Prologue – Asrata.
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He did not wake up, he had never slept.
He was not born, it was not life that drove him.
When he opened his eyes he found everything he knew.
His first thought had no form or meaning.
Without a name like all things.

Before the beginning, things had no names, not even emptiness, darkness or silence. There was no pain nor happiness, no hatred nor love, no death nor life. All truths were empty, the perfection of all forms.
He didn't have a smile, there was no such thing, but if he could have one, he would smile majestically as he looked at his kingdom, all that was his alone without really existing.
Emptiness, darkness and silence were his treasures, even without a name, just as everything he had... Lacked name, use and form.
He didn't remember having ever been born, nor did he know the concept behind time and its passage, and therefore he didn't fear death, end or oblivion, since there was never a life or a beginning.
And in that eternity locked within a single instant, where infinite space entered a single grain of sand, he found wisdom without it existing.
In the vastness of nothingness there was nothing to be desired, envied or longed for. In the absence of those desires there was calmness.
In the infinite darkness there was nothing to fear. There was nothing that could hurt him.
In the eternal silence there was nothing to bother him. Nothing could interrupt his thoughts.

-ASRATA, Carios.


Hello! This is the short intro to my new - and first - work and I would like to start with an apology, since my first language is not English I can not promise an absolute lack of grammatical or orthographic mistakes - damn public education - but I will do my best to make them few and far between!

Please, if you find an error, let me know so I can learn and solve it!