Journal, Day 1
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Day 1, Year 217 of the bright sky. The 301st day of the 1000-day calendar.

As I left my nameless village, this journal was given to me by the village head. He told me that this journal was an extra left from his young days of adventuring, and pressed it into my hands before sending me off. It’s a little musty, but durable.

Entering the forest, the villagers’ hunting grounds for meat, I cautiously follow the gently carved out dirt path. On the other side, there is a city where I plan to find a job. It will take a few days of walking to go through the forest this way, but it is the safest pathway. The path actually goes through the least dense area of the forest.

Legend has it that deep enough into the forest lie magical creatures with powers far beyond the limits of a common human. I . . . would like to see new things. Explore the world. The mysteries of magic, spells, and beasts. Their history. One of these days, I would like to visit the deep forest.