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The party was one she had been looking forward to. It had been so long since Grace had been around anyone except her ex-boyfriend; Ethan had always had a way of isolating her and calling it love. It wasn’t a party, exactly, just a small group of friends, but being around them just these few minutes had already made her happier than months of affection from Ethan.

                “Grace, did you hear me?” Grace's ears perked up at Amy's voice from behind her; she had been lost in the waves of her drink and hadn't noticed the tap on her shoulder, “We’re going to move downstairs for a movie, you coming?”

“Oh! Sure, what are we watching?” The Raccoon lists a few of the movies she has around her house as options and ends up with a chorus of cheers for some spy romance Grace had seen a few years back. Taking the encouragement, Amy takes her partner, Cee, by the hand, and leads everyone downstairs, stumbling slightly on the slick wooden stairs. Grace laughs to herself at how easily everyone had become buzzed after only a couple drinks and is cut short as the swimming of her vision reminds her of her own inebriation. She slips down the last step and stumbles into Ashton, bracing herself on his shoulders.

                “Watch yourself, hon.” He gives a chuckle and helps her over to the sectional, where Amy and Cee have already settled into the corner and lowers her down onto a cushion before placing himself on the other branch of the couch next to Sarah. Grace had been watching him flirt with her all night and had enjoyed the back and forth of Sarah acting like she thought he just really wanted to be her friend, despite every advance. Chatter continues between the other four even as the movie starts, and Grace satisfies herself just being around friends for once, remaining almost constantly silent save for chuckles at the movie and her occasional mocking of its easier jokes.

                About halfway through the movie, Grace’s drinks get the better of her and she lurches to her feet, signaling to Amy that she’s hunting out a bathroom. Since she was sitting on the outside of the couch, she doubts Amy even notices, as she’s been engrossed with the bearded dragon next to her for most of the movie.


Sarah leans out of the range of Ashton's wolf breath, he’s a good friend, but he lost all sense of personal space when he started to drink. It didn’t help that they had hooked up a couple months ago. Apparently agreeing it wouldn’t affect their friendship didn't matter, as Ashton was a lot more comfortable breaching her bubble these days. “Hey, where did Grace get off to? I’m gonna go make sure she’s okay, keep my seat warm, okay bud?” she wriggles off the couch around him and heads out of the basement, upstairs.

“Hey- “Ashton holds out a paw but she’s out of reach too quickly, and it falls listlessly back to his lap.

“Grace?” upstairs now, she eventually finds the bathroom light is on under the door, and the gentle sounds of water running. Nodding, she whips around before her vulpine friend can come out of the bathroom, and heads into the kitchen to fish around in the fridge and grab what she can to make it look like she meant to be here. Not long after, she hears the bathroom door open.


After relieving herself, Grace realizes, “Oh, shit,” she’s a little lost.

“Hello?” the voice sends a shock down her spine, “are you okay? I heard you say shit” it’s Sarah, every word is lined with a small giggle, and as Grace rounds the corner, she sees her leaning slightly into the kitchen’s doorframe. “There you are! I found you!”  more kitten giggles escape her.

“Found me? Were you looking?” Sarah seems almost excited to see her.

“Well, kinda, more I was tired of Ashton drooling over me, so I figured I’d give myself an excuse to get away”

“Oh, you noticed that huh? I wasn’t sure you were picking up on his intent, but I had fun watching it.”

In response, Sarah simply rolls her eyes and shoves a new drink that she must have been up here to grab into Grace’s paw, and grabs the other one, dragging Grace back down the stairs. As they come back into the basement room, everyone’s eyes find their way to her and Sarah, and Grace pulls her paw away like it was burned. her hackles raise along her back, and she grabs her tail to smooth it as she takes a seat. She’s so lost in her internal tension she starts a little when the cushion shifts next to her as she's joined by the wayward cat. Sarah raises her eyebrows and gives a pointed smile before leaning back, noticeably putting Grace between her and Ashton’s view. Amy gives a shrug and resumes the movie-probably paused for Sarah-then she leans back into Cee, immediately tuning everyone else out.


                Sarah settles in for the rest of the movie, and as it continues, she ends up sliding further and further down the couch until with a start, she realizes she’s had her head in Grace’s lap for at least fifteen minutes. She mentally shrugs, “I’ve been here this long,” and relaxes her neck, setting her head back down, and feels Grace relax her own tension as she does. After a minute she feels a hand rest onto her waist, and where one finger brushes against thinner fur at the bottom of her T-shirt she feels electricity shoot through her. Her chest begins to rumble with comfort, and she's suddenly very happy the movie is so loud.

                Jostling wakes her up-she hadn’t realized she had fallen asleep. A warm paw sets her head on a pillow and she hears the strangely soothing sounds of distant conversation that she can’t quite make out. She pulls the blanket that’s been given to her tighter around her shoulders and finds herself wishing for the warmth of Grace’s arm across her side again.


            “Are you sure? I do have an air mattress upstairs that I can inflate, it’s no trouble.”

“Nah,” Grace shakes her head, “I don’t wanna wake Sarah, Ames, I’m happy to just sleep on the other end of the couch.” She tucks the second blanket and pillow she was given under her arm. “I’ll get dressed down here too, I don’t mind, you guys go get some sleep.”

“Okay, as long as you’re sure, you’re some of my oldest friends and I just want you guys happy.” Grace thanks her again, and watches Cee and Amy sleepily follow Ashton upstairs and head to bed. she looks over at Sarah and double checks that she’s still asleep after she replaced her lap with an actual pillow. With a flutter in her stomach from the peaceful look on her face, she fishes around in her overnight bag for pajama shorts and a tank top and awkwardly starts to change. “I can only imagine what she’d say if she were awake for this, not much of a show though.” She mutters as she unhooks her bra and slips on the tank top. After she drops her jeans to get on her shorts, she hears from behind her

 “I don’t know, the flowers on the panties definitely add some enjoyment.” Grace starts and falls over in her hurry to tug her shorts around her tail.

“Oh my God!” she shrieks, “I thought you were asleep!”

“Sorry,” Sarah giggles, “you were half naked when I woke up and I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage.” Grace’s face feels hot, and she’s sure she must look like a cloud. She readjusts her crooked clothing and wraps her blanket around her shoulders, rushing over to huddle onto her end of the sectional couch, grumbling under her breath the whole way.


Sarah watches Grace cross the room-her tail must be between her legs for the blanket to hang so smoothly-and sit in the middle of the other end of the couch. She steels herself before standing up, “Well I can’t say it’s not time for bed, guess I’ll get dressed too.” She watches Grace’s face in her peripheral vision as she removes her bra from under her T-shirt and takes a little pleasure when the other girl’s eyes widen after Sarah simply drops her jeans. She settles back down under her blanket, and despite her confidence a moment ago, her voice feels very small when she says, “thank you for the blanket, and- and the pillow.” She knows she’s mumbling, and her ears lay back against her head by the time she adds “they weren’t quite as warm as you, though.”

“S-sorry? I didn’t- um, you’re welcome” Grace is definitely flushed this time. Sarah scoots closer and repeats what she had mumbled, knowing she wouldn’t be able to say it any louder.

“I’m anemic, and it’s really cold down here, could I, um, could I-“ and without finishing her sentence she almost throws herself onto her side and into Grace’s shoulder, both of them letting out a grunt with impact. Grace chuckles and reaches her hands to Sarah’s shoulders. “Let’s readjust here, huh?” Sarah's ears flatten again and she nods; they shuffle around until they’re almost intertwined, with her head on Grace’s shoulder. She can’t help but let out a small sigh of delight. Grace really is very warm, and she can feel the heat sinking into her bones. She’s so comfortable she's purring again, but she’s buzzing with electricity; there’s no way she can sleep like this.


Oh god, she’s not even under a blanket Grace can’t help but stare at Sarah’s barely covered bottom, her tail tracing the curve of her back. Her entire body is lit up and every touch and shift is like gentle needles prodding at her sanity. She’s sure a couple sighs escape but hopes that they sound like her usual I-forgot-to-breathe sighs, or that they get buried under Sarah's gentle purrs. They lay together for a while, both pretending to sleep and both knowing they can’t. she’s sure she can almost taste the tension running between them. Eventually Grace speaks up. “Sarah,” she whispers, “are you awake?” A moment passes.

“Yeah,” her response comes shaky, “I can’t seem to sleep.” A soft chuckle comes from her, shaking her body once.

“it’s funny, I used to sleep like this all the time with Ethan- “

“Ethan?” Sarah’s face turns towards her inquisitively.

“I… Yeah, my ex. He ended up being a massive douche, I only left him last week. It’s actually kind of why I was so excited for this party; He found a lot of ways to isolate me without ever telling me no. I really needed to see some creatures that weren’t him”

After that they launch into conversation that must last hours, first Grace mocking Ethan and calling him a dick, then Sarah complaining more about Ashton, her tail quivering. Grace is surprised by how much she enjoys hearing that. They have a long-winded, late-night philosophy talk about needs and wants, finding they agree on a lot of what they want in a relationship. Eventually they fall silent, but it’s comfortable, and they find themselves smiling at each other until conversation slowly resumes.

Grace tries to pretend she isn’t leering at Sarah’s body, and more than once watches Sarah’s eyes flicker across her own figure; she fidgets with the hem of her shorts, as if to try to hide her bony legs from Sarah’s gaze. Grace can’t help but be drawn to her neck; it’s soft, sleek fur running in a striped pattern back towards her spine, she idly wonders how it would feel against her mouth as they each rave about the injustices of the education system. It was starting to feel like her chest was going to burst. The next time the conversation comes to a lull she freezes, building her nerve.


“Hey Sarah?” Hearing Grace say her name sends a jolt through Sarah’s stomach, and as she leans in, her eyes seem to be focused on Sarah’s mouth, and Sarah finds herself leaning her head to expose her neck. “Can, can I kiss you?” as soon as she hears the word kiss, her body almost moves on its own to do what she’s been fantasizing about for at least an hour. The second they make contact an energy seems to fill a void in her stomach, and she opens her mouth to slide her tongue against Grace’s. Hot breath plays across their fur and skin as they messily kiss, and Sarah crawls forward as Grace lays back, ending with her straddling Grace’s lap. She leans forward, not breaking lip contact, Grace’s hands running up her sides and holding her close at the small of her back. Sarah follows her impulse-no reason to hold back now-and runs her hands into Grace’s hair, finding the back of her head and lacing her fingers in to keep a grip on the short strands of shocking red amongst the stark white of the rest of her.


Grace can’t hold in the moan as Sarah grabs her hair and she almost whimpers when her paw is pushed over their heads. She silently thanks fate that Sarah’s neck is suddenly so close, and she kisses her way down Sarah’s jaw and down the distended veins of her neck. She can feel the heartbeat under her lips and as she bites down, Sarah gasps in delight. She continues teasing the soft skin, swirling fur with her tongue as Sarah’s back arches and she grinds down into Grace’s pelvis. She feels Sarah’s hand push her torso back down, and she’s looking up at a curtain of blonde and a small, beautiful smile.


Sarah laces her fingers back into Grace’s and holds them above her head, crushing their mouths back together, tracing her tongue down her neck, then kissing down her chest. “Thank God for low cut tank tops,” she growls out, tasting Grace’s cleavage and relishing the moan she gets from her. The thought stops her, and she sits back. “Hm, speaking of, this collar is tight.” She grabs the hem of her shirt and with one move whips it over her head.

She spares a moment for disappointment in her lacking cleavage-though Grace has a greedy look shining behind the green of her eyes-then grabs Grace’s paw and slaps it to her boob. Grace needs no more encouragement, and her kneading makes Sarah moan. She braces herself against Grace’s chest, unconsciously grinding down into her pelvis again. They start moving together in unconscious pleasure, and Grace pulls Sarah down to kiss her again. Sarah unfolds her legs to lay next to her and runs her hand down Grace’s torso. She lifts her paw to run it up Grace’s toned legs, admiring the muscle, and a moan from Grace reminds her to kiss her again, feeling that connection grab her in the pit of her stomach once more.

At some point Grace removes her own top, and the touch of furs blending warms Sarah deeper than her bones and she finds herself unconsciously bracing her entire front against Grace in an aroused effort to be as close as possible. She breaks the kiss and feels a lump in her throat as she tries to think of the right way to ask for what she wants. She loses herself in Grace’s eyes until Grace grabs the back of her neck to pull her close, nodding, and with a harsh breath, growls “fuck me.”


As Sarah slides her hand under her waistband Grace lets out a sigh of relief and her tongue falters back, forgetting to move. Gasping desperately, she takes Sarah’s nipple into her mouth as both play with the other. The physical tension builds, and she barely maintains her sanity as she grinds her pelvis upwards into Sarah’s paw. Sarah takes the encouragement and grows faster, her arm working wildly, until Grace loses control, and her brain seems to explode. As she shakes hard enough to move the couch, she cries out a half word, “g-!” before her vision goes white.

It takes her at least a full minute before she can remember how to be human. “I- do you- can I help you finish?” she manages to get out. At that, Sarah seems to lock up and shake her head violently before she smiles and kisses Grace again.

“I… don’t really like to be touched there… right now. But” and Sarah settles in next to Grace again with a contented sigh, “if you wanna grab lunch next week we can talk about it.”

“Yeah, I- I think I’d like that,” Grace breaths. She looks around and grabs the fallen blankets, wrapping them both in them and settling in with a kiss for some very restful sleep.