Chapter 22 – Challenge-room and Mission 1.2 (Part 1)
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<Megzie’s POV>

Fighting six horned wolves was my limit, I was exhausted dealing with six of them. But I wanted to kill even one more extra horned wolf while I was here, so I challenged the seventh round. Long story short I was outnumbered and slaughtered. But I had killed a total of 25 wolves, in my desperation. Out of the last seven I actually managed to kill four of them. But was too exhausted to deal with the three remaining ones when they coordinated and attacked me.

Short story long, after the countdown ended and I got healed, the sixth round started. I made use of dash and injured one of the horned wolves gravely. I then gained some time by using mace AoE, so that the dash skill’s CD would end and used dash again. I kept using dash then attacking, then buying time then using dash again. Rinse and repeat. It worked like a charm the first three times. But, on the forth try, the horned wolves realized my tactic. Damn. How cunning.

As soon as I had incapacitated one of them the other two pounced on me. Deja Vu. I used evade and swung my mace. This time they didn’t manage to bite me, but managed to scratch me instead. My armor was practically useless at this point, but I hadn’t suffered great losses either. Other than this wound I managed to somehow kill all six without getting any major wounds. But I was so out of breath, it was scary. My hands were shaking and my body tired. Even my mind was exhausted because of the extreme state of concentration. Now that the fight had ended I realized that this was probably my limit. But… Like I said before, I wouldn’t really die here, so I’d go all out just to get more points.

That’s precisely what I did, until I died. The system managed to heal my body but not my mind. So I was still exhausted from the six rounds, mentally, when the seventh round started. Somehow, barely, managing to kill four horned wolves was my limit when I got attacked by the remaining three ones, the pain was too much to bear so I’m ashamed to admit it, but I just couldn’t put up a fight because the pain was too frightening and distracting. So, in the end, I managed to slaughter over fifteen horned wolves. Fifteen and then some.

As for my so-called ‘death’? It was just pain one second and in the next I closed my eyes and was back in the white room, good as new.

[“Challenge Room Game One: Slay horned wolves: Complete. Horned wolves killed: 25. Evaluation: S. View results? Yes/No”]

Choosing ‘Yes’, I became really curious, because S was a really good evaluation. The rewards must be just as good right?

[“Rewards: str +1. sta +1. agi +1. int +1. luck +1. res +5. Free stat +5. Level +1. Repeat? Yes/No”]

Choosing ‘No’, I was kind of disappointed. Until I realized my resistance stat had gone up by a whopping 5. Which was one of the hardest stat to raise because you only got one stat per 5 levels. And to top it off you couldn’t allocate free stats into it. Because of the level up I now had 12 free stats. By the time I allocated two to all stats I was back in the temple, three stats stronger.


Name: Megzie

Species: Human (F)

Age: 18

Level: 21

Exp: 0/600

Free Stat: 2

Str: 38 (+2)

Sta: 40 (+2)

Agi: 41 (+1)

Int: 38 (+1)

Luck: 38 (+1)

Res: 20 (+1)


Strong Newbie (all stats +1)




Damage dealer

Skills: Mace CC. Mace AoE. Evade. Dash. Bash.


<Jared’s POV>

Taking deep breaths, I calmed my mind as six horned wolves spawned in front of me. I used twin damage, and decided to injure as many horned wolves as possible during the duration of the skill (5 minutes). The twin damage skill was in level 2 so gave me exactly 20% increased power in my attacks, from both swords. On top of it I used slash, poke and dash whenever possible. Because I kept spamming these attacks, the horned wolves fell into a bleed state.

Although all this was happening, I was really having a hard time with these six horned wolves. And in another few minutes my attack damage would reduce by 20% because of the end of the duration of the skill ‘twin damage’. I was sweating bullets. Although I was aiming at immobilizing them rather than killing them, because of their numbers, it was a tough fight.

I myself had gotten the bleed status ailment from the horned wolves’ claws. ‘I barely managed to survive this round. The next round would be my last. The seventh round. The question is how many horned wolves can I take down with me?’

The answer came surprisingly fast. Two. Two more were gravely injured, but somehow luck wasn’t on my side, as they had survived by the skin of their teeth. ‘And that means I killed 23 wolves.’ I thought.

[“Challenge Room Game One: Slay horned wolves: Complete. Horned wolves killed: 23. Evaluation: A+. Horned wolves gravely injured: 2. Recalibrating results: Evaluation: S. View results? Yes/No”]

“YES!” I shouted in elation.

[“Rewards: str +1. sta +1. agi +1. int +1. luck +1. res +5. Free stat +5. Level +1. Repeat? Yes/No”]

“No…” I said as I redistributed 5 free stats. I was overjoyed with the increase in resistance stat though. I wasn’t sure how to redistribute the stats, but after thinking a while, I decided to give two to agility and intelligence and one to luck.

Name: Jared

Species: Human (M)

Age: 19

Level: 21

Exp: 0/600

Free Stat: 0

Str: 41 (+1)

Sta: 41 

Agi: 38 

Int: 33

Luck: 27 

Res: 19 







Skills: Slash. Poke. Sneak. Dash. Twin Damage.


I sighed. None of the numbers were round figures. By the time I was done, I blinked and was back on the bench, inside the church.