Ch.2 Undone
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Hope you are all enjoying the story. I'm going to try to update it as often as possible though it is unlikely that there will be any set schedule.  Content Warning: This chapter does have some body horror.

I woke with a start, sitting straight up in my bed. I tore my covers off and went to the mirror. I knew that physical transformations are rare, but they are not completely unheard of. Something had definitely happened. I saw myself but something seemed off. At first, I thought that my vision had blurred, but then I realized that I just seemed a little softer. As though someone had taken sandpaper to my skin overnight and rubbed off all the harsh edges.

‘What magic could do whatever this is?’ I wondered. As I took in my body as a whole, I thought that I may have lost weight. My tummy was not nearly so pronounced but then I saw that the chub had not vacated the premises so much as moved downstairs. My ass and thighs looked way more substantial that I had ever seen them before.

My thoughts trampled one over the other as I tried to discern whether or not this change was big enough that people would call the cops, or if it just looked like I had been sick, or maybe exercised in a certain way? Was this body plausibly deniable?

The changes that had manifested had a certain feminine bent to them, so it was with that in mind that I pulled up the t-shirt I’d fallen asleep in, and cast my eyes on a pair of tiny buds that even my chubbiness never really afforded me. Even the areolas looked larger. I tried to tell myself that if this was a thing my magic had done then it could be undone.

I found myself much like Javier the day before, making silly casting animation movements to see if I could somehow trigger whatever my ability was and fix this. Nothing happened. It wasn’t a total loss though, I decided. I was still obviously myself. Maybe my moms and Javi and Vera would see some difference but I doubted anyone else ever noticed me from one day to the next.

There wasn’t a lot of time to experiment though, because as usual, I had awakened without a lot of time to get ready for school. I was thankful that it was the middle of winter and that I could get away with ensconcing myself in a big hoodie and baggy pants.

I hurried downstairs and was forced to forego my coffee once again because Mama Liz was in the kitchen and I didn’t know if I could bear up under her scrutiny. I shouted a quick “Bye Mom, I’m running late, see you later, love you” and scurried outside and into my truck. She usually liked to see me off with a hug and some encouraging words, but I could only hope that I could put that off long enough to fix whatever had gone awry.

I didn’t have to wait in the cab of the truck long before I saw Javi making his way across the street to join me, no doubt curious about what had happened over night. “Didja chicken out?” He asked, shutting the door and putting on his seat belt.

I turned the key and set off for school. “No, I did not chicken out. But something is definitely weird.”

When I said this, he cocked his head curiously to the side and gave me a once over. “What is up with your voice?”

“My voice?” I asked, I hadn’t even noticed that. It was a little tinny, maybe? Had Mama Liz noticed too? “Great, that’s one more thing to add to the inventory of crazy shit I woke up with this morning.”

“Dude, I can’t imagine what magic powers would make you sound like that. Wait, what was the other stuff you noticed?” He asked as my previous statement sunk in.

“Look, it’s complicated. I mean, I don’t want to get into it right now. I’m still dealing with the fact that I could be arrested or killed if people start to notice all of this.”

“Hey, I have an idea.” Javi offered and began digging out his phone. He plugged it into my aux and started scrolling through some app. When he reached over to turn up the volume, the old tune “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash came through my speakers.

“How does the man in black factor into this?” I asked Javi, incredulous.

“Try to sing along, match his baritone.” Javi suggested. I looked over to so that he would be sure to see the doubtful smirk and fistful of side-eye I was giving him.

“I don’t like singing, and certainly not this.” I whinged.

“Do it anyway, you need to start sounding like yourself in a hurry.”

I sighed, “I went down, down, down and the flames went higher.” And to my surprise, by the third instance of ‘down’ my voice still didn’t sound like my own, but I could suddenly contemplate a career in country music if I wanted. “Javi, what the fuck?” I said in my new baritone.

“Your power is voice changing? I mean, I guess it’s not nothing, still a little lame though.”

“No, it’s definitely more than that.” I said, thinking of my earlier discoveries. Then an idea dawned on me.

“Javi, remember when I was on your Twitch stream a couple weeks ago?”

“Oh, right good idea. Let me look that up.” And he began furiously punching at his phone to get up the correct video and the part where I had been talking.

We were parked at school by the time he found it and then the cringy sound of my own voice rang out through my truck speakers. I started to speak along with the inane chatter coming out of the stereo. After a couple seconds, Javi nodded and said “There, that’s it.” And I stopped, having solved one problem.

We gathered our things and began walking to school when I noticed Javier hang back a second and look at me with a wry grin on his face. “Damn boy, I think you came down with the thiccness.” I pulled my hoodie down farther and glared at him

“Is it really that noticeable?” I asked, worry winning out over my anger at the total inappropriateness of that comment.

“I guess not when you pull the hoodie down like that. What the hell power do you have?”

I spent first period in a haze of paranoia. I was hyper-aware of everyone in the room. Were they looking at me, did they look upset? Ultimately, I don’t think most of my classmates or teachers cared enough to notice me much at all. I was neither a delinquent or an exceptional student. I did pretty good on tests and I turned in my homework most of the time.

The first few periods were tense but after a while, I began to get comfortable. More comfortable than I usually am, actually. I suppose the extra cushioning made sitting on the hard-plastic school chairs a much less squirmy experience.

At lunch, I joined Javier and Vera out at the little gazebo in the courtyard. Vera didn’t seem to be any the wiser either, but she had her long black hair curtained around her History textbook and a pen in her hand scribbling on a notepad. I waved a greeting at Javi, not wanting to alert Vera to my presence until I sat down.

Once I plopped down on a bench, I asked Javi about an assignment we shared in a class later in the day to forestall the awkward pause that would no doubt occur because we were hiding something so huge from our other best friend. Her black curtain of hair parted and revealed a pale face with hints of dark makeup around the eyes. “How did you guys’ wilderness adventure go this weekend?” She asked in a monotone that belied the fact that she thought actively spending time out of doors was some deviant fetish that Javi and I chose to engage in against all good sense.

“It was fine.” I said too quickly. So, I added “We saw some cool cacti.”

Her glance darted over the decorative prickly pears running along the edge of the building “That’s wild. I can’t believe I missed it.”

“Right, as if more than twenty minutes of direct sunlight wouldn’t cause you to spontaneously combust.” Quipped Javier.

I could tell that Javi wanted to talk more about our predicament but it would look bad abandoning Vera to go talk in private. I pretended to work on homework and Javi scrolled through his phone for the rest of the lunch period.

We made it through the rest of the day largely without incident though there was a moment when I was standing at my locker and could feel eyes on me. When I turned around, I saw Kyle from the football team looking at me, and when his eyes came back up from where they had been lingering, he frowned at me as though I had somehow gotten one over on him.

In the truck on the way back home, Javi was full ideas about how to return my ass back to its flat white-boy shape. Much like with the voice, I tried to imagine myself with my old ass and thighs and chubby tummy. This didn’t really seem to work. I looked at a picture of myself on my phone but that too failed to deliver results.

After spending way more time in the cab of my truck talking about my ass with my best guy friend than I ever thought I’d be doing; we stumbled on a solution. By using the phone picture as a reference and also umm.. my hands, I was able to sort of sculpt it back into shape, which felt even weirder than it sounds.

I pulled into the driveway at home where Javi and I parted ways. I was finally back to my regular shape and could face my moms. Neither of whom were home when I arrived and probably wouldn’t be for another hour or two. I decided to get started on dinner before they got home to get on their good sides. I’m not a super talented cook, but I was able to mince some garlic and whip together some pasta with chicken.

As I did so, I couldn’t help but experiment a little. Standing in front of the stove, I began exploring different parts of my body, I began to realize that I could move the fat around to different places but I could not make more or less than I had naturally. Apparently, even with magic, the law of the conservation of mass was in full effect.

I returned things to the way I remembered them when I heard a car pull into the garage. Mama Cathy smiled at the uncommon sight of a freshly prepared dinner and asked me what prompted this show of domesticity. I couched my good deed in a little selfishness so as not to arouse suspicion. “I was really in the mood for pasta, and I thought it’d be nice.” And shrugged for extra effect.

Dinner was pleasant enough and having prepared the meal; I was spared the misfortune of doing the dishes after. Sometime around my second piece of garlic bread, an idea got into my head that I could not shake and I wanted to try it out as fast as humanly possible. I went up to my room and locked the door behind me.

I flung off my shirt and gathered the pudge around my center, separated it in half and moved it up my chest. And just like that, I had a respectable pair of breasts. Though something still seemed off. Those little black hairs in the center of my chest now stood out like geese among swans. I didn’t know if I could affect hair as well as flesh, but I pressed those hairs down with the tip of my finger and they sunk into my body from whence they came.

To see if I could reverse it, I made a little pinchy motion with my fingernails and found a few hairs coming out. I pulled further, and further still. My curiosity was sated when I found I now had 4 or 5 chest hairs only, each about 4 feet long. A thought came to me then that if I were not careful and I kept going, I could utterly unravel myself; turn all my mass into long wiry chest hairs until nothing else of me remained. This thought and those long hairs would not do so I pushed them both back into me and resolved never to entertain either ever again.

Since I was doing a little landscaping, ‘might as well have off with the rest of it’ I thought. And so, with smooth gestures down my arms, and over my legs, I found myself with silkier skin than I could ever remember having. I repeated the motion under my armpits, on my chin, cheeks and neck, and feeling a bit cheeky; around my asshole.

Once I was done with this, I caught site of myself in the mirror. I still had tits! I guessed that I ought to put those away, wouldn’t want to get too used to having those girls around. I pushed them back into my tummy. I still wanted to do something with that excess tummy fat though, I rather liked not having the spare tire. For a laugh, I decided to direct it all into my dick, which was hilarious at first. But then the reality of the body horror I was committing to myself began to sink in and I put the thing back the way it was.

Ultimately, I decided to leave a little chub so as to not have to entertain questions about sudden dramatic weight loss. The small amount I did move, I split between the ass and well, the top of my chest. Not enough to be anything much more than the little nubbins I had this morning really, just enough to spread things out a little. Looking in the mirror again, I found myself pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the look and was reasonably certain that I looked very much myself still. I did pull up a recent photo on my laptop to be sure; I could see how easy it would be to completely lose your sense of your self and your ‘true’ physical body if I even had one of those any longer.

-“Let her blow out her candles before they melt all over the cake” Vera says to Javier. We’re seated at my kitchen table, and it must be my birthday. I have on a cute blue dress and I can feel the lipstick on my mouth as I shape it into an ‘O’ to blow out the candles. When the flames go out, the lights in the kitchen dim. “That’s him. Right there.” Mama Cathy says, as she bursts through the door pointing at me. Following her are an infinite number of cops and they barrel through door, filling the room tight. Mama Liz is there too, crying. One of the officers pulls his gun and points it at my head and both of my moms nod in confirmation. The gun fires and it sounds like ice cracking. –