Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

I carefully walked forward towards the small tree and its fruit of which light was very tempting. I half expected to be stopped again, but the force pushing back had Vanished. 

<Yes, I made it!> I said, and jumped at the fruit snatching it out of the tree with no effort and hungrily devoured it like I hadn’t eaten in a week, the fruit had no taste but as I chomped on the fruit I felt a surge of energy through my body.

I feel my hunger being satiated and the fruit tasted unbelievably good even though it had no specific taste or texture, it seemed to turn into nothing every time I bit into it.

As I ate I could notice changes in my body, I was starting to rapidly grow and when I finished the fruit I looked at myself.

I had grown up to the size of a 14 years old human, I still had pretty much the body of a fox, but I was completely anthropomorphic now, and I finally had hands with thumbs! Thankfully I was also obviously male, which prompted a problem.

<Clothes! I need clothes!> I said in shame.

Dento laughed at me and then answered: <Follow me, they should be in your room if they haven’t been all burned> and started leaving the room.
I stumbled after him almost tripping and falling several times not used to walking on two legs anymore, even though I’ve spent most of my life walking on two legs, after reaching a wall though I just leaned on it while I felt like a toddler just learning to walk again, or a coma patient waking up after months of being in a bed.

Dento led me to a fairly undamaged room, there was stuff everywhere, clothes, books, broken pots, and furniture, but the room hadn’t been scorched, though there were holes in the walls.
I found a nice cape that covered my whole body, it was barely fitting though, being way too big and unwieldy to wear.
<this doesn’t work> I say annoyed.
<having a problem with your clothes my king?> Dento snarked.
<i need to find something that fits… and doesn’t look womanly> I say ignoring the snark and digging into the clothes scattered about, the quality of the clothes was very good, every piece of clothing was of various silks and materials that felt good to the touch and didn’t bother my fur at all, but everything was so womanly.

In the end, I had to tear a few pieces of clothing to fit me, making them lose any resemblance of what they were before and now they fit me awkwardly, but at least my private parts were covered. I kept most of my body without clothes, only wearing what could be described as an “expensive loincloth”, I looked like a savage furred child, but at least a savage without his bits hanging out.

Now that I was “clothed” I spent time looking at the rest of the room, even though I didn’t seem to be affected by the need for sleep this bedroom has a bed, big enough for an adult, there is also a double window with its glass shattered letting in light from outside, the light was already starting to become yellow signaling that it was late afternoon. 

I felt like relaxing on the bed a little, I had finally regained some form that I felt comfortable working with and I felt somewhat safe in the shrine.
Thinking back at it he didn’t like the fact that the whole place was very uncanny like it looked like a shrine from the outside, but the building layout was all wrong and had nothing solemn or mistic about it, it looked more like a run-down fort that looked like a shrine on the outside right now, but perhaps it was because he didn’t know anything about where he was and what shrines looked like in a world with magical creatures.
I sighed thinking that I would need to clean up the place at some point if I wanted to turn this place into a living place again. The place also needs some basic necessities, like a kitchen, as I didn’t plan to stop eating normal food just because I didn’t need to, I really want some normality. 

Another thing I didn’t notice was a bath, I doubt that I am immune to getting dirty, so finding water will be another priority, and of course, getting some kid-sized male clothes so I can stop looking like a savage.

As I was laying on my back on the soft mattress I asked Dento: <Would finding someone to rebuild the furniture for this place be hard? as well as remodeling a few rooms>.

<Depends how dead you want to risk being, you aren’t that popular with the neighboring humans, demi-humans and magical beasts, you could pretend to not be the same fox, might work for now, but it all depends how good of a liar you are, this whole region is In constant fighting, everyone against everyone. But if furniture is a concern you can throw most demi-humans out of the possibilities, most of them are tribal, and well, tribal furniture wouldn’t fit well here unless crude furniture made of bones and junk is up your alley…> he says to me.
I quickly answer <No, no thanks, I would prefer to give off a… Cultured vibe and not a savage one>.
<Thought so, well Humans are the best, and also the most likely to pull out pitchforks and torches, plus you got no money unless you find some...> he says but I stop him and say: <I got a wardrobe full of fine silks that I’ll never wear, they must be worth something, I doubt money will be a problem for a few pieces of furniture, I already have a closet in the bedroom, the only other furniture I want is a stove, a cupboard, some plates and cutlery and a table with a few chairs, it shouldn’t be much, I don’t want to furnish the whole shrine fully, this place feels way too big for me.>

Dento says calmly: <well seems that you got your stuff figured out, but I have to warn you that someone is stalking around the place.>

<What!? don’t sound so calm! what do I do?> I say instantly panicking.
<Dunno, confront them? you still have sharp claws and teeth, unless they pull out magical stuff, or they are master swordsman you can at least frighten them enough with them, but most likely it is someone that noticed the battle that took place here and came to check, I admit I did so a few times… getting the first pick on a dead magical creature den or its body it can be life-changing. Though the more time you spend talking, the more time the intruder has to have its way in your home> Dento said barely holding laughter, clearly enjoying the distressed look on my face.