Chapter 1. Lulu
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I think she wants to eat me. I mean, why else would Achira of all people keep staring at me? She’s the star of the track club, popular, and really attractive. But me? I’m none of those things.

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Lulu, resident bunny of the school, and I work hard to be as average as possible. After all, if no one notices me, nobody talks to me, just the way I like it. I’m not athletic, I get average grades, I’m not even that pretty (thank you baggy sweater). But yet I catch her staring and it’s starting to freak me out.

I do actually have a theory. Achira is a cheetah, a predator, and I am her prey. It’s not normal for beastkin to eat each other like wild animals, but those instincts must be buried in there somewhere, right? I mean, I looooove carrots after all. I bet all those looks are her sizing me up, waiting for the right moment to strike! I should probably tell someone, but... no, never mind, that’s a scary thought. I think I’ll just keep hiding from Achira in the library.

Unfortunately for me Achira and I are in the same year, so we end up sharing classes with each other. This doesn’t mean much in PE where she’s always ahead of me in any activity, except on team sports days. When Achira is captain she always picks me first. Probably to keep me close and figure out my capabilities. Well I won’t let her win! I’ve been purposely performing worse than my already low normal so that she’ll underestimate me when she finally decides to go for the kill! It’s perfect.

Okay maybe not perfect, but it’s the best idea I’ve got. Ninety-eight percent of the time I don’t mind my lack of a social life, but man, people watching my back would be nice. Like, what if she attacks while I’m taking a nap after a stressful exam? I’ll be defenseless. Curse you social anxiety, this is all your fault! No I will not admit you are a part of me. Away with you! Okay, that didn’t work. Darn. Back to the underestimate plan and hoping she wants to play with her food before she eats it.

Anyways, lunch is almost over and English is next. Where I don’t have the safeguard of Achira’s friends dragging her outside. Well, nothing to do but hope I survive. Besides, I doubt she’ll make her move in such a crowded place. No, she’ll wait till I’m alone. That’s when she’ll strike, and I won’t be missed. She’s an evil mastermind. I’m gonna have to keep my guard up, not give her an opening.

Wait, Achira got to class before me? This is bad! Usually I’m first to class. Oh no, she has that look in her eyes again; she’s practically drooling. She definitely wants to eat me.