Chapter 3 – The day is not getting any clearer
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Sorry, this is a short one.

"Hello Rose" John said as he walked in to the most well known gay bar in town “Bar 7”.

"What brings you here during daylight?" She replied cheerfully, flipping her cleaning Cloth over her shoulder.

"Can I have the toasted cheese sandwich and half pint of that new beer of yours."

Rose smiled and rang the order through to the kitchen.

"You don't look yourself…" she internally chuckled at the silly joke, John wouldn't get it and she sighed sadly …

"I'm waiting for a friend of mine, she called and wants to plan a birthday party for my wife." As excuses go it was a good one he thought.

"Oh, you should bring your wife in, we would all like to meet her. I got some rooms upstairs you can use if it's not a big party…" Rose looked up past John’s shoulder and paused "Look what MacBeth dragged in.".  " eh?" John said looking over his shoulder.

Liz was making her way towards them, weaving between the tables, to join John at the bar. Then she saw Rose and froze.

Rose locked her eyes with Liz, "Your not welcome here Elizabeth Cairns!" she exclaimed in a harsh even voice.

John looked up looked at both women in surprise.

"Rose Bishop, long time no see" said Liz in an equally cold voice.

"Please leave or I will make you leave!" Rose stated, there was no doubt she meant it.

"You know each other?" asked John in confusion.

The women looked at John… "I hope you don't have anything to do with her for your sake John" said Rose…

"Erm … she's my wife's best friend ... " said John, his voice trailing off as Rose stared at him in disbelief … " Is your wife Julie Waterfield?"

"Yes .. is something wrong?" John said perplexed, Rose had gone pale.

She threw down her cleaning cloth down swearing and stomped out the back of the bar.. over her shoulder she shouted "I'll send Tom out to serve, but don't come back here ever again Elizabeth!"

"Rose, I'm sorry, look it's finally going to be fixed!" Liz pleaded, leaning over the bar trying to catch sight of Rose, but there was no sign and only silence from the passage that led to the kitchens.

"What was that about?" John whispered in disbelief “And how does she not know Julie is my wife after all this time?” 

“You know those classic awkward conversations you never ever thought you would ever have because they are just ... just so improbable?" Liz was looking at her hands avoiding John's eye. "Well this one is worse.” Liz said grimly.

“Oh, it started out as such a nice day...” said John sullenly taking a sip of his beer.





Julie picks up her phone, flicks through the numbers and presses dial. 

The phone on the other end rings six times. 

Julies getting agitated as the phone is answered. “Kim! it’s Julie can I come and see you. I need an urgent word with you…..”. Julie's urgency was abruptly cut short by a reply that is only a few decibels lower than a scream. “Oh! . Yes, yes, get over here ASAP, I got some amazing news. It's going to blow your mind!!, I gotta tell your Mother too…. no No NO!. you first! .. get over here already!! This is going to be awesome!!!” Kim actually squealed. 

The phone went to hang-up, leaving a very confused Julie staring at it dumbfounded. “What the hell!?” she muttered to herself “She’s 47 for f--- sake, 2 years younger than me! Who the hell squeals when you're in your 40’s!?, Grow up!”. The shock of the conversation lasted a good 10 seconds while she pondered the meaning. And to quote her mother “If in doubt go poke your nose in!”.