Mina Ashido (+ The Quirk Sniper Strikes Again)
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A loud scream of agony rang throughout the small alleyway, in the dead of night.

The figure of Dabi just rendered someone immobile after burning the opponent with his blue flames.

"I guess, Onee-Chan should now confiscate your quirk~!" A feminine voice said behind 'Dabi'.

The feminine figure then forcefully grabbed the victim by the head, and sucking out his life energy... And quirk.

"Another villain dead~"

The next day, Izuku is looking at the recent news through his phone.

"More villains are found dead with no life fluids in them...? What on earth is going on here? Not just that, it was reported that they had their quirks forcibly stolen..."

"Yo, Modoriya~" a cheerful voice chirped.

Izuku then felt a little weight on his shoulders, it is Mina Ashido, one of his classmates.

"What're you reading~?"

"Oh, it's nothing--"

"Ah, another villain murdered?"

Too late, she already saw the headlines before Izuku shut off his phone.

"I've been wondering as well, Ashido-San. Who caused this? I mean, I know that Tomura, the villain we saw back then once touched someone's skin, and they disintegrate into dust. But this is... This is just crossing the line."

"Well, wether the murderer is either a villain, vigilante or even a hero, I don't mind. At least the street's a bit safer."

"But this is just scaring the others. Even Kacchan over there is shaking a bit."

Izuku pointed to Bakugo, whose trembling can be obviously seen.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of some murderer, I'm not..."

Behind him, is a red haired boy. His name is Eijiro Kirishima, whose quirk is to harden his body. He had a wide grin, and whispered in Bakugo's ear.

"Ah, I've come to suck out your fluids--"

And he was met with an explosive blast which sends him flying back to his seat, and he fell unconscious, although if one sees from afar it looked like he's asleep on class.

"Forget about Bakugo.... I mean, you know what I mean~" she begins to stroke Izuku by the chin.

"Wait, what?"

"I know your secret as well... Like the other girls before me. I want to experience what it felt like being inside your body."

"Alright, now if we're speaking out of context, people will misunderstand."

Izuku gently pushed Mina away, which she responded with a pouty face. A lightbulb then appears on top of Mina's head, and she makes a rather creepy grin.

'Now that's a rape face if I ever see one...' Mineta thought, gazing at the two from the door. He was just on his way back from the restroom doing whatever he does.

"Midoriya, can you walk me home after school?"

'So it isn't rape after all! Damn pimp, now the whole class's gals are onto him...!' Mineta's face then distorted as his eyes widened at the shocking truth.

Because Mina is the last person in the classroom who hasn't truly fallen for Izuku like the others... Yet.

Mina is a matchmaker, and she knows a good pairing when she sees one. However after knowing that Izuku scored all the other girls in the classroom, she begins to think, which pairing is going to be the best.

This dilemma caused her to miss much more of the lessons during study session.

And finally, after school Izuku really walked her home.

"Ne, Midoriya."

"Yes, Ashido-San?"

"You know... I'm just confused here. You scored a lot, I'm beginning to wonder if I should work hard like you or just give up?" Mina asked, her lying is completely bought by the boy next to her.

"What're you talking about? You shouldn't give up. No matter what studies there are, you should be able to accept all of them, and study hard. Remember, an educated hero is also better, at the same level as those who would save anyone anytime!"

Mina shook a bit, before she looked away, feeling heat rushing up to her face.

'Ah no... I think my acid's leaking from this heat...'

"Anyway! It's rather quiet, isn't it!? I... I-I-I mean, some random villain doesn't ambush us along the way this time!"

"Now that you're talking, it is rather quiet... Too quiet, in fact." Izuku said, pulling out his card from the card book.


"What're you doing!?"


"Get down!"

In an instant, Mina then ducked down, as a fist flew towards Izuku who is transforming into Deku. He blocked the fist with only his index finger.

"It's a metalizing quirk? You're rather creative using it to cover your arms with these metals, strong as steel"

The enemy is no other than the random villain that got murdered the night before. He, somehow came back to life just to get to Izuku?

Izuku then knocked him back using a kick to his torso. A card then flew out, revealing that it has gained it's power.


"Ashido-San. You want to experience it, right? This might tickle a little."


And with no hesitation Izuku slapped Mina in the back, and she turned into a ball of light which goes into him. A few more cards then flew out.

The metal villain recovered, and tries to charge at Deku again, who inserted another card into the reader.


Meanwhile, at another location is a group consisting of Bakugo, Iida, Mineta and Kaminari facing a rather beautiful girl wearing the U.A school uniform.

"So she's the culprit!? She needs to be taught a lesson for breaking the regulations provided by the--"

"Yeah yeah, Four Eyes, stop your speech and let's get this done already!"

Mineta and Kaminari readied their quirks, as Bakugo and Iida approached the girl slowly.

"Ara ara~? You're approaching me, boys?"

"We couldn't beat the crap out of you, if we don't get any closer!" Bakugo replied.

"Well, face these first!"

The girl pulled out a gun, and puts in a couple of cards.


And she pulled the trigger as 4 holograms then appeared, whizzing around in front of the four boys. When they stopped, the boys were shocked.

She summoned clones of themselves, in their hero costumes.

"What is this crap about!? Sending us against us!?"

"Ah, good ol' Katsu-Chi~ always explosive even in person~ You're making Onee-Chan blushing~"

"Shut your mouth, damn whore!"

Bakugo charged first, trying to land a fist on the girl, but was blocked by his clone, who then punched him with a blast.

Back at Deku, he sends the metal villain flying to a wall, his body melting slowly due to the acid that had sprayed him.

Mina flew out of his body, and with a moan she turned back into herself.

"Now that was... That was like heaven!"

"Now for the grand finale."


Deku then raised his right arm pointing towards the leaning villain, as a row of holographic cards then appear. And with a grunt, a green blast shoots out of the gauntlet, phasing through the cards, and hitting the villain. The villain screamed, before he glows in a white light, turning into a card.

The card flies away, as Izuku then walked Mina home, not knowing that Bakugo and the others are still fighting.

Back at Bakugo however, the group has finally defeated their clones somehow, and their clones turn into cards. Mineta knelt down, exhausted from all the fighting.

"No more summoning this time, thunder tits..." Mineta taunted.

"Looks like it's just you now, murderer. You are under arrest for violating the administration's regulations" Iida said.

The girl just smiled, her eyes half open.

Kaminari readied his electricity, and ran towards the girl attempting to land an electrocuting punch, but not until she puts a card into the gun's attached card reader. As a result, the punch hits an invisible wall in front of her.

"Arrest me~? Oh, Iida-Chan... Always following the rules, are we? I am not the easy type to be arrested~"

A bright light then blasts Kaminari off from her, and when the glow dissipated, her new form emerges. She looks nearly similar to that masked hero who has been saving people lately, save for the white linings instead of black, and blue eye visors. She also had a cape that splits into two, making it shaped like a stag beetle's horn.

"How do you like Onee-Chan's true form? Even All Might fears this form in my world..."

"Your world...? Just who are you?" Mineta asked.

"I am Midoriya Izumi. Quirk Sniper, wanted for murder in my world, worth a trillion yen... Now, Iida-Chan~ what shall you do now?"

Bakugo shouted a battle cry, and charged ahead.

"Wait, Bakugo--"

Bakugo tries to punch Izumi, but she caught his fist effortlessly, and his quirk somehow failed to do it's job.

"Nice gauntlets, Katsu-Chi~ Did your boyfriend give it to you~?"

Izumi then pulled Bakugo's arm, forcefully, inviting a gasp coming out of Bakugo's mouth.

She spun him around, and forcefully bended his arm 180 degrees, until the sound of bone cracking is heard. Bakugo screams in agony, as she refused to let go of him.

"Look at little Mitsuki Junior... Gonna cry?"

Bakugo continued to scream as he felt a fiery heat on his back, and he knows what it is... His own explosive quirk. He was then sent flying back towards the group, with a gaping hole on his torso. Bakugo stopped breathing, and his eyes are closed.

"Bakugo!" The other three shouted, and when they checked him for pulse... They were lucky. They just need to get him to Recovery Girl in time.

"That Thunder Titted....!" Mineta growled, as he then threw a couple of his sticky balls towards Izumi.

Kaminari helped by imbuing the balls with electricity, and Iida charged ahead with his engine quirk.

However Izumi easily dodged the balls, and caught Iida's fist, twisting it and throwing him back to the other two.

She then whizzed pass the group, as they got up from the ground.

"Izumi... You!!!" Iida tried to yell.

"It's over~"

It was then when suddenly sparks of energy blew up from beneath the ground, knocking out Mineta and Kaminari in the explosion, while sending Iida flying to a wall.

"Onee-Chan shall let you little cuties live for now~ Just remember never to interfere with my actions ever again... Or there will be a more severe punishment~"

She laughed maniacally as she walked away. Iida screamed in pain and defeat as she left the broken group.

- To Be Continued