Chapter 13: The Magic of the Sea
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Quick side-note: The always incredible Marzennya did this absolutly wonderful commission of the genderfluid mer-siblings from Tellonna!
Feel free to check it out -

Eight seats had been set in the dining room, with what looked like quite fancy dinner plates. Another six places were set around a smaller table in the living room on cute plastic plates with cartoon animals. Ella smiled to herself as she watched Finley and her loud energetic siblings, who seemed to move as a group, sitting down and watching Spngebob on a TV made from a huge scallop shell as they waited for their food. Compared to the last time Jana and her had sat around a table for a family dinner, this was wonderful! 


Over in the dining room, couples sat side by side around the table, with Echo and Bill at the head. Across from them sat Lacey and Finley’s mother; the dolphin woman they had met earlier, who was named Marie. She mentioned that her husband, whose name was Jacque, was working late and would probably be home later. Ella spotted Jaque in a picture on the wall. He was a middle-aged merman with a lionfish tail, similar to his kids. 


Chase and Lacey had been the last adults to arrive. The minnows had taken an immediate liking to Chase, and had all asked the strong reptile to carry them down to dinner. It had been hard work, even with the enhanced strength of his new body, but he enjoyed the attention and enthusiasm too much to care. “They’re a real sweet bunch of kids, Marie.” He smiled and stretched some sore muscles in his seat.


“Oh, I know.” Marie nodded in agreement, “Unless they want literally anything from you. They can be pretty evil then.” She stage whispered the second part, making everyone chuckle.


“I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that at once sweetie.” Lacey hugged her boyfriend and kissed his cheek, still proud he had handled them so well. “But it’s sweet that they all liked you that much!”


Ella looked between the young couple and the elders. No scolding from the parents for the public affection at the table? Was this a merfolk thing, or were all families actually this mellow when they liked each other?


There was a ding from the kitchen and Echo excused herself to get the food. “Hope you kids don’t mind that we kept dinner simple tonight!” She called from the kitchen, “We weren’t expecting guests. We have either salmon burgers or spicy tuna nuggets with sea cucumber fries! Who wants what?”


Most of the kids took nuggets and most of the adults took burgers and soon they were all set. Ella was more than a little curious about how they were able to cook meat or keep bread from getting soggy at the bottom of the ocean, but after one bite, she didn’t care. “This is all so good!” She said before she could help herself.


Echo smiled, “Oh this is nothing. You should come over for dinner when I have time to plan. Or better yet, when Marie is cooking!”


The younger dolphin laughed, “Nonsense mom, I learned everything from you!” She smiled at the guests, “We’ll have to invite you back for dinner again a few more times so you can help us settle who is the better cook.”


Jana nodded her approval, “We’d be happy to help with that,” she turned to Bill and commented , “But I thought Lacey said you and Echo weren’t home very much.”


The old pirate shrugged, “We’ve already seen so much of the world. Now the kids are growing up, we don’t need to travel as far for a little excitement and adventure.” He looked into the living room and smiled, “Here’s some fun already. Marie, the minnows are gambling with their dinner again.”


“They’re what!” Marie swam into the next room. “Finley! I told you not to play with your food. Everyone eat, and then you can play poker for your desserts once your plates are clean, ok?” 


“The kids know how to play poker?” Ella asked, watching her diffuse the situation quickly and restore order without even raising her voice.


“And blackjack, rummy, pinochle, a few things with dice,” Bill nodded his approval, tapping a fry on the plate as he counted off games. “Taught them everything I know.”


“Like how to cheat and blame it on the guy next to you?” Jana asked.


“No, Echo taught them that before I got the chance.” They all laughed at that before he continued. “But enough about that Jana, what can you tell me about our old ship mates? I never saw nor heard from them again once I came down here.”


Jana gave a little shrug, “Are you really that surprised that they didn’t wait around to see if you came back? All they saw was you and me dive into the water after a mermaid came up and talked to you. None of them knew what you were doing down here. They mostly thought you were dead.”




“Well, Lucky Jack, the bosun, wanted to wait for you. You won’t believe this, but he was sweet on you, Bill. He was heartbroken when you left. Would stare out at the sea wondering if you would come back for hours, poor lamb.”


Bill sighed and leaned back to look at the ceiling. “I remember Jack… He always got so flustered when I complimented his work. And here I was too thick to notice what it meant… I hope he found a safe harbor to be happy in.”


“Oh yeah. He did great. You see, Jack was so sad when you left that Stefen the Cook took to comforting him! They got married after a few years and started a cute little inn in Kingston Town.”


Bill laughed and pounded the table. “Good for them! Glad Jack was able to move on. I know I must have been hard to get over.”


Echo rolled her eyes, kissing his cheek as she fixed a few things his enthusiasm had knocked over. “Yes poor Jack, all of this could have been his.” 


“Oh you know you love me!... but wait, where did they get the money for that? There wasn’t that much treasure in the ship when I left.”


Jana laughed before swallowing a mouthful of her burger. “Did you think leaving a genie on a pirate ship that no one else would use my magic? Your old first mate got me first but used all his wishes in one night while drunk out of his mind! I actually feel sorry for him. He wished for a sack of gold, a bottle of rum and a hot meal! Easiest day of work for me for years!”


“Ha! Knowing Sven, that still would have probably satisfied him, even when sober!” laughed Bill, before adding, “Ah, who am I kidding? He was never sober.”


Jana continued. “After that, Jack and Stefen got my lamp and snuck me ashore so I wouldn’t keep getting passed around the crew. They were pretty good masters. Sure, their last wish was for me to work at the Inn till they could afford to hire staff, but it was a kinder wish than others I’ve dealt with over the years, let me tell you.”


“How long did you work for them?” Ella asked, playfully stealing fries from Jana’s plate.


“A couple years. Once they were done with me I asked if they would watch my lamp so I could rest from the job for a little while. So there I sat on their mantle for a long time, watching the boys adopt and raise kids, it was so cute!” She smiled before trailing off.


She continued, “Theeen I had to leave after a drunk broke in and stole my lamp, a couple valuables, and a few bottles from behind the bar. The thief never realized what my lamp was and was happy to just pawn everything for food and more wine. Eventually that thief crossed to Europe and sold my lamp to an… interesting family called the Olsens…” she then started into a simplified version of the story Ella had heard among the wolves.


Ella loved hearing her girlfriend talk, but felt like she was being a bad guest not participating in the conversation. As such she turned her attention to Echo. Trying not to sound as awkward as she felt, she asked “So… what does your family do for a living?” Nope, she was still hopelessly awkward!


The old dolphin laughed and waved the comment off, “Oh, nobody down here really needs to work for a living if they don’t want to. People open restaurants because they like to cook, musicians perform just because they like to play. Doing anything “for a living” is a landlocked way of thinking.”


“... Ok, speaking as a struggling artist, can I say how amazing that is?” Ella would have loved to live in a world where she could just create all day. 


Echo smiled warmly. “You aren’t the first artist to think that either, dear. But to answer your question from earlier, ours is one of the families tasked with maintaining the magical protection of the city. Not as fun as some other jobs, but it’s very rewarding.”


“Magical protection? Your family are wizards!?” Ella was too big of a dork to ever not get excited to meet someone magical.


“Our style of magic is more… enchanting than wizardry, but yes. All merfolk are a little magical, but our family is one especially good at making the power of the sea work for us.” She held up her hand and water swirled around it until the limb became invisible. “It takes a lot of us and a lot of work to keep entire cities off of sonar and radar. You humans get nosier every year!”


Ella couldn’t help but look around the room for more signs of magic. The meal they were eating, along with the TV and laptop were starting to make a lot more sense. “So… what, this entire city is kept invisible to humans? Do they see ruins if they get too close? Does that mean that divers or submarines would sometimes bump into an invisible Merperson?”


Marie joined in the conversation, “Oh no. The invisibility trick works great for Merfolk traveling in the open ocean, where very few humans would ever be likely to look for us. But it wouldn’t be enough for all this. No, we hide our cities in a much safer place.”


Ella was a bit surprised by the choice of words. “Place? What do you mean?”


“Hmmm...” Echo said, pouring herself a small ball of what seemed to be white wine and sipping it. “How best to explain this… Do you know what I’m talking about if I say this is a pocket dimension?”


“.... A pocket… you mean… this entire city isn’t technically on the same world as the rest of the earth?”


She nodded and shrugged “Yeah that’s about the size of it. Why else do you think you needed to enter the city through the tunnel at the Shoal House? If you tried to dive down here from the beach, you’d have only found a lot of sand down here. ”


“The tunnel was a magic portal?” Ella’s eyes went wide with realisation. “Well that explains a lot. For one thing, how multiple cities of magical creatures stayed secret for so long.”


“Oh yeah. There’s more magic in the world than people expect. I have an old witch pen pal up in Canada.” Echo said, pausing to think, “You knew it’s been a while since I heard from her. Hope she’s ok.”


Ella couldn’t help but smile, “This witch friend wouldn’t happen to be named Rhea would she? A real dog person?” She felt it was better to not mention werewolves directly just in case it was someone else.


“That’s her!” The old dolphin said excitedly. “Do you know her?”


“Sort of… I haven’t met her, but we went to visit her village a few days ago. The Olsen family Jana mentioned lives with her!”


“Hold on…” She paused, mentally putting the pieces together, “the Groves of Rhea… those videos you and the kids were watching.” 


Ella put a finger to her lips, “Yeah I think you got it. But don’t let the secret out to Finley ok? I feel like she would be sad to find out the videos are scripted.”


The grandmother smiled and nodded, “Right. Our secret, at least for now. She’ll probably work it out herself before too long.”


“What do you mean?”


“Oh, she’s about to start her magical training. She’ll learn how to identify other magical creatures and before long Finley will spot the distinct features… or maybe they won’t since Lacey didn’t see it.”


“What was that, grandma?” Lacey asked from down the table. She hadn’t been paying very close attention to any conversations, preferring to spend her time sitting in Chase’s lap to be cuddled as the little spoon.


“Never mind.” Echo chuckled, sipping her wine, Marie laughing with her mother.


Ella smiled and gave Chase a covert thumbs up of approval before talking to the dolphins again, “Well, when and if Finley finds out, since you know Rhea, maybe she could become friends with the puppy in the videos. He’s a nice kid.” She smiled, looking into the living room again at Finley who seemed to be playing Three-Card Monte with her siblings, “I wish I could have learned magic at Finley’s age… Heck, I’d love to learn it now.” Ella saw that this statement had caught Jana’s attention, stopping her in the middle of a story about a wild weekend she and the crew had had in Tortuga. 


“Did you mean that as a real wish, bunny?” Jana asked in the pause of the conversation.


“Sorry love. Figure of speech.” Ella smiled and gave her girlfriend’s hand a squeeze before they both returned to their talks.


“Well, with Jana you could learn all kinds of magic easily.” said Echo. “But you’d need to find a real teacher to learn it the long official way.”


Ella nodded, “I’d want the full experience! My shape shifting powers are one thing, but I’d want to learn and grow as a magic user! It’s not as much fun to just ask Jana and poof! I know everything!”


Echo was in full agreement. “Oh yes I understand that. Well, if you already know Rhea, then she would probably be your best bet to learn from.” 


“Couldn’t you teach me a little? You said your whole family was full of magic!” Ella was so excited to learn, that she was reluctant to wait.


The old sea mammal laughed at the girl’s eagerness. “Patience dear. Magic takes a long time to get right. And you’d have an easier time learning from someone on land. I’m sure that you have a home you’d like to go back to at the end of the day too.”


Ella sighed. It was true, as much fun as this underwater world was, she didn’t want to give up on her new home, or on building a life with her wonderful girlfriend in their own world. “Oh… Ok, fair point. I’ll just have to come back once I’ve learned a few spells and show you what I know!”


“We’d all be very happy to see you then. Consider yourself and Jana welcome here anytime you’re under the sea!” Echo got up from the table and started collecting the finished plates. “Would anyone like dessert? We have some homemade sea salt ice cream!”



They stayed and talked for hours longer over big bowls of ice cream enchanted to not start melting until it was in someone’s mouth. Ella and Jana had been having so much fun that they hadn’t even noticed the sea getting dark outside the home. 


There was another chime from outside the dining room, the toll of an old ship's clock. “Time to change the watch.” Bill said, excusing himself from the table and floating over to the kids in the living room. “Come on, little sailors. Time for you to swim off to bed!”


Ella was fighting not to laugh as all six of the kids started complaining about how unfair it was. Finley was the loudest and most outspoken, probably because she had won three helpings of ice cream for herself. “Insubordination!” The old sailor called in mock seriousness, “50 lashes and a keelhaulin’ for the lot of ya!” the good-natured former pirate began chasing his giggling grandkids around the room, but still managed to herd them upstairs to bed. 


“This happens every night.” Marie said with a sigh. 


“I wonder who has more fun, Bill or the kids.” Echo shook her head, looking fondly up at the floor above her.


“Bill, definitely.” Jana said without hesitation. She, Chase and Ella had insisted on helping clear the table and wash the dishes. “He never had that much fun as a pirate captain.” 


Ella took another look outside. The city of Tellonna shone in the distance, through the dimness of the evening sea. She sighed as she realised that it was probably time for her and Jana to start heading home.


Marie had agreed to let Chase stay with the family, while he got used to his new life under the sea. Lacey was delighted that her boyfriend would be staying, and had offered Ella and Jana a bed in the guest room, but the girls politely declined. Instead, Lacey offered to escort the girls back to the portal to the surface.


As the girls were saying their goodbyes to the family, Finley suddenly rushed downstairs from her room, apparently having listened in on the conversation, and wanting to say her own goodbye. “It was fun hanging out with you!” she said, through a yawn. “I don’t always get to be a girl with so many people at once.”


Ella smiled as she gave the young mermaid a hug. She felt so happy for this child for being raised in such a positive environment, with magic and an accepting, supportive family.


After Finely was ushered up to her room by her mother and grandma, Ella turned to Chase, who was feeling rather worn out after such an eventful day. The mer-croc had offered to escort the girls back to the portal with his girlfriend, but Lacey insisted that he rest.


“You’ve been through so much today, sweetie!” said Lacey, kissing Chase on the cheek. “Not to mention, carrying all the kids downstairs probably took a lot out of you.”


“Yes, dear.” said Chase, smiling at Lacey and making her blush. “I guess, I should say my goodbyes now.” He made his way over to Ella, and pulled her into a brotherly hug. “Ella, I can’t thank you and Jana enough for everything! If it weren’t for you, I’d still be stuck up in the Shoal House!”


Ella hugged her friend right back. “You’re welcome, Chase! We’ll be sure to come back and visit at some point soon. We’ll see how things work out for us on the surface.”


They broke apart, and Chase smiled at Ella. “Good luck with everything, Ella. You’re a wonderful woman, and you deserve the very best...” He looked over her shoulder towards Jana, who was saying goodbye to Billy. “...and it looks like you already have it!”


Ella smiled, and gave her scaly friend one last hug, before swimming over to Jana.


“‘You ready to go, honeybun?” said Jana, “We could stay for the night if you want to?”


Ella smiled. “No, I think it’s best we head back. But we’re definitely coming back here soon.” She squeezed Jana’s hand, and gazed lovingly into her eyes.


“Okay, girls!” said Lacey. “We should probably get moving, if you wanna get to the portal before sundown.” 



Shortly afterwards, the three mermaids were swimming through the aquatic suburbia. Lacey led the way through the water, with Ella and Jana following behind.


“So, Ella…” said Lacey, slowing down so that she could swim alongside the other girls. “What did you think of your first trip to Tellonna?”


“Oh, it was wonderful!” She giggled, swimming in a few loops and spirals to express her joy. “It’s beautiful! With great fun, amazing people, magic everywhere! I love it!” 


A final thought she kept to herself was how, while it was a wonderful place to visit, she didn’t feel ready to live there just yet. Maybe someday she and Jana might decide to come down here for good, but she wanted to experience more of her own world before moving on to others.


Lacey nodded in agreement. “It’s the best place I know… and with Chase here it is only going to get better!”


Jana smirked at the mermaid as they swam along. “I’m a little surprised that your mom was fine with your new boyfriend sleeping over already. Got any fun plans tonight?”


The lionfish blushed bright red and squirmed a little “Oh! Don’t say it like that! Of course we aren’t planning anything!... ‘cept maybe cuddling each other till we fall asleep and…”


Lacey let out a little squeak as she noticed her tail was, once again, starting to change colour. “Oh no! Not again!” She was immediately engulfed in bubbles again, and when they cleared, Lance the merman had returned.


Lance grinned awkwardly. “Oh dear… two shifts in one day? Looks like having a boyfriend is going to make life more interesting, that’s for sure…”


“You think having a boyfriend is making you shift more?” Ella asked, still curious about how the shifting worked as they started making their way back through the heart of the city. 


“Maybe?” Lance shrugged. “I’ve never shifted twice in one day, and before today I’d been male for a couple of weeks...” He paused as he considered this, and seemed to realise something. 


“Oh my…!” Lance blushed. “The last time I shifted was just after I rescued Chase! I’d dropped him off at the Shoal House when I felt a change coming, so I quickly dove down to avoid being seen!”


Jana exchanged a grin with Ella. “Wait! You’re saying that the first time you met Chase, he caused you to turn into Lacey?!” The genie looked like she was trying not to laugh.


“I didn’t think of it at the time, but yeah! I think you’re right!” Lance gave a slow, awkward laugh. “I shifted back to male a few days later, and didn’t think anything of it…”


The girls giggled at the merman’s bewildered expression. “You’re in love, sweetheart!” laughed Jana. “There’s no denying it!”


The trio continued swimming up through the vertical streets of Tellonna. Jana paused for a moment as they swam past the sushi restaurant where they had last seen Grey and Box. “You don’t think…” She swam up to the window and laughed, “Oh gods! He’s still eating!” 


Looking in through the shop window, they saw Grey cleaning up a final plate of sashimi, dozens of empty dirty plates all around him, while Box, still in female form was in the back helping the exhausted looking Kapa owner count the gold from the boot to pay for the meal.


“Two bucks says that poor cook takes tomorrow off.” Ella said softly to herself. Grey spotted them through the window and waved to the three of them to come in. The diminutive chef panicked and ran to the door, quickly switching the sign from open to closed before someone else came in to eat him out of house and home.


The shark laughed and got up slowly from the table. He called back to his new jellyfish friend. “Tip him well, ok Box? I’m going to step out to have a word with the girls and I’ll be right back.” 


As the lethargically moving shark opened the door and swam out into the dusk lit waters, the girls heard Box call, “You better come back old man or I’m keeping the rest of this loot for myself!”


“Been having fun, Grey?” Jana asked, smiling at the shark’s dopey grin and swollen stomach.


“Oh the best time! I’m glad you came by! The young invertebrate is going to find me a better place to stay for the night once my tab was settled!” He let out a belch, “Buuut I am rather thirsty now… maybe I can talk her into showing me where to find a few bottles of wine before I call it a night…” He shook his head to get back on subject, “But I wanted to give you girls something before you went home! A little gift to show my thanks for everything you’ve done for me!”


The odd old bottom feeder presented the girls with a small wooden box. “I asked Box to run back to my ship and get this during my meal… I kept it from all those years ago. Something to remember my freedom. But now… I feel that I must give it back to you.” 


Jana’s hands shook slightly as she accepted the box. “This… is from my home?”


“Not just your home Jana. You dropped it when you were pulled in by the lamp.”


Jana slowly opened the lid of the box. Ella looked over her shoulder and saw a simple bracelet of braided silver with a small detailed cat’s head with eyes of amber on the end of each side. 


“Freya’s bracelet… her… my wedding present…” her voice cracked and she started to cry, but it was hard to tell if they were tears of sorrow or joy. “Grey… I should slap you for keeping this from me… and kiss you for giving it back… thank you…” 


She decided to split the difference and swam forward to hug the ugly old shark. He groaned at how tight she was squeezing but didn’t dare complain. She pulled back and wiped her eyes, even though the tears had been carried away by the water. 


“So Grey… what’s next for you?” She said, trying to get her emotions under control, already having put the bangle on her wrist. Ella tried not to feel jealous or worried, but she couldn’t help but eye the bracelet and wonder about the story behind it.


He smiled, showing a number of missing teeth, “Well in the short term, I want to get very drunk and fall asleep on something more comfortable than an old, rotting wooden floor. In the long term… I want to get to know my fellow men again… well, my fellow fish at any rate. I have lived too long as an island to myself.”


Jana nodded and shook his hand, “I hope you find peace however you decide to use what time is left to you. Until we next meet.” 


He nodded and squeezed her hand, “May your gods and mine smile down on you both. They will offer you protection, peace and guidance in all things. Farewell Jana, and thank you again lady Ella for the kindness of your wish!” He actually bowed to the quiet shapeshifter before returning inside the restaurant to make sure everything had been covered. 


Lance was the first one to speak, not having all the facts for the conversation. “Well now. I’ve never seen that old fossil in such a good mood! Whatever you girls did, I think it was for the good of the entire city!”


“It’s a long story. Maybe we’ll tell you about it the next time we are here.” Ella said, taking Jana by the hand. The genie had been staring at the bracelet for a long moment. “Sweetie? Are you ok?”


Jana took a deep breath and nodded, “I will be. This has just brought up a lot of memories.” She was quiet for a moment, only speaking again when the three of them had started swimming on, “In my people, brides are often given kittens as wedding presents. Cats are a sacred animal to the goddess of love, Freya, that my wife was named for. When we married there were no kittens to be had. So Freya had this made for me instead. A gift with two cats, giving our wedding day a blessing of the goddess and her own love… I prized this above all else during my mortal life.”


“It’s beautiful.” Ella said with a weak smile. “Freya was a very special woman…”


Jana tightened her grip on Ella’s hand and looked her full in the face, “So are you Ella. Never forget that darling. My love for Freya does nothing to change my love for you.”


Ella hugged herself to Jana’s body. “I know angel… it’s just when I hear you talk about her… I can’t help but feel a little unworthy… Freya sounds like such an amazing woman and… I can’t help but compare myself to her and think I come up short…”


Jana pulled Ella into a tight embrace and kissed her with all the love and passion the genie could put into the action, “Bunny please don’t do that. Love isn’t a competition. There’s plenty of room in my heart for both the proud warrior and the compassionate artist. I will treasure you both as long as I live, and I don’t want you to ever forget that!”


Ella blushed right red and buried her face in Jana’s chest, “Oh gods Jana! One of these days you’ll make me blush to death if you keep saying things like that!”


“You’re so cute when you blush. I’m willing to take that risk!” Jana giggled and kissed her girlfriend again and again.


Both girls looked up when they heard someone cough. Lance was still off to one side and waved at them. “Sorry to interrupt you two being gay and adorable, but we really should keep moving. Easy to get lost in the ocean once it’s completely dark.”


“Right…” Ella cleared her throat and kissed Jana one more time, fully planning to continue this later. “Lead on!”


As they continued through the city, Jana again illuminated her tail to better light their path. Looking around the city, Ella saw a surprising number of other residents also glowed in bright shades of blue, red, green and yellow. “With so many people glowing, I bet this place has some amazing raves.”


Lance chuckled, “Actually yeah. We have a very active nightlife here. There’s a great club with an anglerfish MC who goes by DJ D33P. Thought I’d take Chase there tomorrow night.”


“Oh that sounds like a great time!” Ella had always wanted to go dancing, but had never had the confidence for it. 


“There you are!” A voice called to them from the edge of the city. Ella smiled to see Mizu and Cici were waiting for them. “We were starting to think you were going to stay the night. Ready to shove off to dry town again?” Mizu asked.


“Oh my goodness!” Ella cried, apologetically. “Don’t tell me that we held you up all day waiting for us? I’m so sorry!”


Cici waved a flipper at them. “Don’t worry about it girl. Keeping an eye out for visitors and new arrivals is my job after all. I knew when you would be coming back. Chase settling in nicely?”


“Very nicely.” Jana smirked at Lance, who blushed. 


“I’d better be getting home.” Lance said, sheepishly trying to sidestep and avoid the subject in the water around them. “Take care Jana, nice to meet you Ella!” He hugged both girls goodbye. “Come find us the next time you’re in town!”


“We will! Be nice to our favorite reptile ok?” Ella said, fighting to not follow up the statement with a protective “or else”. She knew Lance was a good fish and would make her new friend very happy.


“It’s a promise!” He said, waving and smiling as he swam off back home.


Cici smiled after him. “Good kid.”


“Yeah, his family’s a bit much though.” Mizu muttered.


“Be nice sweetie!” The seal gently scolded before smiling at the girls, “Follow me, I’ll lead you back to the tunnel. You can make your way home much more easily once you’re on dry land.”


“What’s wrong with Lance’s family?” Jana asked, feeling a bit defensive of them as they swam out into the dark ocean. The sun must have been completely down by this time, and the water outside of the city was almost as black as Grey’s trench.


“Oh well, the family’s fine. The Grandpa just annoys me a little, is all. He was a pirate from about 100 years after… How best to put it… The industry went outta style. As such, he’s a bit of a fan boy for us pirates that was there during the “golden age”.” He said the last words in air quotes. 


“Oh…” Jana let her anger deflate a little. “Yeah, I can understand how that could get annoying for you.”


“Bill wasn’t from the same time period as Mizu?” Ella asked, trying to take her mind off how deep the surrounding darkness was. The city of Tellonna felt exotic and safe… but anything could be out in this pitch blackness.


“Nah, different century.” Jana admitted. “That’s why I called him “the best pirate you’ve never heard of”. He grew up hearing about pirates and decided it was the life for him and his friends, even if the lifestyle wasn’t as glamorous as it used to be. I probably did him a favor sending him down here.”


“He certainly seems to have done well for himse- What was that!” Ella clung tightly to Jana as she saw something move in the shadows. The four travelers remained perfectly still.


“Stay alert…” Mizu said quietly. “You are in no danger with us… but it could be anything out there…”


 “Is… is it gone?” Ella asked after a long moment, unable to help herself.


In that instant, a giant white eye opened up to gaze down on them from the darkness. Ella let out a scream as the creature’s body gained a faint bioluminescence of its own. It’s outline became visible after a moment; a giant squid with a beak large enough to swallow even Mizu whole, blocking their way to the tunnel home.


Ella tried to turn to swim in the direction of the city, but Jana held her tightly, “Bunny! It’s ok!” 


“It is not ok Jana! That thing’s gonna eat us!” She screamed, “It’s going to….” She froze when she got a closer look and saw Mizu had swum up to the beast and was tickling around its beak. “Is… Is the giant squid purring?”


“Beaky! You naughty cephalopod!” Mizu said in a voice like someone scolding a puppy for peeing on the rug. “How many times have I told ya not to scare the newbies!”


“It’s your own fault for letting him swim around free without a leash. Take him home dear. I can take them the rest of the way.” Cici called before turning her attention to Ella. “I’m sorry that my husband’s pet scared you dear. Beaky is very well trained and never bites. He’s just a bit mischievous.”


Ella looked at the still glowing form of the enormous creature that the shark man was leading away. She was quiet for a moment. “Beaky… Cute name.” Her voice came out as a little squeak, still recovering from the scare.


Jana smiled and put an arm around Ella, “Come along bunny. Let’s get you home. It’s been a long day.”


Jana was right. A day under the sea and with the merfolk had been everything Jana had hoped for. But in that moment, the young woman just wanted to go home and cuddle in a dry warm bed with the woman she loved.