Chapter 6: Formation Three
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Ze: Level one monster spawn area. That's what the sign says.

Tom: Good job reading that.

Galm: Sounds good.

Chilled: Level one? I bet we can do better than that!

Smarty: You're not even level one yet, Chilled.

Chilled: So? I bet we can still do it.

Aphex: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Ze: So, who's going in first?

Chilled: Smarty!

Smarty: Wait. What? Why me?

Chilled: You're the tank!

Smarty: I didn't choose to be the tank!

Galm: Just go, Smarty!

Smarty: Fine. Fine.

Galm: Boars? I was expecting slimes or something.

Ze: Same. I thought this would be like that 2003 classic rpg.

Chilled: Slash!

Galm: Slash? What a lame name.

Chilled: Don't judge my abilities.

Galm: *grunts* I'm not judging your abilities. I'm judging the names of the abilities.

Ze: Focus guys!

Smarty: *grunts* Block!

Tom: What do I even do?

Galm: Fight?

Tom: But all of my abilities require me to be hidden.

Galm: Just use your basic attack or something. Argh!

Aphex: These boars are tough.


Tobi: Uh guys. I don't think I'm ready for this area.

Brian: It's fine, Tobi.

Brian: I forgot something. Do you know how to open the menu?

Tobi: No.

Brian: It's okay. If you say Open Menu, then it opens a menu for you.

Tobi: Open Menu.


Brian: If you put your mind to it, you can hover over Characters and it will turn blue.

Brian: Once you click on Characters, it will open up your stats.

Tobi: Thanks! What does each attribute mean?

Brian: STR is Strength. SPD is speed. CON is constitution. LCK is luck. INT is intelligence. ACC is accuracy. HP is health points. MP is mana points. BA is basic attack. SC is starting class.

Brian: To close the menu, say Close Menu.

Tobi: Close Menu.

Alissa: Don't worry about doing anything. As long as you stay in the back, you'll be fine.

Tobi: Will I gain experience still?

Brian: Yes. The way it dispenses exp is that the killer of the monster will gain most of the exp, and the party gains a portion of the exp total. 

Brian: Most of the parties give five to ten percent of all exp.

Alissa: But the Silver Wolves give fifty percent of all exp meaning newbies, like you, gain more exp faster.

Brian: We're here. Formation 3, everyone!

Brian: Lynn, protect Tobi!

Lynn: Okay! Tobi, I will protect you. *stands with sword ready*

Tobi: Thanks.

Ava: I'm attacking first, master.

Brian: Okay! Alissa protect her rear.

Alissa: Sure thing!

Brian: Ryan, Phil, and Derek form the vanguard.

Ryan: Got it!

Brian: Anthony, aim for the back.

Brian: I got everything else.

Tobi: Wow. *looks around* Everyone is so talented.

Lynn: They've practiced a lot.

Tobi: I can see that.

Yumina: He didn't tell me to do anything again.

Lynn: He cares about you, Yumina.

Yumina: I know that, but ...

Lynn: You know things get serious when he assigns you to a job. 

Yumina: Yeah but ...

Lynn: He probably did this formation to show Tobi, the party's abilities.

Tobi: Me? He chose this formation for me?

Lynn: Yeah. Usually, we go with formation one and the battle ends within seconds.

Tobi: Formation one?

Yumina: Formation one is Brian and Alissa.

Tobi: Wait. Just two people?

Lynn: The rest of us just watches.

Yumina: It's crazy how well they work together by themselves.

Tobi: That is unbelievable. 

Brian: Good job, guys!

Brian: What do you think, Tobi?

Tobi: That was pretty cool, but I would like to see formation one.

Brian: Formation one, huh?

Tobi: Is that asking for too much?

Brian: Hmm. What do you think, Alissa?

Alissa: Yes!

Alissa: Sorry, I'm a bit more excited now.

Brian: Okay then Tobi, the next area is formation one.