Chapter 32
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                “Why are you laughing?”

                I shook my head. “Father, I am growing.”

He moved to protest then stopped and looked at me carefully, “Are you sure?” I nodded as seriously I can. “Then that’s good. Now tell me. What do you want to learn? A paralyze fuin maybe hm?”

I shook my head. “You must have heard my promise to Uchiha.”

He nodded, “Kid, I heard that but I can’t make a reliable seal for them. It might kill or blind the people we are trying to protect.”

“Well, you don’t have to be worried. I have a talent when it comes to fuinjutsu.” Jiraia frowned and gestured me to go on. I sighed and with a push, continued, “Whenever I correctly write a fuin, I see some of its properties in my mind’s eye.”

Jiraia’s frown deepened. “How?” I shrugged. He then made a few signs with his hand and touched the wooden floor. As soon as his hand connected, lines of text flowed on it and stayed. He pointed at the fuin and said, “Try to see what this fuin does. I will go out and take a look.” With that, he disappeared.

I shook my head and started working. The fuin was one part so I started copying it to fuinjutsu paper. I failed for the first time and continued, failed second, still persevered and the third time was the charm so I found myself looking at a screen.

                Fuinjutsu: Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin Level 17/320

o   Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin is a fuin that is used to transform pure Chakra into Yang chakra.

o   Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin: Transformation Rate, +34 CP/s

o   Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin: Yang Chakra Storage +170CP

o   Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin: Compactness, +17% (Limit: 99.9%)


Seeing the screen, I whistled. Not because of a new transformation but because of the differences between Fire Chakra Transformation Fuin and Yang Chakra Transformation Fuin. The latter fuin was at least ten times more complex. I put it down and started grinding.

Since I didn’t have anything else to do, I started writing Chakra Storage Fuin to up its level.


It was dark when I stopped. I put away my supplies and papers inside the Storage Scroll and looked at the notifications I got.

                You gained 1 Dexterity.


                Fuinjutsu: Chakra Storage Fuin is Leveled by 5.


                It was a good day overall. While I was thinking about which fuin part to go next, someone knocked on the door rather loudly. “Open up the door.” Slurred Genki all the while knocking on the door. I waited for a while purposefully and opened the door after a few seconds. What came inside was a shriveled man smelling like alcohol. While beckoning Genki inside, I saw Soichiro stumble past us. Genki refused to move, so I waited. As soon as the door to Soichiro’s room opened, Jiraia vomited, luckily, to the hall. After that, he finally came inside.

                As soon as the door closed, he tidied himself up and jumped on the bad while groaning. Voices were coming from the Soichiro’s room but I couldn’t quite make of what they were saying. So I turned to the next best thing. “So, father. How did it go? It seems you socialized a lot today.”

                Jiraia chuckled lightly, “I am great, that’s who I am!” He slurred rather loudly for Soraru to hear no doubt. He then turned to me and with a low voice asked, “So, kid. Did you managed to do what I said?”

                I nodded and took out the paper I copied the Yang Transformation Fuin to. I gave it to Jiraia started reading what my screen says to him.

                He looked at me and paper then said, “So you say this can be improved, like, three hundred more times? That’s crazy but you wouldn’t have a chance if what you said wasn’t true. Hmm. Okay, we will create the fuin you promised.” I beamed at him. ‘I am now much closer to preventing the massacre than before.’ He smiled back and continued, “We will do it like this. I will make a fuin and you will find out its properties and flaws. With a guide like that, I am sure we can manage to do it in a relatively short time.” I nodded. “Now, I will sleep. You take the first watch.” I nodded again and he drifted off to sleep.

                ‘So, what to do?’ After a while of thinking, I decided. “Speed training it is.” So I started going through the katas as fast as I can, like before.”

                It was well past midnight when the door to Soichiro’s room opened and light footsteps heard. ‘Saru?’ I got close to the door as quietly as possible and opened it just partway, making sure it doesn’t make any noise. When she was plenty away, I opened the door and got out. I followed the sound of footsteps until I came in front of a door to the terrace. I tidied myself up and got out to the balcony. There, she was looking outside with a sad look on her face.

                I walked closer to her slowly but loud enough to be heard and said, “Hi.”

                Saru turned to me and smiled sadly. “Hi, Arata-kun. What are you doing here? It’s getting late.”

                I pulled a chair beside her and climbed on it then turned to Saru. “You are sad.” I pointed out and asked, “Want to tell me why?” Saru shook her head. I pressed, “Come on Saru onee-chan. My father always says problems lose weight when they are shared. So if you don’t want to be crushed under them you need to share and share until they are light enough.” I finished with a flourish like a proper kid.

                Saru chuckled. “You are right but you wouldn’t understand.” She said while shaking her head.

                I hummed, “But isn’t it better? Like this, you can share the weight but I don’t get any load on me. It’s best for everyone.” I smiled at her. “So, you should share right?”