Chapter 3
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"1 ... 2 ... now!"

Garius uses [Magic Hand] to catch a deer drinking in the river. Then Adelia burst out of the thicket and swung her sword at the deer's neck. With an instant a deer was lying down and ready to be made into dinner.

"Hoho ... You're like an experienced hunter huh."

"Hehehe it's nothing, it's all thanks to the magic you used." After drying the deer blood, Adelia started skinning the deer by the river.

"Looks like you are also used to skinning animals."

"Well at least I want to be able to take care of myself."

After hunting, Garius and Adelia returned to their busy lives.

It's been one week since Garius and Adelia lived together. At first, Garius and Adelia had a hard time adjusting. After determining the rules, they were finally able to live together.

The cave in which they live has also changed. Little by little Garius began to make a cave like his home on Earth. Starting from the second room, the living room, the kitchen with the passageway so that the cavern is not filled with smoke, and of course, the bathroom which is connected to the river for water sources and disposal.

As usual, Garius returned to his room to read a book. The book [Elementary Magic] was completed a long time ago. In theory, Garius has mastered all basic magic with all elements. And being helped by Drein's memory. The book [Alchemy] has also been completed. Today Garius started reading a new book entitled [Magic Tool].

"[Magic Tool] is a tool that can create phenomena if given mana ... Draws a magic circle onto an object ... Hmm? Objects? ..."

Garius looks at his chest. Inside his ribs was a crystal emitting green light. In [Drein's note] it is explained. Crystals or Core are used to shackle the spirit in the Lich awakening ritual. Is this core included in the [Magic Tool]. After that question, Garius went back to reading the book.

"The magic circle that is used determines the phenomenon to be produced. If a sword is given a [Fire Torch] magic circle. it will be enveloped in flames just like the phenomenon of [Fire Torch] magic if given mana"


like being struck by lightning, Garius took a deep breath. Then...

"Here it is! Hahaha! I found it!"

Garius starts looking for his space ring. He quickly took out the book [Magic Circle] and started reading.



The arrows shot towards the target made of straw. Then the second arrow went over the head and did not hit the target, then the third to the fourth, and so on. After the arrows ran out, Adelia walked cheerfully to collect the arrows that were thrown.

After living with Garius, the very first thing that must be fulfilled is food. Because Garius is undead who doesn't need to eat. Adelia had to find her own food, or so it should be. But Adelia is only a slave. Apart from homework, Adelia does not have any abilities. Fortunately, Adelia had learned to cook and process meat, so that the prey did not rot and smell bad. In fact, some of Adelia have made smoked meat that can be stored for a very long time. Anyway, as long as there are prey, Adelia will be fine.

But in a middle of nowhere like this, how can there be game if Adelia can't hunt. The distance to the nearest village can be taken for three days on foot. And although Adelia can go to the village, Adelia has no money. Let alone working for money, before she worked, maybe she would be arrested and sold thanks to the slave tattoo on her hand.

So Adelia started learning to hunt. After consulting with Garius, he suggested several ways to hunt. Starting from magic, arrows, and or traps. And when Adelia asked Garius where to know all that to tease him, Garius started telling stories about 'nature lovers  club' that Adelia didn't understand.

For the first day living together, Garius helps with hunting with his magic. And other times, besides teaching how to make bows and arrows, Garius also teaches how to make simple traps for animals that don't have magic.

Oh yes magic, in the Lost Forest there are not only ordinary animals that roam, but also Magic Beasts. Animals that evolved due to absorbing and storing mana in their bodies, such as human magicians. Or, that's what Garius said, to be clear, Adelia doesn't know and cares a little about it. What Adelia needs to know is that Magic Beasts are dangerous and 'delicious' animals to eat.

And after that, this is how Adelia works. Hunt, practice, and do homework while flirting with Garius. When talking about Garius, Adelia's lips unconsciously start to curl upwards. If you want to say it in one sentence. Garius is a 'self-contained and harmless monster'. Remembering how Adelia teases him, Garius will stay calm without any sign of getting angry. Adelia unconsciously sighed ...

Sigh ~ ...

But when Adelia is busy with her own thoughts, her daydreams are interrupted by Garius's voice from inside the cave.

"Adelia! Adelia! Where are you ..."

"Yes! I was practicing archery! What's wrong?"

Soon Garius appeared from behind a tree. Quick as a flash he grabbed Adelia's shoulder from the front and looked into her eyes. The green light where his eyes were shining so bright made Adelia flabbergasted.

"W-what it is."

"Look! Look at this."

Garius shows a book with straight and curved lines drawn in such a way like the tattoo on her hand.

"What is this?"

"magic circle, magic circle! After all this time I searched finally I found a way to use magic other than black magic. Hahaha! I'm so happy."

Oh, if I'm not mistaken, he once told me that Garius didn't want to use black magic to get rid of the Miasma that his body took out. So that's what got him out of control like this. This is the first time I've seen an emotional Garius like this, so cute. 

"Umu ... Congratulations, looks like we should celebrate. What do you want to eat? Do you want to get drunk?"

"Ha ~ Eh ... Ahem!"

After Garius aware with his hand on Adelia's shoulder, he awkwardly let go and changed the subject.

"Umm ... It's not like that, maybe now I can't celebrate with you yet. But someday I will have an ordinary human body. And when that time comes, let's celebrate as much as you want. Hahaha!"

"Yes, I'll be waiting for that moment."

With that Garius returned to the cave after giving Adelia the thumb up. And Adelia escorted him away with a smile.

Inside the house...

"What am I doing ..." Garius shook his head.

"That kid, she never stopped teasing me."

But it doesn't matter, because I'm happy. This book has opened my path to using magic other than the dark element. And I already have an idea of ​​how it works. The rest are the form and function of the magic circle. Easy to say ...

After Garius figured out how the [Magic Tool] worked, he immediately studied the structure symbol of the [Magic Circle] book. Even though the book only explained the basic symbol, it was sufficient. At least Garius has found a path he can take.

And even Garius began to sink into the world of symbols. 


One week later.

In the kitchen Adelia was grilling skewered meat on the fireplace. With limited equipment, she could not enjoy many kinds of food. But that didn't make Adelia sad. Because according to Adelia, all the difficulties she is currently feeling are the price of the freedom she now has. If it had to be exchanged for the life of a slave, Adelia thought this was a very cheap price and that she would pay in cash.

But right now Adelia is having a hard time. Garius has been in his room for a week. And the meat that was currently roasting in the hearth was the last meat she saved. When Adelia peeked into Garius' room, he was muttering in a language she didn't understand. As...

[Magic is control over surrounding molecules with mana. So to create fire first I have to collect O² + H²O and giving it spark with electromagnetic or grinding the molecules to heat it until it combust ... It's so confusing, There a lot of way to make a fire!]

What is that, is that what they call boys stuff? Adelia can't understand any words that Garius saying. Because of that, usually Adelia would let it be. But now is a critical moment. Adelia couldn't wait any longer.

"A-ahem! ... Ahem! ... AHEM !!!"

"Whoa! You startled me. What's wrong?"

"I want to hunt but ..." after getting an answer Adelia started walking closer.

"Oh, don't we still have a lot of meat. Looks like the venison we hunted yesterday was enough for one week."

"Yes, we did, but we hunted the deer one week ago."

That means I've been in the room for a week?

"W-what. Oh ... Ohh ... Sorry, I-" after realizing the meaning of what Adelia said. Garius started to get up from his seat.

"Therefore, let's go hunting." Adelia winked.

A few moments later, Adelia and Garius were sneaking around in the forest looking for animal tracks that they could hunt. But today they found something unusual. Footprints of humans, and it looks like these are headed into the depths of the Lost Forest where Garius doesn't dare to go because the Magic Beasts that live there can't be handled by him.

After so long following the human footprints, they heard the sound of battle. Before long they discovered the origin of the voice and observed it from afar. There were three adventurers fighting a praying mantis as tall as a house.

"Heya! Emily! This monster is beyond our capabilities. We must retreat!" The six-foot-tall man swung his sword to repel the praying mantis's scythe-like hands while giving orders to his fellow adventurers.

"B-but ..." the girl named Emily started to slowly back away. But before she could turn her body, Emily saw a praying mantis hand that was shaped like a scythe going up the chest and out from the back of one of her fellow adventurers.

Emily wanted to scream but her voice caught in her dry throat.


Without thinking much, no, Emily can't think. She just followed what the man said and started running.