Discussion & Precaution
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“So you mean, the assassins died and someone warned you that they were still targeting us at the auction? How did you come to this conclusion?”

That afternoon, Kael and Reind were already in Killa's painting room, the Duchess of Sixon. There was no one else in the room except the three of them, not even Lilith and Marya, who were asked to go to the painters who were going to auction off their paintings.

Killa was sitting with a small canvas on her lap with a paintbrush and watercolor on the table beside her. She was painting when the two men came to her.

“This morning, we found these two papers. In Kael's study and also inside the cell, where the assassins and bandits died. It was a warning that there would be another assassination attempt at the auction.”

Reind showed Killa the two pieces of paper without hesitation. The Duchess only gave a brief glance before returning her attention to her painting.

“Who else did you offend during your business trip, Kael?” Killa’s sentences were spoken in an accusatory tone.

When Kael inadvertently offends others, something like this would happen to them, however it could all be resolved. They've only sent a few assassins so far, all of whom immediately admitted who was behind them after being interrogated by the Silverna family, but this time they were too busy to report about the accident to the family who is in charge of the law. 

Kael could only shake his head as he saw how relaxed his mother was when pointing her fingers at him. “No, mother. The negotiations went well this time. They wouldn't dare to use that person's services since they don't have the money to pay the fees he demands. Besides, I approach them with my best behaviour.” He stated his argument convincingly.

“Have you managed to track down the person who sent the warning to you?”

“We have no way of knowing who gave this warning in Kael's study or in the cell. There were absolutely no traces, not even footprints.” Reind explained, earlier he had received reports from some of his men before they went to meet the Duchess.

“...” Killa looked thoughtful, the brush in her hand suspended in the air, dripping paint onto the canvas. “Are you certain the warning's sender isn't a guardian?”

“Mother, what exactly do you mean?”

“That person has the ability to enter and then leave the warning papers without leaving any traces. Humans, of course, couldn't do that without getting caught, especially now that the mansion's defense had been tightened after the accident on the way here.” She shared some of her thoughts on this matter with them.

Kael and Reind seemed to be thinking about that possibility. What Killa said had some merit to it, but it also raised more questions.

“All you have to do now is determine whether or not the person can be trusted. You can question the fact that he knows what will happen later when you meet him in person.” Killa continued painting after stating that she was confident they would be able to find that person. She came to a halt again, looking up at Reind. “Is it possible for me to request that you and your men strengthen the safety at the auction later?”

“Of course. But I need to go back to convey this matter directly to my father before returning here.” Reind complied with the unexpected request. On the other hand, he needed to figure out who was behind the blood contract that was related to the case he'd been looking into for months.

Guardian, Guardian, Guardian... Kael repeated those words over and over in his mind, unable to think of whose Guardian would do such a thing. Of course, he only knew a handful of people who had guardians, but they had no reason to sneak in and warn them about the up-coming event in their lives.

Reind fell silent after agreeing to Killa's request. His mind was drawn to that man, the man Egil had brought with him when he told him to look for a girl named Hera. Reind always thought the man sounded odd in their brief meetings, the way he responded to him after learning that he was searching for his master.

“... the fact that he knows what will happen later…”

Killa's words echoed in his head. That man knew what was going to happen in the future, so his annoyance when he found out that Reind was looking for Hera indicated that he didn't expect it to happen.

He knew what was coming. But it doesn't make any sense, according to Egil, that man's power was a barrier and not a power capable of foreseeing the future.

Barriers. Remembering that man's power, everything seemed clear at once. They couldn't find a trace of him, nor did someone see him enter and leave Kael's study because of his power.

But all of that was just speculation. Apart from the fact that Reind discovers that man can sneak up on people without being noticed, the rest of the problem is that he can't make an accusation without evidence.

Especially after hearing about his twin sister's story the day before.

Hera Silverna, the unknown daughter of Duke Silverna, and her guardian. There must be a special reason why that girl was not introduced to the public.

“Lord Kael... Duchess... I will withdraw first. There is something I need to do at the orphanage.” Reind rose to his feet and bowed.

“You are free to leave.” Killa said this without looking up. “Oh, and Kael, dear. Can you catch up with your sister? She's visiting Mrs. R to see her paintings? I'm not sure whether that girl had a knight with her or not, ck.” She grumbled.

Kael had no choice but to follow his mother's words. He no longer thought about the thing that had just occupied his mind. Now the man was enraged for a different reason, he was certain that his sister dared to leave without a single knight. That girl was too brave for her own good.

Killa was able to resume her activities in peace after the two men had left.

Kael and Reind parted ways at the gate not long after.

It didn't take long for Reind to arrive at the orphanage he visited with his sister yesterday. This time the atmosphere at the orphanage was not as quiet as the previous day. Several caregivers were seen passing through the corridors carrying the laundry baskets that had just been lifted, but still not a single child was seen.

“Ah... They're still napping.” said one of the caregivers when Reind stopped her steps and asked where the children were. “Hera will soon wake them up.”

“Is she still here?”

The caregiver adjusted the large and heavy basket in her arms and then smiled broadly. “Yes, of course. Emma wouldn't let her leave without having dinner with them.”

“Okay. You can return to work now.”

The caregiver nodded and hurriedly continued with her duties.

Reind walked to the door at the end of the hallway and placed his hand on the knob, slowly turning it as he didn't want to wake anyone there.

Yesterday, when Reind was following the director to the shore to meet the children, he saw the silhouettes of two girls walking away from them. He didn't have to guess who the two girls were, as Emma immediately ran and hugged his legs and started boasting about an older sister she had just met. That's how he knew that Hera was going to visit the orphanage today as their substitute teacher.

“Reind... Master... Zane behind you.” Egil's scream rang in his ears as the sword on his waist began to shake.

Reind turned around, the door still closed behind him. He locked his gaze into the man's menacing dark green eyes that were staring at him deeply, trying to prevent him from opening the door.

“Zane... You were the one who sent the papers.”


“He wants you to follow him.” Egil's voice rang again in Reind’s ears. He simply repeated what Zane had said to him in his mind.

Reind sighed, released his hand from the knob and followed after that man who led them to the back of the orphanage.

“You found out sooner than I thought.” Zane Reind muttered, still turning his back to Reind, who was behind him.

“How did you know that they would make another assassination attempt on the Duchess and her daughter at the auction?” Reind straight away questioning him.

“You don’t have to know everything, right? Just take precautions if it indeed happens.” Now Zane has turned his body to face Reind. For some reason, his face looks tired and a little pale compared to their first meeting. “And also, don’t mention anything about her family if you want to talk to her.” His pieces of advice sounded flat, and there was no light in those green eyes of his.

Slowly, Zane began to disappear from front of him, Reind's forehead creased when he saw that. He suddenly had an uneasy feeling about what had just happened.