all around her. Looking upwards, she focused on the tree branches in her reach. Climbing was an option! She could escape upwards! Jumping up and reaching out towards the branch she chose as her target, she managed to grasp it with both hands after several tries. She put her all into pulling herself onto the branch, so she wouldn’t have to let it go and try again… she would have to jump from the ground again, which she really didn’t want to.

Finally, she managed to pull herself up. Letting out a deep sigh, she decided to, first, take a good look at the situation around her. What she saw, was quite a weird spectacle though. There weren’t only bugs around, but other animals too. And all of them seemed to hurriedly run into a single direction, as if all of them had the same destination. It was almost as if they were fleeing from something. The first thought that came into Michael’s mind was, that they may have found the spectacle she left behind when she had shed her skin. After reaching that thought though, she decided to pay it no more attention and think about how to escape the forest instead.

 Suddenly, an idea came into her mind. What if she simply did, what she had unconsciously done twice before? What if, instead of walking around this weird forest, where every animal seemed to run away, she could just go upwards? Wouldn’t that be way easier than walking in a random direction too? She would be able to instantly see, which direction she had to go to, to escape this forest! This really was a great idea! Flying up and then out of here! There was nothing easier than that, wasn’t there?!

The excitement, that was building up fast inside Michael quickly subsided though, as she realized, that she actually had no idea on how to do that. The only hint she had, was how she was capable of falling back to the ground when she had woken up in a weird spot previously. So how should she go about this? Just imagining the starry nebulas inside her merging back into her obviously wouldn’t work, since she already did that just regain her footing on the ground. Even if she had landed face first at that time. Maybe… maybe the way to achieve the opposite effect, was to simply to it the other way around! Instead of imagining the nebulas converging into him, imagine them diverging!

With this thought in her mind, Michael began to do exactly that. In her mind, she imagined herself in a vast nothingness. Next, there was a colourful, though extremely weak fog building up around her. She was getting overjoyed! Had she really already done, what she had planned on doing?! Quickly, she opened her eyes, only to find out, that she really hadn’t done anything. She was still on the branch she had been on before trying this out. A bit disappointed, she reprimanded herself for getting happy too early in her mind and decided to try it again. She planned on trying this, until she either made it somehow happen, or the ground beneath her became clear again.

For the second time now, Michael closed her eyes, creating the image of a vast, black nothingness inside her mind. Again, the colourful fog built up around her, though this time, she decided, that the colours should be separated, since the starry nebulas only had one colour each too. This seemed to work! Now that the colours separated themselves, they were becoming stronger and stronger! After they had become so clear, that they seemed almost solid, she decided to start the next step.  That next step was to actually diverge these nebulas.

She tried to move them away from her with her mind. Albeit slowly, this seemed to work! Slowly they started flying away from her! Michael decided to check on her surroundings, as she wanted to see, whether she was wasting her time or not. Opening her eyes, she became shocked. What she had done, had indeed worked! Just not how she intended it to! Instead of flying upwards, she was flying forward instead! She was so fast that falling was maybe a more accurate way of calling it. She fell down, trees deforming into a blurry mess beside her!

Michael screamed her lungs out at the unexpected speed. It didn’t only look like falling, it even felt like it too! Adrenaline rushed into her head and her heart began beating very fast! Michael feared for her life right now, as she was absolutely sure, that she wouldn’t survive it, if she hit a tree or anything else right now! She fell and fell, and didn’t even know where was what right now. It didn’t matter that she was actually defying gravity right now. She didn’t even notice that anymore! All she noticed was, that she was falling and at a very high speed at that. She didn’t know, where up and down, left or right, or anything else was right now! There was only a single line of thought on Michaels mind right now! And that was, that she would hopefully survive this fall. She didn’t want to die yet! She wanted to live! And she absolutely wanted this to stop! She wanted to feel ground beneath her feet again!


Hey there! I hope you enjoyed the new chapter of Chaotic Symphony! :D The chapter this time is around 2000 words long (again :3) Feel free to leave a comment down below (I am happy if you communicate with me \o/) Oh! and I also have a discord server now! so if you feel like chatting with me and stuffs like that, feel free to join! (there is no hidden subscription fee! I swear!)

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And thanks to my supporter: Ritsuka Morgan