Part 2
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A hand touched my shoulder, and I gasped my eyes snapping open. My vision was muddied at first, and my mind couldn't quite grasp where I was. So I lay there squinting into a blurry blob of dull grays and browns, no doubt looking very perplexed. As my vision resolved itself, my mind snapped back into focus and I found myself looking into the face of a stranger. His lips moved, but I couldn't quite make out what he said.

Like my sight, my hearing returned, and I grunted as the stranger's words became clear to me. "—kay?"

I nodded and met his gaze. Memories of casting the spell returned to me and I sat bolt upright, my chest jiggling in a very disconcerting way. I swallowed hard and glanced down, confirming what I already suspected. A set of large breasts now protruded from my chest. I slid a hand down, touching them before swallowing again and dropped it between my legs. Though I couldn't feel much through the fabric of my jeans, it was more what I didn't feel that drove things home.

A strong breeze hit my face and for the first time I took in my surroundings. I was outside in an empty field. An old dirt road stretched into a treeline in the distance, a classic Ford pickup was parked just off to the side where they met and storm clouds darkened the sky. I didn't recognize my surroundings, or the man who stood so close to me.

The warning on the spell sprang to mind and wondered if this might not be what it meant. My heart hammering in my chest, I raised both of my arms and touched my face. It seemed, different, wrong. All my stubble had gone, instead my skin was smooth and silky, and my nose was too small, but that was not all. Further, explorations revealed a set of soft lips, a missing Adam's apple and

I glanced at the stranger and pursed my lips. "W-where am I?" My eyes bulged out of my head at the sound of my voice. It was soft and feminine, dare I say, sexy?

"Just off the Old Fork Road, Miss." He said gazed at me his eyebrows shooting way up.

"Um," I palmed my face with both hands. "What town is that in?"

"New Haven," he said, and when I didn't respond, he added. "That's in Utah."

I met his gaze and bit my lip and looked around again. "New Haven?"

I was more than a little familiar with New Haven, I knew it well. My apartment building was located there, and I'd been living in the general area for pretty much my entire life. I'd never heard of an 'Old Fork Road', but I didn't know the name of every street in town. That being said, the place I'd landed myself in, didn't look familiar at all. I wondered, could he be wrong?

New Haven was a tiny little landlocked town. There hadn't been an empty field for as long as I could remember. Maybe before I'd been born, but…

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I held my breath. Without even thinking about it, I began to recount the warning message from the spell over and over in my head.

'Warning, be sure to follow the directions exactly as instructed and pronounce each portion of the spell as written. Failure to complete any step correctly may result in transfiguration, and/or chronological displacement.'

Though I didn't understand at the time, I now had an inkling of what those words must have meant.

I gritted my teeth, met my rescuer's gaze and released the air out of my lungs. A wet trickle kissed my cheek and peered up just in time to catch another in the eye. I blinked wiping the drops from my face, but it was a futile effort as more followed. In moments, what started as a slight drizzle became a steady downpour.

"Can you stand?" My new friend asked.

I bit my lip, nodded and lurched from the ground. My feet slipped out of my shoes as I took my first few steps and I stumbled forward damn near falling face first, but my rescuer's firm arms grabbed me by the shoulders and held me steady. The warmth of his body pressed into my new breasts and I stood there mesmerized by the strange new feelings that this awakened with me.

He cleared his throat and pulled away, and a cold shiver traveled down my spine. My heart hammered in my chest and it was all I could do just to look away. My new body responded to his touch in ways I didn't want to admit.

"We should get out of the rain." He smiled and held out his hand.

I nodded and accepted his hand. I don't know why I felt I could trust him. Somehow I knew it would be all right and, if I was going to be honest, a part of me wanted to do more than just go with him.

I didn't bother retrieving my shoes before we took off running again. They wouldn't have fit me anyway, my rescuer glanced back at them, but shook his head and sighed, no doubt thinking better of it. My pants sagged from my waist, but caught around my wider hips. My pants slipped down past my ankle and over my feet, and even though they flopped about as I ran, I kept at it. I tripped over them once, but again Trey caught me. It wasn't long before we reached the pickup I'd spotted earlier. I got there first and stopped panting for breath outside the passenger side door.

My body seemed so alien, but one area was particularly troublesome while running. My breasts jiggled and shook with every movement and the faster I went the worse it got. It actually hurt a little. No wonder women wore sports bras.

A hand touched my shoulder, and I jerked out of the way allowing my rescuer to open the door for me. I jumped inside and whipped my hand out to close the door behind me, but my rescuer beat me to it. I hugged my knees against my chest and rolled my pant legs up as I waited for him to climb on the other side.

I glanced down at my breasts again staring at them with wide eyes, still trying to wrap my head around my transformation. My clothes were soaked through and my nipples showed through the shirt. I'd never liked the way a wet t-shirt had clung against my skin, but now that I had breasts it was worse. Particularly since the shirt stretched tighter across the chest than it ever had been before my transformation.

"You got a name?" My rescuer asked, and I turned in time to see him swing the driver's side door shut behind him.

"I, uh," I stopped mind racing trying to come up with a name to throw out, but I couldn't quite form the words.

He turned to eye me and began to panic.

"Linda," I spoke the first name that came to me and it left a sour taste in my mouth just to speak the lie, but I saw no other option.

If I'd guessed right, I had not been born yet. Even if I was wrong, and I'd landed myself in some area of New Haven, I'd never been before, which seemed unlikely, there was no way to prove my identity. So, I could either tell everyone what had happened or play it safe and put on a bit of a show. Since, the former of my two options stood a good chance of landing me in a mental institution the latter seemed the wiser choice.

"Linda?" he said eyeing me for a moment before starting the pick up. "I'm John Benedict Travis the third, but all my friends call me Trey."

I froze, and folded my arms across my chest, very aware of Trey's eyes on my breasts.

"Pleasure," I mumbled and cold chills trickling down my spine. I shuddered and looked out at the rain drenched expanse. Even though I'd been chilled to the bone, the shiver had nothing to do with my clothes being soaked through or the temperature outside. John "Trey" Travis had been the name of Linda's husband.

I knew of the implications, but I wouldn't allow myself to accept what they must mean. It was a coincidence, nothing more.

Trey, watched for a moment, then slipped his jacket off and handed it to me. "Sorry, it's not much, but once the heater kicks in, I'm sure you'll be warm enough." He smiled at me, shifted the vehicle into gear, and started down the road.

"Is there somewhere I can take you Linda?" He asked glancing at me before returning his gaze to the road ahead.

I bit my lip and shook my head. "No, I'm not from around here and the truth is I'm not sure how I got here."

In a way, it was true, but it still seemed like a lie to my ears. I leaned forward and slipped his jacket on. Though huge on me, it did help warm me.

"It's funny we don't usually get rain like this. Doesn't look like it'll get better any time soon. I'll take you back to my place and get you some dry clothes. You look about the same size as my wife. We should be able to find you something."

"You're married?" I asked, thinking perhaps I'd encountered a different Trey Travis, but his answer shot that theory to hell.

"I used to be, she passed away last spring."

"S-sorry." I eyed him, another shudder rippling down my spine.

"You had no way of knowing. When we get there, I'll put in a call to Sheriff Riley. He's a friend of mine, if anyone out there is looking for you, he should be able to find out."

It made sense, from his perspective, if 'Linda' had gone missing someone might have filed a missing persons report. Linda hadn't existed until I'd woken up in that field, so any effort on their part would be a big old waste of time. If I felt guilty before it was nothing compared to the pit that formed in the bottom of my stomach.

"Do—," I glanced over at him my lips quivering. I never finished the sentence. I gritted my teeth suppressing the urge to break down in tears. Some people might think all the girly hormones now coursing through my new female body were responsible, but under the circumstances almost anyone would be bawling their eyes out.

The spell had transformed me into a woman and more than likely transported me back in time. On top of that, I had no legal identity. Which meant, no social security, no credit score and no citizenship. I was a man, make that woman, who had been cut off from everything and everyone I'd ever known. The chances of going back to my old life were slim to none and as miserable as it was, it had been familiar. Now that my whole life had been thrown out the window, I didn't have any idea what to do with myself. I'd seen grown men cry over less.

Hot tears stung my cheeks, and I hunched over just letting them come. Trey glanced over at me and smiled. "Hey now, it'll be all right. You hear me? We'll get this thing figured out."

His words actually helped provide some small comfort, but still I cried. Save for the occasional sob escaping my lips, we spent the rest of the car ride in silence. I leaned into Trey's side and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, least of all myself, but it made my heart flutter. What the hell was wrong with me?