Arc 1 -Lost- Part 8
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A deep sigh parted from Dante’s mouth. The crackle of burning wood and the distant screeches and rustling leaves were all that could be heard around him. The campsite remained undisturbed tonight. Quite lucky as this time a guest was staying within it.

I did all I can, he thought as he looked at the bandaged wound of the girl laying on a sleeping bag, her body covered from the chest down. Hopefully, she’ll be fine, with that thought he took a bite of the screwed fish.

“Hm… not bad,” he said as he took another bite, “could still use some seasoning though.” Looking back, it had been a long day of driving for Dante. He hadn’t really encountered much since he left his original location, but he did have to manually clear out a part for his jeep. If he was a normal person, he’d probably be out of a vehicle but for whatever reason, in this world, he’s like a whole new breed of human. Even with all that supernatural power, it took him most of the day to reach over here, but the journey wasn’t for naught. After all, he found what looked to be a trail made by people nearby. Original his plan was to follow it in the morning in hopes of finding someone or something that showed there were people here, but now it looked like the people have come to him.

“Still, is she a native of this world, well pink hair isn’t exactly natural in my world,” he said as he finished the fish kebob and gazed down at her, “she’s pretty young too, maybe late teens or early twenties?” he questioned to himself. Normally he’d have already been looking to go and get some sleep, but with his injured guest laying there defenseless, it looks like he’d be skipping out on any rest tonight.



The rustle of leaves nearby sounded out, but soon silence returned to the camp. Dante peered into the dark woods, before holstering his gun and turning back to look up at the twin mooned sky. It looked to be almost midnight, maybe a little before. Despite being late into the night, powering through a day-long journey, and fighting off an ugly fish lady to save this wounded beauty, he was quite attentive still. Perhaps even too attentive as even the faintest crack or squeak drew his attention immediately.

“This body of mine really has become something else,” he said as he looked down at himself, “how did I get like this, or even ended up here?” with those questions he continued to look up at the blue and purple moons.

“They really are a sight aren’t they human male.” A feminine voice broke the silence. Dante quickly turned behind to find the source.

“You?!”  Dante turned in surprise, “you’re finally awake.” The young woman who he had saved not that long ago, sat upright on the sleeping bed. Her eyes glowed bright, so much so that one couldn’t even see her irises or pupils, and a radiant white light surrounded her body.

“If thou means the owner of this body, then no this one still slumbers.”

“What…? You’re not making any sense,” Dante stood up to approach her “and you shouldn’t be up, you’re still injured.”

“Thou art mistaken, for I am no feeble mortal, I am a Goddess.”

Goddess? Did getting attack by that thing cause her some mental trauma? Dante thought as he heard the ridiculous words coming from this otherwise beautiful girl’s mouth. What’s up with the light show around her though, maybe humans of this world have special powers? That might explain my abilities and it wouldn’t be the strangest thing compared to what I’ve seen so far. Dante tried to make sense of the whole thing as the woman continued to rattle off before him.

“I am Neyth the junior, the youthful and most beautiful of the three great goddess,” a smile appeared on her face as she puffed out her large chest, “and the one who brought thou to our lovely world of Edythe. Man of earth, Dante Santos.”

Dante’s brows raised as he heard her speak his name and the world that he called home.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Dante spoke out, “Forget the Goddess non-sense, and tell me How’d you know my name and about Earth?” he said. After hearing what she just said Dante immediately went into interrogation mode. He had finally found someone and they have information about him and his situation. Them being injured and him saving them earlier became irrelevant at that moment, as he sought answers that might help him learn why he’s here and how to get back home.

“Honestly, do humans of thy world not respect deities anymore,” she pouted and continued, “anyway just listen thou rude mortal man. Firstly, this world is Edythe, a world which we goddesses gifted with mana, thus unlike thy world, magic and magical beings are very much a thing here,” as she spoke Dante’s eyes shot tightly and he could feel his blood boiling, “and why I brought thee here is what I was about to get into before thou rudely interrupted!”

“Listen! I don’t have time to play around. Now I saved your ass so how about you tell me what I want to know, without all the other bullshit!”

“Tsk!” she clicked her tongue and gritted her teeth at his words before she waved her hand in the air. Suddenly a strange glowing circle appeared beneath Dante, his body soon felt heavier as he crumbled to his knees. “Listen human, thou art not the one in charge here! I’m the Goddess, so hold thy tongue and listen to me, got it!” she yelled at him as her spell bonded him.

“Screw… you!” Dante shouted back as he forced himself up, the ground at his feet cracked and sank in.

“Oh?” to think a feeble human resisted my spellhe truly is a remarkable one. She thought, but her surprise grew more as he suddenly launched out of her magic field and straight at her. In the blink of an eye, the two fell to the ground as Dante pinned the self-proclaimed goddess. His eyes stared intently at the woman before him and in return, she looked up at him with her glowing eyes wide open.

“Start talking, now! And no more BS, I want the truth!” he demanded from her once more as he pulled out his Glock and aimed it at her head.

“After all that just happened, thou still doubts my words,” she sighed and flashed a seductive smile at him, “I brought thee here to deal with a troublesome matter of mines.”

Dante, looked back on what had just happened and for sure it was unusual, but everything he encountered here was unusual from the start. I don’t really have much to go on… He considered the possibility of what she was saying being the truth and after a bit of silent contemplationDante lowered his gun as he decided to hear her out for the very least. Though the goddess thing is still questionable. He thought to himself.

“So, you’re the one who brought me here?”

“Yes,” she replied.

“Then let me guess, if I want to get back home, I’ll have to deal with this matter of yours.”

“Oh, brawns and brains, I really drew the long stick by getting thee,”-she beamed another smile, while he grunted in return- “anyway, thy task begins with helping out this human female.”

“Wait! What exac-”

“Since she’s the only reliable medium I have to communicate with thee, try to keep her alive.”

“I said wa-”

“I’ll be observing thy progress from afar, so with that, I’m expecting great things from you, man of earth.”

“Hey!” Dante shouted once more.

“Bye, bye.” with those parting words and a giggle the radiant aura around the young woman’s body dissipated and her eyes fell shut.

“Hey! What do you mean ‘bye’ I still need more info!” Dante continued yelling at her. Suddenly her face twitched and eyelids slowly raised again.

“Um…?” that was all that came out of her as the girl gazed up with her silver eyes at the unfamiliar person who pinned her to the ground.

“Huh?” as he heard the voice it wasn’t the same as before and there was no glowing from her eyes or body either. Dante realized this might be the other ‘person’ she mentioned before. The so-called ‘real owner’ of the body, but he couldn’t be sure.

The two stared at each other as silence enveloped them. Marilyn was still confused about what was going on and didn’t even know what to say. A cold night breeze soon howled through, and her body shivered as it passed, which drew her eyes to her body, and Dante’s eyes followed suit.

While the moons above were quite a sight, the two womanly orbs below were even more of a shock to him.

“Um… I’m not sure what might be going on…” as she spoke his gaze returned to her face, “but perhaps, if possible, do you think I can get something to wear, there’s quite a chill out here, after all.” she smiled and giggled a bit as her cheeks became flushed.

“A-ah… sure,” with that response, so began the two’s awkward first meeting.