Sudden Event
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Jason couldn't believe his eyes, but reality was often more strange than fiction.

'Why would the hobgoblin be holding a truffle in his hands? Was it it's food rations? It can't be that this thing is what those gnomes were fighting for, right?'

Jason stared in wonder at the strange blue truffle in his hand. It was so small yet it had managed to indirectly take the life of four Intelligent creatures. It made Jason realize that this was a very dangerous thing he had in his hand, but it also made him realize something else.

'If I use this to attract monsters, then I wouldn't need to look for them right? I could just built some traps and.....

Jason couldn't stop himself snickering as he put the truffle in his backpack and headed back into the city. Along the way he didn't even encounter a single monster, but it wasn't because if his luck. It was because more than 20 of them had gathered in the place where the truffle once was and we're going at it.

Gnomes killed goblins, hobgoblins killed gnomes, gnome shamans killed both goblins and hobgoblins and vice versa. All that bloodshed was caused by one lucky little human. 

In the meantime Jason entered the city without any problems, but he didn't head home. Instead he put the hood over his head so he couldn't be recognized and headed to the adventures guild. This was dangerous and he knew it, but he didn't really have any other choice right now. If he wanted to sell his ears he had to go there, or at least near it.


"Hahaha....I'm rich....

"No you idiot, were rich! We killed that lizardman  together!"

"Whatever, I did all the work."

After five minutes he was in front of the adventures guild and his mood got better. The rowdy adventures and the lively atmosphere that enveloped this place was contagious and it made Jason a little nostalgic about his old world. He couldn't help but stare at a group of adventures who seemed to have made a great day and all the other porters around staring at them with jealousy.

' Heh, you may have had a great day, but I bet you can't compare to mine. Alas...the pain of being a Farmer.'

Jason shook his head and headed left of the adventures guild , but his luck was playing tricks on him today. 


Suddenly the figure of a man flew past him and into the wall on the opposite side of the road, rising a dust cloud . Jason just stopped in his tracks and with a fed up look on his face looked at the unfortunate man. He had a horrified look in his face and struggled to breathe.


He was a tall blonde man in his late twenties with a handsome face. He was wearing a full body armor covering all his body except his head and had a longsword on his hip. The armour looked fancy as it was decorated with the figure of a lion fighting a snake and to the edges it was golden in colour, but all that beautiful armour was ruined by one thing, a footprints shaped dent in his breastplate.

"Holy shit! Did you see what happened?!" said one of the porter's nearby. He was left speechless as he stared wide eyed at the man buried on the wall.

"What is going on! Let me see, let me see....

"Fuck this, I'm outa here!"

It didn't take two seconds before a crowd of porter's and adventures had surrounded him. They curiously looked at the man, but didn't approach to help him.

"He came flying from the direction of the guild. Don't tell me he was thrown out!"

"It's possible.....

In the meantime the man had managed to get his bearings as he eyed his eyes around, as if he was looking for something. 


Suddenly a loud voice came from behind attracting everyone's attention. Jason also turned around and saw a green haired elf standing in the entrance of the adventures guild. She had slightly tanned skin, a thin fave and a pair of piercing black eyes .

She stood there while holding a big yellow bow in her left hand and an arrow on her right. If Jason saw someone like her on his old world he wouldn't think of her as a threat, but the amount of danger signal he was getting from her was ridiculous.

' She is strong.... too strong. How the hell can she be so strong?! ' Jason wanted to move, but his legs felt weak. It was an overwhelming feeling.

As these thoughts crossed through his mind, he saw the woman draw her bow and shoot.


 It was so fast that he couldn't really tell what happened and it was the sound of metal striking against metal that woke him from his stupor. 

" What....

He slowly turned around and what he saw made him realize that although this world was similar to Earth, the common sense wasn't. The armored man who was flung on the wall had now buried in his shoulder an arrow.  It had managed to pierced the armour on his shoulder and dug halfway  in his body.


The man screamed in shock as he saw an arrow sticking out of his shoulder , but still managed to get up to run away. He pushed his way out of the crowd of bystanders and managed to get away, but not far enough. Another arrow flew and pierced him on the back of his thigh.


He fell on the ground and stared at the elf in hatered as he also started yelling at her.


"Yes, I'm listening. You are what now?" Said the elf with a amused look in her face.

"IM A PALADIN! YOU CAN'T TREAT ME LIKE THIS!" shouted the man back as he slowly tried to move backwards.

"Hmph, I suggest you shut your mouth right now unless you want to be skinned alive for your blasphemy. Also....

In less than a second, another arrow pierced on of his hands and nailing him to the ground.  It was right in time also, as two armored men came from the guild building and brought the man back in.

In the meantime  Jason did as any sensible person would and went on his way. He headed to a tavern near the guild which had the figure of a big dog as it's sign, entered inside and ordered a meal.

' What happened today will surely be tomorrow's topic, so I won't be missing much. Right now my task is to sell the gnomes and hobgoblin and ears, and nothing more.'

Jason waited for his meal, looking around at the old decorations of animal heads and different pieces of colorful cloth all around the walls. He noticed that most of the animals head's in the wall were similar to those of animals on Earth, but the missed some features or had new ones. He was fascinated with trying to find the differences  until his order came. It was a middle aged woman who was wearing a worn down dress, but spotless white apron.

"Here you go! One plate of beens and Tuksen boar meat, and a mug of beer. Is there anything else you want?"

"Yeah, in fact there is." smiled Jason as he pushed a silver coin towards her. "Do you know where I can unload some merchandise?"

"What kind of merchandise?" she answered without missing a beat.

"Some monster parts."