Training and powers
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AN: I own nothing.

Here's another one, I don't have much to say… Uh. Enjoy?

So, In an alley. Naked. If my thoughts are right then I'm probably in Kuoh somewhere. After all, nearly every MC that I know of is dropped into Kuoh. But they usually have clothes, they also usually start in a bed or something. Alright, let's take stock of my situation. I'm naked, in an alley, in an unknown place (presumably Kuoh) and with presumably no parents, or guardians. Eh, I've been in worse situations so I think I'm actually pretty good right now.

"Inventory" A smirk slides onto my face. As I had hoped I have an inventory. A big box that's divided into 5 by 5 small boxes pops up right in front of my face. In the first box there's a book of some sort, probably an introduction, or could be a skill book. I'll check it out later, in the second box however is a set of clothes, which I desperately need right now to cover up my junk. It's also winter or early spring, I think. Because I'm shivering a little.

After putting on my clothes I feel much better, the clothes also suits me quite a lot. A shirt with a faded picture of naruto using the rasengan while in sage mode. And a zip up jacket made of leather. Probably made of leather. And a normal trouser, black, heavy duty trouser. My fashion sense isn't the best but I think I look pretty cool. In my opinion.

Next I check out the book, taking it out of my inventory I inspect the book spine, looking for a title. But there's nothing there, the book is completely black, and made of leather. Aren't gamers supposed to have some kind of "Inspect" or "Observe"?

As soon as my thought finishes I see an information pop up in a blue box. It's really bright too. I'll need to change that somehow, it could be really distracting.


*Gamer has gained skill Inspect. Effect: Gives a detailed description of an object or enemy. The more it's used, the more detailed descriptions will get.*

Nice, I look at the book once more and cast inspect, and instantly another blue box pops up in front of my face, this time detailing what the book actually is.


*Skill book*

Grants the skill ID create and ID escape.

Grants the user the ability to create a sub-dimensional pocket in space,

where the user can summon monsters to kill and loot.

Current summon ID's Available:



Ah, the ID create, of course. How could I be so forgetful? One of the most important skills in gamer history undoubtedly.

Right now the sun is just setting, giving me about 8 hours to train. I don't feel hungry or tired so I'm going to assume that I might not need to eat or sleep, but my sample size is limited to now and here, so I don't know for sure whether or not I do need to eat and sleep. Most gamers don't however, so I shall assume the same. I shall train for 8 hours and become god! MWAHAHAHAHA. Probably.

Raising my hand into the air and looking really cool (probably) I shout out loud "ID CREATE!. Just kidding. That would probably give away the fact that I can do magic. What I actually do is walk towards the dead end of the alley and hide behind a dumpster, once I'm crouched down and hiding I whisper "Id create" I can instantly feel a tiny amount of mana draining from my body and entering the atmosphere. It feels weird, like a chill down your spine, and then leaving out through your ass.

As soon as the spell ends I stand up and look around. No zombies in the alleyway which is good, I should've been more careful, what if there were dozens of zombies in the alleyway with me? I'd be fucked.

Walking out of the grimy alley I look to the left and right street, I see some zombies on the right but none on the left. There are a bunch of parked cars on the street, near the curb. So I assume I really am in kuoh, rural villages wouldn't be this packed with cars. Kuoh it is, does that mean that the angels and devils felt the short burst of magic in the air when I created this ID? Shit, I hadn't thought of that. Lets just hope they're shit at sensing magic. Lets hope.

Anyways, I pick up a few sharp looking rocks that are under 5kg, which lets be honest, is most of them, Rocks that are heavier than 5kg are pretty rare in a city. I gather the rocks in my pockets and once I have the satisfactory number of 14 rocks, I grab 2 into my hands and walk towards the zombies."Inspect"

*Enemy: Zombie detected*

Name; Irrelevant

Level; 4

Race; Undead

Alignment; Chaotic-Evil

Hp; 0 (Undead hp: 147)

Mana; 0

SP; Infinite

STR; 14

END; 7

DEX; 4

INT; 2

WIS; 1

A completely normal zombie, Used to be a human before dying, resentment energy kept the body here. But the soul left, leaving an unintelligent husk of a human. Strength is increased due to muscle limits being removed with no fear of damage, Endurance is reduced due to decomposition. Dexterity is lacking due to poor motor control.

Cannon fodder. If you die to this thing you're shit.

+200XP If killed.

"Hey there mr zombie. Would you like to chat about the weather?" I utilize telekinesis and feel a minor drain on my mana. The rock shoots from my hand with the force of a professional baseball thrower and… Misses, Shit, My aim is absolutely shit. This is why you get 14 rocks kids, 14 rocks means 14 tries. The zombie hurdles towards me and I hear a metal banging sound to my left. In an alleyway between a house and a shop another zombie is trying to ambush me! Oh god, tactical retreat!

Walking backwards slowly I professionally get out of the pincer attack and use telekinesis once again. This time the rock flies forward and strikes the zombie in the face, I quickly get another 2 rocks from my pockets and fling another rock towards zombie 2. Both of them go down and I think they're dead, but I'm proven wrong when both of them get back up and begin lumbering towards me.

Normally, people would stay on the ground and be crying in pain. I know from experience, but I suppose they don't feel any pain since they're dead. Using my sharpest rock I use telekinesis on it, and fling it towards zombie number 1. I realise that telekinesis is only using a tiny amount of mana, and I think I know why. I'm literally flinging the rock as if I was throwing it. I'm not actively controlling the flight path and supplying more power, so it loses its speed due to air friction and doesn't do as much damage as it could, but it conversely saves mana too.

Keeping that in mind I watch as zombie 1 stands back up and starts to stride towards me, I think it's angry. I use telekinesis on both rocks at once and make an imaginary path in my head. Imagining the rocks flying from my hands and hitting the zombies both in the eye. And to my surprise it works, multi-tasking really isn't that hard to be honest. Both zombies get penetrated and both go down, they'll probably stay down this time. Probably,

I was right, using telekinesis actively and just flinging the rocks uses different amounts of mana, but it has very different outcomes. This time the rocks were more accurate and also penetrated a lot deeper. Killing both zombies instantly. It also used up more mana but the mana used is still negligible.


*Congratulations, User has leveled up!*

*+1 INT +1 WIS Due to Mage class*

*+2 Credits*


*Telekinesis has leveled up X1!*

*You can now lift up to 10KG of weight, and have slightly better control.*

While I was reading the notifications a zombie snuck up on me, using my years of training I easily dodged the bite but I accidently bumped into a second zombie, forcing me to duck to avoid a swipe. The first zombie barreled into me and we both crashed onto the ground. I used telekinesis to "Punch" the zombie's mouth away from my crotch and tried to use telekinesis for one of the best applications I can think of, I tried to directly crush the zombie's brain. You know, like a smoothie, inside your own head. Sadly it didn't work.

*Unable to use telekinesis inside zombie. Your willpower has to be double your enemies to be able to override every being's natural magic defence. Even beings who cannot use magic have it.*

Shit, I quickly get up and run to a car, using the car as a temporary safe zone, both zombies are kinda just bumping into the car like retards. They don't seem to have very good pathfinding, I nearly got bitten but I doubt these zombies are the virus ones. So even if I did get bitten I would've been fine. Probably.

I quickly use telekinesis on another pair of rocks and finish off the zombies. I notice that the zombies quickly dissolve like the other zombies, but these ones left something behind….Yen? Uh, I guess that makes sense? Both of the zombies left behind 10000 yen bills each. Cool. I put 20000 Yen in my inventory and an information tablet pops up.


*Great overlord system will explain to this dumb mortal.

Zombies will sometimes leave behind objects that they had when they were alive. It was deemed that it would be too overpowered if it happens everytime, so therefore the chances are only 50%.*

*User has leveled up*

*+1 INT +1 WIS*

*+2 Credits*

*Telekinesis has leveled up X1!*

*You can now lift up to 15KG of weight, and have slightly better control.*

Oh, That's pretty useful I suppose, easy money and all. Taking the bills I stuff them into my inventory and that's when I notice that In the bottom right corner of my inventory are my gacha tokens. Oh, I forgot about those to be honest. I was busy killing zombies and being excited to be in the DXD universe. Let's open those now then, I suppose.

First of all I open the Epic gacha token, people who go from common to epic are dumb, or in my case rare to epic. That way the first object will raise your spirits and then when you get shitty items from the rare ones you'll be like, "oh well atleast I got a nice epic." If you disagree with me, fuck you. But first of all I should probably get out of this ID. It's pretty dangerous to be in a zombie filled ID and being distracted, afterall. I just wanted to get a feel for how hard it is to grind. I don't wanna summon the boss just yet.

"ID escape" I whisper and feel a tug on my mana, it leaves and the world shatters. Or it seems to shatter, then I'm back in the normal world, cars are driving around and people are walking around, I think I might be in some kind of red district since there are very skimpily dressed women around. I also realise that I probably popped up out of nowhere, but that's fine since I was next to a car. People don't pay attention to me and I skid my way towards a small alley.

Now then, Let's open those pesky gacha tokens. To my understanding the rarer a gacha token is the higher chance you have to get a rare item, but you can still get a common, the chances are just lower that you do. Like for example if you get a common gacha token then you could have a chance of 90% to get common, and like 0.1% chance to get epic, and all the inbetween. With an epic it's the other way around. I assume. Don't screw me over world.


*Epic Gascha token activated. Reward: Frozen Sun sacred gear. Effect: A combination of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's and Tōshirō Hitsugaya's Zanpakutō. The ability to freeze the sun and incinerate a planet has been sealed inside this sacred gear. Artificial sacred gear, therefore there is no consciousness inside.

Effects: Basic control and creation of both ice and fire. Opposing elements.

Once you have greater control of this sacred gear you will be able to increase the heat of the flames. And coldness of ice.

Balance breaker: The ability to go beyond the physical limit of the world. Achieve a state colder than -273.15 celsius degrees. And the ability to reach temperatures that rival the stars. (LOCKED)

Lunar flare:?(LOCKED)

*Side effect: Resistance to heat and cold.*

*Immunity to the fire and ice generated by your sacred gear.*

Uh, I thought I couldn't use elements, since I'm not, y'know, an elemental mage? Or is that rule just conveniently forgotten right now? Not that I'm complaining, just kinda confused

*The sacred gear allows you to use elemental magic, fire and ice respectively. It's also not purely magic since it comes from a zanpakuto. Items allow you to use any kind of magic. E.g if you find a necklace which allows you to cast an illusion spell for mana, then you can use it even if you're not an illusion mage. It's the same with sacred gears.*

Oh, that makes sense I guess. It's not me actually using the magic, it's the sacred gear, I'm just supplying the mana required, Like a living battery. I'm fine with a role of living battery (If it benefits me)

I call out the sacred gear and I'm immediately star struck, It looks fucking great. No one else can see it other than me since I'm in a really small alley right now. The sacred gear itself looks like 2 gauntlets, one on each hand. It's really sleek and metallic looking. Both gauntlets are split down the middle by a divider, on the left hand the right side is Ice blue, and the left side is Phoenix red. On the right hand it's the opposite. Overall they look really cool. But right now they're kind of useless since they can only control Ice and Fire and cant increase or decrease the temperature. I'll train with it for sure later on but right now I'm going to focus on my telekinesis. And with that I put it back away.

And with that I open my 2 rare gacha tokens. Let's hope for the best.


Rare Gacha token activated. Reward: Gravity Magic. Error. Class =/= Elemental mage. Adapting. Please wait. Adaptation complete. Gravity magic has turned into Gravity affinity. Using telekinesis you have a much easier time altering the primordial force of gravity. Any "gravity" attacks that use telekinesis will have a much greater effect than it would otherwise.


*Rare gacha token activated. Reward: Shadow clone jutsu. Allows you to create clones of yourself, Once the clones dispel you retain all their memories. Divides your mana between clones.*

Oh shit, that's really useful, You cant really alter gravity with telekinesis to my knowledge but I suppose if I use telekinesis to make something heavier (Push down on something) or make something lighter (Pulling up on something) then It'll have a much greater effect. It sucks that I lost gravity magic due to not being an elemental mage, but I gained something that I can use right here and now. Which is a great win in my books. Also, shadow clone jutsu!? That's seriously overpowered if I play my cards right, I'm gonna seriously abuse that shit. I can probably only make 4 or 5 clones at a time due to only having so much mana, but that's still 5 times as much progress. Thank you Gamer system!

Deciding to try out my new spell I cast telekinesis and create a form fitting layer of telekinesis on top of my entire body. It's like a fucking latex suit thats clinging onto me. And then I apply a constant amount of power upwards. And I start feeling weight being taken off my feet. And then my feet completely leaves the ground… I thought I was only supposed to be able to lift 15KG worth of stuff? I weigh at least 120 due to all my bones and the density of my muscles. I know it said it would give me a boost if I used telekinesis for gravity related matters but this is a bit much, aint it? Well, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth I suppose. Also, note to self, new thing to train. I need to learn how to fly, that shit's too cool to not learn.

Letting go of my telekinesis I feel all of my weight settle back on my foot. I've got a new objective figured out, for now. First of all I need to find out where In the series I am. Second of all I need to get some shelter, and then I'll train my telekinesis and figure out if skill creation is a thing.

The first objective is quite simple, I can just ask a random passerby date it is, some people might find this weird but there's no reason for someone to think anything strange of it. With that in mind I set foot out of the alley. Instantly I see cars driving around and people walking through the streets. I need to find someone who doesn't look busy or isn't looking for "customers"

Looking around with my extremely sharp vision I spot a woman around the age of 30 in relatively normal clothes, she's nothing special and if I was forced to assume I'd say she's a completely normal person, lucky I don't have to assume anything. "Inspect"

*Human detected*

Name; Sakimoto Sanako

Level; 3

Class:Office worker

Sex: Female

Race; Human

Alignment; Lawful-Neutral

Hp; 168


SP; Infinite

STR; 7

END; 8

DEX; 9

INT; 11

WIS; 11


Thoughts about you: Doesn't know you exist

A completely normal human being. She has no real impact on society or the world around her. She works, eats, shits, goes to sleep and repeats. The cannon fodder of society.

She's in a suit that's made for women, has a ponytail and is average at pretty much everything, below average even. Her bustline is a C (I think) and she probably has a husband. She's the perfect target, my beautiful face will distract her and she'll answer my question, then before she even realises it i'll be gone.

Walking up to her I deliberately make my footsteps loud so that she doesn't freak out, "Excuse me Miss, I'm Ira, and I was just wondering if you knew the date, I've been quite busy lately with work so I've forgotten what month it is." Crap, what kind of fucking excuse is "oh i forgot what fucking month it is" thats retarded, I'm retarded as fuck. Let's hope my charisma does some work

She seems stunned for a minute but her eyes quickly shift to my face, and it shifts from my face to my attire, I probably look like a thug now that I think about it. I'm about 3 inches taller than her. So I'm probably quite scary, especially at night time. "Oh, Hello Ira-san, I'm Sakimoto, it's nice to meet you" She says with a smile and then bows, I bow back but inside I'm contemplating murdering her for wasting my time. "How can you not know the month? That's really something, It's the 4th of february. What are you doing out so late at night? Don't you know that there's a curfew?" A fucking what now? Why the fuck are YOU out so late at night if there's a curfew you cunt. Anyways, the 4th of february, DXD lore starts at around early april when school starts for the japanese, so I've got a full 2 months to train for the canon. Great, that's plenty of time for me, especially with my clones. Lets try and extract more information from this cunt

"A curfew? How so? I don't live in this part of town so I don't really know of any curfews, did something bad happen recently?" I ask with a curious look on my face, I really don't remember a curfew ever being put in place in DXD, but maybe there has been one put into place before canon, and I just don't know about it? Always hated curfews.

"Oh, you don't know of the murders going on? Teenage boys that are outside after 10 are getting murdered by some sick person. They're usually found in alleyways with, some rather explicit things done to them" Oh? This is getting me curious now, explicit?

"Explicit, as in?" I ask with another curious look on my face, I wanna know if they're chopped into pieces of if they're getting raped in the ass before being murdered, or after.

"I don't think I should say, It's really not appropriate, It's been nice meeting you Ira-san but I should get going, don't stay out too late." She says with a grimace and turns around and walks away, Dont leave me hanging you fucking cunt. I contemplate using telekinesis to pull her panties down instead of murdering her but it's not worth the risk. One day I will have revenge for leaving me hanging. Cunt.

"Oh, alright, See you Sakimoto-san" I say dejectedly, she predictably keeps walking, not even giving any acknowledgement. I thought I had 21 CHA? What happened to that? Also, why did she not even seem to think that my white hair is weird? Actually nevermind, I think I know the answer to that. Rias gremory and Koneko are probably known throughout the town, they've both got weird coloured hair so I assume she just thought I was a weirdo like them. Aight, cool.

Next objective, shelter. I don't really need shelter if I don't need to sleep but I'd still like to rest a little, I've only been out of the void for an hour so I'd like to rest a little. None of the houses are abandoned since there's a car outside nearly all of them, and the houses that don't have a car have their lights turned on, so no abandoned houses. But I don't need them abandoned after all. Walking into a nearby alley I whisper "ID create, empty" and I enter the zone.

Walking out onto the street I notice that everyone is gone, good. I walk up to the door of a random building and open the door. It's locked, So I kick the door down and I'm happy to say that the door breaks down effortlessly. Walking up the stairs I check every room and once I find the master bedroom I settle down into bed. Nice and comfy bed.

Waking up 7 hours later I stretch my body and get off the bed. That was a nice rest, and it confirms my theory of not needing to sleep. I still went to sleep but I didn't feel the need to sleep at all. As soon as I thought "Go to sleep, me" My brain instantly shut down, which isn't normal but it works. So I'm gonna assume that "sleeping" is more like the wait function in skyrim.

Leaving the house I walk around town, randomly. I'm trying to map the place in my head so I know where everything is.

I found Kuoh academia and Kuoh park, which Is where I'll be training for the time being. But first I map out the entire town, afterwards I'll train.

*2 Hours later*

The entire town is mapped out, In the anime it seems tiny, but in real life it's actually fucking massive, seriously, the academia itself is like 14 football fields big. It's insane. I decided to train since I still wasn't feeling hungry, or even peckish.

I walked into Kuoh park and went straight into the small forest, away from any paths. Even If I'm in an ID, I can still never be too careful. I decide to be overly cautious instead of reckless, it helps.

I summon a single shadow clone at first, and feel half of my mana drain instantly. That seems about right. A ploom of smoke pops up in front of me and an identical me stands in front of me. I stare longingly into his eyes and he stares into mine, I reach for his right cheek with my hand, and I lovingly punch the shit out of it. Instantly he disappears and memories flood into my head, It's not painful but it's disorientating as fuck. I see myself look into my eyes and thinking "what the fuck am I gay?" And then getting punched in the face, and nothing after that. It definitely works, and I even get my own insights into thinks, my own thoughts from my clones, that definitely helps me. Alot. I also got all my mana back, which is nice. It seems like shadow clones are just physical mana constructs, and as soon as they lose their shape the mana floods back to me. Interesting.

Summoning 5 clones I lose most of my mana, and have 1/5th left of the original, I'm still not dead so that's good. I wonder at what point I die. The system doesn't reply, it was worth a shot I guess. "Alright, all of you get to meditating. Once you gain the skill and 5 levels of xp worth, dispel. One at a time." Once I said that they all nod and sit on the ground with their legs crossed, I feel kind of left out actually. Is that weird? So I sit on the ground as well and try to find my mana. I eventually fall into a trance and I'm back in the void, but it's not the same void, this void feels a lot warmer and for lack of a better word safer.

I look around and realize I can float around the place, I see something shiny in the distance so I float towards it. Once I'm close I can see that it's a sphere of blue liquid. I touch the sphere and I get a light shock. Brining me out of my meditation.


Piled up notifications received.

*Mana sensing (Inner) unlocked 0/50, Mana manipulation unlocked 0/50, Meditation unlocked. 0/100*

*Mana sensing (Inner) : You can feel mana inside you, this is the first step in mana manipulation. *

*Mana manipulation : You can move mana around your body, and bring it out of your body to shape into spells*.

*Meditation : While in a trance Hp, Sp and Mana regenerate a % faster then normal.*

*+25 Levels in Mana sensing (Inner), Mana Manipulation, Meditiation.)

Mana sensing 25/50 Unlocked. You have an easier time sensing mana.

Mana manipulation 25/50 Unlocked. You have an easier time moving mana around.

Meditation 25/100 Unlocked. 25% faster regeneration of Hp,MP and SP while in the meditative trance.

As I said, shadow clones are overpowered as fuck. I can clearly feel that I have all my mana returned to me, so that means all my clones have returned. But doesn't telekinesis use mana as well? How was I able to use telekinesis when I wasn't able to use mana before? I'm guessing that the system has something to do with it, Spells probably guide mana without conscious effort. So going by that logic I should be a lot better with using telekinesis now, probably.

I decide to try and get mana sensing (outer) so that I can feel if someone is spying on me, All living beings exclude mana from their bodies and I also need mana sensing so that I can use telekinesis with better control, you'll know why soon. I know from gamer stories, which also means that I need to learn how to cover mine up, or retract it into my body somehow. I have quite a bit of mana, more then the average human so If I meet any devils they're gonna be suspicious as fuck.

Creating 8 clones this time (I'm gonna experiment to see how much is lethal) I feel a tiny amount of mana remaining inside me, I'm not sure how much mana a mana construct needs to stay "alive" but it's definitely less than 200. I can make even more clones I think. I never really understood why people in the naruto verse said that shadow clones were dangerous, you don't DIE from having your chakra divided into 1/32, right? You still have some chakra? You always WILL have chakra, 1000 divided by 1/1000 is still 1. Do people in the naruto universe need a set amount of chakra to live? I doubt it, it was just used as an easy excuse as to why no one else can use the shadow clone jutsu. So I doubt I can actually die from creating too many clones, but I CAN die from memory overload, so I'm gonna experiment with how many is safe to save my brain from being melted.

"Alright, listen up. Pair up in groups of 2 and use mana manipulation to leak mana into the air around you, take turns in trying to sense the mana around each other. Don't lose focus and don't fuck each other. I'll do that later, as… experimentation." All the clones nod and they all group up with someone, I just realised that I made an even number of clones so I'm left all alone again, god fucking damn it.

Sitting on the ground I enter a meditative trance once again, I'll just grind meditation then, I don't need friends. I'm not lonely, don't mind me. I fall back into a trance and I'm in the void again. I wonder if I can talk to the system in here, only one way to know. Hey system, is skill creation possible?


*Skill creation has been limited due to a certain someone. Skills will be given by the system for doing certain actions. E.g Using telekinesis to hover above the ground.*


*Skill awarded. Flight 4/50. Using telekinesis you lifted yourself off the ground and didn't fall back down in a blaze of glory. As long as you have mana you can use telekinesis to fly. Uses 15 mana/second.

Every level flying becomes easier for you.

Why did I only get the skill now? Did the system forget before or something? Should I be mad about this? Whatever, so there's a type of filter on skill creation, I suppose. But what happens if I do something with mana and it doesn't get recognized by the system but it still works how I intended it to?


*That will not happen. Every action is monitored and recorded in archives. If a skill is not recognized by the system then a new skill will be created. However, as you have little to no knowledge of how magic works, how spells are shaped, and how spells are created, It is impossible for you to make a spell with mana.

He sounds pretty cocky, Really fucking cocky actually. I might as well spend my time well while in this trance, my thoughts seem a lot clearer here than outside. I'm gonna need a plan to deal with all 3 factions, once I become overpowered they'll probably think I'm a threat that needs to be subdued, like the dragons. All dragons that are known have been subdued or roped into a faction in one way or another in canon, I'm a human (mostly) and they'll probably assume they're better than me and try to force me to come under them. I won't ever become someone's servant or slave. I can get an easy favour with Sirzechs by getting hired by Rias as an outsider for her peerage game and getting her out of marriage, he seems sort of honorable. Azazel just wants to research sacred gears, and the angels can be threatened with releasing the fact that god is dead. But that might not work since who would believe me without any proof? I can get an easy favour with serafall by getting her closer to her sister, ajuka is very much the same as azazel, except with less morals, and Falbium Asmodeus,is an unknown. All I know about him is that he's a lazy bald cunt. Maybe a hair implant will gain his favour?

The next question is whether I let issei live or not, we all know he has massive plot armor in the form of boobs, the guy literally unlocks juggernaut drive over a lost pair of boobs, it's fucking ridiculous. I don't think he can compare to an ultimate class devil even at the end of the current anime, sirzechs has a second form which makes him basically destruction incarnate, however, one of his biggest weaknesses is that he doesn't destroy the air around him, we know this because if he did, then there would be a vacuum around him, and in the anime there isn't. This world might work differently but we can exploit the fact that he doesn't destroy air around him. He probably doesn't destroy the air around him because of a need, the need to breath. Devils have a higher lung capacity than humans but they still need to breath, so that's one weakness of his. Another weakness that's glaringly obvious is the fact that his little sister is weak as shit. I could kidnap her and use her as a hostage if things ever go south. The only other weakness I know about which may be exploitable is the fact that he's made completely out of destruction in his second form, but he still needs to breath, which suggests that he's still affected by natural law. I think you know where I'm going with this. I doubt that mana gets destroyed by him either. Attacks probably do get destroyed but that is conscious, and seeable. He probably doesn't destroy ambient mana since it's not visible. I don't know for sure but I think I might be able to use telekinesis on him and since my gravity related matters are multiplied by at least 10, I can use that to my advantage. I can hold him down or maybe even kill him with it. I also need some escape items in case my plans fail. I think I've got two choices, I can kill issei and be done with it before he joins rias's peerage, or I can become friends with him. We share some common interests after all, but unlike him I actually dare act upon them.

I can get escape items from gacha's or from the shop. Getting credits seem to rely on killing things, I haven't visited the shop yet so I've got no idea if shit can be sold. That can all be dealt with later, for now I'm training telekinesis.

Waking up from my trance I notice that all the clones are gone, all their memories are already in my head but I hadn't noticed due to being in a trance. I've been in a trance for about 4 hours and the clones dispelled just 20minutes ago.


*Mana manipulation has leveled up! X43 50/50*

*Mana manipulation has reached max level, Upgrading skill.*

*Mana manipulation 18/100. You can control mana as if it was an arm or a leg, you can control it outside and inside your body very well, the distance at which you can control mana outside = Total skill level. (68Meters)

If your mana manipulation skill, intelligence and wisdom are higher than someone else's then you are able to wrestle control of mana outside someone's body. If your mana manipulation skill is higher then someone else's but their intelligence and wisdom dwarfs yours then you are able to disrupt their mana flow for spells, but cannot take complete control of their mana. Others may be able to do the same to you.


*Mana sensing (outer) has been unlocked.*

*Mana sensing (outer) has leveled up! X57*

*Mana sensing (outer) has reached max level. Upgrading.*

*Mana sensing (outer) 7/100*

*Mana sensing allows user to sense mana around his vicinity and examine the type of mana from the source, some beings can hide their mana signature so this is not a fool-proof skill. Mana sensing range = total level of mana sensing.(57M)

Alright, that's good enough for now, I'm gonna take a small risk and summon a shit ton of clones this time, I doubt I'll die from mana exhaustion or anything like that, the only thing that might kill me is the memories. But if I go slowly I should be good. I don't have an insane healing factor like naruto but what I do have is Gamers body and Gamers mind. Both of which should help me with not dying, hopefully. My brain also has wider neural canals and is more dense than normal humans, so I can take in a lot more information without frying my brain.

Let's do this. If it works I'll be able to train super efficiently. I summon 40 clones this time, dividing my mana into 40 separate pieces. And I can barely feel my remaining mana even with my amazing mana sensing skill, but so far, so good. I'm not dead from mana exhaustion so I know that dying from something like that is unlikely now.

"Okay, You're all me so you should know the drill, But I'm gonna explain it anyway just so you don't fuck up. Cuz if you do I'd only be able to blame myself. So, Go out into the forest and pick up pebbles. Start by levitating 1 pebble around your body, through your legs, around your head, whatever, just make sure that the pebble isn't in a pattern, make it random as possible and don't fall into a pattern. If you do I'll fuck you in the ass without lube. Next do 2 pebbles, and make them orbit around your body randomly, make the 2 pebbles come into near misses, do stunts with them, but once again, no patterns. If you fall into a pattern then it's not gonna be multitasking, since you're not focusing on multitasking actively. That's as far as you should go for now since you've all only got 39 points of mana, the pebbles won't weigh anything so it won't be too costly in mana, Do this until you run out of mana and then dispel. Understood?"

They all nod and run into the forest, I predict that the mana is gonna last 2 hours at most, The telekinesis spell didn't say how much mana it uses but based on my observations I can say safely that it depends on high heavy an object is and if you're constantly applying power to it. The pebbles don't weigh anything, a few grams at max, but they're applying power to it constantly to keep it orbiting in the air, and they're constantly fighting gravity and air friction, so it uses up a little bit of power, but not too much. Hence 2 hours.

The reason I told them to stop at 2 pebbles was because it would take too much effort to do 3 without the memories and experience of doing 2, and because it would cut down the 2 hours to 1 and a half. I think it's worth more to me to do 2 pebbles well for 2 hours instead of 3 pebbles badly for 1 and a half.

So now I'm in another dilemma, I've got 2 hours to waste and nothing to do. Actually, scratch that. I need to find a way to hide my magical aura, reentering a meditative state. I start thinking about how I'm gonna do this. I've read people do it in fanfiction and watched bleach, they described it pretty well and I assume soul power is the same as mana. Hiding my aura all points to one thing, taking the mana that you exclude naturally, and sealing it off, or taking it back into your body, or pulling it around you tightly, it all focuses on trying to get it back after it escapes, Which is kinda dumb, since that could damage you, imagine a big pot (Your body) and imagine water inside that pot (Mana), now imagine the aura that we're talking about being steam, your body produces heat and evaporates the water. Thereby making steam, this steam escapes through the top of the pot, which is not sealed, (mana leaving the body) However, what people do is put a lid on the top, and then duct taping it and putting super glue around the lid. What's going to happen to the pot? Obviously in real life it would overflow, but what if it was a special kind of pot that was fully sealed and won't allow overflow? It fucking explodes in a rain of death and suffering. People who describe this process don't really pay attention to this point, and their method just kinda works, but if you think about it, how? And where does all the steam go?

What I want to try, is stopping the steam altogether from even being made in the first place, I'm not sure why magic is expelled naturally from the body. But I've got a small suspicion that it's the mana that you produce that can't be contained by your mana pool. It makes sense if you think about it. So what I'm hoping to do is someone set a limiter to stop mana being produced once my mana pools are full, if that doesn't work then I'll just try the method that bleach has, and various fanfictions using mana. But I don't think it's safe.

Anyways, inside my black void, I go upto the sphere of mana, which is completely full, This makes sense since my mana pool was divided by 40, it didn't actually use my mana, it TOOK it, literally. So I've got a pool of 39 as well. Can my clones regenerate mana? I kinda doubt they can, so my 780 mana regen per minute sticks with me, I think. Which is really quite a lot by the way. I can fill my entire pool in 2 minutes, insane. Anyways, theres a way to test this. Coming out of my meditative state I look for the closest tree to me and use telekinesis on it, and LIFT. The tree creaks and cracks but holds its ground. My entire mana pool gets disintegrated but is topped back up within 3 seconds. So yes, My mana regen sticks with me. If my clones could regen mana that would be the most overpowered thing ever, holy shit. I head back inside my own mind and begin thinking of a good way to stop steam being produced, It all has to do with the mind, I think. It's kind of like subconsciously doing something, your heart beating for example, you don't control it but you can IN THEORY. No one has actually done it but no one can prove that you cant either, so what I'm trying to say is that if somehow I can imagine the mana stop being produced once my mana pool is full, then I can stop mana leaking out of my mana pool. Since there isn't anything to leak.

But it's not as simple as just being like, "Hey, mana could you stop being produced when my mana pool is full? Thanks"... Is it?

*Ability unlocked*

*You've discovered the reason all living beings emit mana subconsciously. You've also found out how to stop it, congrats!*

*You no longer release mana, beings who can use sense mana won't be able to tell that you're there, unless they're a grand master of mana sensing and can sense the mana inside of you, but the amount of people who can do that is very limited.*

… It was seriously that easy? I did all that thinking, theory, and resolving myself for hundreds of failures for nothing? Sigh… Thanks system. I thought it would take me hours upon hours but it only took an hour at most. This is just awesome, thanks a lot. Now I've gotta find something else to do.

I can't train against zombies with only 39 mana, even if my regen tops it up instantly, it's still too much of a risk for me… I guess I'll just grind meditation.

*1Hour later*


*Meditation has leveled up! X1*

*Meditation 26/100 Gives a 26% boost to All regen when meditating.*

Doing this with clones is so much easier, holy shit, I'm really grateful for the shadow clone jutsu now, It's probably even better then the sacred gear. Honestly. 2 hours of meditation and only 1 level, it's also only gonna get worse, who knows how much time it would take me to level meditation fully, alone. It would probably take months of grinding to get 100, I wonder if I can go past 100, it seems likely since shit gets upgraded at 50/50, so why not 100/100? Anyways, that's not important for now.

I skim through the memories of my clones and see that all 40 have achieved 2 pebbles being orbited around the body in random ways. 80 hours of work in 2 hours, thats fucking amazing.


*You have gained a new skill : Multitasking 0/10*

*Multitasking allows you to pseudo-split your mind so that you can focus on more than one thing at once. Amount of times you can split your mind = Level of Skill.* MAX LEVEL IS 10. SKILL CANNOT BE UPGRADED.

*Multitasking has leveled up X1*

*You can split your mind into 2. Each can focus on completely different things.*

*Telekinesis has leveled up X36*

*Telekinesis 25/25. Max level reached, Upgrading telekinesis.*

*Telekinesis 14/100. Current max weight = 195KG. Fine control.*

Multitasking is op as shit, it's the first time I've seen a skill have a legit max level, but I supposed it makes sense. It also only got upgraded once in 80 hours, so that proves my point, The system doesn't want me to abuse multitasking. I can't think of any ways to get past the max limit right now, but there has to be a way. If there's not, I'll find other ways to exploit multitasking.

I haven't tested how much power my new body can exert, but I don't think it's more than 195KG. There's a perfectly good way to test that however.

Walking up to a tree I surround it with my arms and try to crush it in a bear hug, The tree gets completely crushed. And topped over in the opposite direction of me, luckily. I'm surprised, I'm not sure how much force is required to crush a tree but based on the diameter and type of wood that I just crushed it's definitely more than 195KG. I definitely underestimated how strong I am. I wonder if it's the same with endurance as well? I pick up a rock and brace myself for pain, Lifting the rock up in the air and bashing it against my hand I'm surprised once more to feel only a small pain on my skin. And the rock getting cracked in half. The rock barely managed to scrape my skin and I'm bleeding a tiny bit. But in record time my cut heals and I'm left with a wide grin.

I decide that this requires further testing, but right now I don't exactly have anything that can withstand my hand. I'll need to get a knife from somewhere. I doubt I can survive a bullet to the head though. By the time that I finish testing with my rock It's already pretty late, It's actually only late afternoon but getting so many hours of memory in one day has left me feeling tired and sluggish, Perhaps I do need sleep after all? Maybe due to my endurance I won't DIE from sleep, but It'll leave me sluggish and in a cranky mood. I think that might be the case, I haven't slept in well over a week (Of memories) and yet I'm not dead. So I think that's the case.

"ID EXIT" Exiting the ID I instantly go back in, In some games if you're in one area for too long it glitches out and becomes unstable, I wanted a fresh ID just in case. Heading back to "My" house I kick the door down once again and head to sleep.

Tomorrow is the day of true training. Now is sleep times.

That's it, for now. My back hurts. I'm kinda slouched over and this is probably really bad for my posture, but I'll take it, I'll take it all for you! Next chapter I'm gonna make him stronger and level up, I realise he's only lvl 2 but you gotta understand, Level isn't everything, good skills help ALOT! for the first 2 months of his time in DXD he's gonna be preparing for canon. Obviously I'm gonna change canon and steal all the girls, but It's still gonna be happening in 2months, Rias and her peerage aren't in the overworld right now, they're in hell, and issei is just watching hentai.

I haven't decided if I'm gonna kill Issei yet, I probably will but I wanna steal his sacred gear, It's gonna come in handy. So I need to find a way to steal his gear with an interesting method, I'll probably use the system somehow. Relying on the system is what gamers do after all. Cya

Current stats

Name; Ira Soulhearth, The heir of the artificial Gamer system

Level; 2

Class; Mage (Subclass Telekinetic)

Race; Human: 79%. Inhuman: 21%

Alignment; Chaotic-Evil

Hp; 600 REGEN = 300/60seconds

Mana; 1560 REGEN = 780/60seconds

SP; 700 REGEN = 400/60seconds

STR; 20

END; 20

DEX; 20

INT; 52

Wis; 52

CHA; 21

LCK; 10

Credits; 249

[HP=END X 30]

[HP REGEN=END X 15] Every 60 seconds

[MP= INT X 30]

[MP REGEN = WIS X 15] Every 60 seconds

[SP= END X 35]

[SP REGEN= END X 20] Every 60 seconds

Skills+Things he owns



Frozen sun 0/?

Telekinesis 18/100 195KG max, Fine control

Multitasking 1/10 2 minds currently, Max lvl is 10.

Gravity Affinity (Multiplies up and down power of telekinesis by 9)

Shadow clone jutsu, No max level or current level, depends on how much mana the user has.


Ownership of a house. Totally