Monday: December 9th
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God, I really hated Mondays. I just wanted to sleep, but no, that wasn't possible. You know why? Because I still had to go to classes this week. Why did I decide to go to college? Why did I have to take morning classes? That was the real question. Ten more days until I could sleep in my own bed. Let the final countdown begin.

I was back in the dreaded lecture, but somehow I managed to pay attention to it. I was exhausted, but I was in such a good mood that I could actually focus. I guess a good crying session was what everyone needed when you're stressed out. I felt re-energized and refreshed today. The weight lifted off my shoulder. It was like I could breathe freely.

My professor was talking about meiosis and I hated every moment of it. I didn't know why, but it bugged me every time we had to learn about the different systems in the body. Why did we have to relearn it constantly? It was the same necessary information that they kept making overly complicated. I didn't remember the complicated stuff. Meiosis is just one cell that eventually divides into four and has half the chromosomes. They did not make it more complicated than it needed to be. It made me feel stupid when they do.

After class, I made my way to my next lecture. I pushed through the crowds. Why did it seem like when you were in a rush, the crowd was going the opposite direction? It made it difficult to get to my class across campus on time, and it wasn't like I'm a big person that could force my way through the crowd. I had to move around people without getting run over consistently. It was definitely the most challenging part of my day.

My next lecture was chemistry, and I wanted to cry the second I got to the lecture hall. Chemistry and I never got along. I just didn't understand it, and it drove me insane. I could never remember how to use the equations, and the math just went over my head. Don't get me started on titrations. I hated that a lot of the classes I had to take for my major were chemistry classes. I was too dumb to do chemistry.

After all of my classes finished, I was back at my apartment. I dove straight into my homework that I didn't finish yesterday. I was doing it while bopping to my Christmas playlist. Even though it didn't look like Christmas outside, it didn't mean that I couldn't try to get into the Christmas mood. I loved Christmas as long as I didn't have to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving and past Christmas day. It never seemed fair that Thanksgiving always got overshadowed. The stores had Christmas stuff up before Halloween. The world had gone into chaos.

"You make every day feel like it's Christmas. Never wanna stop. Feeling like the first thing on your wishlist. Right up at the top," I sang. I was more dancing along to the Jonas Brothers then doing my homework. It wasn't my fault. They released this song in early November, and I wasn't able to enjoy it. "I can't deny what I'm feeling inside. Nothing fake about the way you bring me to life. You make every day feel like it's Christmas. Every day that I'm with you."

While I was jamming along to Like It's Christmas, there was a knock at my bedroom door. I opened my door to see Alice. She must have just gotten back from her classes and was grabbing stuff to study.

"Was I being too loud?" I asked. I honestly had no idea how loud I was being.

"A little," She said as she stepped into my room. She sat at the end of my bed while I was sitting at my desk. "You seem in such a good mood today."

"Yeah, I just needed a good crying session. Now, I am only worried about passing my classes."

"What about your boy problem?"

"I don't know what I am going to do yet. I'll figure it out when I see him again."

"There is the Hailey I know," She said with a smile.

I looked at her in confusion and asked," What do you mean?"

"The Hailey I know and love has never worried about a boy like this. She has always gone with the flow. Sure, you aren't perfect, but I have never seen you actually snap at someone. I just want you to make sure that whatever you decide is the right one."

"Since when did you get all cheesy?"

"Shut up. This is what I get for trying to be a good friend and roommate."

"You know something," I said. This time Alice was the confused one. "I want a relationship like what you have. You guys are hours apart and somehow make it work. You guys make each other happy even when he is stupid. You make it seem so effortless, but here I am. I'm struggling to get a guy to notice me without having to run into him literally."

She laughed, "Relationships are overrated. They require so much work because now you have to worry about someone besides yourself."

"It doesn't mean that I don't want one."

"You can't force it. The best relationships come when you least expect them."

"I guess you're right," I sighed. Alice laid down on my bed, knowing that I wouldn't care. "Thanks."

"Thanks for what?" She asked.

"For listening to my nonexistent problems. For dealing with my stupidity. For helping me get through everything."

"You're welcome."

"Don't you have studying to do? I asked, changing the mood.

"I thought we were having a friendship moment," She said.

"Not anymore. I can only be so loving for so long."

"I don't like you."

"Good, I don't like you either."

"I would sell you to Satan for one corn chip."

"Yet, you haven't," I said, causing her to gasp. Both of us then started cackling like maniacs. Alice left my room so she could do whatever. I was left alone in my room. Causing the question of do I go back to doing my homework or no?

I sat on my phone and scrolled through memes. I was no longer in the mindset of hopping right back into schoolwork. I needed a quick break to clear my head before stressing over classes and all that fun stuff. It was only ten more days until I get to go home.

I turned my music back on and started singing, "I can't deny what I'm feeling inside. No matter the reason, no matter the season. My heart'll keep beating, you better believe. You make every day feel like it's Christmas. Every day that I'm with you. Every day that I"m with you. Every day that I'm with you."