A day gone wrong
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My day started out just like any other average day for me.

I woke up, showered, got dressed, grabbed the case with my rifle, and went to the base.

As I traveled I greeted a few people along the way, everything was good for me.

As I got to the base I show my pass to get in, then I headed to the briefing room to get my mission.

Todays mission is to go and clear out a cult in the area, apparently they have some magic or something.

That would be dangerous to leave unchecked, though it’s not like I believe in magic.

All the tales of magic are from way before I was born, pretty much tall tales for all I care.

So I head to the mission area to set up, it’s about a block away from the target. 

I aim up, and sure enough I see creeps in cloaks through the window.

They’re dancing around with a glowing flask, and some weird circle on the ground.

As I am about to take the shot the target turns towards me.

I shoot, the bullet hitting its target, but also smashes the flask they’re holding.

Something sparks and electricity follows up the path the bullet traveled, though the gun, an into my arm.

I feel strange tingling sensations through my body starting at my hand and quickly travelling up my arms and down my legs.

The last thing I notice is my vision blurring, everything getting darker as if this is the end.

I just don’t understand how, as none of them did anything in retaliation, all that happened was me shooting one of them, and that vial.

As my eyes completely shut and I finally give into the darkness I hear someone shouting my name.
