Rachael – Part 1 – Wanna Jam?
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Heyo, here's part 1/2 of the Rachael sort of parallel story. Probably gonna post the next one like Friday or next week.

This was it. Two months ago I'd been your average guy, albeit a little more shy. Now I was a girl saying goodbye to my sort-of girlfriend, Isaac, (who also used to be a guy). I was heading home...

"Alrighty," mom said, "Everybody pile in." Jack, my older brother, ushered the girls into the mini-van, before hopping in himself. Isaac and I stayed behind the mini-van for a moment longer.

Jack shot me a small smile as I walked over to Isaac. She put her arms around my neck, which seemed so cliche I would have been giggling if I wasn't on the verge of tears. I pulled her closer and we kissed gently for what felt like an eternity. I let feelings take over as I tried to take in every aspect of her. I'd never been one to be in any kind of relationship, but the thought of the closest I ever got ending before it could start... It stung.

In the back of my head I realized that Dad could probably see us in the rear-view mirror, but it didn't matter. Eventually I knew that we needed to leave or I'd be too tempted to stay, so I pulled back.

"You'll stay in touch right?"

"Of course," she said, "And... don't feel guilty if you find you have a crush on somebody else. I can rest assured they won't be as hot as me."

I let out a pained chuckle and rested my head on her shoulder for a moment, before straightening myself. In an attempt to leave with a bit of humor I stuck out my hand as if I was saying goodbye to a person I had just met. She gave me a crooked look of happiness and confusion as she shook, before both of us descended into laughter.

It took just about all of my being not to breakdown on the spot. I climbed in and buckled up. I saw her stand and watch as we pulled down the long driveway. My vision got a bit blurry, but just as quickly there was a barrage of questions from my sisters in the back seat, and I allowed myself to be distracted.


Things chugged along smoothly. Or as smooth as they could I suppose. For all the classes I took at the facility, none of them prepared me for suddenly being a sister.

"Rachael!" I heard Riley, my youngest sister, called from upstairs, "Can you come here?" I let out a deep sigh. I knew that if I replied or went up that I'd be up there for an hour, but ignoring her would be even worse. I walked up the stairs and into her room.

"Can you give me a braid?" she asked, putting on the cute smile that she knew would bend me to her will.

"French or fishtail?" Growing up with Stacy, Maddie, and Riley, I'd had to learn how to braid hair long before I was ever diagnosed. And while I hadn't resented the knowledge base, I was more than grateful for it now.

"Hmm...." she took a good long moment to decide, "Fishtail!"


I had her sit down in front of me, as I started. Before, while I hadn't been displaced from my siblings, I certainly hadn't been as active a participant as I had recently become. I'd always been closest to Jack, my older brother. We were only two years apart, and being the two guys had given us a separate dynamic from my younger siblings. He left for college last year, and while he had taken the time to stop by to take me home, he had headed back to school the next day. I'd been missing him a lot over the past year, and with all that was going on with me, I missed him even more.

I finished up and cinched off the braid. Riley turned to me smiling.

"Can I paint your nails?" she asked out of nowhere. I had to admit that it caught me off guard. I mean... I had experimented around with make-up and the like way more than Jordan or Isaac, but nowhere near as much as Sarah. I looked down at my hands. The black nail polish I had applied before leaving was really chipped, and did (in all honesty) need to be reapplied. But it still felt a little too personal to let someone else do it just yet, even if it was my kid sister. Especially if it was my kid sister.

"Maybe some other time, okay?" I told her.


She flashed me another happy smile and scampered off.

I picked myself up and made my way over to my room across the hall. My family lived in a two story house in a suburb just outside of D.C., but near enough that my parents could commute. Both my parents worked in and around government, but nothing that would sound all that extravagant. Jack was studying pre-law, and would likely follow a similar path to what they had. I however, had little to no idea of what I wanted to do. I'd always had a passion for music, but I wasn't insanely talented. My grades had always been top-notch, but that was more a product of the environment I was raised in, as opposed to any sort of inner drive.

Before I could delve too much into that train of thought I plopped on my bed and started scrolling through social media. Having been away for around two months, meant that I was constantly scrambling to get myself up to speed. I was the sort of person that made a couple of friends when I was little, before I realized talking to people was stressful, and then just kinda left it at that. Of course I still knew everyone at my school.

High Valley Academy was a pretty small school with only around 400 students total. It was a secular private school that focused on more well-rounded education styles, but still mandated a uniform.

I felt a knot form in my stomach at the thought of having to switch uniforms. I knew that everyone at the school would be fine with me, but that didn't mean my mind wouldn't wander to worst case scenarios.

I resumed scrolling through social media. Jaden got a girlfriend. Haley had made head cheerleader. Brian and Clarisse were a thing now. Typical high school drama. I wasn't all that interested in actuality, but having an excuse to be on my phone was nice. It would be a month or more before I could text with Isaac, but Sarah and Jordan had left before me and were always willing to chat.

I heard my dad's footsteps on the stairs and knew that he would be coming to tell me that dinner was ready. I got up, checked to make sure I didn't look like a total mess, and headed down.


The first day back at school was sooner than I would have liked. I'd gotten an extra day or two to unpack and settle in, so I was starting on Wednesday. The previous day I'd gone with my dad and my oldest sister (she was still only fourteen though) Stacy to pick up a uniform. Stacy tagged along because she needed another set. She was a freshman at High Valley, whereas I was a senior.

I put on the grey pleated skirt, white polo, and navy cardigan. It wasn't all that different from before (grey pants instead of a skirt). I got a few pairs of pants in addition, but I figured a new me meant a new wardrobe. Or at least a new version of the same wardrobe.

I returned to the same classes I had taken before I left my transition. The day started with walking into my first class, we didn't have home-room, and I didn't feel like getting up early enough to just hang around beforehand.

I was of the later kids to arrive, sitting down just as the bell rang. As I said before, High Valley was a small school, meaning I knew about three quarters of the student body personally. I'd neglected to reconnect with anyone before
returning though. I had sat down in my "regular spot" (I'd only used it for a week before being diagnosed and shipped off the facility). My teacher, Mr. Harding, gave me a subtle nod and smile before starting his lecture. I appreciated the execution as well as the thought behind it.

As it turned out, the facility had actually put me ahead in just about all of my classes, which made it easier to readjust to social life without worrying about making up for lost academic time. And it's not like I had that much of a social life anyway.

I tended to just kinda float around. I was acquaintances with loads of people, but I wasn't actual friends with but a small few... Well, one to be more specific: Henry Fischer. He was a goofy redhead with a knack for losing concentration in the middle of a task. I mean sure, I would get annoyed with him every once in a while, but everyone gets annoyed with people sometimes.

After my first two classes of the day, I made my way towards the auditorium where we held morning meeting. I scanned around, and Henry's red hair wasn't too hard to find. I cautiously made my way over and sat down next to him. He looked up from his phone and gave me a surprised look.

"Sorry, were you saving this seat for someone?" I asked, elbowing him.

He kept gaping until he realized it might come off as a bit rude, but I didn't really care. Were I in his shoes, I'd probably be doing the same thing.

"Wow!" he finally let out, "You're beautiful-- I mean-- Hey... Nice to have you back..."

I let out a small chuckle and gave him a solid eye roll. He never did have much of a filter.

"Rachel," I stuck my hand out, "Nice to meet you."

He shook and a wry grin spread across his face. Morning meeting went by as it always did. Seniors cracked a few jokes, teacher's plugged some extra-curriculars, the works. The rest of classes flew by as well.

Thus far, Stacy had been riding the bus in, but since being back it was apparent that she wanted to carpool. The two of us hadn't been all that close. While she and I were closer in age, she'd taken to having an almost maternal relationship towards Maddie and Riley. She was also a good bit more classically popular than I was, not that I cared too much. She treated the position well, and was clearly popular because she was an all around nice person.

"How was the first day back?" she asked after getting in.

"Oh you know, the usual."

"I bet Henry sure was surprised to see you."

I was glad we had pulled up to a red-light so I could give her a loving punch on the shoulder. We both giggled, and the light changed to green.

I could see where Stacy was coming from. I was a teenage girl, and I suppose that teenage girls are often drawn to teenage guys, but... At least at that moment, I didn't feel like I was all that different from the way I'd been before. And on top of that, I wasn't sure I was all the way over Isaac either.

Stacy and I chatted, more than usual, until we pulled into the driveway.

We walked in and mom was at the door to greet us. The way her job worked, she spent a few days out of the week working at home. I was always grateful for those days, because otherwise I'd have to spend another hour driving to pick up Maddie and Riley.

"How was school?" she called from the other room.

"Fine," I yelled back. I walked towards the kitchen to get a snack. She walked in and grabbed something from the fridge before turning to me.

"How is Henry?"

I heard Stacy snicker from the other room, which nearly had me stifling a laugh.

"He's fine mom."

"Its all fine huh?" she said, throwing my words back at me questioningly.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, everyone's fine with it mom. Its the twenty-first century."

"Okay... Just looking out for my girl."

Some inner part of me still winced every time I heard gender specifics applied to me. It wasn't that I didn't want them. I actually kind of liked it, I just felt... undeserving of them.


Things went on for another month or so. I hung out with Henry occasionally, about as much as I did before. We'd play video games or just kinda mope around each other instead of alone. I had to admit that it wasn't the most superfantastic way to spend my days, but I guess I didn't mind. I had just scored a point in one of our online games, when I heard my phone buzzing.

I ignored it until it had just about finished ringing, before glancing at the caller-ID. Then I darted for my phone, it was Isaac. I dropped my controller without a second thought and picked up the phone.

"Hey!" I practically screamed.

"Hi!" she yelled back.

"You're finally out! How does freedom feel?"

"Uhhh... It's so stressful, but also sooooo nice."

"That couldn't sum it up any better!" I agreed. Damn it was good to hear her voice. "So whats up? I assume you got home today?"

"Of course, I wouldn't leave you hanging."

And this is where our conversation began to get a bit awkward.

"Sorry for being so late too, I slept on the drive home and my parents invited my friends over for dinner without consulting me first, and Lily and I had a lot of catching up to do."

"Oh... How are... they?"

"Oh my gosh! They couldn't have taken it better! Kai and Sadie are super supportive and get this... Lily's bi! I was sooo worried about how this would go down. I'm honestly still kinda reeling from it."

"Wow... Well good for you!" I did my best to sound earnest and excited. This was big for her... but it stung like a bitch.

"How about you? How have you been? Got your eye on anyone special?"

Whether she had meant to or not, she made herself loud and clear. She had moved on... hard.

"Oh... Uh, you know... Its been fine."

"Come one! Tell me all about it!"

"There's not that much to tell..." I said, subtly pushing back.

"Please! I need something familiar after today... You can't have spent a month doing nothing..."

Part of me wanted hang up... Part of me also wanted to proclaim my feelings and for her to agree... But most of me wanted to just move on, like she had.

"Well, as it turns out, my best friend called me beautiful... But like, sorta on accident..."

We talked for a bit, but it was really late and we were both tired. I went to bed that night feeling a swirling mix of emotions, crying myself to sleep.


The next day I resolved to get myself motivated. No more sitting around all day, and no more obsessing about someone who was beyond my reach.

During my time at the facility I'd gotten back into guitar. It was my elective and practicing everyday had reminded me of how much I'd loved it. I made up my mind that not only was I going to continue to practice... I was going to form a band. Putting myself into something fun would be uplifting and I figured I needed some work on my people skills too.

I made some mock up flyers and that I would post around school on Monday. They read:
Wanna Jam? Musicians needed: Bass Drums Vocals Meet in Mr. Harding's room at lunch on Tuesday
I utterly cringed at putting this together, much less thinking about sharing them across school, but if I was gonna do it... I needed to at least get this over with.

The second thing I decided to do was to download a slew of dating apps. I knew that I was done (or at least wanted to be) with Isaac and this was the best way to force myself to move on.

As I found out, there are some serious pros and cons to dating apps. Pro: Since its virtual, the sense of anonymity can be really nice to let me experiment. Con: Guys on dating apps are assholes. Pro: Girls are way more fun to talk to on dating apps than guys. Con: Girls never message first. Which means I have to... Pro: Using puns are a great ice breaker. Con: I have to keep coming up with crappy puns.

Being on the apps for even just a day solidified my distaste in guys and my unchanged attraction to girls. Not only were the males on the apps very forward and rude, even the ones that I intellectually knew were attractive didn't spark anything in me the way it did with girls... Speaking of which, Isaac called me again that night.

"Guess what?" she asked excited.

"You... won the lottery and are moving to the Cayman Islands?"

She chuckled, "No... well not yet at least. I uhh.... picked a new name."

Even though it was over the phone, I could see such a clear picture of her expression in my head: one eyebrow up and an apprehensive and lopsided smile as she tucked a small bit of hair behind her ear.

"Holy shit! That's amazing!!!" I screamed back.


"What shall I address you as, my lady?"

She let out a knowing giggle, that I didn't quite understand and replied, "Henceforth I shall be addressed as Amelia!"

"Its perfect."

"Really?" she asked back, with genuine gratitude.


After that, the conversation morphed towards what each of us had done that day. Eventually, the two of us awkwardly trailed off and went to bed.

On Monday I put the posters up across school. And waited for lunch Tuesday to see if anyone would show up. I had to admit that while I didn't expect too many people to show up, I figured at least somebody would.

Lunch ticked away and nobody seemed to be showing up. It seemed about appropriate. I was packing up my stuff as lunch was coming to a close when somebody walked in. It was Henry, giving me a consoling smile.

"Auditions still open?" he asked.

"Only to people with talent."

"So I guess that takes both of us out of the running huh?"

I smirked, "Speak for yourself. If you had half as much experience with an instrument as you do with an xbox controller, I'd let you be the front runner."

He laughed, "I guess I need to get practicing."

We both meandered to our next class. I had to admit that having a friend was nice.


That night I was swiping through the dating apps when I made a match. She was cute, but I was feeling a little too burned out to start up a conversation. I was very surprised then, when she sent a message.

Laura: Hey... Have you ever heard the muffin joke?

I hadn't, and my interest was ever so slightly peaked.

Rachael: No... Laura: Well get ready, its pretty bad.

Rachael: Go for it.

Laura: So there's two muffins in an oven. One muffin turns to the other and says, "Wow, its getting hot in here." The second muffin then turns to the first and screams, "Ahh! A talking muffin!"

It caught me off guard, and I ended up bursting into laughter. But I had way to many puns up my sleeve to let her off the hook like that.

Rachael: That joke was like paper....

Laura: ???

Rachael: You know... TEARrible

Laura: Well I'll have you know my friends said it was like a whiteboard?

Rachael: ........

Laura: Remarkable

Yet again, I was caught on the ground laughing.

Rachael: That might be the best pun exchange I've ever been apart of...

Laura: Glad I could help out!

What came next was the typical get-to-know-you back and forth. I had to admit, she seemed pretty cool. Best of all, she was a drummer.

Rachael: Are you serious? I've been looking for people to make a band with!

Rachael: .....

Rachael: Would you be down to jam sometime?

There was a lengthy pause. I figured I'd gone too far, too fast and scared her off, or maybe she was just pulling my leg the whole time and I had called her bluff. Scenario after scenario flew through my head. Eventually, she responded.

Laura: Sure! I've got a whole drum setup and a few amps in my garage. When are you free?

And now I felt like she was the one calling my bluff. I panicked.

"Hey mom?" I yelled down the stairs, "Are we doing anything this weekend?"

It took a moment, but she yelled back, "Nothing right now hon. Why do you ask?"

"Shit!" I thought. "Uhhh... No reason."

She didn't respond, so I assumed I had nipped this in the bud for now.

Rachael: Anytime this weekend works for me...

Laura: Cool, how about 3:00 on Saturday?

Rachael: Perfect!

Laura: Awesome! See you then.

"I'm gonna die!" I thought to myself.

Hahaha, do I to this day continue to use some of those pickup lines? Yes. Yes I do. I'm proud of them.