Chapter 6: The Magical Trader
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Aliya: So what shall we do now?

Jhon: I guess we have no other choice but to face this thing before we can get home, but how can we even buy things in this expensive.

Barterer: I think I can exchange your money to money if you like.

Jhon: What you mean exchange money to money.

Barterer: Well I just simply exchange big money to smaller ones but the same amount, be sure to have a magic wallet or bag if you exchange something big to small one. I exchange good for good, but I also exchange coins for coins too!

Jhon: But how can we even know what's the amount of this money?

Barterer: Well I'm a travelling barterer but nowadays the different types of coins are now the same to all, if you want to know what's the amount of your coin here's a table for you.

The barterer give Jhon a table of coin amount.

Barterer: Here you can see of how much is the amount of each coin.


Types of Coins

Amount in Bronze Amount in Silver Amount in Gold Amount in Platinum
Bronze Coin 1 0 0 0
Silver Coin 50 1 0 0
Gold Coin 2500 50 1 0
Platinum Coin 125,000,000,000 50,000,000 1,000,000 1
Crystal of Castil  Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

Jhon: That's such a hu-

Barterer: Shh! Don't say it too loud you might lure some thieves!

Jhon: Sorry.

Aliya: But how are we going to use it and how can we get more of it.

Barterer: Well you have to work of course not unless you're capable on stealing like thief do, well, are you going to change?

Jhon: Okay.

Barterer: Alright come with me.

The barterer goes inside a carriage, it was small in the outside but as they get in the carriage it was like a hall inside a small house.

Barterer: My name is Lorice and welcome to my bartering area, here you can exchange your good with other good all around the wonderful worlds, you can trade here with some magic related items, or even animals and slaves but not really slaves to be named because we all work here like a family. So what type of coin do you want to exchange to what amount?

Jhon: Can you exchange this two coins?

Lorice: My my look what we have here, it's not a silver but a platinum coins! So what do you want to convert it to.

Jhon: So-

Lorice: Hold on there buddy, if you're going to convert it to gold or lower, you must have a big wallet or a magical one, that bag of yours will just break and after all it will not fit all, so do you want to buy some of my big wallets or magical ones?

Jhon: What's the difference?

Lorce: Well the big one are legit just big and the magic is very special, it requires its owners to have a blood bind to let you store big amount of pounds or even items if it fits, this magic wallet will also avoid your money to get stolen like for example a thief gets your wallet, all you have to do is buy a new magic wallet and *ta-dah!* it's back!

Jhon: Then what will happen to the other wallet?

Lorice: When the wallet is on the hands of an unknown person like a thief it will just be an ordinary wallet until the owner gets it again. Just an advice, be cautious when buying magic wallets because some are fake... So?

Jhon: Look around maybe we can buy something in here while we're still preparing.

Jela and Aliya look around while Jhon talks with Lorice and choosing wallet.

Jela found a doll made with normal fabric, she brought it to his father and put it in the table.

Lorice: Okay little girl, before you buy that your father must first change the money, I don't want to miss count and say I'm a cheater... So?

Jhon: Well I'll choose the magic wallet.

Lorice: Well then you must do the magic bind so that the wallet will recognize you, come with me.

They go inside a room filled with strange things and creatures.

Lorice: Welcome to my magic room, where all types of magic related items, creatures, and even imprisoned spirits "Which are very dangerous to be careless at" are here. Here we will do our magic bind with the magic wallet, who will be the one or who are the owners of this wallet?

Jhon: Wait it can be multiple?

Lorice: Of course, even if your blood is mixed with the other person it will recognize you, but make sure to do the magic bind at the same time or whoever gets first owns the wallet.

Jhon: Well honey?

Aliya: Okay, I don't mind.

Lorice: Well then lets do it,  here use this.

Lorice give both of them knives.

Aliya: What are we going to do here?

Lorice: Cut your finger and let it bleed.

Aliya: What?! Cut and bleed?! Aren't we getting tetanus because of that?

Lorice: Well if you're afraid of sharpness then we will do it in an itchy way, please don't move even if you feel itchy.

Jhon, Jela and Aliya's body started to get itchy.

Lorice: Oh sorry i didn't mean to get your daughter's blood too, but it's too late.

Jhon: What was that?

Lorice: Mosquitoes made from pure element magic, doesn't brought any sickness but itchy when it's nose stings you, it doesn't get much blood so I have to use many.

The mosquitoes  disappeared when it lands on a small plate leaving the blood they collected. Lorice stirred the blood on the plate.

Lorice: And the last part.

Lorice put the wallet to the plate of blood, the blood was suddenly being absorbed by the wallet.

Lorice: Now it's complete. Now look.

Lorice show them a bronze coin and tossed it inside the wallet, the bronze coin was inside, he turn it upside down and the coin dropped.

Lorice: Now it's your turn to drop a coin.

Jhon dropped the coin, Lorice turn it upside down but no coin dropped, he showed the inside and it was gone.

Jhon: How?

Lorice: It's inside of a void.

Jhon: Then how can we get the coin?

Lorice: It's easy, just put you hands and think the money you needed, but take note that it only drops what's inside the wallet.

Jhon put his hand and think the bronze coin he dropped, he lift his hand and open his palm, the bronze coin is back.

Lorice: Now that the bind is finished, it's time to change your coin, now tell me what's the type and amount.

Now that their platinum coins can be converted, they will now buy the things they will need.