Chapter 1 – Convenience Store!
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Chapter 1 - Earth?


Where am I? Did I fall asleep?

Opening her eyes, Azuria found herself on what seemed to be a stone floor. The sky was still visible, so it's unlikely she got caught by someone and got trapped in a cage. Unfortunately, she was still hungry and on the verge of death. The only thing that seemed to change was that a warm aura was enveloping her. 

Looking at her surroundings, Azuria found Humans everywhere, wearing the same thing, most of them only 15 years of age according to Human standards. 

After struggling for a while to get up on her feet, Azuria looked around to find that the only exit is through the mob of Humans wearing the same thing. Their clothes weren't as elaborate as those of the Human nobility, but it looked like it was made with some very fine materials.

Azuria slapped herself a few times before putting on the hood of her red cloak and walking out of what seemed like an alleyway. There were a few strange gazes, but there wasn't any hostility.

Sometimes, there was some magical metal carriage passing by at very high speeds, probably faster than a land dragon mount, which surprised Azuria. 

"To think Human technology is this advance... was it a fair fight to begin with? No, I need to stop thinking about that. Food, I need food. Where can I get food?"


Suddenly, a voice from behind alerted Azuria. After turning around, two figures appeared; a boy and a girl, both wearing similar clothes with black hair and dark eyes. They were speaking a strange language. 


Realising that it was likely a foreign language, Azuria mumbled an incantation; the chant was for translation magic, which was ancient magic rarely used because most of the continent spoke the same language. 

"English? Wait. That doesn't sound like English..."

Hearing Azuria's mumbling, the boy tried to guess the language. After finishing her chant, Azuria began greeting the two. 


"Oh, you speak Japanese?" 

"Uh, y-yes?"

English and Japanese, I've never heard of those before; are they perhaps countries of foreign continents?

Azuria was confused for a moment, but it didn't matter for now; she needed food quickly before she collapses again. 

"Can you give me directions to the nearest bar?"

"Huh? Aren't you too young to drink?"

"No, I just need cheap food."

"You can just go to a convenience store, we were on our way to one, so you can follow us."

The girl, who was silent the entire time, suddenly suggested. Azuria was a little reluctant, but she just nodded after some thinking. 

"Before that, can you take off your hood? It's very conspicuous and suspicious."

Azuria shuddered a little at the girl's sudden remark before shaking her head furiously. 

"You must have your reasons then, anyway, I'm Lily, and this is Shoto. Nice to meet you."

"Azuria. Nice to meet you."

Azuria extended her hand and shook Lily's hand. 

"We're going to the convenience store around the corner. I'll recommend some good food. Don't worry, you can trust us."

Although that last part sounded very shady, Azuria just nodded again and followed the two. Upon arriving at the 'convenience store,' Azuria was very shocked. There were glass windows, which automatically moved through some undetectable magic. After cautiously entering the store, a wave of cold air brushed Azuria's face. 


Azuria couldn't help but be surprised with her jaw on the ground. Stores with glass and automatic doors were rare, even for the Royalty. Shoto and Lily seemed to have gone and picked up a fancy and colourful bag with a spotted cat on it. Following along, Azuria grabbed the same bag as them and walked to the counter. When it was her turn, Azuria placed a few silver coins she had on her.

The atmosphere of the store suddenly changed into an awkward one. The clerk of the counter looked at the silver coins and shook his head apologetically. 

"Sorry little missy, we don't accept foreign currency."

Fear begins to build up inside of Azuria after hearing the clerk's apology. 

What am I going to eat? I haven't eaten for so long; I can feel my insides twisting. I guess this is how I die? At least better than being a slave. 

While panicking, Azuria heard a gentle voice from behind. 

"I can pay for her."

Azuria looked around to see Lily walking up to the counter and placing down a paper note; seeing that the clerk accepted the paper note, Azuria bowed her head towards Lily. It was one of the highest forms of respect. 

"You have my thanks; I shall prepare a fitting reward at a later date."



POV Shoto


I'm a very average high schooler called Shoto, with my very average childhood friend called Lily. We are very average; I think we just lured a random girl off the streets into my house. Well, 'lure' may be the wrong word, but we just picked up a girl off from the streets, no more than 12 years old, and now she's sleeping in my house.

We encountered the girl, Azuria, when we were on a trip to the convenience store after school. Azuria had most of her face covered by a conspicuous red cloak, likely due to some sort of personal reason, so we didn't pry any deeper. 

When we went to the convenience store together, she got a packet of chips despite saying she was hungry; I suppose that's the first thing most children think of nowadays- wait, I'm also one, why do I sound like a boomer? Never mind, forget that. 

When it was time to pay at the counter, Azuria used some foreign silver coins, but it was a foreign currency that wasn't accepted by the store. Luckily, Lily stepped in a paid using her own money.  

After that, Lily decided to invite Azuria over, she rejected it instantly, but Lily just pulled her along without consent. I think this is called kidnapping. I wonder how worried her parents might be.

I asked Azuria a few questions on our way back home, but she either evaded the questions or remained silent. Very mysterious, maybe she's famous? Probably not. 

When we arrived home, Lily went into her house to take a shower while I cooked up something in my house. Lily usually comes over for dinner since both of our parents work until midnight. While I was cooking, I considered calling the cops to help out Azuria. When I brought it up to her, she quickly rejected it. I wonder why?

Dinner time came, and Azuria managed to finish 10 servings despite her petite body; I wonder how she managed to fit it all in. Maybe she was homeless and hungry for months, abandoned by her parents on foreign soil. Either way, after eating food enough to last a person a whole week, Azuria went deep into slumber. 

It was the perfect opportunity to see Azuria's face. I like to think I'm not very judgemental, and neither is Lily, so taking a peek would be harmless and kicking a child out because of her appearance would be very immoral. 

"Huh? Fox ears?"

When we uncovered Azuria's hood, a pair of fluffy ears popped out, she had amazing platinum blonde hair, which was unfortunately covered in dirt, and she looked pretty cute- wait, Lily, why are you calling the cops?! Also, are those ears real? Wait, don't worry, I won't touch her! Put down the phone! Lily!!!!!!!!!!!!